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i'm back on that action // private - Printable Version

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i'm back on that action // private - axiom - 06-14-2018

When the demon last died, he assumed he wouldn't return to any living world -- the blast was supposed to destroy his soul, smash it into so many pieces that no power in the universe could put him back together again. But, much to his confusion, he neglected to fall to Humpty Dumpty's fate. He'd slammed into this mutated human, booting out the host soul before consuming it in demonic hunger without thought. Because, truly, he never did think much about selecting a proper human host whenever he needed to rejoin mortal society.

To find this time he had fingers, of all wonderful things, that came as quite a pleasant surprise. Pleased with himself, but growing increasingly annoyed at mortal issues, he hummed some satanic song to himself as he wandered into the closest grocery store. Perhaps he'd only been dead for hours, because he still understood what hunger pains were. Still, he supposed that he could have been dead for centuries or stuck in a timeless void; after all, he was quite sure that his soul was in quite a sorry state after his suicide. Perhaps it had taken eons, countless universes collapsing and reforming in an infinite loop before he was stable enough to possess a body.

Musing on these things, he turned into the aisle marked "protein bars and spices," the memories engraved in the previous inhabitant's brain still intact and informing him that the body's owner usually liked to consume these "protein bars." His long, pale fingers flexed before he reached out to grab two boxes, reflexively turning over the boxes and studying the nutrition information.

He scratched at his left cheek -- growing a bit of stubble, much to his surprise -- while he squinted his gaze at the label. It was strange, evaluating nutrition criteria with someone else's knowledge; he supposed that he really had no idea how accurate the previous inhabitant's knowledge base was. For all Ramsay the Human knew, he might not know protein bars contained holy water and Ramsay the Demon would be dead after consuming them. As he studied the information, oblivious to his surroundings, he supposed this "triple chocolate caramel" flavor might be worth chancing a second suicide, though.

Re: i'm back on that action // private - darci - 06-15-2018

Nosferatu knew that the horrific blast would not kill him. He was, after all, cursed with immortality. It was not all as glamorous and great as a mortal would make it out to be, in fact, it was awful. However, it was not all bad. Having been a human back before... Well, being a cat, the demon was human. Born and raised in Germany, Nos served in the Nazi army, against his will, mind you. Being a human now was nostalgic in its own way, but at least he did not have to lick his own body to stay clean. It all seemed so barbaric now. He shuttered at the thought. Somehow, certain parts of his mind were foggy about his time in the clans, but other parts were clear as day. At least he had thumbs now. God, he sure did miss those.

The young man weaved in and out of the bakery area, trying his best to avoid a sleep-deprived mother and her screaming toddler who kept wandering towards him. He liked kids, just not when they had snot all over their face and were screaming like a wounded animal. Try living in the wilderness as cat, then you can come crying to him. If any of the people in this place knew what he was, what he had done in his lifetime, and what he was capable of, they would be gone in a flash. Too bad he did not care enough about keeping up demonic appearances. He suddenly stopped, a wave of... Something came over him. An uneasiness grew heavy in his chest. Another of his kind was here - A demon. Nos could sense something different about this demon, and almost familiarity with it. Despite that, just because he was familiar with a demon did not mean he was on good terms with them.

Grabbing a dustpan as a shield and a baguette as a sword, he started towards the source. He peeked and poked downs isle after isle, until he spotted Ramsay. Quickly drawing back, he squared his shoulders and slithered around the corner. He looked like a god damn tweaker at this point, and the wide-eyed stares he got by passers was not helping it. Green eyes stared down the other, gradually narrowing. He raked his mind for the information he sought, dustpan and baguette still in hand. The name began with a D - Danny? Daniel? No, Daniel was his old human name. Maybe he would start using it again? Now he was getting sidetracked. He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, hoping Ramsay did not catch him before he could finish his soul search.

Domeric. He felt his stomach churn. Unfortunately, the memory of him being brutally tortured by the fellow demon was one he remember rather clearly. Should he approach or run? Nosferatu was not a runner, but there was a first time for everything. He whispered to himself, "That bastard stole my balls."  Nos had... Regenerated them, but you just don't do that to a man. His time was ticking, he had been staring too long. He was going to run. Wait- No, he changed his mind. Slowly slinking forward, ready to fight with his mighty baguette, only stopping a few feet away. "What are you doin' here? Gonna castrat those boxes too?"

