Beasts of Beyond
BLOODY KNUCKLES — MEETING 6.18.18 - Printable Version

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BLOODY KNUCKLES — MEETING 6.18.18 - PINCHER - 06-18-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Meetings. They were always something about them that irked Pincher, perhaps it was due to him being forced to continue the task of being the one to create and announce them. Despite his criminal acts, the Captain behaved more like a politician when it came to speaking. Formal yet simple that could connect with various types of crowds, the only problem that Pincher found in these situations that it caused him to clear his throat quite a lot. His lungs weren't exactly the finest despite his muscular appearance as well as being in a place that was humid yet carried strong sea clear wind currents that helped it easier to breathe than any other type of territory. The bad habit of smoking was probably the main reason why he struggled in speaking for long speeches or ramblings, his throat beginning to itch for the fumes that were similar to that of a chimney's. He never had any serious problems with his health but there was beginning to be a slight ache in his chest, alien to him when he rose from his bed in the metallic submarine quarters.

He had risen early this time due to one thing. Well, someone to be specific albeit he wasn't entirely sure it had enough awareness of what it was to hold the same level of intelligence that the crewmate in the Typhoon held. The little bird that Pincher had found within the rich tropical jungle had been injured, it's right leg holding a few scrapes that had begun to trickle with blood and for some odd reason, Pincher had decided not to eat it. Instead, the canine had swept up the tiny creature that thrived in protest but was too weak to break from the grasp of the dog. After managing to patch it's leg up, Pincher had been planning to set it out back into the wilderness but this time, it seemed the kiwi did not wish to leave his side while he worked. It followed his footsteps in delicate limps and after only a few hours, the pirate had taken a warming to it. Perhaps it was because it somewhat filled the hole that Bonnie had left in his heart, the macaw no longer alive due to reasons that Pincher could not connect together.

So, the sight of a towering obsidian doberman heading towards the tunnel that lead to the Deep Sea Dome and was being followed by a coffee brown flightless bird was certainly odd. Pincher could hear the conch be blown for everyone in the Typhoon to know that it was time for a meeting and Pincher went to settle on the throne, the ivory bandages around his skull due to his fracture now gone as he had healed...or well, felt like he did. He had headaches every now and then but it was something he was becoming used to as time passed. The kiwi that Pincher had decided to name Penny, was now attempting to jump onto the throne but was too small, it's call now becoming desperate and echoing in the glass dome. Pincher rolled his electric blue eyes and leaned down to pull it onto the chair where it began to snuggle on his side though Pincher ignored it as he decided to focus on starting the meeting when enough members arrived.

"Alrighty, meeting number...what? Seven? Who the hell knows. Anyways, I would like to start off with something that I've been planning for a while. I've decided to set up a new tradition that is known as cloaks and charms. If the name isn't obvious, it focuses on having members creating a cloak for themselves that help represent who they are or what they believe in. The cloaks are not a requirement to wear around all the time but it is preferred to be used when going out in raids because they will be made from a sturdy fabric that can only be found here. Next thing is the charms. The charms are requirements, well specifically the bracelets. Everyone that is in the Typhoon must have them because it connects to the title system that I have recently set up. The skull charms aren't the only thing that can be added to the bracelets, you can whatever miscellaneous charm you desire." Pincher raised his left foreleg to show a simple sturdy leather black bracelet around his paw, holding a single charm which was a blue waterdrop. Settling the paw back down, the Captain went to jump to the rest of the information he needed to spill.

"Vanessa is holding the weekly tasks/ooc prompts this week so go get one if you haven't now. Better than just being lazy fucks, I'll say. There is also a prank war that you can sign up to that will be started on Friday so if you want to join the fun. Now here, comes warnings because some of my high positions don't seem to be doing their job. Sekai, this is your final warning. If you don't start showing your face around, I'll have to demote you. Argus and Krataa get warnings. I need you guys to start picking up the pace. Keona, I'd like to pick up your activity a bit but this is simply a light warning for you." He was slightly disappointed with the ones he called out but hoped this would be a wakeup call for them as he eyed the crewmates. With a slight nod, he cleared his throat and decided to focus on the silver linings. "Vanessa, you get a shoutout for your contribution to this crew, good job. I would like to give Caesar the promotion to rise from Privateer and to become an Officer alongside Argus. If you accept the offer, get your ass here and take a cup. Goldenluxury and Cronas, you two are quite young but have shown remarkable potential for your age, you are promoted to Strikers." He allowed a ghost of a smirk to grace his lips when he spoke his daughter's name, proud that she was contributing to her home as well as Cronas, the child was rather peculiar but so was everyone in the Typhoon. He pushed the three wooden cups forward that were filled with the relaxing yet bitter juice of kava.

"Other things to note is the choice awards are still open and I've set up the title system for you to track so you are aware of what skull charms are what. I will also be setting up a guild tracker system soon because this will help me see who is most comfortable in which field. Also regarding the 'war' that we have with Tanglewood, they are no longer a focus for the Typhoon. They're boring as fuck and I've lost interest so instead you can either not cause any trouble or continue to, it's your choice. Also iff you have any shit to spill here, go ahead and say it. Other than that, meeting is dismissed." With that, Pincher stepped off the throne with the kiwi now laying on his back. He still had some ideas of how to get the Typhoon into what he desired but for now, he was satisfied with everything.

new tradition of cloak and charms is added to the guide!
vanessa is holding weekly tasks/ooc prompts this week
final warning to [member=256]sekai skywalker.[/member]
warning to [member=218]ARGUS[/member] and [member=290]THE EMPEROR.[/member]
light warning to [member=265]Keona.[/member]
[member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] is promoted to Officer, congratulations!
[member=48]goldenluxury[/member] & [member=885]cronas[/member] are promoted to Strikers, congratulations!
Shoutout to [member=914]Vanessa,[/member] for the good work
Pincher has decided that Tanglewood is no longer a focus enemy for Typhoon
June choice awards are still going!
Set up a prank war, go check it out (^;
Title system is up!
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: BLOODY KNUCKLES — MEETING 6.18.18 - Character Graveyard. - 06-18-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Vanessa would walk over at Pincher's call for a meeting. Another week had already passed. Damn. The last few weeks had seemed to just have flown on by. Nessa would take a seat between two NPCs and she focused on Pinch. A new tradition, cloaks and charms. Very interesting.

Then he had given out some warnings to a few of the high positions- causing the female to frown. It seemed everyone was low in activity this week. Then she heard Pincher announce promotions. Caesar to Officer beside Argus, Cronas and Goldie to Strikers, plus a shout-out for herself.

The last thing that had caught her attention, was the Captain announcing that their "war" with Tanglewood was over. That was good.

"Noted and congrats to those promoted!" The Striker said.
© madi


About damn time the next meeting was here, huh? Caesar came over as Pincher sounded the call for the meeting - glad that it wasn't the damn bird cawing about meetings, because that got annoying, real quick. The demon quickly took a seat and listened to Pincher as he begun to speak, starting with... new traditions? Caesar frowned a bit at this, recalling about how the whole 'Entrance Ritual' thing was technically a tradition, and he'd be tricked into it. And it seemed like these were going to be mandatory, too. Great. Caesar thought bitterly, though slowly the feline did change his thoughts on this as Pincher went on, describing his idea of the bracelets and cloaks. The charms weren't too... appealing, but Caesar supposed he'd have to get used to them eventually.

Next were announcements about the Weekly Tasks and some demotions and warnings. It was a shame to hear Argus get a warning, but Caesar did note she wasn't around very much. Nor was Kraata and Sekai. Oh well, a loss for them, he supposed. Cronas and Goldie got promoted, shoutouts, and then... Oh, he got promoted. Caesar grinned at that announcement. "Of course I'll fucking accept." The demon stated as he puffed his chest out, marching right up to Pincher and grabbing the cup the Captain offered and immediately took a drink from it.

Caesar practically blocked out most of Pincher's announcements as he went back to his seat, though when he announced the 'war' with Tanglewood being over, the newly-promoted Officer frowned. Damn, that was... disappointing. To be honest, he hadn't been aware there really had been a war. Sure, there was a raid they planned, but that was about it, if he recalled correctly. Oh well, he was still going to try and be a bother to them.

//Thanks + congrats to everybody else who was promoted/got a shoutout!!

Re: BLOODY KNUCKLES — MEETING 6.18.18 - bubblegum - 06-19-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
her papa was surely recovering by now, and she was happy about that. the worry that had plagued her the last week was gone by now and she was eager when this meeting was called, even if she still didn't care too much about all the announcements. not because she thought they were dumb or anything; she just got bored by them too easily. she wanted to cut right to the chase and then go do things. but, they were important and she ought to take the time to at least try to listen.

the very beginning of this meeting, though, did catch her attention. cloaks and charms seemed fun. everyone could be fashionable. she also made note to be sure to get a task, since she wanted to help out and didn't really have anything better to do. a prank war sounded fun, too, but the high position stuff sort of made her lose her interest, like usual. that was, until papa said her name, and then cronas'. she blinked and looked to the male quizzically as he announced they were promoted. striker? what did that mean? shoot, she needed to find out right away. she didn't want to let papa or anyone else down. this was quite a surprise to the young girl, but she allowed a small smile on her features. how nice.

"thank you! and, good job to everybody!" the meeting pretty much wrapped up after that and her paws tapped the ground up and down excitedly as she thought about her new position. she'd need to work super hard now!

Re: BLOODY KNUCKLES — MEETING 6.18.18 - coldblue - 06-19-2018

[color=black]Ah, another meeting. Most people might find such events to exciting...or whatever, but the fact of the matter is that Coldblue knows that he is much too lazy to ever be acknowledged at these gatherings. Not that recognition matters much to him--Blue has always done what he pleases, and will continue to do so. However, the handsome young male did manage to arrive to the meeting place before any speaking took place, so that was a win. Yay for being punctual! A wide yawn splits his maw as he listlessly strolls over to join his sister, Goldenluxury, near the front of the crowd. Not his preferred place of seating, but he loved his sister enough to make exceptions in favor of being in her...radiant presence. A wide yawn splits Blue's chiseled visage as Pincher begins talking about charms or whatever. As long as they are shiny, there is a chance that Coldblue will be motivated enough to earn one. He begins to space out, but not before he hears mention of his sister's promotion. "Ah, congrats, Goldie! I always knew you'd be the successful one in the family." The boy wears a cheeky smile: part pride in his sibling, and the other part an amused resignation to his place as the family's source of shame.

Re: BLOODY KNUCKLES — MEETING 6.18.18 - purgatory - 06-20-2018