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breathe through me ☆ gale - Printable Version

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breathe through me ☆ gale - rakue - 06-19-2018

[div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"][align=center][i]you know that this will break us, but you push as far as we can go
taking every chance to find solutions that never makes anyone happy

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Re: breathe through me ☆ gale - rakue - 06-19-2018

FULL NAME gale folie-mikaelson
— gale
GENDER dfab demigirl → she/them
— prefers the use of she/her, but will take no offense to misgendering, even the use of he/him although she wouldn't use masculine pronouns by choice.
AGE 4 months old → june 18th
— ages monthly
RESIDENCE & RANK ascendants → dwarf star

of average size but sleek build, gale is an elegant blue-silver tabby with long fur that shimmers like water when she moves. her bodice is a pale shade of silver, a light gloss reminiscent of steel. thick stripes a few hues darker than her undercoat braid across her skin, weaving themselves in broad curls and masking most of her light base to produce marbled tabby markings. her chest is cleansed of the markings, instead a vibrant white hardly ever darkened by dirt due to incessant grooming. the ivory reaches down her chest to swallow her front legs and paws, as well as a moon of white on her belly, leaving the rest of her body untouched. matching her soft palette are muted blue eyes like that of the sky, a hue that conceals thoughts well without appearing cold to others. her sylphlike build comes at the cost of strength, bulk sacrificed for grace: the lack of muscle is evident even beneath gale's heavy fur, making her an easy target for those brutish enough to pick a fight with her in a one-on-one situation. her low weight means she can maneuver much easier, however, easily dodging heavy swings that come her way. much like porcelain, gale gives the illusion of being beautiful and delicate, but in fact is hardened and difficult to harm.
— as she ages, gale's first victim to a vampiric episode will be a blue jay. she will keep some of the birds feathers, dipping the tips in silver to keep them in place behind her left ear. they serve as a reminder of what she must never become. the silver tips react negatively with her body true to vampiric lore, fusing with her fur and keeping them in place.
— very sensitive to the sun, any skin not covered in fur including her nose and pawpads will often become badly sunburnt after a day out and about. a mild sun allergy is exasperated by her being a vampire.
— despite being a vampire, gale does not have elongated fangs.
— pendant currently unknown.

quick witted and honest, gale has a modest personality to accompany her understated appearance. often times the blue-silver tabby can be found quietly listening in on conversations, carefully following the words and body language of every individual as they speak. despite her lethargy to engage in an ongoing conversation gale has no issues striking up a completely new one with strangers. a walking contradiction, gale floats the thin line between extrovert and reserved to fit the situation best. in this way, gale is a chameleon, changing her skin to best suit her environment: she offers smiles to those that would benefit her and chastising words to those that stand in her way. her kindness is often a flourished affair, a theatric she has fun with that are by no means insincere but over the top in a very intentional manner. her kind gestures and honeyed words are not without benefit as gale works to earn the liking of her clanmates, an achievement she will push especially hard for during her adolescent months in an almost self-deprecating fashion. despite her silvered sentences gale is true of heart, finding that even white lies slide from her tongue sickingly. this means when gale does speak, they are her truest thoughts, although refined in her mind's eye before exiting her lips: this can make sensitive novel questions seem particularly abrasive, such as inquiries of appearance, or can put a wedge between gale and others as she provides them with a brutal honesty they might not be prepared for. her sharp tongue can be just as barbed, choosing a war of words to make up for her lack of physical strength. wordplay is something gale excels in, a skill refined on her siblings and parents as she quickly picks up how she can talk herself out of trouble, and how to ask favors of others. gale does not speak immediately when spoken too, a brief moment of silence that can be awkward to some, as gale seriously considers her replies and how it would advance the conversation, especially when discussing more serious topics. rather than letting her mouth run faster than her head, gale thinks her words thrice over before finally speaking. gale does not want the favor of her clanmates just for the bragging rights, however.

as gale ages, her vampiric tendencies from margaery's side will become more prevalent. true to traditional lore gale cannot enter homes without being explicitly invited inside - this will eventually even include her parents' home, being physically incapable of crossing the threshold without spoken permission granting her access, such as "come in". she is highly allergic to silver, even brief contact searing her skin in a fashion similar to fire: equally so, she is allergic to the sun, although her sun allergy is considerably more mild than her aversion to silver. but the biggest downside is her dependance to unfiltered blood, either drained from the body of freshly killed prey or sucked from a (willing or unwilling) host. after a substantial amount of time without feeding, gale's eyes will begin to shift colours from their soft shade of blue to a vibrant, molten yellow to physically document her change over the course of a day or two. once they are fully yellow gale will have reverted into a more "feral" state: she is not overly hostile, aggressive, or timid as is typical of true ferals, but instead little will stop the fledgling vampire from finding a source of blood. in this state gale does not intend or attempt to kill the host, but smaller animals such as rabbits may not survive the process. this state will happen once just as gale becomes a fireball, killing a blue jay in the process. her fear of reverting is what keeps gale on such a straightlaced line of polite smiles and courteous compliments, despite the fact a reversion is so unlikely with gale so on top of managing her desires. in her mind, winning the favor of others and proving to them that she is a dependable cat means that if she were to ever snap for even the briefest of moments, they would be more inclined to forgive her for anything she may do while her mind disconnects from her body.
— POSITIVE TRAITS: benevolent, conciliatory, calm, objective
— NEUTRAL TRAITS: contradictory, traditional, competitive, abrasive
— NEGATIVE TRAITS: deceptive, prideful, iconoclastic, egocentric

RELATIONS suiteheart folie x margaery mikaelson
—  sister to connor, kara, and simon
ORIENTATION biromantic bisexual
STATUS single

DIFFICULTY very easy physically & very easy mentally
— as a child, she's hardly in any state to fight either physically or ward off mental attacks
BATTLE may powerplay nonviolent & peaceful actions
— no killing, capturing, or serious injury
— ping [member=1120]Gale.[/member] when attacking
POWERS aesthetic elementals
— used for the purpose of imitating her vampiric traits, namely her severe aversion to silver due to earth elementals. this is how her skin can be burned and fur singed by silver.