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[b][color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
She had lingered within the Ascendants territory a little longer than what was perhaps considered appropriate, quietly enjoying the way the sun felt on her face and solid ground felt underfoot. After spending weeks in Tanglewood, she had forgotten what the world outside of the swamp was like. Rolling fields of flowers, pristine lakes, a forest not riddled with murderous animals... this place had it all and a part of her half wished that she could exchange the muck and humidity for this natural beauty.

Tanglewood was her home though and as terrible as it could be sometimes, she had grown to appreciate it with her entire heart. It was not traditionally beautiful by any means, but sometimes, sunlight dappled it just right or a string of wildflowers popped up in their darkened woods and simply took her breath away. Moments like those always succeeded in reminding her that she would never be quite as happy as she was there, surrounded by her strange, make-shift family and her beloved gator companion. Speaking of, poor Chad could not thrive anywhere but the swamp. She'd be running the risk of damaging him permanently if she ever decided to uproot herself and take him with her.

But that didn't mean she couldn't appreciate her new ally's territory. Until someone asked her to leave, she figured that she wasn't actually doing any harm. In fact, she was simply sitting there peacefully, her eyes half shut and a faint smile upon her lips. Chad was curled up at her paws, resting just as soundly as his companion was, he, too, surprisingly enjoying the change in scenery. There was a shadow of doubt in her mind, one that urged her to return home promptly lest her clanmates all suddenly sustain life threatening injuries that, in her absence, could not be treated. She ignored it though, finding that such an outcome was highly improbable. A few more minutes here - maybe even a few more hours - would be beneficial to her. All of the injuries she had been dealing with as of late had put a strain on her anyways, she figured her clanmates would prefer her in a state of amiable bliss rather than one of stressed panic.

And so, she remained, breathing in the floral-scented air and taking genuine time for herself for the first time ever.

'This is the life.'


Hazel hadn't actually been present for the Tanglewood medic's visit. It was kind of funny, actually, because she seemed to miss anything to do with foreign relations. Literally, every occasion with the exception of Beck's visit - she just...missed. Not on purpose, but by coincidence. It was getting to be rather frustrating, really. She really wanted to be involved and up to date, but the universe seemed to have other ideas, apparently.

Regardless, Hazel had learned later on in the week (as per usual, unfortunately) that their medic had stopped by on account of knowledge, or something. She didn't know. She wasn't really sure what the purpose of that check in was; it didn't seem necessary to check on their supplies or exchange information. It sounded like an inventory check to Hazel, which was oddly suspicious. But again, she also sucked at keeping up with foreign relations, so she was probably ten miles off the actual reason.

Now, Hazel was pursuing her colt in a game of chase - or what he seemed to think was chase - straight across the Ascendan't wide open field. She needed to catch him before he hit the border, or else he'd speed past the markers and straight into foreign territory, seeing as he didn't really seem to give a damn about boundaries. Not to mention he had the seashell necklace Luna made for her, so.

"Adducere, ut retro!" Hazel called, the Latin slipping past her parted lips in her desperation to get the necklace back. She never really wore it, but she was setting it aside for decoration on her wall, okay?

As the pair raced past the starpool and towards the flower patch, Arion suddenly shied, a shrill sound of surprise and slight panic resonating in Hazel's brain. The colt practically flung himself away from the flower patch, dropping the necklace and taking off for the observatory. Hazel immediately went on high alert, skidding to a halt. She couldn't smell anything out of the ordinary, but...then again, the only thing she could smell was the sweet smell of flowers. She turned, and -


Yeah, a crocodile would definitely spook Arion. Actually, it would spook anyone with their head on straight, unless you were the girl sitting next to it. The cocoa feline blinked, fur raised along her spine as she froze, unsure of what to do. She couldn't fight, she didn't know how. She wondered if crocodiles could move fast enough to get her if she ran. Their little stubby legs couldn't get very far, right? Then again, Gordon was a munchkin, and she moved pretty damn fast when she wanted to.

Hazel was ready to turn and follow Arion's lead when her brain finally brought up the fact that the girl is...curiously calm? Her head voice framed it as more of a question, but. Hesitantly, Hazel drew in another breath, and found that the muddy scent of Tanglewood drifted against the roof of her mouth. Was this...their medic?

Wow, this was about to go really poorly: "Uh, hello?"
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: YOU WERE SO ENCHANTING | PRIVATE - Nayru - 06-18-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
Among the things that Nayru expected to find in the Ascendants territory, a colt thundering towards her was not one. She immediately tensed as its form came into view, pale paws scrambling to lift Chad from the ground and place him on her head. Annoyed by the sudden disturbance, her alligator companion hissed and thrashed for a moment before realizing the danger and complying with Nayru's efforts. She braced herself for impact, too paralyzed to move suddenly, but it appeared as if something had spooked Arion and sent him hightailing back in the direction of the Observatory. That was... good? She looked around for danger, wondering what possibly could have frightened the horse before realizing that it rested upon her head: Chad.

She, like the majority of Tanglewood, had grown accustomed to the perpetual presence of alligators. Heck, she lived with one of them. But it made sense that a colt was not so used to seeing the little reptile and had been frightened accordingly by it. Nayru felt a little bad admittedly, but was relieved that a potential collision had been prevented. She would carefully place Chad back on the ground and gently boop his snout before the sound of another girl's voice caught her attention. Was she about to be asked to leave?

The first thing Nayru noticed about Hazel was how bright her aura shone. It was golden and lovely and momentarily entrapped her. She still hadn't gotten used to seeing auras and such and sometimes forgot that it was considered rude to stare. Oh well, hopefully she wouldn't think anything of it. [b][color=#6b7e99]"Um..." The little scientist began hesitantly, blinking cerulean eyes and smiling sheepishly at Hazel, [color=#6b7e99]"Was that your horse?"

Like her horse, Hazel seemed a bit spooked by this situation as well. That or hesitant. Nayru honestly couldn't blame her. How often did she see an undersized medic and a sassy alligator coexisting so peacefully? Considering the fact that she had never heard of anyone resembling either she or Chad, she figured that the answer to that was simple: not often.

[color=#6b7e99]"I'm Nayru," She introduced, [color=#6b7e99]"And this is Chadwick. You don't need to be afraid of him, I promise. He's pretty stubborn and opinionated but then again, so am I." She laughed a little bit, feeling rather awkward suddenly. [color=#6b7e99]"But.. uh.. yeah. Sorry... I can leave if you want? This probably isn't allowed anyways but sometimes the swamp can be a little much."

They were probably missing her back at home anyways. What if somebody had sustained a life threatening injury and was currently bleeding out? Would they think her to be a disappointment if she wasn't there to save them? Doubt suddenly danced upon her cream colored features and she averted her gaze. She didn't want to go back, really she didn't. But between her innate fear of missing an injury and the possibility that this other girl was going to kick her out, she supposed she didn't have any other choice.

It was good while it lasted though.


Hazel watched, mouth slightly parted in shock as the girl just...lifted the alligator onto her head, holding it there as Arion finally disappeared from sight.Well...that’s not something you see every day. Hazel considered, blinking and snapping her mouth shut.

“Er,” Hazel stumbled over her words as the unfamiliar girl suddenly turned to her, asking if Arion was hers. Her sense of humor wanted to scoff and say that train wreck of a colt? Mine? Definitely not. But her mouth ran on autopilot, repeating something she’d probably echo to strangers until her dying breath. “Yes, he is. Apologies if he startled you and...” Hazel paused, waiting until the female gave her companion’s name. With a cant of metaphorical eyebrows and a slight nod. “You and Chadwick.” Hm, odd name. Reminded Hazel of the word candlestick. “I can’t say that Arion is harmless, because if you get underfoot, then he’s just the opposite, but he generally does his best to avoid stepping on people.”

As the stranger took the pause in the introduction as an send off, Hazel felt her curiosity peak. “No, that’s - “ She started, suddenly moving forward, wanting to see the femme up close instead of having to yell at her from halfway across the flower patch. “You’re fine, you don’t have to leave. You’re not bothering anybody, Arion’s just a big baby.” She assured her. “From Tanglewood, right?” Hazel checked after a heartbeat, taking a seat in front of her. “I’m Hazel, a Starstruck Guardian here. Not that the rank holds much power, but it sounds better than just my name.” Hazel offered a sheepish smile.
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]