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★ — nosferatu's tags - Printable Version

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★ — nosferatu's tags - darci - 06-16-2018

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- Nosferatu Gabrial
-  Six years old
- Male / Cis
- No current relationships
- Member of The Pitt

once known for his wild and flirtatious nature, the years have finally seasoned him into who he is today. while retaining his his original nature, nos has become more docile and compassionate. nosferatu has never had problems making friends, but he is not short of rivals in the least. being competitive, he is a fun challenge to up against, but can be a bit of a bad sport now and then. despite this, nos is not one for pettiness. holding grudges is something he is good at. do him wrong once and he will never forget or forgive and would rather feed you to the wolves than give you another chance.

sarcasm is his best friend. nos is best at deflecting his true emotions with sarcasm and snarky remarks. even towards strangers is he sarcastic in order to put up a front so no one sees the real him. piercing through his outer layer, nos is more complex and emotional than anyone could imagine. he has a mind of stone, but his heart is as fragile as glass. when confronted with heartache or betrayal, he shuts down and goes into a depression-like state. becoming reclusive and throwing himself a large pity party, he will avoid the public eye. while his grief process is long and takes many months for him to really recover, he does well at bottling his emotions and going on with his life.

nos is a relatively happy guy. he enjoys making others laugh and helping anyone out. family and friends always come first to him, making nos someone you can rely on. anyone other than family or friends, putting your full trust into nos is playing with fire. still relentless as ever, nos can never seem to back down from any fight, no matter the odds. he loves to fight and manipulate his opponents. never knowing when to stop, nos can be a challenge to put a leash on and does not handle being told what to do well. nos will only listen to anyone if he holds respect for them, but other than that, he is like putting a cat in a bag.

when it comes to love, nosferatu is as desperate as it comes. suffering from abandonment issues, nos is always seeking for someone to accept him. having suffered so many heartbreaks because of this, the demon keeps his desire for love under lock and key, instantly putting up a indestructible front in order to protect his heart.


nosferatu is not much for originality. his main form is that of a solid black domestic cat with eyes as green as emeralds. short and lithe in stature, nos has little physical strength and relies on powers in order to do damage. what he lacks in strength does he make up for in endurance and speed. the only notable scar on his body is a large laceration scar on the left side of his neck. hanging from his neck is a silver cross on a silver chain. also strung on the necklace chain is a silver wedding band from his previous marriage.

- former husband of william and anders
- loves doritos
- cross road's demon
- originated from berlin, germany & speaks w/ german accent
- cursed to be immortal
