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Strange things happened in the clans. That much was given when those joined the clans and saw all the strange different beasts and creatures. So, seeing something like a dragon or even a chimera wasn't out of the ordinary. At least those that were used to the clans. When it came to something threatening coming out of the blue though, everyone was bound to be somewhat shocked to a certain degree. If someone hadn't been looking up at the sky, they wouldn't have seen anything falling from said sky. The object that was falling from the sky wasn't coming directly from space, but it seemed like he was being dropped at a very high height. A couple seconds as the object was visible, it collided with the ground. Sending earth and debris into the air in several directions upon impact. It wasn't a massive explosion per say, as the object that fell wasn't that big. As the dust settled and the smoke cleared, one could see that it wasn't just a simple object that was in the crater. Instead, it was a body that was in the middle of it, although it was hard to tell exactly what creature it was thanks to the armor that the beast wore. The main color of the animal was a dark slate grey, and it was obviously in feline of origin.

Lean, but not built like a tank either compared to one would think about a smilodon. The extinct wildcat wore a helmet on its face, hiding any and all facial features. A standard Mark 6 helmet. Not like anyone would know what that was since it was basically a different dimension that he had been dropped in. There was a yellow stripe running down the middle of the helmet, and he had armor plating on his shoulders and arms. The shoulder plates having the same shade of yellow. The chest plate he wore being a solid color as well. The main color of said armor being slightly lighter than that of the fur of the creature. However, there was no real armor spanning across his flank, leaving it almost vulnerable in that regard. Because there was nothing covering that section of his body, it was easy to see that the feline was littered with scars. Most of which looked like they were made with knives and some other weapons. None of them were made by claws. The visor to the helmet that was on his face is a gold color, and it was tinted enough where only he could see out of it and no one could see in. After the impact, there didn't seem to be any damage to the armor that protected his body, and the smilodon did not move after said impact. Obviously, he hadn't meant for something like this to happen. But boy, he was going to be pissed once he did wake up."speech"

Re: SARCOPHAGUS | {OPEN, SMALL EXPLOSION} - Character Graveyard. - 06-16-2018

Luna had been sitting at the Pebble Coast, watching the night skies. She was a night-owl, though she was always out-and-about, at all times. She had thought she caught a glimpse of something falling from the sky, but she merely shrugged it off. Until she heard and saw the explosion.

Luna spread out both of her wings and she took off, flying in the direction of the fallen object. "Hello?" She said, before slowly approaching the crash site, taking notice of the unconscious feline. She would peer into the gold visor, checking if the male was alright.
© madi



Bastille was there within moments, appearing mid step as his gaze raked over the cloud of debris he’d seen from a distance. What the fuck? He glanced briefly at Luna and then took a step forward, his gaze vaguely bored as he eyed the pit and eventually located the... feline something at the center of it. He squinted slightly, peering through the shit show of earth, and drawled, ”Damn, we really are a target for plummeting life forms, huh?”

Re: SARCOPHAGUS | {OPEN, SMALL EXPLOSION} - Suiteheart - 06-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart often had her eyes to the skies. After the incidents with Joel and Pixel, whenever she patrolled, she felt obligated to see if anything else would come hurtling from the heavens. In recent days, the only thing worth noting that fell from the sky was Joel when he had attempted to fly. Other than that, birds of all sizes flew by. However, none of them crashed into the earth. Suite figured the end had been marked for star-fallen joiners, but clearly, fate had other ideas.

The great hurtling creature was like a bullet, and the sky was the gun. Within seconds of the Ecliptic Admiral noticing something headed on a collision course with their territory, it made impact. She squinted her eyes against the dust as she made her way forward. Once everything settled, she saw Luna and Bastille, both of whom were peering at whatever had fallen.

Curiosity got the better of her as it always did, and Suiteheart stepped closer to the crash site. The creature was dressed in armor, and something about it felt familiar. Shaking that thought, she examined Washington. She figured the strange armor took the majority of the blow, but she did not doubt the fall had fucking hurt. "Should we get a healer?" the white feline asked, arching a nonexistent eyebrow.


