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WAIT FOR THE RICOCHET :: concept dump - Printable Version

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WAIT FOR THE RICOCHET :: concept dump - psy - 03-19-2018

Basic character tags, essentially for the basic "idea" of a character to build off on. Separate storages are made for them and will contain up-to-date, detailed information on them.

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px; margin-top: 5px; color:#HERE; text-transform: uppercase; bgcolor=; border: 1px; text-align: center; font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia; text-color: #5A237A solid"]
[color=#525252]「 ❝ FIRST AND LAST NAME ❞ 」[/color]
[div style="max-width: 380px; margin-top: 5px; color:#HERE; text-transform: lowercase; bgcolor=; border: 1px; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; font-family: georgia;"]
[color=#525252] ✦ [b]full name[/b] | alias | titles
✦ age ([i]00/00/0000[/i]) | birth-place
✦ [i]group [/i]| [b]rank [/b]| occupation
✦ gender | orientation[/color]
[color=#525252] ✦ birth body | [i]species [/i]| [b]health %[/b] | [[url=http://here]ref[/url]]
✦ additional bodies and info go here
-- accessories - here
-- weapons | armor
-- scars - here
-- eye color - here
-- short physical description - here
✦ powers - 1. here [[i]mastery[/i]] 2. here [[i]mastery[/i]]
✦ face claim: here | voice claim: here[/color]
[color=#525252] ✦ parents | [u]generation[/u]
✦ siblings
✦ mentor | mentoring
✦ 1/2 of [b]shipname[/b] | [i]relationship status[/i]
        -- current partners - name [b]( lovers, platonic etc)[/b]
        -- crushes - name [i](group)[/i]
✦ children [u](parentage)[/u]
✦ friends: name [i][closeness][/i], name [i][closeness][/i]
✦ enemies: name [[b]reason[/b]], name [[b]reason[/b]]
✦ companion animal?[/color]
[color=#525252] -- start fights | end fights | antagonize (will/won't)
-- show mercy | kill | run away (will/won't)
-- physical difficulty | mental difficulty | overall difficulty
-- mention [i]@ account[/i] when needed | attack in [b]color[/b][/color]
[color=#525252] ✦ important links:
        -- character guides | [url=http://here]guide/info/storage[/url]
        -- art gallery | [url=http://here]toyhouse[/url]
[align=center][color=#525252][font=georgia]penned by name[/font][/color][/align]
[align=center][color=transparent]credit [member=11].[/member] teef[/color]

Re: WAIT FOR THE RICOCHET :: character storage, dnp - The Tombs - 03-19-2018

tags :: updated 3/19:

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;"]TEXT HERE
[spoiler=tags :: updated 3/19][color=#0097a3][b]basics.[/b][/color]
✯ Dimitri "Iosef" Aslanov // Sef, YoYo, Dimwit
✯ male // masculine
✯ 11 months // 30 months mentally // 5 years spiritually
✯ crewmate of the Typhoon
✯ no titles // no unofficial titles
✯ forcefully brought from Russia, separated from family
✯ reincarnation of a Belgian Malinois named Dimitri
✯ has a Belgian Malinois form, will rarely shift to it
✯ manipulative, silver-tongued jerk
✯ charismatic and "outgoing"
✯ protective of children

✯ Siberian tiger [url=][ref][/url]
✯ snow white pelt with jet black stripes
✯ sparkling light eyes
✯ occasionally wears a pair of [url=]Russian VDV dog tags[/url]
✯ no scars
✯ soft Russian accent

✯ no best friend
✯ no mentor
✯ [G1] Boris [NPC] x Anastasia [NPC]
✯ bisexual
✯ single // no crush
✯ no offspring

✯ [url=]storage[/url] // [url=]plot[/url]
✯ physically very difficult // mentally hard // teleportation, conjuration, electric elementals, shapeshifting
✯ attack in [color=#0097a3][b]#0097a3[/b][/color][/spoiler][/div][/align]

Re: WAIT FOR THE RICOCHET :: character storage, dnp - The Tombs - 03-21-2018

tags :: updated 3/21:

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; color: black;"]TEXT HERE
[spoiler=tags :: updated 3/21][color=#35d422][b]basics.[/b][/color]
✯ Wickedworld // Wick
✯ male // leans to masculine
✯ 11 months // mentally 20 months // spiritually 11 months // ages on the 1st
✯ rogue of Tanglewood
✯ no titles // every day is Halloween™
✯ edgy prankster, means no harm most of the time
✯ classic con artist, claims to speak to spirits
✯ claims to be a "witch doctor" - not affiliated at all

✯ domestic feline [url=][ref][/url]
✯ tabby cat
✯ yellow-green eyes
✯ may wear a [url=]black "voodoo" top hat[/url]
✯ no scars
✯ formal American accent

✯ no best friend
✯ no mentor
✯ [G1] NPC x NPC
✯ panromantic // pansexual
✯ single // no crush
✯ no offspring

