Beasts of Beyond
THUNDER / Weekly Tasks & OOC Prompts 6/17 - 6/24 - Printable Version

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THUNDER / Weekly Tasks & OOC Prompts 6/17 - 6/24 - Character Graveyard. - 06-16-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Vanessa had been preparing for this. She had felt somewhat nervous at the thought of passing out tasks to her Clanmates, but all of that had seemed to just vanish. The onyx she-wolf had taken a seat at the tavern before clearing her throat, gaining every NPC's attention around.

"Everyone, gather 'round for weekly tasks and OOC Prompts!"

This is a day early, but feel free to post if you want a weekly task, ooc prompt or both.
© madi

Re: THUNDER / Weekly Tasks & OOC Prompts 6/17 - 6/24 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-17-2018

Damn, another week has passed already? It didn't feel like it, if he was honest. "I'll have a task." Caesar said as he came over.

//I'll have an OOC one as well, please!

Re: THUNDER / Weekly Tasks & OOC Prompts 6/17 - 6/24 - Wade Wilson - 06-17-2018

actions "speech"
More weekly tasks. Wade was beginning to enjoy these. So many possibilities and ideas. The maned wolf, obviously, was there, looking to Ness and nodding his head as he stopped beside Caesar. "I'll take a task!" he chimed.

I'l take an ooc one too pls
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: THUNDER / Weekly Tasks & OOC Prompts 6/17 - 6/24 - bubblegum - 06-19-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
she had been sure to show up for this one, too. she needed to get in the habit of doing these. the kitten trotted over near wade and gave a small smile before saying, "i'd like one, please!"

//an ooc prompt would also be A+ please

Re: THUNDER / Weekly Tasks & OOC Prompts 6/17 - 6/24 - Character Graveyard. - 06-19-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Three of her fellow Typhoon members had shown up already. That was enough for Nessa to get started. She would turn to the three who had arrived and she spoke.

" [member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] , lead a hunting patrol. Doesn't matter where you have the patrol go, just make sure to bring back prey for the group."

" [member=939]Wade Wilson[/member] , play a game with a few others, and keep it friendly for the younger members of our group."

" [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] , gather a lot of strings and seashells and make seashell necklaces for anyone that might want one."

// [member=589]Mysteriously Maple[/member] Caesar is a proud member of the Typhoon and likes to keep the lower ranked members of the group in order. He hears a group of NPCs talking about him behind his back. What is his reaction?

[member=12]Sympathy[/member] Wade is a mercenary. Has he ever thought of seeing if anyone wants someone killed? If he were to start killing targets, where would he start?

[member=20]spacexual[/member] Goldie is not a fan of seeing Pincher smoke. In order to distract herself from Pincher smoking, what does Goldie do?
© madi

Re: THUNDER / Weekly Tasks & OOC Prompts 6/17 - 6/24 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-19-2018

A hunting patrol? Oh, that was so... boring. Vanessa knew what he was like; she should have given him a much better task! Oh well. Caesar said nothing in respond to the task given to him and just gave Vanessa a curt nod before he walked off.

Re: THUNDER / Weekly Tasks & OOC Prompts 6/17 - 6/24 - PINCHER - 06-20-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher arrived shortly into the tavern, his jaws gnawing calmly on an unlit bone white cigarette, his half-lidded oceanic blue gaze flickering towards the others that were there for the weekly tasks that Vanessa was assigned to do this week. He might as well do something since he had just finished all the leadership work he had placed responsibility to do and create. "Mind giving me a task, Vanessa?" Pincher questioned with a small nod of greeting as the doberman rolled his broad shoulders.

( an ooc prompt too please !! c: )
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: THUNDER / Weekly Tasks & OOC Prompts 6/17 - 6/24 - purgatory - 06-21-2018