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tiny mirrors ☀ private - Printable Version

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tiny mirrors ☀ private - arcy - 06-18-2018

They were low on herbs. It was pretty undeniable -- Izuku had kept his personal herb stock up with frequent visits out of the territory. But he couldn't walk that far and it hurt so bad to walk even this far. This would be less of a problem if Izuku weren't so concerned about his clanmates -- everyone was just getting into trouble and Izuku was worried if he let the stock get too low he'll run out and be unable to treat anybody else who get themselves hurt. Which is actually how Izuku got himself into this. The Maine Coon scours the ground for herbs as he limps along, and his bandages are soaked and it feels gross. It's like wet clothes, but worse and it's just so uncomfortable. It's fine, though, it's fine. He just has to deal with it for .. he's not sure? A month? Till it gets better.
Okay, okay, but still. He had to check out the island, too. The feline hovers next to the water of the lake, but his legs are shaking. His leg. His one uninjured leg. He can't swim. Both because of the injury and just because he can't. ... or he can but he just can't, mentally. How many times had he nearly drowned? Far too many, it was a wonder Izuku wasn't more bothered by it all. The feline spends a long few moments just staring at the water, blinking hesitantly. The gleam of the water hurts his eyes. ... Should he ask somebody to check it out for him? He doesn't wanna bother anyone, but it's kinda important. Just a little. The Maine Coon huffs as he shuffles away from the water, and scans around the area with a nervously swishing tail. Were any of his clanmates nearby? Hopefully they wouldn't mind too much, cause the water was cold. And logically nothing should be growing over there, either -- the weather was a fluctuating mess, y'know.

what was i worth

Re: tiny mirrors ☀ private - melantha - 06-19-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]// Thank you for making !! <3

Summer is wonderful in the high country. Beautiful, clear blue skies and temperatures that are not too hot, yet not too cold, either. And they prey is abundant, as well. Plenty of fawns and adolescents for easy pickings, as well as unobservant adults partaking in the fresh green grass. For a natural-born huntress like Melantha, it is like a giant playground. She loves to hunt, to feel the adrenaline pump through her veins, to take down a beast larger than she, and to bring home several carcasses large enough to feed the entire clan. It's quite the rewarding feeling. She will never admit to it, but the young predator likes to feel needed. She used to be the primary caregiver at home (after her parents, of course). When mom and dad were away, it was Mel who watched over her siblings and made sure everyone kept out of trouble. She misses those days. She wishes she never took them for granted.

Large paws made soft, muted thuds as the solitary wildcat quietly prowls home. Preferring not to draw much attention to herself before reaching the main camp, Melantha takes an alternative route, even if it means lugging the elk cow carcass with her. It's just exercise. She can use more of that. Chiseled muscles ripple beneath her sleek pelt of sandy gold, each step revealing the sheer power contained within her slight figure. Indeed, for such a small predator like a mountain lion who is perhaps one of the smallest big cats, she is capable of incredible athletic feats. Sometimes Mel thinks that people forget about how amazing their abilities are in their normal bodies because everyone equates power with the supernatural nowadays. But Mel thinks it's cooler to be able to crush skulls with naked jaw strength.

As the young female drags her kill closer and closer to home, the small figure of Izuku catches her eye. It's hard not to miss him, really, with fur that reminds her of a meadow in the springtime--all shiny and bright and green. In most occasions, Melantha would probably avoid the male altogether, but he is nice enough to garner her curiosity. And she almost immediately notices that he seems to require some sort of assistance. Stashing the doe within a thick patch of grass, Mel then makes her way towards the Tenderfoot. "Hey, Izuku.." she greets in a friendly enough tone, if not a bit awkward. She isn't the greatest when it comes to not being cold and off-putting. Or maybe she just lacks the confidence. "Do you help with anything?" Sagacious olive eyes are quick to observe the bandages on his leg. Ah, so he is still injured. She cannot recall as to how he received the wound, but it must be hindering his duties. Poor guy. Oh well, he still does a lot more good around Snowbound than she does. Mel is just hired muscle, more or less.

Re: tiny mirrors ☀ private - arcy - 06-19-2018

Izuku wasn't a hunter by any means, honestly. Maybe if he knew, he could consider himself more ... useful, maybe? He wanted to do good for Snowbound, for anyone at all, but it was just ... hard. He'd tried to learn when he was in his old group, when he still didn't have any interest in medicine. But it hadn't really ... been a lot. He'd caught a few things, of course, but he had more of a chance of getting stuck than actually catching anything. He'd suppose Melantha and he were incredibly similar in strange ways if he knew much of anything about the cougar.
Izuku can't help but start when he hears Melantha's voice. He'd seen her approach, of course, looking about as he was, but it's hard not to sometimes. The green Maine Coon offers Melantha a bright smile as she speaks, tail giving a sweep. He liked Melantha -- she made him a little nervous sometimes, but he trusted her! "Hi Melantha!" Izuku chirps. He tries not to shy away when he catches Melantha looking at his leg -- people would naturally wonder what that was about. It's not like he burned his entire foreleg with his own electricity or anything. They didn't even know what it looked like, unlike Izuku. Right, anyways. Did he need help? Kind of. "I was wondering if there were any herbs or even just plants, on the island over there," It was a pretty big lake, honestly. Luckily The swim wasn't too far? Or, it was for some people. Like Izuku. Still, grinning a little nervously, his tail curls around himself. "... W-would it be a bother, if you could check?" He almost folds in on himself before catching himself, and instead just continues grinning nervously at the cougar. Melantha would be able to swim over without a problem, right? She was big and strong and all that. It was actually really cool -- while Izuku generally had to rely on his electricity due to not knowing how to train, and also being small, she was just naturally strong! Or -- with training natural, he means.
what was i worth