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personal jesus // o, joining/dual-alliance?? - Printable Version

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personal jesus // o, joining/dual-alliance?? - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 06-17-2018

What was he doing out here... what the hell was he doing here?  It was a question he had repeated to himself over and over for the past few hours as he walked on and on, not even sure where he was headed. To be honest, Vincent had no reason to be out here, trudging through the snowfield. He was already a member of The Ascendants. Everything he owned and everything he cared about was there, miles behind him, yet... he didn't... feel attached to it all. The clan, he meant- he cared about the Raptors, of course, but there was always something missing... something that didn't feel right. In the end... he had decided that he wasn't right. He didn't fit in.

Of course, his own problems had driven him away too. Depression had been slowly overtaking him during his stay, as the realization of his friend Mike's disappearance finally settled in. At first, Mementomori had denied it, telling himself every day that "today will be the day... he'll show up... he will". Then, days turned into weeks... weeks into a month... then two months. At that point, he knew. He had to let go. Mike wasn't coming. It had been hard, especially since they had been friends for as long as he could remember. Hell- Mike was the reason he liked video games, the reason he liked music, the reason he was still alive right now... the husky would have been a very different person had it not been for his best friend. But things changed, he supposed. Perhaps... he had done something to piss the lab off and drove him away? Or maybe Mike had been killed? Maybe it was neither of those things- either way... something told him the lab wouldn't want him just sitting around the observatory, letting his life waste away, so? What was the most rational thing Vinny could think of? Leave. And so he did.

Now, as the husky made his way through the darkened snowfield, he sort of regretted his decision, the cold finally starting to get through his thick coat. He wasn't at the point of hypothermia yet, thank god, but he was certainly getting there, form slightly shivering with each step he took. Vincent really hoped there was someone out here somewhere... maybe a group if he was lucky- but he had been walking forever now with no signs of clan life in sight. "J-Just my.... f-f-fucking l-l-luck..." He mumbled to himself, scowling. At this point, Mementomori wouldn't be surprised if he froze to death. Then, he saw it, the cavern that Snowbound called home. Walking until he was at the mouth of the cavern, he breathed a sigh of relief, shaking his brown pelt to free it of any snow and frost currently clinging to it before he attempted to speak. "H-Hello? My name is... Mementomori- or uh, just Vinny, i-if that's easier..."

Re: personal jesus // o, joining/dual-alliance?? - arcy - 06-17-2018

Izuku, personally, always found it easy to grow attached to places as long as they treated him well. But, well, there was a distant sort of an attachment, and an actually involved attachment. Thus far, Izuku would like to think he was leaning towards the latter with Snowbound, despite all of the place's possible flaws. Maybe partly because of them, really. The cold and the emptiness Izuku had found ... bothersome, towards the beginning, but they were gradually coming to feel more comforting. Also, Izuku could barely survive outside of cold temperatures anymore, so there was that. It was honestly weird to realize some visitors thought this place was freezing.
In any case ... Izuku had just been resting at home, today. He was basically bedridden anyways, with his leg the way it was. He couldn't put any weight on it without blinding pain, despite whatever natural painkillers he'd managed to snag. However, today, his rest is interrupted by the call of somebody ... down the tunnels? How had somebody gotten this far into the territory? Izuku, blinking somewhat tiredly(though he actually hadn't been anywhere close to sleep), clumsily gets to his paws and grits out a hiss between his teeth at the pain he feels. He spends a few moments reorienting himself, before, slowly, dragging himself to the entrance of the cave, where Izuku finds a rather cold-looking husky. Immediately, Izuku feels a flash of concern, the Tenderfoot's ears falling back the slightest.
"Hi, um, nice to meet you," Izuku says, feeling a little out of his depth. What was he supposed to do now? The other clearly wasn't somebody already initiated -- well, unless he was, but Izuku didn't think he was. Still, a stranger introducing themselves at the cave was weird. "I'm Izuku, are you ... are you okay? You look cold -- I could get you something, hot chocolate or a coat or something, if you need," Izuku decides to start with, still very flustered. He should probably ask why they were here before offering them anything, huh? Somebody should be here soon though, at least hopefully -- Izuku could at least function better in situations like this with some sort of support. "O-or, uh!! s -- is there a reason you're here, though?" Izuku tries to correct. The other offer still stood, of course, but, again, he shouldn't just offer something to somebody without knowing why they're here. Anyways, is he asking a lot of questions? Yes. Izuku thinks he has the right, though, and he really just wants to get this over this so the other doesn't have to stand in the cold for too much longer. Huskies were made for the cold, but, well, not everybody could handle Snowbound territory for long periods of time. Not even in the summer, apparently, but Izuku didn't exactly blame them.
what was i worth

Re: personal jesus // o, joining/dual-alliance?? - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-17-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
In the past few months that she had been here, Atbash believed she did become attached to Snowbound and everybody who lived here. Maybe that was part of the reason she stayed back when the humans were here, in addition to learning her younger brother lived in The Typhoon. She liked this place and all of her groupmates; everyone here was special in their own way in her opinion.

"Oh, geez," Atbash breathed as she saw the way Mementomori shook, her eyes wide with worry. "I'll go get him a jacket and something hot to drink." Like the hot chocolate they offered to most joiners. Without waiting for a response, Atbash went off back towards camp, hoping that Izuku could handle the situation for right now.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: personal jesus // o, joining/dual-alliance?? - melantha - 06-17-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Did no one else have a problem with this? A random stranger casually strolling up to their front door like it's no big deal? Sure, he is freezing his ass off, but that isn't any of the Snowbounder's fault. Dumbass should have brought a blanket or something. Hypothermia as the price for stupid decision-making does not excuse trespassing. She wants to voice her concerns. Poisonous words balance at the tip of her tongue. It takes a great amount of willpower to bite them back, for it would not reflect well upon her character to speak such things to people who are clearly more trusting and liberal-minded than she. Besides, she needs to resist falling prey to her paranoid thoughts. Snowbound is a place for her to heal, not devolve into her survival habits.

Instead, she decides to contribute helpfully to the interaction: "I don't think we can give canines chocolate." Mel nearly said nothing, but upon noticing that Atbash started to leave, she figured it might be something to consider when trying to be hospitable to a freezing newcomer. Not that Mel would care much, but she thinks it might reflect poorly upon Snowbound if they accidentally poisoned someone. Then again, there are many creatures in this world who do not fit the bill of "normal" like Melantha does. There bodies are different, they possess supernatural abilities, or they might be supernatural themselves. Being perfectly average in nearly all aspects has led Mel to embrace her natural-born behaviors. Lukewarm liquids and raw meat dominated her diet with the occasional dabbling in cooked meals. Deviating too far from the norm gives her indigestion, but sometimes she cannot bring herself to deny a snack--especially if Jacob makes it.

Finally, the lithe predator regards Mementomori with a pair of pallid olive eyes. She conducts a quick observation of his features, as if attempting to discern his true intentions purely by gazing upon him. It is clear from the somewhat-upturned position of her lips that Melantha is attempting to be friendly...and failing horribly. "And what brings you to our tiny corner of the world?" and past their borders and right at the edge of their main camp. For all we know, he could be an assassin or a thug. The girl does her best to ignore that particular line of thoughts, but Mel never was very good around strangers. "My name is Melantha..." At least she doesn't sound angry or rude. It's just... cautious and perhaps a tad bored.

Re: personal jesus // o, joining/dual-alliance?? - jacob w.c. - 06-19-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had been quick to adjust to Snowbound's frigid temperatures upon his first arrival, but that was because he already had a thick fur coat where it hadn't been burned off and he constantly wore at least two layers of clothing in the form of his bandages and sweaters. He had welcomed the biting, clear air. It was so different than the polluted city air that was warm and he felt like he could never breath in clearly. Everything here was so different and he loved all of it, he welcomed it as a sanctuary as though it'd been made just to hide him. Of course, it hadn't, and, in the end, it'd become just as suseptible to his old threats and fears but at least he'd held it off for some time. At least he'd gotten to pretend at a normal, happy life for awhile. Maybe he could still be happy. Even with the threats, even with the fear, even with Pincher's injuries. Maybe he could stay. Maybe it'd all be fine. Jacob felt like he was living on a sea of maybes that would inevitably crash him against rocks and drown him completely, but right now he was trying to ignore all of it with long walks and midnight pasta. Clearly the best way to deal with all his complex emotional problems.

In any case, he was glad for the distraction when he heard a few voices nearby, one of them being unfamiliar. The canine rushed over to see the group and quickly began digging through his bag before finding an extra sweater. He always carried around a spare on the oof chance his got a hole in it that was a little too big and exposed some of his scarring (though all of it should also be covered by his bandages). "'Ere ya' are. 'M name's Jacob, we're gonna' show ya' back ta' our camp so ya' can warm up there, alright? Ya' can stay as long as ya' need, so long as ya' don' 'ave any bad intentions, which doesn' really seem like the case from where I'm standin'. We'll make sure ta' get ya' somethin' warm ta' drink n' some food," he offered. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP