Beasts of Beyond
PRANK WAR - Printable Version

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PRANK WAR - PINCHER - 06-15-2018

heyoo i was thinking it would be neat if we decided to do a prank war within typhoon!! all you have to do is sign up with your character and once there are enough members, they can be put into who they will be pranking bc this can help "improve" creativity tho we all know the crew just want to fuck around with each other.

1. pincher
2. papercutter
3. vanessa
4. greed
5. argus
6. caesar
7. coldblue
8. keona
(may add more)

[b]things that irk them:[/b]
[b]how extreme the prank?:[/b] easy/medium/hard

Re: PRANK WAR - Verdigris - 06-15-2018

[font=trebuchet ms]character: Papercutter
things that irk them:
-suggesting/implying that he’s weak (this is the big one)
-loud and/or high-pitched noises (though bear in mind he’s deaf in his right ear)
-getting anything in his pelt that he can’t rinse off (burrs, stickers, etc)
how extreme the prank?: hard

Re: PRANK WAR - Character Graveyard. - 06-15-2018

character: Vanessa
things that irk them: Stuff that's hard to get out getting in pelt, obnoxiously loud sounds, snobs
how extreme the prank?: Medium

Re: PRANK WAR - guts - 06-15-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black; padding: 20px"]character: greed
things that irk them:
- getting things stuck in his pelt / having his appearance messed up At All
- having his things stolen or messed up
- being humiliated in front of a lot of people (he'll brush it off but inside he's Screaming)
how extreme the prank?: medium

Re: PRANK WAR - ARGUS - 06-16-2018

character: Argus
things that irk them: Snow / Snobbish people / Glue / Wasting Marshmallows(?) / small rodents and/or annoying birbs (Birds) / wet books / someone messing with her things / anything mocking aimed at her (SHe doesn't get mad she just get's annoyed)
how extreme the prank?: easy/medium/hard

Re: PRANK WAR - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-17-2018

character: Caesar
things that irk them: pretty much anything but:
- he hates water/fish
- he hates being told that he's weak
- he hates being made fun of
- he hates being mocked
- he hates how he can't use his powers
how extreme the prank?: easy/medium/hard (you can do any, i don't care lol)

Re: PRANK WAR - coldblue - 06-20-2018

character: coldblue
things that irk them:
- his dad, lol
- people saying mean stuff about his siblings
- touching his possessions
- getting him dirty (especially after he took a bath)
- touching his art supplies
- chewing with the mouth open
- smacking lips together
- having to do any sort of physical activity
how extreme the prank?: easy/medium/hard

Re: PRANK WAR - PINCHER - 06-20-2018

added everyone!! i'll wait for one more person to randomize the results (^;

Re: PRANK WAR - Keona. - 06-24-2018

character: Keona
things that irk them:
- loud (and sudden) noises
- hates being talked down to, mocked, judged based on her eyes or size, or implications that she's weak or incompetent or incapable at something due to her eyes
- snobbish people
- when people are overly polite
- surprise/uninvited physical contact/any violation of her personal space
- anyone touching her stuffed animals (or just animal right now)
- sticky stuff
- lack of sound reason or logic when people explain things or are telling her to do something
how extreme the prank?: easy/medium

Re: PRANK WAR - PINCHER - 06-25-2018

alright added everyone!! here's the results!! get to pranking (^; if you have any questions, feel free to pm each other to figure out the pranks.


[member=83]Papercutter[/member] / [member=914]Vanessa,[/member] / [member=218]ARGUS[/member] / [member=697]GREED[/member] / [member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] / [member=469]coldblue[/member] / @Keona.