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acres of longing / o, Ascendants Ambassador - Printable Version

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acres of longing / o, Ascendants Ambassador - Character Graveyard. - 06-15-2018

Luna had decided to pay The Typhoon to inform the group that she was their Ambassador now. She had brought Leviathan along with her (he was perched on one of her shoulders) and she was carrying two large baskets of goods. It had taken the female not long to reach The Typhoon's only entrance- the railroad gate.

"Hello?" She said before speaking once more. "My name is Lunafreya, I'm an Ambassador for your group. I brought gifts, if you want them."
© madi

Re: acres of longing / o, Ascendants Ambassador - coldblue - 06-16-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Most days, Coldblue does very little around the clan. And why should he? He is basically a prince and all the normal people busy themselves doing all the necessary chores, anyways. But even lazy people get bored sometimes, and, in this case, boredom compels the listless creature to partake in some very casual patrolling. Thankfully, it does not take long to find someone in need of a reception. A beautiful one, at that. "I can never say no to a present," jokes the handsome young tomcat as he approaches with a subtle swagger, a charming half-smile decorating his chiseled visage. Sleek cream colored fur so pale that it could be mistaken for white shines in the golden light, so immaculate that it can only be assumed that it has been recently groomed. "Welcome, Lunafreya," greets the youthful male, glacial blue eyes dancing across the other's lovely features. He finds her pretty, something he does not bother to conceal, but is not obnoxious leering. Simply...a mere appreciation of a beautiful person. "My name is Coldblue Roux, and welcome to the Typhoon."

Re: acres of longing / o, Ascendants Ambassador - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-17-2018

Oh, The Ascendants. That... pansy-ass group. Caesar had to force himself to look at least somewhat friendly as he came his way over, although it may be a bit obvious that he was trying to do so. He didn't like having to force himself to act a certain way, but whatever. He had a position here and he had to keep it and not fuck things up. "Yeah, thanks for the gifts." Caesar echoed Coldblue, ears flicking as he stood next to his Crewmate. "I'm Caesar Cipher, one of the Privateers here."

Re: acres of longing / o, Ascendants Ambassador - PINCHER - 06-18-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Ambassadors? From a non-ally? Pincher was perplexed by the idea on how that was beneficial for the Ascendants if they were going out their way to have some sort of connection with the Typhoon. Pincher was a mind that did not focus on being good neighbours with anyone unless for one thing. Benefits. It was the standard, "you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours" ideal. So through the whole resource intelligence, it seemed that either the Ascendants wanted to show off what they had (a very bad idea) or wanted to be genuine and offer their resources without question (also a very bad idea). Yet, was Pincher going to complain or state out the foolishness in the idea of giving free shit to non-allies? To hell, he wasn't. Seize every opportunity and one day, you'll be the winner of it all.

The broad sleek figure of the doberman followed shortly after Caesar and Coldblue, his footsteps softly padding against the sand that surrounded the island. His half-lidded piercing arctic blue eyes faintly fluttered over as the Captain glanced at his son, noticing the way he introduced himself and the charming behaviorism that Cold had. As much as they had distanced themselves in their relationship, it seemed that Coldblue had caught some of the behavior that Pincher tended to carry when meeting strangers. Halting beside the others, the onyx canine tipped his head down to look at Lunafreya. "What kind of gifts?" He questioned bluntly, his low rumbling voice holding a nonchalant tone.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: acres of longing / o, Ascendants Ambassador - Character Graveyard. - 06-18-2018

Luna had been looking through the baskets of goods when Coldblue had approached. She had ignored his subtle swagger and she held her chin up as he spoke. A small smile had formed on her lips and she nodded her head. "A pleasure, Coldblue."

Then Caesar had approached. She had noticed the male wasn't as friendly as he attempted to look. But, she decided to ignore that and she nodded in greeting to the Privateer. "Nice to meet you, Caesar."

Finally, the winged-serval had noticed the doberman approaching after Caesar and his son. The way he held himself up, showed he was someone with power around here- so Luna had sat up straight and looked Pincher directly in the eyes. "Spare herbs, small weapons- such as daggers and knives, candy, and seashell necklaces."
© madi

Re: acres of longing / o, Ascendants Ambassador - PINCHER - 06-20-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher would listen to what Lunafreya had to say, her commentary focused on the three males in an order until she reached him, the tall obsidian colored canine curious onto what she had brought for them. His broad shoulders relaxed when he realized it was decent resources. Weaponry was something that the Typhoon had plenty of but he was always open to being gifted more especially with the growing figure of the crew. He gave a small nod thought he couldn't help but let out a small breezy laugh bubble out of his chest at the statement of seashell bracelets. Why the hell did the Ascendants think that this would be good to a clan that lived on the beach of a massive island? He decided best not to comment it and instead went to focus on the matter. "Thanks. How's the fuckers managing back at home?"

( rushed )
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