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SPARTAN 117 | {OPEN, JOINING?} - Printable Version

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SPARTAN 117 | {OPEN, JOINING?} - Sorrel - 06-16-2018

(Please wait for cortana to respond!)
Everything had happened so fast. It was during the time of the great war with the human race when another race, the Covenant, became a threat. Taking down several planets that were in control of the humans. Eventually a program was created to combat the threat of the extinction of humanity, one that was hushed in secret to the point that very few knew how one could become a Spartan. What they didn't know was that earlier Spartans originally were children that were kidnapped from their parents and replaced with clones. It was from there that the children were experimented and trained on, fitted with gear that no regular soldier was capable of working with. Spartans were built to be able to take several hits and to help save humanity. Spartan 117 was one of those Spartans that became well known for taking on tough opponents. He saved humanity once, which had gotten him a reputation among the fleet of the UNSC. Which he could really care less about, but others seemed to have faith in him that if he was around he could do anything. Everything about his record was mostly kept secret before he started taking on massive weapons in space that could create mass genocide. Before any of this happened, the Covenant made their move to attack earth and he was called into battle once again. During this time they had managed to make it onto a Covenant ship, never traveling alone thanks to his AI companion. In the event of boarding a ship after coming from the In Amber Clad, they were on a mission to figure out a new weapon that they were creating.

Spartan 117 just so happened to be in the wrong place and wrong time once the weapon did end up going off. Cortana had warned him a split second before they figured out what it actually was, and then all he remembered was a searing pain. Something that he was used to feeling. Now here he was, and he had no idea what was going on. When he arrived in this world, if this was even earth or some other planet, he didn't know and had no way of checking. He had crashed hard into the ground, cracking his armor. A sound that he was somewhat familiar with. His Mark 6 armor was durable and had a dark green hue to it. As soon as he was able to gain consciousness, he didn't move his body but instead asked Cortana for a status report of where they are and what exactly had happened. He didn't get a response and he almost started to panic at the thought of them being separated from each other until he called out again and heard her voice. But it wasn't inside of his helmet like he thought it would be. The Spartan tried to get up and realized that there definitely was something off about their situation. That being when he looked down, it was a set of paws. Paws. Instead of hands. What the hell? Black paws. It reminded him of his undersuit that he wore under his armor. Something wasn't right. One thing was for certain though was that he was capable of speaking. He had created a crater thanks to his landing off a good distance away. It was there that he gathered up Cortana, placing her on his back before starting to scout around. There had to be some other marines around. His comms obviously wasn't working through his helmet either. Which was just perfect. It was there that the Spartan came to a stop at the beginning of the railroad tracks. Something that he hadn't seen in years. What kind of weapon did they step through? He needed answers and he needed them now. He didn't have any of his firearms, which meant that he was going to have to be cautious. It was a sign of intelligent life and he was going to bank on that.

The large black tiger began to make his way toward what he could see as being a large gate. He stopped at the gate and stood there as if analyzing the situation. Master Chief had definitely changed. The black tiger was covered in thick metal armor, wearing a green helmet that covered his face and had an orange visor. There was also armor around his shoulders and his arms. Along with a thick chest plate, the covered his chest and a small portion of his back. However, his flank and his back legs were left exposed. Showing several different scars that were scattered in that area. Some looking like they were surgical marks, while others looked like they were puncture wounds or made by a knife. "Cortana, are you still capable of scanning for lifeforms?" Master Chief asked in a deep gruff voice. It sounded weird talking in the form of a large creature, but stranger things had happened with the aliens that he had come across. With the helmet that hid his face, it was basically impossible for him to take in the scents of a nearby area. Not like he would exactly know what they would mean in the first place. He knew nothing about animals. He was built for war, and he needed to get back to said war. It was his duty, and he wasn't here to waste time. One would notice though that the paint to his armor was chipped, and a massive crack was visible on the chest plate. He was going to need tools to fix his armor before he could go into battle.


Re: SPARTAN 117 | {OPEN, JOINING?} - Character Graveyard. - 06-17-2018
