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☾ ☀ all good things are wild and free ↝ bios ☀ ☽ - Printable Version

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☾ ☀ all good things are wild and free ↝ bios ☀ ☽ - Wolfyy- - 06-18-2018

Hello there! Welcome to my character dump. I'm Wolfyy-.

All I ask is that you please do not post here, and if you have any questions, please shoot me a message! All characters below belong to me, unless stated otherwise.

Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Re: ☾ ☀ all good things are wild and free ↝ bios ☀ ☽ - Wolfyy- - 06-18-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ HAUNTEDFIRE ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]

[Image: 37c8df95712bf714379c32aa06b361dc.jpg]

name. Hauntedfire
named for the dark times she was born into
nicknames. None
biological gender. Female
she, her
birth date. 6/12/16
age. 48 moons (4 years)
clan. Snowclan

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
☆ extra

[color=Orange][b][glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]

Black and silver spotted tabby she-cat
Hauntedfire is rather tall for a she-cat. She is a charcoal Bengal, meaning she has a gray primary coat color with black and dark gray tabby markings and spots. The insides of her ears are a very pale pink, close to silver. The fur on her belly and chest is paler than the rest of her fur. She also has silvery-white markings outlining the black stripes on her face, especially around her eyes and muzzle. Her nose is black, and she has white whiskers. Haunted has a long, black-tipped tail. Her eyes are slightly almond-shaped, and the bridge of her nose is black. Her eyes are a pale yellow color with small flecks of hazel near the center.
injures. She was attacked by a badger while saving a clanmate. This attack left severe scarring on her face. She's missing most of her left ear, as well as her left eye, with deep scars going down her jaw. She has smaller scars on her belly and neck.

Hauntedfire is very quiet and typically grumpy. She's often seen as unfriendly, due to her bad socialization habits and constant sarcasm. She's quite the opposite of her littermate, who is very open and cheerful, making friends easily. Haunted doesn't have a ton of friends, and puts walls up to protect herself. Her most prominent fear is losing those she loves. So to prevent it from happening, she pushes everyone away. The only cat who understands her is her sister. She's got a tough exterior and doesn't take crap from anyone. Haunted is thoughtful, and learns new battle moves very quickly, often spending time practicing by herself. She's formidable in combat, and very stubborn.
main personality traits. introverted, cold, stubborn, fearless, intelligent

parents. duskfall x leafdapple
siblings. snowshine
children. ravenkit, amberkit, hailkit
sexuality. heterosexual, aromantic
relationship status. single
friends. tbd
enemies. tbd

Re: ☾ ☀ all good things are wild and free ↝ bios ☀ ☽ - Wolfyy- - 06-19-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ Stellarshine ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]

[Image: 4522852_orig.jpg]

name. Snowshine
named for her pale pelt that glows like snow
nicknames. Snow (by her sister)
biological gender. Female
she, her
birth date. 6/12/16
age. 48 moons (4 years)
clan. Snowclan
warrior, queen

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
cream and brown spotted tabby she-cat
Snowshine is on the smaller side. She is a snow bengal, with a creamy-silver base coat and light brown markings. Her pelt is dappled with creamy brown rosettes and she has delicate tabby markings on her face, legs, and tail. The markings on her back, sides, and belly are paler than those on her points. She has white-rimmed eyes, and dark brown ears. The bridge of her nose is dark gray. Snow has soft fur and a dark gray striped tail. Her eyes are wide and almond-shaped. They are a sea-foam green with hints of blue around the edges.
injures. none

Snowshine is kind and gentle. She's very easygoing, and friendly. She loves her sister, despite their differences, and is very easy to get along with. Snowshine is open and honest, and always speaks her mind. She knows when to hold her tongue, but can be impulsive. She is easily distracted, but once she becomes motivated enough, she can ace any necessary skill. She's mischievous, and lives for adventure. Stellar isn't afraid to break the rules if it's for another's benefit. She enjoys putting others before herself. If continuously provoked, she will unleash a mighty temper.

parents. duskfall x leafdapple
siblings. hauntedfire
children. echokit, moonkit
sexuality. heterosexual, heteroromantic
relationship status. single
friends. shadowdrift(ex-mate, one-night stand)
enemies. n/a

Re: ☾ ☀ all good things are wild and free ↝ bios ☀ ☽ - Wolfyy- - 06-19-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ Ravenkit ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]

[Image: daf9d06250ea12a23a090ee3cc2ef660--angora...ra-cat.jpg]

name. Ravenfire
named after an apprentice that her mother killed in battle
nicknames. Raven
biological gender. Female
she, her, they, them
birth date. 6/28/18
age. 24 moons (2 years)
clan. Snowclan

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
black tabby she-cat with yellow eyes
Ravenfire is a black smoke tabby she-cat. She's slender, but slightly shorter than her mother. Her primary coat color is a very dark gray, tipped with black. Her pelt is soft, covered in thick, cloudy black stripes that form a marble pattern. Her belly and chest are more of a grayish-silver color, as well as her muzzle. She has thick fur of a short to medium length. She isn't fluffy, but has thicker fur on her chest and tail. She takes most of her dark coloring from her mother, Hauntedfire. She has round, pale, yellow-green eyes.
injures. none


The best word to describe Ravenfire is independent. She likes to do things her way, and once she's made her mind up, nothing will change it. She's as stubborn as a mule, and will argue her way into or out of anything. She hates admitting when she's wrong, so she just doesn't do it. Apologies are extremely hard to get out of her. She is impulsive and loves to have fun. She lives for adventure, and is quite the little daredevil. She is witty and loves to banter back and forth. She's very honest. Another thing about Raven is that she is very outgoing, but also insecure. Of course, she'd rather die than tell you that. She's very hard on herself. She strives to be the best and nothing less. Raven doesn't care what others think, or whether they disagree with her. She's somewhat emotionally unattached, similar to her mother. She can be insensitive because of this. She has a hard time focusing and is easily distracted. She is very brave.

parents. hauntedfire x halfmask
siblings. rowankit, hailkit
sexuality. bisexual, biromantic
relationship status. single
friends. tbd
enemies. none

physically && mentally. easy && very difficult
will jump into a fight without hesitation && will only kill as a last resort or in self-defense
self defense. has not been trained in self-defense
uses teeth and claws as weapons
mention [member=1104]Wolfyy-[/member] when attacking
powers. none

Re: ☾ ☀ all good things are wild and free ↝ bios ☀ ☽ - Wolfyy- - 06-19-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ Echokit ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]

[Image: duBoRH3.jpg?1]

name. Echokit
named after his father (later)
future name. Echodrift
nicknames. Echo
biological gender. Male
he, him
birth date. 3/16/18
age. 3 moons
clan. Murkyclan (formerly), loner

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
voiceclaim. Liam Neeson (later)
☆ extra

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
Bengal/Domestic Longhair Cat — birth body 100% health
Echokit is a dark blue-gray tabby tom. He has long, fluffy fur and a large build. His stripe pattern is that of your typical mackeral tabby, with long, thin, black stripes. He has white fur on his chin and white amongst the gray on his belly and chest. The white coloring isn't distinct, but rather mixed in with the bluish-gray hue of his pelt. He has white fur around his eyes, making them appear larger than they are. His ears are evenly spaced and tapered at the tips. They are edged in black. The fur around the base of each individual whisker is black, surrounded by white, blending into the white on his chin. He has large paws, which he will grow into over time. His tail is covered in black rings, and the fur on the underside is tipped with white. He has big, blue-grey eyes.
injures. none

isfj-a && ravenclaw && abnegation && neutral good
Echokit is rather shy. He is the quietest out of his litter, as his sister Moonkit, though introverted, is much more outgoing than him, and he prefers to keep to himself. He has very few friends due to his shyness. Surprisingly, Echo is very mature for his age. He is good at staying calm, focused and organized under pressure. He has an excellent memory and aspires to become a medicine cat someday. As far as communicating with others, his introverted nature won't stop him from getting things done. He can be assertive when necessary. He's rather confident and straightforward. He is very good at hiding his emotions and not letting anyone into his head. Under his relaxed countenance, Echo is a big worrier. He always strives to do his best and please others, doing everything he can to remain selfless when others are in greater need than himself. He doesn't really stand up for himself (as a kit, anyway) and because of this, can be a pushover.
main personality traits. Introverted, mature, intelligent, worrisome, selfless, organized
disorders. none

parents. stellarshine x shadowdrift
foster parents. redfeather (foster father)
siblings. moonkit
sexuality. heterosexual, heteroromantic
relationship status. single
friends. tbd
enemies. none

physically && mentally. easy && easy
will only fight if necessary && won't kill
self defense. has not been trained in self-defense
weapon preference? uses teeth and claws as self defense
mention [member=1104]Wolfyy-[/member] when attacking
powers. none

Re: ☾ ☀ all good things are wild and free ↝ bios ☀ ☽ - Wolfyy- - 06-20-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ Moonkit ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]

[Image: calico-tabico-white-tabby-kitten-outdoor...716624.jpg]

name. Moonkit
named after the moon, since her mother is named after the stars; she will have the same suffix as her foster father
future name. Moonfeather
nicknames. Moon, Feather (later)
biological gender. Female
she, her
birth date. 3/16/18
age. 3 moons
clan. Murkyclan (formerly), loner

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
voiceclaim. Miley Cyrus
☆ extra

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
Bengal/Domestic Longhair Cat — birth body 100% health
In the simplest terms, Moonkit is a calico she-cat. Her fur is a bit scruffy, but as she matures, it will become much more silky and soft. She isn't longhaired like her brother and father, but isn't shorthaired like her mother either. She's very much in-between. As for coat colors, her fur is a mix of grey tabby and ginger tabby. Between the two, there are more patches of grey. She has grey tabby patches around both eyes, leading up to her ears. She also has patches of grey tabby on both front legs just above the carpals, but not as far up as her shoulder. She has small patches of ginger on her face, namely on both sides of her muzzle, once again surrounded by grey, in the middle of her forehead (there is a white streak underneath that goes down to her nose), and very small hints of ginger around both eyes. The patches on her back and sides are primarily around her spinal area, maybe lowering to her ribs, but not as far as her belly. There are many more ginger patches here, but grey is still primary. Her tail is almost completely grey, with an orange ring near the tip, which is black. She has a completely white underside, white paws, and black ears with ginger spotting. Her eyes are a vibrant sea foam green, a trait she inherited from her mother.
injures. none

intp-t && slytherin && amity && lawful neutral.
Initially appearing shy, Moonkit is a rollercoaster of traits and emotions. She doesn't take initiative, and would rather be approached than vice versa. She is messy, scatterbrained, and terrible under pressure. However, she is also very curious and loves to explore new things and new places. She gets upset easily. She's more of a "follower", not wanting the spotlight for herself, but still yearning to be near it. She often appears outwardly vain, snobby, and childish. Realistically, she doesn't actually feel this way, but only acts like it out of insecurity. She doesn't really like standing up for others. Her shyness gets in the way. She's a bit of a coward, but eventually she will have some events happen to make her mature.
main personality traits. scatterbrained, curious, cowardly, snobby, insecure
disorders. none

parents. stellarshine x shadowdrift
foster parents. redfeather (foster father)
siblings. echokit
sexuality. heterosexual, biromantic
relationship status. single
friends. tbd
enemies. none

physically && mentally. neutral && neutral/hard
will fight if necessary && won't kill
self defense. had not been trained in self-defense
uses teeth and claws as weapons
mention [member=1104]Wolfyy-[/member] when attacking
powers. none

Re: ☾ ☀ all good things are wild and free ↝ bios ☀ ☽ - Wolfyy- - 06-20-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ Rowankit ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]

[Image: 4a6ae36b1b5d9e946d837c25b7ed94b7.jpg]

name. Rowankit
named after her dark, russet-colored coat
future name. Rowantwist
nicknames. Rowan
biological gender. Female
she, her, they, them
birth date. 6/28/18
age. unborn
clan. none, loner

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
voiceclaim. Courtney Cox (Monica from Friends)
☆ extra

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
Bengal Cat/European Wildcat — birth body 100% health
Rowankit is a large, dark red she-cat. She probably looks the most like her father out of her litter, with his rounded face and short muzzle. She also has his muscular build, but lacks his broadly-built frame. Instead, she's slim like her mother, with long legs and a long tail. She is on the fluffy side, though not longhaired. Her fur is a mix of dark ginger, pale ginger, cream, and a little bit of black. Her underside and muzzle are cream, blending into a lighter ginger that slowly grows darker upon reaching her spine. The fur along her spine is the darkest, tipped in black. She has long, white whiskers and her eyes are pale yellow, almost amber.
injures. none

enfp-a && hufflepuff && amity && neutral good.
Rowankit is a bundle of fun. She is curious, creative, and loves to explore. As an adult, will want to travel a bit. She has a big imagination. She's easily distracted, unable to focus unless she tries really hard. This can make it difficult for her to learn. She's a ball of fiery energy. Rowan is rather goofy, always playing games, telling jokes, and being the life of the party. She is very caring and cheerful. She likes to make others happy. One of the best qualities Rowan has is that she isn't afraid to be herself. There is never any set plan with Rowan, as she prefers to just "wing it". She loves to collect beautiful things. Her bold, fearless nature can make her impulsive, and her willingness to help others, no matter the risks, may be dangerous. She has a big heart, often trusting too much.
main personality traits. curious, creative, easily distracted, goofy, helpful
disorders. attention deficit disorder (ADD)

parents. hauntedfire x halfmask
siblings. ravenkit, hailkit
sexuality. pansexual, panromantic
relationship status. single
friends. tbd
enemies. none

physically && mentally. easy && easy
will fight is self defense or defense of others && prefers not to kill, but will if necessary
self defense. has not been trained in self-defense
uses teeth and claws as weapons
mention [member=1077]venture.[/member] when attacking
powers. none

Re: ☾ ☀ all good things are wild and free ↝ bios ☀ ☽ - Wolfyy- - 06-20-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ Hailkit ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]

[Image: latest?cb=20160124184947]

name. Hailkit
named after the dark storm he and his sisters were born during
future name. Hailstorm
nicknames. Hail, Stormy (by close friends)
biological gender. Male
he, him
birth date. 6/28/18
age. unborn
clan. none, loner

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
voiceclaim. John Travolta
☆ extra

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
Bengal Cat/European Wildcat — birth body 100% health
Hailkit is a gray tabby tom. His fur has a slight bluish hue. The primary coat color underneath the tabby markings is a silvery blue-grey. He has thin black stripes covering his pelt from nose to tail tip. He's rather large, but still smaller than his sister, Rowankit. Hail has a broader build than either of his sisters, a trait likely inherited from his father. His tabby pattern is also from his father, but grey instead of his father's brown. The main feature he carries from Halfmask is his eye color. They have identical blue-green eyes. Hail's eyes are round and bright. He has long white whiskers and his tail is mostly black. He has his mother's tapered ears.
injures. will have a scar across his right eye(will still have sight in it) as well as a deep tear in his left ear when he gets older

istj-a && hufflepuff && abnegation and erudite && chaotic good.
Hailkit is almost always unnervingly calm and relaxed. The clan could be in chaos and he'd be in the middle of it all, yawning and waiting for everyone to chill out. He's very practical, capable of thinking quickly and being reasonable, even under pressure. He's quite lazy, preferring a nice nap in a tree to battle training. He's very friendly, if a bit quiet. He likes to keep to himself and his own thoughts. He doesn't get upset or stressed easily. Hail is very blunt, sometimes to the point of hurting others' feelings to get his point across. It's not that he does this purposely, but rather wants others to see the practical, non-emotional side of things.
main personality traits. Practical, responsible, calm and collected, lazy, private, blunt
disorders. none

parents. hauntedfire x halfmask
siblings. ravenkit, rowankit
sexuality. heterosexual, heteroromantic
relationship status. single
friends. tbd
enemies. none

physically && mentally. easy && easy
will fight && will kill if necessary
self defense. has not been trained in self-defense
uses teeth and claws as weapons
mention [member=1104]Wolfyy-[/member] when attacking
powers. none

Re: ☾ ☀ all good things are wild and free ↝ bios ☀ ☽ - Wolfyy- - 06-21-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ Rainsong ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]

[Image: xpda1l.jpg]

name. Rainsong
named after the sound that rain makes in the forest
nicknames. Rain
biological gender. Female
she, her
birth date. 4/8/16
age. 26 moons (2.1yrs)
clan. Snowclan (formerly, became Rockclan), Rockclan (formerly, dismembered), Murkyclan (formerly), loner

