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Kono basho de periodo ni // p, margy - Printable Version

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Kono basho de periodo ni // p, margy - Roy Mustang - 06-18-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Ten days. It's almost been ten days since Roy gnawed his own leg off. Ten days of staying in the Cleric's den instead of his room, getting his wound redressed and bandaged. Roy hoped that Rin and Radeken believed his stump was improving, and hopefully clean of any infections. Since in all honesty, Roy just wants to get out of this den. And stay out of it for as long as he can. But he can't be certain when that day will be, Rin and Radeken will have to be the ones to tell him he's in the clear.

When Rin or Radeken weren't busy redressing his wound or re-bandaging, Roy was able to walk around. There was no way Roy would be able to sit in that den for hours and hours on end- he would probably die of boredom if he was confined to the den. Plus, being able to leave the den has given Roy the initiative to get back on his feet himself, and without any help. Roy didn't want to seem useless with a missing leg, he wanted to get himself used to what his life will be like by the time he's fully healed.

Today, while Roy padded around by himself, the bobcat somehow ended up at the City of Stars. It certainly wasn't Roy's intention at first to get so far out in the territory, but when he was limping through the Canopy, the City of Stars caught his eye. Roy was standing right in front of the Ruins, not daring to go inside. The buildings looked unstable, perhaps even at the point of collapsing. The Flame Alchemist wasn't about go through another horrific accident, the male was content with observing the Ruins from afar. Hm, these ruins remind me of Xerxes, Roy thought to himself as he sat down on the ground, not picking up the sound of paw steps behind him.

Re: Kono basho de periodo ni // p, margy - Margaery - 06-25-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
When Margaery wasn’t drunk or occupied by her duties, she was left alone with a crushing sense of emptiness. Death, Selene, her bargain... they had all ripped away from her some sense of life she had, some sense of passion. It didn’t help that Suiteheart was dreaming of things that were best left buried, dragging the Lunar Lieutenant deeper in her mind and her own memories of times long ago. Times when her family was whole, happy... innocent. A time long before Margaery was even known as Margaery at all. They were memories that she didn’t want to think about ever again, memories that brought with them agony and suffering as she watched sweet Maarit morph into a deadly monster.  She needed to talk to Suite, needed to find a way to stop the nightmares, but she couldn’t. There was too much at stake to even begin to contemplate that option.

And so, the chocolate point found herself within the City of the Stars. The last time she was here, she had taken quite the nasty tumble from atop a pillar, successfully managing to render herself unconscious. While she was certain that no such outcome would await her today, she was still nervous. It felt as if something was hanging in the air, a foreboding tension that’s only purpose was to warn her of what was to come. To say that she was beyond relieved to see Roy...

Well, that was an understatement.

Without a second thought on the matter, Margaery was striding in his direction, her panic from only a few seconds ago completely consumed by that charming smile upon her face. If there was one thing that Margaery excelled at- it was pretending. [color=#b14767]”Hello, love,” She greeted quietly, a stormy gray gaze falling upon his bandaged stump, [color=#b14767]”How are you feeling today?” He had sustained a rather nasty injury - proven by his lack of a leg - and Margaery would much rather discuss the implications of the wound over her own, distressing past any day of the week.

/ mobile sorry for any mistakes!