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puzzle pieces ✘ open, asking out - Printable Version

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puzzle pieces ✘ open, asking out - Wade Wilson - 06-17-2018

actions "speech"
feel free to track or have your character watch tho i'd prefer to save any ic interruptions until after these two get their dumb mushy junk out of the way c;
. . . .

They met on a cool summers night at a bar; before Typhoon, when they were young, scrappy, and relatively well fed. She came up to him, they exchanged the oddest of banters, and then fireworks. For Wade it was like love at first sight. Not only because she was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on, but because he could really click with her. She was just the right kind of crazy, meeting his comments with even wittier ones. Their relationship was an interesting one; standing at an odd grey between friendship and romance- the former being more on Wade's part if anything. His love for the scrappy she-wolf was something he showed off proudly, whether through flirtatious banter or dragging her on an unofficial date, it was something that became their new normal. And yet he would never officially ask Vanessa out properly. The man had always been hesitant whenever the thought of asking Ness to be his girlfriend popped into his head. If anything, he was scared to lose her, to somehow scare her off, which in hindsight was stupid of him. She would have bolted right after their first meeting if she was less than comfortable around the mercenary.

It was thoughts like these that finally swayed the man to take action. In the beginning, he'd wanted it to be just the two of them, alone, maybe hanging out on the beach or hiking through the jungle and finding some hidden rainbow lake or something sappy and disgustingly romantic. But because God hated him and made Wade's life His bitch, nothing seemed to work out- conflicting schedules and clan responsibilities and dumb shit like that. But finally- finally he'd managed to get her to meet him down by Barracuda Bay. "It's urgent." He had claimed. It was. The longer he held off asking Vanessa out, the longer the voices in his head kept nagging at him and let me tell you, it gets pretty annoying after a while.

And so, he would wait and stare out into the vast blue ocean until he heard pawsteps. His heart raced as turned his head and- oh- no that was an npc. Nevermind. With an antsy huff, he turned away, ears dropping just a bit. Would she show? She had to. Ness was never late to meet him. Maybe she was busy- yeah, busy with clan junk and being important and hot and- Calm down Wade, you’re slipping. With a shake of his head, he focused instead on what he was going to say, eyes closed and face scrunched up in concentration.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: puzzle pieces ✘ open, asking out - Character Graveyard. - 06-17-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Vanessa had remembered that night at the bar when they had first met. She had thought Wade had been looking a little lost, so she had decided to approach him. Their personalities had clicked together immediately, so she had told him that she was heading to The Typhoon and invited him to join her- which he had.

Nessa was aware of the fact that Wade was crushing heavily on her, so she had waited. Waited to see what he would do. It seemed that day had come. So she had decided to head to the spot where he had wanted her to meet him.

She held her chin up high as she approached, noticing the NPCs around Wade, though she pretended not to see them. "Did you need something Wade?" She said, in a teasing manner.
© madi

Re: puzzle pieces ✘ open, asking out - purgatory - 06-20-2018

(mobile) trackk ;3c

Re: puzzle pieces ✘ open, asking out - Wade Wilson - 06-20-2018

actions "speech"
Had she always been this beautiful?" The first thing he'd done was speak out his thoughts- something he often did when something grabbed his attention. Like now, with Vanessa being Vanessa and somehow managing to stay as beautiful as she was when he first met her. He snapped out of it, shaking his head and smiling like a doofus. "You didn't hear that-" he said hastily before gathering his thoughts and continuing. "Look- Ness- If I've learned anything in the past 64 days, 23 hours, 42 minutes and 53 seconds that we've known each other, it's that you've always been my closest friend and you've aways been there for me, you're super awesome and pretty and like wow- those hips don't lie." Wade. You're rambling. Get back on track, c'mon man. "Short story short- I love you Vanessa Carlysle and- ah fuck- date me? Please?" His voice managed to crack as he made some sort of an attempt to finish. It hadn't come out nearly as fluid as he wanted, but it was out and all he could do was wait, heart slamming against his chest.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: puzzle pieces ✘ open, asking out - Character Graveyard. - 06-20-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Vanessa would smirk as Wade began to ramble at the sight of her arrival. Sure, he could be reckless and joke around too much, but he had a good heart. That's what she liked about Wade. She would listen to what he had said and she would pause for a moment, before giving her answer.

"Yes." She said, a smile forming on her maw.
© madi

Re: puzzle pieces ✘ open, asking out - PINCHER - 06-22-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Asking out someone was something Pincher could relate to. But in a brought fond memories yet heartache when he allowed himself to dwell on the faded thoughts of wanting to be with someone. He had once been in love before, with a woman that he believed was everything to him but as time had passed, the beauty of her soul began to wither and she wasn't who he thought she had been in the beginning. The cruelty of it was that he was married to her and attached to her with children that needed two parents especially when Pincher lived a more dangerous life than the one he had now. Despite this, it never destroyed the idea of being with someone you loved to the former hitman, instead it slightly increased his hopes that things would go better.

He had been with many females in his lifetime yet with becoming a leader of a much bigger group than he had believed would become the Typhoon, his work had not allowed him to romantically connect to anyone in the clan until he met Jacob. The husky was not part of the crew but that didn't stop Pincher from being interrupted by the thoughts of the other canine when he was meant to be working. It was odd to feel something for someone so different than what he was used to but it didn't mean that it was bad. So when he briefly caught sight of Vanessa and Wade speaking to each other as the doberman stepped on his black cigarette, crushing it into the sand to let it die as he stalked towards them with his light crystalline blue gaze holding a glint of sly amusement that was quite warm. "Well it seemed you two love birds are dating now, yes?" He commented, a faint ghost of a smirk twitching on his muzzle as he reached the new couple.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]