Re: i'm back on that action // private - axiom - 06-15-2018

Ironically, Ramsay would be the one person in the area most likely to not give a fuck about Nos's unfortunate past deeds. Doubly ironic - without nullifying the irony! - he was still the person here most likely to deal the bread-wielding demon a non-surgical amputation for no logical reason. For the moment, however, he remained oblivious to the other creeping up on him. He was far too busy trying to understand this strange new information about nutrition, especially when the only knowledge base he had came from someone else's brain. He did feel a looming sense of... something, but he just assumed that was the human body deciding to sneeze or some other unpleasant fleshbag activity.

At the corner of his eye, he noticed movement, and curiously looked up to see a strange human wielding what looked like a long squishy turd and small sheet of metal. It took him half a second to recognize the other for a demon, rather than simply a weird human doing strange human things, as he honestly hadn't expected meeting another of his kind so soon after repossessing a body. Especially a demon that seemed intent on hating him.

His lips curled into a toothy, wide smile as he locked gazes with Nos, throwing the boxes back onto the shelf. "I'm flattered you remember our little dance, among all the horrible memories that must be rotting in your soul," he stated, quite truthful. That dimension had quite a lot of mayhem - perhaps that's why he'd been drawn to the place to possess one of them - and he was surprised he ran into one of the ones he'd tortured the worst on his first day in this new one. He glanced at the bread for a moment, wondering if this was supposed to be some kind of secret weapon he didn't know about. It looked quite ineffective and silly for a weapon, much more suitable as a peace offering. Perhaps a gift?

Taking a step forward, brazen as always, he remarked, a mix of condescending and playful in his tone, "We're the same. You know I'm just here to have fun, whatever I decide that is." Right now, he still didn't know what he'd end up doing. For right now, he was just hungry, and curious about Nos's presence. Still, it was amusing to see Nosferatu strike a defensive position; he had no intention of disillusion the other demon of his non-aggressive plans, at least until he no longer found it amusing.

Re: i'm back on that action // private - darci - 06-15-2018

Despite being a demon, Nos lacked almost everything a demon was. Sure, he was a little shit who could go a little wild now and then. Even though, one might even call Nosferatu nice. He was kind and caring, it just took certain things to set him off. The drive to inflict injury on another without just cause really was not his style. He typically flirted and danced his way through hairy situations, but the older he got, the more rusty his quirks got. It scared him a little bit, to say the least. He had killed and maimed before, sure, but he never went looking for trouble, usually. Having grown up around rather kind souls, he learned to tame his nature.

He tensed up as Ramsay spoke, unable to logically think of a way to react to such demonic behavior. Oh the Irony. Then he remembered, if he could joke and make his ol' pal Fragilepast look like a little ray of pitch black, he could handle this. He was out of practice, that was all. "Heh, don't think I want to. I'd honestly rather have a video of me giving birth as cat playing on a constant loop." It felt weird knowing he had even given birth, as a female, of course. He shivered. It seems he also acquired a reality check while stuck this way. Nos really needed to forget about his past life as it served no purpose to him now.

Nosferatu's eyes followed the other's to the bread he held. What the hell was he even going to do with it if he was attacked. Beat Ramsay over the head with it? Maybe the other would be too confused by the act that it would give the smaller demon a brief moment to escape. Maybe he could find that screaming child and fling it at Ramsay. It was worth a shot, if push came to shove. Narrowing his eyes slightly, he sat the stick of bread and dustpan on the shelf beside him.

His body tensed as Ramsay stepped towards him, but he remained where he was. What was the worst that could happen? He knew, but he did not let it infiltrate his thoughts. "Eh, well, species wise we are the same. Other than that, nah, you're a bit more... Crazy than I am. I'm just out and about for a good time, and not the murder, stabbing kind of way." Maybe he would buy some bread and go feed some pigeons after this. Some wholesome demon fun. He could not define what Ramsay's version of fun was, but he was a bit afraid to ask. Nos could not imagine finding fun in torturing someone, but, of course, everyone had their ways. "You know what's fun? Getting into a shopping cart and having someone push you really fast through the store. Sometimes the cart tips over and it hurts like a bitch, but it's pretty thrilling." Sarcasm was his best friend. "Or are you looking for something a bit milder? Try going vegan, save the Earth. Animals have feelings too - Oh, wait! I don't know if you realized that or not." His trademark smirk crawled across his face - He still had it.