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Several things had happened before Agent Washington's life had gone to shit and was flipped upside down. He remembered being in the infirmary after having an AI implanted in his head. An AI capable of helping out a soldier to be able to reach their full potential in the field. Being able to make calculations in the middle of a firefight to extreme precision. He had seen the way his other teammates had been once they were implanted with an AI and noticed that their skill had improved quite a bit. Especially with the technology that was actually available to the project. Sharing a computer in one's mind was certainly something that took getting used to. But once the transfer was complete, it meant that one would have a companion for the rest of their life. However, getting hand's on an AI was extremely difficult, as an AI was a copy of a human brain put into computer form. The AI was capable of having some form of human emotions, but after a while of being in service they would end up going into means of rampancy. Meaning that they would think themselves to death and deteriorate. Despite being one of the weakest of his teammates, at least what the list had told him that he was going to be on that damned leaderboard, the Freelancer was due after Agent Carolina had hers implanted and test. It wasn't the best time because, during the sparring with Agent Carolina versus Agent Texas, something happened that reduced everyone that had an AI into a crumpled mess of pain and agony on the ground. So, of course, he was going to be nervous when it was his turn, and he had been right to be afraid for what had happened next. The AI that was going to be implanted into his neural implant, an implant that went into his very spinal cord, something completely snapped. The AI's name was Episolon, and it was there that the AI attempted to kill itself inside of his head. Memories. Torture. The truth of the project. It was all there, and he screamed, trying to tear out the implant in his head. Having emotions going through his mind that weren't his own. He was restrained, but there were more concerns for the Program when alarms blared inside of the cheap. It began to shake while he was in the infirmary, and ultimately the ship crashed onto a planet. He was barely able to figure out what happened after that because whatever happened inside the core of the ship had done something to everyone that was in it. It took several minutes by the time everyone else arrived for the feline to stir. Even if it was just a twitch of one of his dark grey paws, it probably wouldn't make it past them. In his mind, this had been whatever happened after the crash. His hearing was deafened by his helmet slightly, and thanks to the fact that it wasn't powered on all the way, there was no way that he would be able to smell if there was anything different. It first started with the moving of his paw, which right now felt like a regular hand to him. He had to be back in the infirmary.

His head hurt like hell, not really surprising since it had been like that since Episolon was removed. Washington could hear voices in the back of his head, the sound of Allison as she talked to Church. He hated goodbyes. Finally, he made a noise, a groan escaping his jaws, making it evident to his pain. There were no external injuries from what could smell and see. The titanium alloy Mark 6 armor that he wore protecting him from the impact, along with the fact that he did have a couple of powers behind his belt. The Smilodon didn't say anything though, still figuring that he was on the ship and all personnel was scattered in different areas. Then the Freelancer really started to move, distributing the majority of his weight on his back legs. But for some reason, his anatomy didn't seem to like that and he stumbled to the side. Raising one of his forearms to try and catch himself on an examination table. A table that wasn't there and he collapsed back down onto the ground. You gotta be kidding. He shook his head, the helmet on his face still perfectly fine, and he finally opened his eyes. He was barely able to see, but what he did have was dim lights inside of his helmet that made it capable to see in the dim light. It was night time. There was dirt underneath him. He was outside. Wait what? He was supposed to be in a white room. Unless he got thrown outside of the ship. Agent Washington then started to look at himself, the fuck were those. Were those... paws?! He hadn't had to deal with wildlife in ages unless they were alien creatures. Agent Washington muttered a curse word under his breath. He knew nothing about animals. He was a soldier. He was a Freelancer. He was here to help humanity against the alien race while helping the organization. His head did finally snap in Suitheart's direction, once he heard a voice. His training kicking into gear despite everything that was happening and very confusing. The pain radiating through his body was certainly restricting what he was capable of doing. The Freelancer felt his jaw go slack when he saw that there was a cat. He, of course, knew about cats. He had cats back on Earth. He realized that the animal was looking at him, but realized that they weren't alone. There were two other cats that were staring at him. He was an animal. What the fuck was going on?! Adrenaline immediately pumped through his body as his arm moved as if to grab something that wasn't there. His battle rifle wasn't there. Agent Washington stepped back, flickers of electricity actually coming off of his body as he did so. "What the actual fuck?" Was all that was finally spoken. Where were his teammates? Where was the director? Where was Texas? Everyone?! His breathing rate had increased, which one could hear through the vents of his helment. "speech"

