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rock n roll if you don't // p - izuku - Printable Version

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rock n roll if you don't // p - izuku - ashaad - 06-14-2018

Just! His! Luck!

"[color=#FF9900]No, no, no," Ashaad muttered, waddling over a cool stretch of earth, trying to remember which way the main camp was. He had went and gotten himself all turned around out here and those clouds overhead looked a little bit more dark and foreboding than he was comfortable with. This was a real aw, beans sort of situation but he was too busy huffing and puffing to bother with the odd expletive, looking as though someone had scared legs onto a loaf of bread and set it to run amok in the wilderness.

He paused, a soft uuuhhh, shivering on his lips out of nervousness rather than fear. Home, new home, was still nowhere to be found, and now the sky was coming down cold and sleety. Small droplets at first, icy kisses to the ground and to his ticked coat and his nose (he didn't care for that very much). Eventually, Ashaad knew he wasn't going to get where he wanted right now. Salvation came when he encountered a stack of rocks that offered shelter from the storm, which had grown in intensity. He scooted in, soaked and salty and waiting for this all to blow over.


Re: rock n roll if you don't // p - izuku - arcy - 06-15-2018

Izuku, for one, should not even be outside. He is, for one, in pain. Like -- his leg is still burning from the power mishap he had a few days ago. For two, his head is woozy and his leg is bandaged pretty heavily. Said bandages are getting wet from the rain and he's gonna have to change them out even sooner than he expected. Granted, it's only by a few hours, given how bad the injury was.
Though -- Izuku's fur is already very heavy with rain. His fur was just so thick that he couldn't even stay out in the rain without getting soaked. Which was why Izuku hated water, at least like this. He also hated how it was raining in the tundra. Granted, it was very cold rain, and it was summer, but still!!
Izuku finds it difficult to stay steady on the muddy, muddy ground. His cast is muddy and his fur is soaked and Izuku is miserable. He should've just stayed home. However, there would -- appear to be shelter. The dripping Maine Coon blinks, seeing the overhang, and immediately scrabbles for cover. Sweet Freedom. With the lack of rain, Izuku almost makes to shake himself off, but -- oh, there's somebody in here. Izuku stops dead, blinking at the feline for a few moments, and then -- oh, Ashaad.
"Um. Hi." Izuku grins sheepishly, instead plopping into a sitting position. He must look at least a little pathetic, shivering, with a bandaged, filthy leg, and looking very small and skinny with his fur hanging as it was. Izuku looked ... pretty large a lot of the time, with all the fur, but he was, in fact, very small, and had very bad eating habits. Thanks. "... B-Bad weather, huh?" Izuku tries, in attempt to make it seem. Less awkward. He sinks just a little, though, disappointed by the attempt at all.
what was i worth