✯ [url=http://'LINK']storage[/url] // [url=http://'LINK']plot[/url]
✯ physically moderate // mentally difficult // invisibility, conjuration
✯ attack in [color=#35d422][b]#35d422[/b][/color][/spoiler][/div][/align]

Re: WAIT FOR THE RICOCHET :: character storage, dnp - Zjarr - 03-25-2018

tags :: updated 3/25:

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;"]TEXT HERE
[spoiler=tags :: updated 3/25][color=#f24b00][b]basics.[/b][/color]
✯ Zjarr Ignibus // "Heatwave"
✯ male // masculine
✯ age frozen, adult // mentally 65 months // spiritually unknown
✯ no rank // ex-leader of BB's ThunderClan
✯ no titles // gay redneck™
✯ played since 2012
✯ formerly in the [url=]FeralFront[/url] and [url=;u=3458]BearBones[/url] universes
✯ recovering memories of past, slow to recognize old friends from past life
✯ demon, stole physical form from a mortal // doesn't act upon demonic lust
✯ former alcoholic, rehabilitated
✯ can speak German and Latin
✯ often fights with a [url=]sword[/url] (affectionately calls Ignibus Blade)

✯ cyborg wolf [url=][ref][/url]
✯ russet pelt with cream hind legs, underbelly and chest
✯ brown right eye (natural), red left eye (artificial)
✯ prosthetic front legs; left side of face; back/spine
✯ may occasionally wear a [url=]military cap[/url]
✯ nicked left ear
✯ American accent, drawled

✯ no best friend
✯ no apprentice
✯ [G1] NPC x NPC
✯ biromantic // bisexual
✯ single // no crush
✯ no children in BOB

✯ [url=http://LINK]storage[/url] // [url=http://LINK]plot[/url]
✯ physically hard // mentally difficult // powers
✯ attack in [color=#f24b00][b]#f24b00[/b][/color][/spoiler][/div][/align]

Re: WAIT FOR THE RICOCHET :: character storage, dnp - The Tombs - 07-07-2018

tags :: updated 7/07:

Re: WAIT FOR THE RICOCHET :: character storage, dnp - The Tombs - 08-11-2018

tags :: updated 8/11:

Re: WAIT FOR THE RICOCHET :: character storage, dnp - blackjack - 03-15-2022

tags :: updated 3/15:

Re: WAIT FOR THE RICOCHET :: character storage, dnp - The Tombs - 04-07-2022

✯ Maximilian Niko Caputo // Max
✯ male // identifies as male (he/him)
✯ physically 3.5 years // mentally 6 years
✯ Alpha of the Enclave
✯ no titles // no unofficial titles
✯ new to the Island, not used to mythical beasts/powers (may be confused/make comments)

✯ gray wolf [ref]
✯ brown pelt
✯ light brown eyes
✯ yellow bandana
✯ scar on right eye and across muzzle
✯ Italian-American accent

✯ no best friend
✯ no mentor/apprentice
✯ [G1] Aria [NPC] x Niko [NPC]
✯ heterosexual
✯ single // no crush
✯ no offspring

✯ physically hard // mentally hard // no powers
✯ attack in #008040

Re: WAIT FOR THE RICOCHET :: character storage, dnp - Sunshowers - 07-27-2022

✯ Sunshowers Anouk Kinsella // Sunny
✯ biologically female // identifies as female (she/her)
✯ 1 year // mentally 3 years
✯ member of the Coalition of the Condemned
✯ no titles // Ray of Sunshine™
✯ half-vampire due to mythical lineage
✯ fluent in English, learning French

✯ mixed-breed sighthound, predominantly Saluki [ref]
✯ off-white cream pelt
✯ light orange eyes
✯ no accessories
✯ no scars/marks/tattoos
✯ American (Northeastern) accent

✯ no best friend
✯ unknown mentor // no apprentice
✯ [G2] Jasper Kinsella x NPC
✯ bisexual (female preference)
✯ single // no crush
✯ no offspring

✯ physically medium // mentally medium // no powers yet
✯ attack in #ffad67

Re: WAIT FOR THE RICOCHET :: character storage, dnp - The Tombs - 07-29-2022

✯ Delgado Quinn Byrne // Del
✯ biologically male // identifies as male (he/him)
✯ 4 years // mentally 8 years
✯ cowpoke of Ghastly Ranch
✯ no titles // no unofficial titles
✯ Portuguese-Irish parents
✯ failing eyesight, occasionally wears glasses

✯ German shepherd [ref]
✯ coarse black-and-tan pelt with red coloring around chest and face
✯ light blue eyes
brown cowboy hat, wears wire-rimmed glasses to read
✯ scar on the left side of mouth and muzzle
✯ gruff American accent

✯ no best friend
✯ no apprentice
✯ [G1] Maria [NPC] x Cillian [NPC]
✯ homosexual (heavily closeted)
✯ single // no crush
✯ no offspring

✯ physically hard // mentally medium // unknown powers
✯ attack in #69a1d3