Beasts of Beyond
I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - Printable Version

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I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-17-2018

Oh, yeah, Tanglewood. Caesar recalled that these guys weren't an ally of The Typhoon, and honestly, he was getting kind of bored around the island by not causing trouble there. He wanted to get as far into the ranks as he possibly could right now, and it was irritating to be on his 'best behavior' there. So to say he was getting antsy about things was an understatement.

So what was Caesar's plan? To fuck around with Tanglewood. The demon strolled right past the border, purposely ignoring it. Although the Privateer wasn't going to admit it out loud, the rumors of alligators being in their territory was slightly making his worried, so he was trying to avoid the swamps as much as possible. That didn't mean he was immune to Tanglers, though, and he knew that. In fact, he was hoping for them to show up just so he can fuck with them.

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - beck. - 06-17-2018

    They weren't allies, alright. But Beck didn't consider them a threat either. The slow-burning feud had been first ignited when the now-deceased Vladimir was snatched up right in their own sleepy town, and found deas by a rescue team. But after that? Nothing enough to truly ruffle the poltergeist's feathers. Even if a few of their wanna-be pirates pranced over their border, the Typhoon was going to have to try harder than that to be considered an actual threat.

    The creature parading through the marsh now was terribly foolish. Where was his back-up? Did he even have a plan beyond seeking trouble? The poltergeist couldn't help but roll his eyes as he watched from above in the trees, well aware of Caesar's unfamiliar scent the moment he stepped foot past the border.

    Creeping not too far behind the serval's impulsive trail and jumping from branch to branch with practiced nimbleness, the seeds of a plan began to take root in his brain upon noticing the direction Caesar was headed. Good thing he had reset the leghold trap that was hidden there not too long before his silent pursuit. Quickening his pace to overtake Caesar and allowing his apparition to fall transparent in order to not be seen, he was far ahead of the trespasser by the time he scrambled down a tree trunk and back to the ground. Unseen paws adjusted the waiting leghold to where he predicted the serval would misstep, and snagged a nearby vine to set up a crude tripwire that would cause Caeser to stumble face first into the smaller version of a beartrap. All he had to do was sit back, and wait to tug at the now-slack and unnoticeable vine when Caesar came trampling by.

    As expected, Caesar waltzed blindly into the invisible entity's view not long after. If he wasn't veiled in nonexistence, Beck would have tilted his head in curiosity at the closer glimpse of Caesar. He looked familiar, with the same eyesore yellow fur as Vigenere and the same skulking gait. Almost like they were related or something. Shrugging away his realization, when Caesar finally neared his tripwire enough, the unseen poltergeist gave his end of the vine a quick jerk, causing the length of vine to snap up at ankle level and assumedly trip the serval. If he had positioned his trap correctly, that meant Caesar would have faceplanted right on top of the leghold's trigger. The trap's toothed frame was rigged to bite and clamp down onto whatever limb had set off its trigger; Beck's cruel design had been meant to inflict as much damage as possible.

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 06-18-2018

[Image: caucasian-mountain-shepherd-4-809x508.jpg]
[div style="text-shadow: 0pt 0pt 5pt lightgrey; color: black; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10px; margin-top: -15px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: right; width: 500px;"][i]TANGLEWOOD — PROXY — RUSSIAN BEAR DOG
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Zimavich was waiting too. Sort of. He had still taken to swimming and had dirtied his thick fur in swamp water. The bear dog smelled like a swamp- not like Tanglewood. He was heard by the doggy-paddling but his placement was hidden by the other gators moving in the water. They weren’t quite used to Ivan yet, but they didn’t bother eachother.

The dog was waiting for the moment to strike, too.

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - Freyja - 06-18-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Freyja was not waiting for the perfect moment to retaliate. Yes, she was faintly aware of the fact that Caesar was trespassing, but she saw no reason to hide. Hiding in wait meant you were frightened of something, and the newly promoted Chaser was scared of nothing. She had courage in her heart, and despite sensing this was wrong, would not shy away from it. Though young and petite and fragile in appearance, the young goddess' pretty nails were daggers and her ivory teeth were sharp. She could handle her own.

"Hey, cutie," the fae purred, standing a few yards behind the concealed trap. She wore a sweet, confused look (and let's be honest, that was often her normal expression). She tipped her head to the side as a smile spread out across her lips. Taking a seat, she said, "Aren't you a little far from home? You spell like the sea, and all we have here are swamps."

She looked over the Typhoon member, emerald gaze quick to find any weakness he might have. However, all her skimming and scanning merely appeared to be her looking fondly at him. "Hm, you don't look as mean as they say those pirates are. You're too handsome, I think. If you tell me your name, I'll tell you mine."

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - Bean - 06-18-2018

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - Nayru - 06-19-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦

Nayru did not hide her obvious distress as she stumbled from the tree she had been lurking behind, cerulean eyes wide as she gazed between her sister and Caesar. Why was she flirting with him? Nayru knew that she was the one that specialized in wisdom and all, but didn't her sister have enough common sense to know not to flirt with the enemy? A quick glance at Iota told the sawbone that she was thinking about the same thing and suddenly exasperated, tried her best to tug her sister away from the Typhooner and back to where she believed was safe.

At least the intruder had perhaps found himself caught in one of Beck's traps. To anyone not native to Tanglewood, they were scattered far and wide and proved to be rather dangerous- lethal, even. Her heart still fluttered in her chest though, causing the little medic to habitually withdraw her small dagger and clasp it between shaky paws. She didn't know how to use it - she was wisdom and knowledge after, not war and victory like her godly parents - but figured that instinct could go a long way in a situation such as this one.

Stepping behind Iota slightly, Nayru would rear upon pale haunches and aim the dagger at Caesar, feeling more comfortable when it was pointed in his direction. She held her silence, refusing to say anything more until this trespasser made his business here known.

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-19-2018

Of course Caesar didn't realize the trap Beck had planted; he never really watched where he placed his paws. Besides, he had no reason to assume Tanglewood would be trapped, he's never been here before. But this experience would soon make him learn that he should probably think out his plans a tad more, rather than just waltzing blindly into enemy territory.

Caesar had no time to react as the trap activated as Beck pulled on it, and the demon did faceplant onto the ground just as Beck had predicted. The trap snapped shut on one of his forepaws, making the Officer let out a small snort as pain briefly flickered in his paw. Caesar didn't notice Ivan around, but of course he noticed Freyja, considering the fact she practically came right up to him and talked to him.

Caesar definitely wasn't happy about being caught, even if he didn't exactly feel the pain he should be feeling from the trap. It was still frustrating to be caught in a trap with no way to escape. The demon looked over at Freyja when she spoke to him, his lips curling back in a snarl. "Do not mock me." He growled when she commented on how far away he was from home. The Typhoon wasn't a 'true' home to him anyway, but of course she wouldn't know that, would she? The Officer's face soon turned into one of disgust as he realized Freyja was trying to flirt with him. Disgusting. Like he'd ever want to be with somebody like her. "You have no business knowing my name."

Though it seemed Iota was demanding to know why he was here. Caesar wasn't fazed by the way she acted, and his ears flicked at her threat. Was it possible they all would go after him? Absolutely, he had no doubt in that. But Caesar knew he could possibly escape through means of possession if he had to. Doesn't mean he wouldn't be exhausted after switching bodies. "I highly doubt I'll be able to move that much." The demon stately flatly regarding the whole 'if you make one false move' comment from Iota. His dominant paw had been the one that was caught, so of course he wasn't going to do much until that got free. Caesar briefly eyed the dagger that Nayru held before he responded to Iota again, "And what if I say I don't have any reason to be here, hm?" Which... wasn't entirely a lie. He just wanted to mess around with them and see how far he could get.

Obviously not very far.

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 06-19-2018

[Image: caucasian-mountain-shepherd-4-809x508.jpg]
[div style="text-shadow: 0pt 0pt 5pt lightgrey; color: black; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10px; margin-top: -15px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: right; width: 500px;"][i]TANGLEWOOD — PROXY — RUSSIAN BEAR DOG
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Zimavich decided to jump out of the water now, landing a few feet to the side of Caesar and barking. He growled and barked hoarsely. Algae and funk clinged to his fur. His wet dog smell was appalling and he puffed himself up, making himself look big. Zimavich barked threateningly, confident he was alerting the others to the intruder.
The bear dog barked, his teeth bared at him. Ceasar was a chew toy to him.

With his leg disabled, the dog decided to a move, aiming to clamp his jaws on the cats other foreleg and shake him around.

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-19-2018

Now things were getting hectic. Caesar's fur puffed out in alarm as Zimavich jumped out at him and started snarling and barking. The demon hissed as the large canine got close, but had no time to react again as Ivan grabbed a hold of him and started to shake him around.

His heart pounding, Caesar tried to nip at ZIMAVICH's nose in an attempt to make him let go. Which would probably be a huge mistake, regardless of whether or not he had been able to bite Zimavich.

Re: I AM NOT A PATTERN TO BE FOLLOWED // open, trespasser - Freyja - 06-20-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]"Hey, this is all part of my plan!" Freyja insisted, in a stage whisper, to Iota and Nayru. Why couldn't they see she was trying to lure him forward? Honestly, wasn't it obvious? The young goddess gave a little huff after she had spoken before tilting her nose in the air.

Well, even if her flirting hadn't worked, Caesar was in the trap. She puffed out her chest a bit (as if she had actually done anything), and then turned her attention back to the pink-hued feline and her sister. "See? All you have to do is making sure you look super pretty, and everyone practically comes run-"

She cut herself off as Zimavich exploded out of the water. Deep emerald eyes were heavily marked with interest as she watched the large dog go n the attack. Pretty boy wouldn't be so pretty after this, that was fur sure. Flicking her tail, she wondered what would come out of this, or if she needed to do something. Deciding it wasn't her place, she let her eyes again fall to Iota and Nayru. Surely, they would know what to do.