Beasts of Beyond
ROSE-COLORED BOY ; open, flirting booth - Printable Version

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ROSE-COLORED BOY ; open, flirting booth - Freyja - 06-19-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]The seal point tabby had one mission today: to flirt with everyone (and possibly even make someone's day doing so). She had spent the majority of her day constructing a booth of sorts. She had been attempting to build a kissing-booth-type of thing, but considering Freyja was neither skilled with basic building or basic smarts in general, it looked a bit off. The wood it was made of was shaky and nails were stuck out at odd ends. However, the young goddess had painted the thing a pretty dusty rose color. And though the sign that said, "FLIRTING BOOTH," was lopsided, it was kind of cute.

She was trying!

The young girl sat beside the opening of the booth, giggling lightly as she scanned the area for her first costumer. She batted her eyes and smiled brilliantly at a few passersby, but when they did not stop, she pouted. She could not comprehend that some individuals in Tanglewood actually had jobs to do. Freyja probably had a job to do too, but for now, this is where she would work. "Hee-eee-ey!" the girl called, finally bored of waiting. "Um, in case no one can read, I'm holding a flirting booth, and I want to flirt with all you cuties. Please step right up! Step right up!"

Re: ROSE-COLORED BOY ; open, flirting booth - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-19-2018

Re: ROSE-COLORED BOY ; open, flirting booth - Bean - 06-19-2018

Re: ROSE-COLORED BOY ; open, flirting booth - Nayru - 06-19-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
Nayru did not approach the trio with the intention of being flirted with. No, she had spied Iota and, considering that the pink-toned female was the closest thing she had to a friend, had joined her with the hope that the Firebrand would express as much disinterest as she did at the idea of a flirting booth. Instead, she watched as she showed willingness, of all things, to be flirted with, a strange feeling suddenly twisting her gut. It wasn't anger... nor was it complete and utter melancholy. Jealousy, maybe? But why? What part of her didn't like the idea of Iota being flirted with by her sister?

Desperate to make the feeling go away, Nayru fixated her cerulean stare upon Freyja, a frown heavily contorting her lips now. [b][color=#6b7e99]"Maybe this is a bad idea," She commented quietly, [color=#6b7e99]"I don't want anything bad happening to you." She felt a little strange lying about her real reason for wanting this booth shut down, but didn't exactly understood her complex emotions well enough yet to use them as a justifiable means. Oh well... Hopefully Freyja would take the bait.

Re: ROSE-COLORED BOY ; open, flirting booth - COSMIIX - 06-19-2018

Flirting? Well, Amunet was a bit of a hopeless and cheesy romantic and rather enjoyed any form of affection directed towards her but she already had her heart on someone and she was more of the supportive mother of the clan anyways. The jaguaress would walk over aiming to nudge Nayru lightly in a greeting, her ears angled forward to listen to Freya as she added with a soft smile "I'll just watch,"
© madi

Re: ROSE-COLORED BOY ; open, flirting booth - Bean - 06-19-2018

Re: ROSE-COLORED BOY ; open, flirting booth - Freyja - 06-20-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Vigenere was the first to step forward, and a sweet smile uncurled on Freyja's lips. She poured through all the material she had in her head, wondering what on earth would suit someone like himself. She had a few things in mind, and she tried to pinpoint the absolute best ones. However, the young goddess was more of a spontaneous gal, so she did not do much planning. Jumping right into things, she said, "You know, everyone keeps saying how hot it is in the summertime, but I imagine everyone is actually talking about how hot you are. You're so brilliant that the sun feels like it has to outshine you." Her words were light and fair as if a princess were saying them, and each syllable contained something so incredibly charming. She could have been a siren.

The seal point had opened her maw to say more when Iota arrived. Oh, now this would be interesting. She was close enough to her sister Nayru to know the healer held feelings for the other girl, and something about this felt slightly wrong. Before she even had the chance to abandon her worries like she normally would, Nayru had joined them. Frey could see the distaste her sister held for this entire thing - and it was painfully obvious her disliking of the flirting booth had something to do with the fact that Iota was pleased with it.

"Nayru, I'm glad you care, but I think you worry too much," was Freyja's reply after Iota's dismissal of the other's fears. The Chaser even presented her sister with a look of can you please let me have fun? She loved Nayru dearly, but her sister did not know how to let loose.

Viridian eyes shifted to Amunet, and the girl let out an inward sigh of relief. Amunet had a way of calming everyone down, so maybe she could offer Nayru some peace of mind. After all, the jaguaress was like a mother to Nayru, wasn't she? "Okie-dokie!" she replied with a nod and a smile. She didn't mind spectators one bit.

Finally, she returned her full attention to Iota. What to say, what to say? There was a lot, she would not deny that. Iota was beautiful and smart, and it was easy to see why Nayru was crushing so hard. It was amusing too, but Freyja had a job to do! She couldn't sit by and daydream about her sister's love life! "Iota, I don't understand why you feel the need to put roses and things in your tiara because you're absolutely stunning without them," the girl purred with a delicate grin. "And tell me, do the flowers in your greenhouse get jealous because of how beautiful you are? Maybe you and I can get together soon and figure all that out, hm?"

Re: ROSE-COLORED BOY ; open, flirting booth - beck. - 06-20-2018

    Quite obviously, Beck had never been flirted to nor had he ever exchanged the favor. In all honesty, he only knew what flirting was thanks to the movies he binged back in his haunting days, and even then he was a third-party witness, staring at a staged couple through a screen and wondering if he would have experienced their story had he not been killed in his youth. A childlike longing that was quickly snuffed out by the cynical voice infecting his brain, reminding him nobody had cared enough to bury him --- why would anybody waste their time on him with cheap compliments and pick-up lines? Needless to say, he stayed a wide radius away from anything romantic, envy worming into his chest and taking root to flare up at any mention of someone else's happy relationship.

    It was the exact same pang of jealousy and labored breathing that drew him over to the cotton candy-colored booth, nose twitching in unreadable irritation. Eyes glazed in curiosity, the mangy feline flopped down to take a seat away from the others. A paw rose to mindlessly knead at his sternum in a fruitless attempt to remedy the sudden flash of pain, hard enough to leave a dark bruise stamped on pallid skin if his fur wasn't there to hide it. What could Freyja possibly see in him? Nothing, give it up already. He was scrawny without any muscle to hide starved bones, disheveled and twitchy enough to appear as if he just escaped from an asylum, and branded with terrible scars that might has well left his gory past an open book to a trained eye. And those were just his physical insecurities! Don't even get him started on all the flaws he saw within his own personality. Yet in plain terms, he was nothing short of ugly. Giving a defeated grin that only the unscathed side of his face could properly express while his missing cheek remained stiff and exposing dangerous teeth to the world, Beck slouched and mumbled, "Betcha can't think of anythin' for me, huh?" At this, pathetic wheezes rattled in his chest as if he were attempting to giggle, paw still rubbing at his sternum in well-disguised pain.

Re: ROSE-COLORED BOY ; open, flirting booth - Bean - 06-20-2018

Re: ROSE-COLORED BOY ; open, flirting booth - Freyja - 06-20-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]And then, along came Beck. Freyja just smiled that sweet, dopey smile of hers. Beck was an interesting case, no doubt. His appearance was far different than those around him: he was freckled with scars. These weren't just your run of the mill things either, no, they were different. Perhaps it was because he was a ghost, but she wasn't sure. His missing cheek was also a eye-catcher. However, despite all of the things that set him apart from what one would consider being typically "beautiful," Freyja still found beauty in him. "Whoa, you look so handsome today, I almost forget my pick-up line," she began, grinning all the while. "And hey, Becky, I'm sorry I wasn't in your past. Can I make it up by being in your future? I think we'd make a great pair, you know."

Iota's words caused her attention to tear away from the poltergeist momentarily, and she giggled a bit. Oh, Iota was clearly affected by her words. Freyja gave her a little smile, glad her flirting had worked. This whole idea was officially beginning to be a success. "Well, thanks Iota!" she chirped. Amusement trickled into her gaze as she watched the pink-colored feline turn to Nayru. "You know what though? Iota, I think you and Nayru ought to get together and figure out the whole flower situation." She knew just what she was doing. [color=#A36B5E][b]"And you know what else? You're beautiful, but I think you'd look even better with Nayru's arm around you."