Re: i'm back on that action // private - axiom - 06-15-2018

The more his adversary spoke, Ramsay grew increasingly perplexed about Nosferatu's character. He acted unlike any other demon the former leader ever met; taking pity on mortals and prizing them for their individual qualities seemed too sentimental for an immortal creature such as themselves. But he supposed Nosferatu's relationships with the mortals around him probably ran as deep as an ant keeper's attachment grew to the individual ants in their colonies: fascination with the individual for a brief time, before it nevertheless slipped back into the indistinguishable and expendable masses. But, then, how did that explain the male becoming so stupid to willingly give birth several times? His blue eyes, the color of dirty river water, seemed to grow hungrier as he witnessed the involuntary shiver.

He hummed slightly to himself, finding that he quite appreciated human vocal cords in his throat. Hums felt pleasant in this arrangement of muscle and membranes, but not quite enough to take his mind off of the puzzle in front of him. His dark brows drew closer together as he stared down the shorter and slighter male, politely allowing the other to finish his sarcastic quips, Ramsay's own predatory smirk growing all the while. "So strange to hear human morality coming out of a demon's mouth. You'll make a fun carnival attraction back in hell," he stated, low chuckle in his throat. "If every animal feels emotions, what makes emotions sacred? You don't praise the lion for breathing, you praise the lion for sitting at the top of the food chain. Feelings are no different; they are as mundane and unremarkable as the common quartz."

Suddenly finding himself reminded of matters from eons ago, he paused. His gaze seemed to drift out of focus, as he remembered a conversation very much like this one happening before his demon days. How strange, how very strange, to hear himself say things so similar to... well, he couldn't find the name, the memories were so caked with dust. His eyes, swirling with color like polluted sea pools, refocused on Nosferatu. Inexplicably, he scoffed, laughing in the other demon's face with his teeth showing - no, how silly of him to think of such things. Ramsay's earlier and pre-demon self was nothing like Nosferatu (for one, he'd never be so stupid as to give birth in mortal form!). Ramsay, himself, he was beyond all that now. Yet he still found interest in the situation, resolving that his new fun began with Nosferatu. 

His left hand reached out to the side of Nosferatu's face, attempting to wrap his fingers in a tight enough grip on the demon's hair to be uncomfortable, but not a hold too difficult to escape from. He felt absolutely wild now, locked onto a new goal and alight with the thrill of a challenge - he involuntarily moved his face closer to Nosferatu's, breath quickening as his mind smoldered, gears turning as he wondered just what it would take to make Nosferatu his. His nostrils flared, smirk collapsing into a stoic and stone-faced neutral expression. "You always dated the baddest boys back in ThunderClan. Always the one pregnant. Yet I'm the crazy one?" he asked, with a serious lack of concern for personal space.

Re: i'm back on that action // private - darci - 06-16-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]"Oh please. I'm already an attraction down there, hence why I stay up here." When his kind came to harass him, Nos could definitely hold his own. Over time, many learned to leave him alone unless they wanted to see their blood. The man was pretty docile, for the most part, but he had certain hair-pin triggers and caused him to lash out in anger. Bella taught him to control his triggers back in his younger days. Ironically, the girl died when she got so mad she burst into flames and incinerated herself. He frowned, remembering the charming funeral the Regime hosted for her. He missed that place - His first home.

Nosferatu was almost as human as he could possibly be. Maybe it was due to having been human before he died. He was no saint by any means, but becoming a demon never met he truly lost his humanity. He rolled his eyes at Ramsay's remark, shoving his hands into his pockets. Laughter began to well up in his throat, but he tried to push it back. Nonetheless, a small chuckle managed to escape. "I mean, hey, every person to their own opinion." He breathed, "No, but you don't praise the lion for what it is, but who it is. Not food-chain wise, but for being the individual it is." He shook his head at the remark about feelings and emotions. Nos knew almost each and every emotion on a personal level. Love, happiness, pain, hatred, the list went on. He knew and explored each emotion at some point in his life. It all ranged from looking at his first child for the first time and feeling an immense flood of love all the way to the hatred he felt while slitting the throat of the girl who was sent to assassinate his best friend.

Emerald eyes trailed to the ground, his shoulder rolling forward a bit. This got deep fast, but he never minded trying to get a typical demon to look on the bright side of things. Heck, Nos befriended the King of Hell and still remained who he was. Nothing could change who he was. His eyes snapped back to Ramsay as he grabbed a hold of him, his body growing tense. The only thought in his mind then was, "What the fuck?" Confusion washed over his face. This was a first, usually he made he advances, but never physically. No, this sent a weird tingle down his spine. Retracting his hand out of his pocket, he gripped the other's wrist, yanking it away from his face. "Easy there tiger, mind your manners."

He could not help but laughed at the next remark. "Who? William? Ha! William was a flake who made a newborn lamb look scary." He felt anger begin to rise in his chest at the mention of his first husband. Nos hated that man with a passion. The thought of his second husband calmed his anger and blanketed it was sadness. Anders. His eyes went back to the ground for a brief second. He would have done anything for find Anders, but it was not meant to be. "I wasn't pregnant all the time- Wait, what even made this come up?" He narrowed his eyes.

Re: i'm back on that action // private - axiom - 06-16-2018

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The coldness in his ice gave way to annoyance after his hand got removed, though he noticed Nosferatu didn't back down or defend himself further. "I could have sworn you were one of Frag's many husbands, given how alike your two souls feel. Or one of Hannibal's," he muttered, squinting in thought as he focused on Nosferatu's features. This body was so irritating when it came to reading mortals. Used to the enhanced senses of animals, only reading body language without the aid of scent just annoyed the hell out of him. From what he could tell, however, there seemed little backlash from Nosferatu, all things considered; which meant less barriers to his goal.

But all this talk of pregnancy made him hungry - reminded him of the time he ate fetuses, which reminded him that he needed food. Pork, he knew how to cook that; the previous body's owner knew many recipes for it. And he also knew it was cheaper than the protein bars, in this desolate society. He briefly wondered if that was also the cause for Nosferatu's sorrow - either the demon was hungry to the point of fatigue or remembering the past made him sad. How extremely un-demon-like, as with all the male's actions thus far. Ramsay couldn't imagine how the damned poor excuse for a demon got this way, except for the one possibility. His lips pulled into a Cheshire grin, his irritation evaporating quickly upon this most interesting revelation. "How did humanist liberal you go from mortal to demon?" Ramsay's conversational skills needed work; the flow of his mind barely made sense, nevermind the conversation topics he chose.

Again, the spark of kinship popped in his brain, much to his annoyance. He usually preferred not to think of his naive angel self, but the parallels between the past and present made the memories difficult to ignore. Discomfort, however, hardly registered to him after eons with inflicting misery in his literal job description. A demon facing his own demons, metaphorically speaking, seemed the sorriest way to spend immortality. And Ramsay just lived to have fun.

And he started to grow tired of talking to Nosferatu while his hunger pains increased all the while surrounded by food. Stepping forward, he brushed past the other demon, attempting to pull the other along with him by a controlling arm hooked around his possibly-former-adversary's waist. He was making a bee-line for the butcher, and he hated the mundane problem of getting other people to agree to simple things. "You better not be vegan, because I'm cooking pork," he stated factually, not capable of imagining a scenario in which Nosferatu refused this 'offer;' he considered himself considerate just for sharing his plans. The only thoughts going through his head now involved sorting through this host brain's recipes on pork shoulder and ribs, as well as planning the least time consuming way to increase his knowledge of the current politics and science of this world.

Re: i'm back on that action // private - darci - 06-18-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]
Nosferatu gave a shake of his head. "Frag and I were just friend with benefits. Hannibal was a creep so I tried to stay away from that." It was only after he and William got married did William's other husband (who Nos believe would never return) came back. Hannibal and Nos fought a lot, but managed to forge a compromise to tolerate one another for William's sake. He was such a idiot back in his youth. The years had truly seasoned Nosferatu into something a bit more manageable.

A small hum of amusement came from him. He did not care for politics and did not expect that title to be tossed at him. If he did though, where would he even stand on the political party spectrum? Yeah, probably a liberal, just not the crazy feminist and all the ranting and raving bullshit type. Not his thing. "Killed some people in a war, died, went to Hell. Not a wild tale." When was the last time he went to Hell? Heh, it had been quite a few years. Sometimes when he died his soul just bounced down there, but sometime it just floated around. Thankfully, he just floated around before coming to this life.

"What's up you and touching me?" His eyes dropped to the arm around his waist, feeling his body being forced into the other direction. God, what was going to happen next? Nos groaned in annoyance before he turned to follow the other. "Do what? You expect just go with you? I mean, mama always said stranger danger and, to be honest, I don't really know ya that well."