Re: SARCOPHAGUS | {OPEN, SMALL EXPLOSION} - Character Graveyard. - 06-17-2018

Luna would step back as the Smilodon began kicking, in his defense, as if he was excepting one of them to attack them. She would flatten both of her ears to her head and she narrowed her blue-eyes, her paws getting ready to lift a small amount of earth if Washington attempted to attack.

She would then look and see what her Clanmates would do.
© madi

Re: SARCOPHAGUS | {OPEN, SMALL EXPLOSION} - Suiteheart - 06-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]And just like that, he was moving. Unlike Lunafreya, Suiteheart remained rooted in her current position. She wasn't scared of whoever the hell this was. She didn't frighten too easily - not anymore anyway. Curiosity was alight in her eyes as she watched Washington struggle to move around as someone would normally. She thought that perhaps this was because he was injured. She had no idea it was because he just wasn't used to piloting the body of an animal. In that sense, Suite could relate; the first time she had shifted into a polar bear had been complete hell. Despite felines and bears usually living on four paws, it was so incredibly... different. To go from a human to an animal must have been outlandish.

She flicked a tail as he moved to grab something, and for a brief second, she wondered if she should drop into a defensive position. However, she stayed still. Best to not give anything away, she thought. As he spoke, she titled her head to the side, but an amused smile did rise to greet her lips. There was something funny about this whole situation, but he was clearly not happy with that had befallen him. Dropping the smile, she instead arched a fictional eyebrow once again.

"Whoa, take it easy, buddy," the white feline urged, not moving her eyes away from Washington. "You took a fucking nasty fall. I know you've got armor and all, but it looked rough." For a millisecond, concern flashed on her delicate features. Washington seemed to have no fucking idea what was going on. That must have sucked. "As for what's happening, let's start here: You crash landed on the Ascendants territory. I'm Suiteheart. That's Lunafreya and that's Bastilleprisoner," she flicked a tail to each in turn, "Who're you? How the hell d'you end up here?"


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Soldiers in the future for the human race were practically science experiments. Some of those that became such experiments usually didn't end up living to see another day. Freelancers were slightly different from the likes of a Spartan. They had fewer enhancements to their overall body, and they also weren't hired by the UNSC. They followed someone named the Director. No one knew his actual name, so they just all called him that. Few had any sort of idea why the man would want to create a program of super soldiers during the time of the war. The war was still going on when he was in service, but he wasn't sure how much that situation had changed compared to now. Either way, he was a soldier and was supposed to be prepared for anything. He had all the attributes of such. He was a light sleeper in case someone tried to come after him while he was asleep. He was capable of disarming anyone with usually any type of weapon. Although he preferred medium range fighting himself. Not as far away from a distance like North fought, and not close enough to be on the level of Carolina when it came to close combat. No one even came close to Carolina when it came to martial arts in the first place. Washington almost forgot how many times he had gotten shot during training having to go to the infirmary to heal the wounds that were across his body. Having armor that had a healing unit though definitely saved his ass more times than he could count. They had all the technology they could ever need, and in the end, Washington became a killer to the program that he applied for. But they were the good guys. Taking out those that were trying to create a revolution among the human race. Or acquiring alien technology for the organization at the same time. There were plenty of different reasons why a Freelancer would be called out, some of which included training simulation troopers, or really using them as means to get themselves stronger and train in the field. Washington was far from the strongest when it came to a Freelancer, but he was still one of the top soldiers in the program despite this.

