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Tread softly, I'm easily frightened. [Newbie!] - Printable Version

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Tread softly, I'm easily frightened. [Newbie!] - Helium Balloons - 06-15-2018

Hello! My name is Helium Balloons, though feel free to refer to me as Heli, and as the thread title softly mentioned, I am new to the platform. Despite this, I am not new to the roleplaying world entirely. My journey started off on another roleplaying website, FeralFront, and I would love to hear that some of you share the same humble beginning as myself! I consider myself moderate to intermediate in terms of writing skill, and actively produce posts with a minimum word count of 250 with lower motivation. My presence on the interactive side of the internet has not been the most active within recent time, but I hope to change that fact and bring all my character backs to life! For those familiar with the previously mentioned site, you will not be surprised to hear that a majority of my original characters are felines but I am more than ready to break free of that comfort zone and redesign my characters into other forms of medium. Perhaps I will post a descriptive list of my characters in time, but for now, I would like to become more familiar with the environment of the place. 

A little more about my roleplaying history, I started roleplaying on FeralFront (and in general) early of last year. I was not the most familiar with the Warrior Cat series, as it had been such a long time since I had read the books and even then I had only read the original novels but I still found myself falling in love with the traditional clans. Along with being active in clans such as Dark clan, River clan, and the Tribe of Rushing waters, I was also captivated by the more freelance plots of fan clans. My favorite being Murky Clan, and for those of you that have participated in its development over the last couple years, I hope this is the clan that I am most remembered for. Aside from Felines, I also have light experience with roleplaying canines and supernatural humans. My account is still up on the last website if you're interested in seeing my characters early, but it is not the most active considering I have been absent from the site for so long I feel almost alien to the threads I was once a part of. Hence, why I'm here with you all! while I hold no ill will, I am so ready for a fresh and clean ecosystem to plant my roots for a while. Well, that's all I really have to say for now so... Hello again! c:   

Re: Tread softly, I'm easily frightened. [Newbie!] - tricky - 06-15-2018

AAAA welcome heli!! (i really like your username btw)
yea most of us came from ff, and i remember seeing a murkyclan around!!! :0
if you're curious about the site or any of the current clans we've got here feel free to ask me or anyone really
i also would like to see that character list you're teasing so i can stalk them in advance lmao

Re: Tread softly, I'm easily frightened. [Newbie!] - dreamiplier - 06-15-2018

hello there heli!!
like tricky said, a LOT of us came from ff, if not all of us. i'm really familiar with murkyclan, but i never played in it whoops. i remembered seeing you around a lot actually when i used to be in the fanclan side of ff, and i went by so many different fucking names back then that you might now know who i am lmaoooo. anyways, i'm dream, or dreamiplier as i'm most known! welcome to the site, we're super happy to have you here <33!!

Re: Tread softly, I'm easily frightened. [Newbie!] - Helium Balloons - 06-15-2018

I've been noticed I would love to display my beautiful children, but most of them need to be dusted off and remolded considering a majority of them are fixated to the thread they were last active in. Rewriting just about everything should be fun hahaha Help Anyways, Hi tricky and Dream! I've definitely seen you around Dream, though I don't think our characters have ever actually interaction in a notable since. I'm happy to be here! c;

Re: Tread softly, I'm easily frightened. [Newbie!] - dreamiplier - 06-15-2018

!! wow, i didn't know people actually knew who i was, LMAO!
yeah, i definitely hope to see you roleplaying around here soon & to roleplay with you!! if you go into the animal roleplay, i definitely recommend tanglewood & the ascendants, though all the clans are absolutely amazing!!

Re: Tread softly, I'm easily frightened. [Newbie!] - tricky - 06-15-2018

oH YOU KNOW DREAM??? dream and i were fanclan buds back in the day, aint that right

i can second the tanglewood option since im the leader and im always looking for good people to add to our community
ascendants is also really fun, but i dunno what the other clans are like whoops

Re: Tread softly, I'm easily frightened. [Newbie!] - Helium Balloons - 06-15-2018

Lmao. I'll def check it out and indulge in the lore/traditions because Imma about that life.

Re: Tread softly, I'm easily frightened. [Newbie!] - april . - 06-16-2018

hewwo! i'm april, your local friendly admin here <3 welcome to bob! i actually came over from FF myself (this year would have been my 5 year anniversary on FF but HEH whoops, not anymore,,,) but now i'm working as staff here!
anyways, i'm a lurker of the ascendants and tanglewood (or rather major stalker since i have characters in both groups LOL) so if you drop a character there, maybe we'll see each other around! otherwise, let me know if you have questions!

Re: Tread softly, I'm easily frightened. [Newbie!] - Orion - 06-18-2018

welcome to the site, dude! i definitely remember murkyclan from that website, along with oldschool riverclan.
if you need any help, let me know <333