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HERO OF ISHVAL // O, MILITARY STORIES - Roy Mustang - 06-18-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy wasn't sure how Margaery thought this was a good idea. Gather around the youngsters of the clan and tell them military stories. Roy was aware that the clan knew about his military past. They all mostly knew that Roy was a Colonel in the Amestrian military, Roy and Maes were apart of the same military, and Riza and 'Fullmetal' were his subordinates. Roy hasn't said anything else about his military experience. He kept most of his military experience as a secret- they didn't need to know Roy was trying to become the leader of his country, that he was involved in a civil war down in Ishval- now, that's something Roy would rather not discuss. Especially around children, he's sure their parents will be yelling their asses off at him if he told them about Ishval. But despite these thoughts running through his mind, Roy decided to go through with Margaery's suggestion. Roy just has to think of some military experiences that he can tell the children, some stories that won't be too scaring or unbearable. And then it came to him, Roy can tell them about his experience in the military academy, that's when he met Maes for the first time.

Limping out of the Cleric's den, the Flame Alchemist padded to the center of the Observatory, a sigh escaping his lips. Roy hopes he won't regret this, he's basically going to be babysitting some kids for an hour or so. "Hey Dwarf stars and Fireballs, I have some military stories to tell if you're interested!" Roy called out, as he sat himself down on the ground, hoping this won't go badly.

Re: HERO OF ISHVAL // O, MILITARY STORIES - Character Graveyard. - 06-18-2018

Despite Margaery telling Roy to tell the Dwarfs and Fireballs military stories, Luna had gotten curious, so she had taken a seat in the back of the room, her blue-eyes focused on Roy.

She was wondering what stories they would hear from the Starstruck Guardian.
© madi


So...this probably wasn’t the greatest idea for Hazel to attend, considering all that she had been through. But the girl was currently a little dazed by all that had happened recently: exposed secrets and too much contact for her to physically know what to do with. Her head was foggy, unclear, her body on autopilot as she moved towards Luna and Roy.

She heard “stories” and had turned in their direction, regardless of what type. Stories only had beneficial links in her mind: they took her to different worlds and spun tapestries of gold in her mind. In her haze, she remembered Bastille reading her stories. Homer, Ovid...The Odyssey, The Iliad. She missed hearing those.

Wordlessly, the girl tucked her paws underneath her and took and settled in.

★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: HERO OF ISHVAL // O, MILITARY STORIES - Pele N. F. I. - 06-19-2018

Pele was very much a girl for stories, so when she heard the call from Mr. Roy, she was eager to get over before she missed a single word. The demoness settled down next to Hazel and smiled at her mother. She fixed herself till she was comfortable and silently unfolded a wing over her friend. She looked kind of out of it today.

Re: HERO OF ISHVAL // O, MILITARY STORIES - Owlie - 06-21-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]The Ghost didn’t materialize. He took refuge in a nearby structure. High enough to be out of everyone’s way. Close enough to listen. Vader had been the Commander of the Imperial Navy, Anakin had been a General. Maybe he could find common ground with Roy.


Re: HERO OF ISHVAL // O, MILITARY STORIES - kinglykingstone - 06-23-2018

An interest was sparked in Cooper as he heard the call of military stories. "I'm a bit older than a fire ball but can I still listen?" asked the canine, smile on his maw.

[div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: center; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Song Myung; color: #B14A3D"]dale cooper traveler the ascendants observer tags


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Military. That was a loose term when it came to the era that he was from. Although it seemed like he had basically ended up in the past from the looks of the thing. Or at least from the intel that had managed to gather fairly quickly. It wasn't easy to come by because he actually had to read books. Books were basically nonexistent where he was from, having nothing but digital pads to use instead. Projections. It almost felt weird to feel paper underneath his paws, but it was better than knowing nothing and having to ask those that lived here what was going on. He was told that there were other former humans that had appeared here, but he wasn't sure exactly how to take that seriously or not. The entire situation seemed a little bit too ridiculous for his tastes, even if he was an extinct cat right now. Washington had never been someone that was allowed to really lead anything. He was never high enough on the leaderboard in Project Freelancer to be trusted with something like that. If anyone was leading, it was either going to be Carolina, North, or even Wyoming. That was of course before Tex came into the Project and everything was flipped on its head and the organization basically burned to the ground. However, he did know about other military operations. But instead of the group fighting each other as in human wars, they were fighting against an entirely different species altogether. Aliens that were more than willing to try and make sure that humans went extinct. That had been the reason why Project Freelancer was created. He was the worst of the best in the group, and he was one of the more naive. Gullible to listen to what others were saying to him, as he had no reason to distrust those that were his teammates. Although he liked more than others.

He had been the guy that was willing to devolve a stressful situation, but he was almost always a jack of all trades. Maybe that's was why he was so high up on the leaderboard in general. Either way, he had landed here and had no idea what to really do. He was researching more on astronomy just so he could figure out what planet he was on. There were thousands of planets that this could be, as during his travels in space it was easy to find planets that one could live on. The idea of talking animals though was a little bit much, and he was still incredibly awkward. He wasn't who he was back then during the early time of Freelancers. After they injected a computer in his head that tried to commit suicide, he was different, and it was all their fault. Well, it was bad for them because now he knew literally all of their secrets. The soldier had been walking around the observatory back to the creature he was asking for books on this current era where he heard an unfamiliar voice through his helmet. The armored smilodon turned his head to look toward the telescope that he would end up using. There was another cat up on it and there were others that were surrounding him. One word caught his attention though. Military. Wait, was this one of those that were a former human that Bastilleprisoner was talking about? Hope leaped into his chest because he wasn't even sure if he would be able to return back to his regular form, but gathering information about other experiences may have correlations between them. The dark grey smilodon moved over toward the group, keeping a distance away from everyone else thanks to how closed off he was. "Military? Where were you stationed?" Considering the different times that they existed, there was the doubt that Washington would even get any useful information. But he had to TRY."speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: HERO OF ISHVAL // O, MILITARY STORIES - Margaery - 06-23-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Ah yes, she had indeed asked Roy to tell some tales from his time in the military. The Ascendants has been faced with a startling (in the best way) influx of children as of late... what better way to keep then occupied then with stories? She, herself, was even a bit intrigued, appearing only to take a seat near Hazel and Cooper. She was the farthest thing from a Fireball - especially considering her spiritual age - but still possessed a strong curiosity in the details that surrounded Roy’s past life. She just hoped that his tales were child appropriate.

//mobile sorry for the mistakes!!