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don't be stupid -- open, injury - Printable Version

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don't be stupid -- open, injury - Warringkingdoms - 06-16-2018

  For once, the day was relatively peaceful. Besides Marg’s fall the previous day, Rin had had only a few patients to treat, and most had had relatively minor injuries.

  Even so, it was high time to stock up on herbs again, lest they run out within the next few days. Rin had delved into the flower fields in search of more marigold and comfrey- the bread and butter of medics everywhere. She was close to the border, but she had a relatively good view of her surroundings, so she wasn’t likely to be taken by surprise.

  As she leaned down to uproot a comfrey plant, however, she overheard what sounded like someone approaching. Twitching her ears, she straightened up and glanced in the direction of the noise. About a dozen yards away stood a badger, their eyes curious. They didn’t smell like any of the groups, oddly enough.

  ”What do you need?” she asked, approaching cautiously. The raccoon opened their mouth to speak, but no words came out- she noticed their eyes move towards her bag, and their nostrils flare.

  Without warning, they charged at her and snatched the strap of her bag in their teeth, yanking at it- dragging her off her feet with it. Landing roughly on the ground, she grunted and kicked her back legs out at the badger, using her front legs to remove the strap from around her and hold onto the bag. The bag would be easier to steal this way, but at least this way the strap did not present a choking hazard.

  The badger recoiled, then snapped their jaws down on her leg and attempted to yank her away from the bag. Feeling the joint dislocate, she hissed and lashed out with her other back leg- this time, she could feel the blow connect, and hear the other creature yelp out in pain. Their thundering footsteps sounded past her, and out of the corner of her eye she could see them fleeing, screeching the whole way.

  Gritting her teeth, Rin glanced down at her bag and opened it to examine the supplies inside. Nothing was damaged, as far as she could tell. She was not so lucky, she reflected, looking back at her injured leg. The bite didn’t appear to be severe (though it was still bleeding), but the dislocated hip would probably take some time to heal. That was just great; less than two weeks as Cleric, and she had already managed to get herself injured.

  Well, there was no time to mope about it now. Retrieving two dressings and a sprig of marigold, she carefully pressed one dressing against the bite wound to staunch the bleeding- wincing at the resulting pain in her hip. ”Hey, can someone bring me some water? I need to wash this,” she called out, then put the marigold in her mouth and chewed it into a poultice. She could probably treat this by herself, but getting back to the medic’s den might be more difficult- let alone getting around to deal with emergencies.

  /tl;dr: Rin fights a badger that tried to steal her herbs and manages to get them to back off, but dislocates a hip in the process
  /so she has to stay in the medic den to let it heal- hence her IC absence for six days (you can still say your character’s wounds were treated by her, but she can’t leave the medic’s den and won’t appear in any threads)
  /I might do more replies today and tomorrow morning before I leave, but they’ll all be retro to this

Re: don't be stupid -- open, injury - BASTILLEPAW - 06-16-2018

Rin and Rad made for an interesting duo, he supposed. Rad may not have a thread of loyalty or care in her, but she was a damn good medic despite it. Rin seemed to bring up the more compassionate end of things, even if there were some things she was still learning. It was... entertaining to watch them work, frankly. He had little concerns for the group with those two working together, at the very least. That being said... well. What was he supposed to do when one or the other ended up in need of help?

He arrived in a flicker, relying on teleportation without much thought as his stare passed over Rin slowly. A little too sluggish — hello, drowsy phase of alcohol — but alert enough, taking in her situation as he scowled slightly. ”What the hell did you do?” he questioned, noting that she seemed to be managing her own recovery well enough. A beat, and water swirled into existence, hanging precariously in the air beside him. At least that was responding to him properly.

Re: don't be stupid -- open, injury - radeken - 06-18-2018

Radeken had been sleeping. She had dosed herself up with something that fulled her body with a feeling of warm security and passed out hours ago, and that she was awake now was only because her body desperately hurled her back into consciousness so she could get up and pee. So, with her business all done, Rad had really no desire to do anything more than go back and continue sleeping, but the sound of turmoil and tang of blood in the air drew her off course and had her rolling her eyes before she could entirely process what direction she was headed.

Oh, shit. Rin. Now, Radeken didn’t care about Rin, much in the same way that she didn’t really care about anyone here, but she acknowledged the Cleric’s usefulness. So long as Rin was around to play the gentle healer, the good healer, Radeken felt she had so much more wiggle room within which she could pursue her research unbothered while she relied on someone else to shoulder the burden of actual responsibility around here.

So, this sort of sucked, but that didn’t stop the first words out of her mouth from being, “[color=black]Great going, dimwit.” It looked like she and Bastille had it under control, so Radeken didn’t offer her help, and likely wouldn’t unless asked.