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NO LIGHT / open - Printable Version

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NO LIGHT / open - Character Graveyard. - 06-18-2018

Luna had been spending most of the day in her room, organizing everything in there. All of her books were placed neatly in both of her bookshelves. Her bed sheets were folded nicely and her pillows were propped up against the frame of her bed. She had hung up many photographs of herself on every wall in the room. Luna had managed to get a few NPCs to help her lift a small fridge to put in her room. Of course, it was full of bags filled with the blood of loner felines, as well as the blood of small and big prey.

She had been sitting on her bed, a book in front of her and a small blood bag was next to her.
© madi

Re: NO LIGHT / open - Suiteheart - 06-18-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart had never thought she would miss the smell of blood. After the death of her beloved wife, the scent all but disappeared from her life. As haunting and even odd as it was, she missed knowing Margaery was hunting again. She missed so many things about the chocolate point that it was overwhelming. And while Lunafreya had spent her day organizing her room and doing work, Suite had spent it alone, curled up in a cold bed.

She wasn't sure what had spurred her, but she had moved. Her pawsteps had taken her in the direction of Luna's room, perhaps drawn by the smell of blood. A part of her shattered being was hoping to find Margaery there, pulled forward by her literal bloodlust. When she lingered in the doorway, dull baby blues searching the room, she was let down yet again by finding no signs of her soulmate. Tears burned her eyes for the thousandth time that day, but she did not let them fall. Instead, she pushed them down.

"Hey, Luna," the Ecliptic Admiral rasped in the threshold of the room. "What're you up to?" Suiteheart hoped the other wasn't too preoccupied. She was scared to be alone. And while she usually would have run for Cooper, he had not been in his room.

Re: NO LIGHT / open - axiom - 06-20-2018

Following the pungent smell of carrion came easily to the terrible lizard, as evolution gifted her with an exceptional sense of smell and intelligent curiosity. Once she noticed the odd-smelling trail of carrion led to the same place as a concentration of Leviathan's smell, the green-hued Utahraptor easily decided to follow the trail. Always in some state of hunger, the thought of a meal always caught her attention. Especially when it came to satisfying her curiosity for this weird cave-like structure the smell originated from.

Letting out a few higher-pitched clicks and calls for the baby Utahraptor, in case he was lingering around the carrion, Delta stepped into the room with no manners. Because she obviously had none of which to speak of.

Ignoring Luna and Suiteheart, for the most part anyway, the Utahraptor walked towards the refrigerator. It would likely be obvious she intended on breaking open the thing and getting to what she assumed was a juicy chunk of meat inside.

Re: NO LIGHT / open - Character Graveyard. - 06-20-2018

For most of the day, Luna had let Leviathan go on his own and wander the territory, though he had already came back. The baby Utahraptor had been curled up on one of Luna's pillows, though he had perked up at the sight of Delta. He would walk to the end of Luna's bed and he chirped at the older female and he showed his teeth in a playful manner, as well as wagging his long tail.

Luna would turn her head to Suite for a second, before she had been interrupted by the large Utahraptor trying to break into her fridge. A frown had plastered itself onto her maw and she got to her paws, attempting to stop Delta from getting into her mini fridge. She opened the fridge with a paw quickly, trying to show the dinosaur that there was only blood-filled bags in there.
© madi

Re: NO LIGHT / open - BASTILLEPAW - 06-20-2018

Bastille could probably point out the obvious as he stopped in the doorway, gaze flickering to Delta and the object of her attention: he had a blood fridge already prepared, in the Bunker for Margy. But pointing that out would only bring Margy up in a concrete fashion, and besides -- he didn't care if Luna used it or if she stocked her own. This was closer to her, anyway. He bit back the commentary and instead decided to focus his attention on the raptor, chiding her idly, "Hey, Beta, that's not food. You're not going to like any of that."

Two things of note: he liked to call her Beta, if only because she was Blue the Second, and therefore "two." It wasn't like she could tell him her real name, so this would have to do for nicknames sake. The second was that Bast knew damned well she didn't understand him, but he still carried on chatting to her all the time anyway, speaking to her in acknowledge or pointing out that what she was doing was rude. Usually he imitated her vocalizations back at her just for the hell of it, carrying on in one-sided conversation without much care for if she got the message or not. Why not, right?

Actually, three things of note: his most recent addition to his pseudo communication involved telepathy. He strolled into Luna's room as well, towards the fridge and Delta, and commented, "That's no good. Why not better food? Real meat? Deer?" As he spoke he pushed idly at her with his thoughts, trying to convey images of a large deer sprawled out with the rest of the prey in the Circle. Freshly caught, which seemed to be her style. He had a vague, flickering image that essentially entailed him picturing her biting into one of those blood bags and being disappointed. "Deer sounds way better, Beta. Hello? Earth to Beta?"

Would he ever stop idly chattering at her as if she actually knew what he was saying? Nah. He glanced idly at Luna and shrugged, as if to convey he had no idea if this would even deter the determined raptor.

Re: NO LIGHT / open - axiom - 06-21-2018

Unfortunately for Luna, stepping in front of Delta and a possible meal usually meant the interfere got snacked on. Showing her teeth, she dominantly straightened her posture. The unmistakable, deep growl of a possessive predator came from her throat; she nearly struck out, were it not for the sound of the younger Utahraptor distracting her. Head moving as she zeroed in on Leviathan, instinctively checking that the other wasn't calling out due to injury, the thought of food finally left her mind for a few seconds. By the time her brain returned to the fridge, it was open, revealing its meatless contents. Hissing in disappointment and hatred for the cold, the green-hued dinosaur stepped back. Why these mammals kept cold boxes of carrion blood, she couldn't possibly understand. The fridge, to her, served no purpose except to infuriate her with its loud stench and uncomfortable temperature. She felt sorely tempted to destroy the abominable thing before it could trouble her anymore. Growling, she glanced between Luna and the fridge, wondering if now seemed a good opportunity to murder the young Utahraptor's pack-mother and taken her place as alpha to Leviathan.

That is, until she heard the word food, which she was starting to associate with offered carrion. Owen sometimes said food. And Bast said food back when he gave her that tasty little mouthful. And, of course, she knew her name - given the mammal vocalizations were weird to her, 'Beta' sounded close enough to 'Delta' to get her attention. Her head swiveled quickly, dark eyes zeroing in on Bast. In too foul a mood to chuff a greeting, the large raptor huffed as she took a step forward. Though he spoke of food, she didn't smell carrion on him. Then again, once he got carrion to magically manifest in front of him, like some death god. Most of the time, she remembered, he usually just babbled on.

She tilted her head, trying to anticipate what the fuck he was doing and chattering on about. Was he going to conjure more carrion? He seemed the only one of these mammals willing to interact with her in any capacity; that seemed one of the few things his pack wouldn't mimic from him. The first instance they met, the group's mood seemed to follow his; this pattern appeared again, when she bothered to pay attention to the odd creatures. She assumed he held alpha status over the lot of them - which made her puzzling over his actions, attempts at anticipation even more difficult. A utahraptor leader she instinctively understood, but this behavior? She understood little of it, even less of whatever he wanted.

Squinting, she felt the oddest sensation of a gooey sludge leaking inside her skull, accompanied with a few images and feelings. Confused, she grunted and shook her head, but the goop seemed gone before she engaged her strong neck muscles. Staring at Bast, she skeptically stared him down, making a slew of chirp-like, expectant chattering sounds. Somehow, she knew he caused the egg yolk mess in her brain, with the deer image and talking about food with her name. Damn right she expected food now.