He wasn't on the level as Georgia or even the Triplets. He was still technically better than them, but those guys were still technically part of Project Freelancer. Washington had never really looked at the leaderboard when it came the skills he himself had, but instead, he noticed the way that it affected others. When Texas appeared in the program, everything turned into a massive competition, and they were forced to each other's throats. The situation grew worse as AI's started to get distributed more. Thanks to having a military background, Washington wasn't about to start questioning how the Director was capable of getting his hands on so many AI's when they were incredibly rare already. Panicking in the field wasn't something that was good to go through. It would dull anyone's senses. Make their reactions slower. He couldn't afford that when he was in a strange place and not on the Mother of Invention. Well, he would have expected to at least have survived the wreck but now he was here. Washington didn't even know what he was. He didn't even know what planet he was on. Was this even Earth? Was there even someone that could tell him that? Where were all the humans? The fangs of the Smilodon were hidden by the helmet that hid all of his facial features. The panic that was running through his body only forced the memories that he had tried to hold back after what Episolon had done to his head. Images flashed in front of his eyes, nearly causing the extinct feline to double over in pain as he raised one of his appendages and placing it across the dark grey chest plate that he wore, a gagging sound coming from his helmet. The feeling of anger, dread, and hopelessness coming from the memories poured into his head as a being was ripped apart in more ways than one. The Freelancer clenched his jaws as he forced himself to calm down. His life was on the LINE. He couldn't afford to lose his cool. Then there was that voice again. The Smilodon raised his head to look at the cat that... seemed to be talking. He had to be hallucinating. This had to be some sort of dream. Washington began to slowly look around when he noticed the crater that he was in. Had he fallen from the Mother of Invention to here? The ship had started to fall from space after all. The sound of him panting was obvious, although the sound started to slow down so that others wouldn't be able to tell what his current condition was.

The cat, he still couldn't believe he was listening to a talking cat, identified where he was. A base or country that he had never heard of before. Which wasn't surprising if this was Earth or somewhere else since he didn't have an amazing memory. She identified herself and the other cats that were around. Those didn't sound like regular names. Obviously. He wanted to mentally slap himself. They were animals. They weren't going to have regular names compared to the likes of a human. The armored Freelancer shook his head again, the whispers still in the back of his head. "This... isn't real. I must... be hallucinating." Washington would state, almost a slight twitch of his head as he spoke. He didn't seem to be answering Suiteheart's question at the moment. "The Counselor must have slipped something... into my painkillers. Or better yet, I'm probably... in a coma after the crash." A dull chuckle would escape the Freelancers jaws. There was no humor in the way that he was talking. This was the only logical conclusion until proven otherwise in his mind. What else was he supposed to think when he was hallucinating after having Episolon pulled from the neural implant? "Theres... a fucking talking cat in front of me." The Freelancer kept his body from shaking as he was exhausted. His condition obviously not having gotten better since the removal of the suicidal AI. Even though he was acting tough, he was barely keeping himself standing. Of course, what he said wasn't meant to really be an insult to the Ascendants member. Instead, he was just stating the insanity of the situation. While he began talking, he wasn't even looking at the other felines anymore, and instead was staring at the ground. "speech"


Ah, yes -- the typical confusion and despair of a former human (presumably) realizing they were in the middle of Catville with a bunch of fucking cats and that oh, they were suddenly a cat too. Consider Bast shocked to realize they had another of those at their border. (Hint: He wasn't. This was so fucking common place now that he barely even batted an eye at the realization of what they were dealing with.) Just another Wednesday, he supposed. Time to get this dude up to speed and carry on with his patrol, and shit.