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
voiceclaim. Susie Essman (Mittens from Bolt)
☆ extra

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
Abyssinian/Domestic Shorthair Cat — birth body 100% health
Rainsong is a small tortoiseshell and white she-cat with short, thick fur. She has white on her muzzle, nose, neck, belly, and legs. Black and ginger tabby tortoiseshell patches are spread all over her pelt, mainly seen on her back and forehead. She has other tortoiseshell patches extending to her ears and around her eyes. Rain has a bright pink nose, and long white whiskers. Her eyes are a bright, pale, leaf green. Her ears are slightly tufted.
injures. she has a scar on the bridge of her nose and a nick in her left ear

estp-t && gryffindor && dauntless && lawful neutral.
Don't let Rainsong's calm, relaxing name fool you. She's a ferocious ball of fire, stubborn and hard-headed. She's an impulsive, extremely independent she-cat who knows what she wants. If something is on her mind, she'll let you know. If Rain gets pissed off, get the heck out of her way. Her tough nature makes her a dangerous opponent, and gives her a ton of determination. She's a genuinely good cat underneath the sharp tongue. She has a lot of trust issues, so she keeps everyone at a distance. It's her defense mechanism. She has an intellectual, observant mind. Rain is bold, passionate and energetic. She's very defiant and unreasonably impatient.
main personality traits. fiery, temperamental, impulsive, stubborn, impatient, untrusting, determined, intellectual
disorders. none

parents. mouse x slate
siblings. amberblaze
sexuality. heterosexual, heteroromantic
relationship status. single
friends. tbd
enemies. skyfall (ex-mate), rockstar (formerly, deceased)

physically && mentally. easy && difficult
will fight in an instant && will kill if necessary
self defense. very skilled in self-defense
uses teeth and claws as weapons
mention [member=1104]Wolfyy-[/member] when attacking
powers. none

Re: ☾ ☀ all good things are wild and free ↝ bios ☀ ☽ - Wolfyy- - 06-21-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ Amberblaze ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]

[Image: 2mocfb5.jpg]

name. Amberblaze
named after the colors of the sunset
nicknames. Blaze
biological gender. Male
he, him
birth date. 4/8/16
age. 26 moons (2.1 yrs)
clan. Snowclan (formerly, became Rockclan), Rockclan (formerly, dismembered), Murkyclan (formerly), loner

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
voiceclaim. Matthew Broderick (Adult Simba from the Lion King)
☆ extra

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
Abyssinian/Domestic Shorthair Cat — birth body 100% health
Amberblaze has a thick pelt, which becomes slightly fluffy around his neck and tail. It is a deep russet color, and very silky. He has slight tabby markings on his forehead and face. They are only slightly darker than the rest of his fur, and trail as a stripe down his back up to the tip of his tail. The tip of Blaze's muzzle is tinged white, and he has a dark brown nose. His eyes are slightly almond shaped. They are a bright, pale, green. His whiskers are long and white.
injures. has some deep scarring on his left shoulder that sometimes causes him to limp

enfp-a && gryffindor && amity && neutral good.
Amberblaze is an honest warrior with a good heart. He is fiercely loyal to his clan and clanmates, and would do anything to protect them. He's very outgoing, and isn't afraid to speak his mind, much like his rebellious sister. Unfortunately, this impulsiveness can often get him into trouble. He's stubborn, and has a sharp, sarcastic tongue. Other than that, Blaze can be quite the jokester. He enjoys telling jokes and being the center of attention when he makes them. He does, however, know when to be serious.
main personality traits. honest, loyal, protective, impulsive, stubborn, sarcastic, humorous
disorders. none

parents. mouse x slate
siblings. rainsong
sexuality. heterosexual, heteroromantic
relationship status. taken
friends. emberwhisker (mate)
enemies. rockstar (formerly, deceased)

physically && mentally. easy && easy
will fight to protect those he's loyal to && would rather not kill unless necessary
self defense. skilled in self-defense
uses teeth and claws as weapons
mention [member=1104]Wolfyy-[/member] when attacking
powers. none