"Right. Yeah, buddy, I don't know how to break this to you, but you aren't dreaming. Or hallucinating. Or crazy. Surprise, you're an animal now," he drawled, nonchalant and vaguely bored, "I'm assuming you were not an animal before, but no worries. You'll probably get used to it. Welcome to the land of Feline. Do you want a room that you can freak out in now, or would you rather freak out first and then get yourself situated somewhere?"


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Aliens were a more likely answer than the ones that he was coming up with at the moment. The Freelancer had gone to different planets and had memorized during his training the different types of enemies that they would end up coming across in the means of protecting humanity. He believed that they were the good guys and that they were doing the right thing on the factor that they were there as soldiers. The military wasn't exactly fair but that wasn't what mattered to him either. He couldn't remember how many missions that dealt with other life forms, which was barely anything. If anything they were basically the muscle that was sent in when something didn't end up going their way. They killed more humans than they did aliens, but they weren't really informed on what was happening when it came to the great war anyway. If they started to try and dig for information, it would mean for punishment, and when it came to the program, doing too much of what one shouldn't do meant that they could be killed without anyone knowing about it. No one would miss them. They were just soldiers. They were just going to end up being the failures. In his world, there were different planets, there were spaceships that they used to go from each planet to the other. Basically, the human race had armed themselves to the teeth as means of an army to combatant those that wanted their species to go extinct. War was basically their currency. Those that were born during the later generations of the human race were stuck with the idea that they were going to be forced into the war, or fear for their lives thinking that they wouldn't manage to make it through. Washington had been one of those trouble children when he was younger. Having fits of anger when it came to bullies, to the point of where he smashed someone's face in when he was younger. He was different during his time as a freelancer. He was carefree because he was there to help the human race. It wasn't until Episolon was in his head that he realized that they weren't really the good guys anymore. At least the Director wasn't, and the entire program had been because of one person. He still couldn't wrap his head around something like that, and it was basically painful for him to try and dig for the memories that he was trying so damn hard to hide from everyone. Compared to the clans, someone turning into an animal wasn't a regular issue. Someone dying from being teleported into the blackness of space would be more realistic than this. It was hard to say even if he was in the same universe as he thought he was. The Freelancer, well, was he even one of those anymore?

He never told anyone about what he knew, especially the Counselor, as they would have killed him for what he knew. Agent Washington wonders how long it was going to take for a headache that he was feeling to end up going away. He was just confused. Maybe he fell into a coma when they crashed. That was another likely answer to what was happening. The armored smilodon lifted his head to look at the next voice that he was hearing. It was a little bit faint thanks to the Mark 6 helmet that he wore on his face. His eyes hidden by his golden visor looked at the smaller creature that was a small distance from him. Washington shifting his paws as if getting used the incredibly odd feeling while the other explained to him what was going on. A chill ran up his spine at the other's statement. He wasn't dreaming. This was happening, and from the sound of the other's tone, it sounded like it happened quite often. He needed to get caught up to speed because he had so many questions that were going unanswered. The Smilodon smothered the shock that was spreading through his body before speaking. "Are you saying that this actually happens often?" Agent Washington would question in a slightly surprised tone toward the smaller animal. However, as the other continued to speak, the Freelancer wasn't exactly sure he liked the way the other was talking to him. The other had said that this creature was Bastilleprisoner. The 'prisoner' suffix of the other's name making it almost seem like he shouldn't trust the other. His gaze finally began to travel and he realized that he was indeed in a crater from the looks of it. Had he fallen? But from where? He looked up toward the sky, before he noticed something off in the distance. It was... an observatory. Albeit outdated. At least to the ones that he was used to looking through. He didn't know a lot when it came to astrology, but if he could find planets it means that he could probably identify which planet that he was on. Hope bubbled up into his chest. "I need access to your observatory. I can possibly find out where exactly I'm at by using it." The Freelancer spoke in a calm tone. But it also sounded like he wasn't going to take no for an answer. With the fear of what had just happened to him, adrenaline had started to pump through his body. The Smilodon would probably end up passing out before he even got the observatory."speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18: