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BABY, IT'S PRIMAL | OOC PROMPT + INJURY, OPEN - Margaery - 06-14-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
The ruins had been a point of fascination for Margaery ever since she had discovered them by accident one day. There was some ancient allure to them that halfway reminded her of home and yet, she had never dedicated anything more than a quick walk through them in the past. She was not feeling very well that day though and, combined with the emotional distress that originated from the one and only Bastilleprisoner, had decided to pluck a blank diary from her extensive collection and make the trek over simply to relax and maintain her aversion from the rest of her clanmates. It would be good for her to have some alone time, even if it wasn't necessarily guaranteed to her- sometimes it felt as if it was impossible to truly have any alone time within the Ascendants.

It wasn't very long before the vampire arrived at the City of Stars and, after taking a quick sweep of the place, found a seat atop a broken column. She placed her diary down and flipped to the first open page, the pen she had brought with her trembling in her paws now.  [color=#b14767]Life is dreadful once more. I crave normalcy. I crave happiness. I crave a life that I can no longer have. Those words were all she could manage in her scrawling, lovely handwriting before she shuddered abruptly, the pen falling from her paws.

And then the diary tumbled from her perch and Margaery went with it, a sudden wave of dizziness overcoming her senses. She was rendered unconscious even before she hit the ground.

[color=#b14767]"Life is terrible, mother! I crave a normal family... happiness... I crave the life that was stolen from us. He will never stop hunting her, will he? He'll never stop hurting me, will he? I don't want to be an immortal anymore!"

The fluffy ragdoll was obviously distressed as she gazed into the sky-blue eyes of her mother, watching as they softened and were joined by a frown. Her mother - Margaery's mother - appeared to be at a loss for words for a moment, wanting so desperately to console her daughter but lacking the ability to do so. She could never question her husband's motives, especially if they were the good of their family. She might be a 'head' of the family, but Nik did as he pleased and expected no opposition. Ever. Even if said opposition could assist their daughter in even the slightest.

[color=#b14767]"You're not going to help me, are you? Of course not. You're afraid of him, all of you are afraid of him. I don't understand why, he'd never hurt any of you. He can't hurt any of you," Margaery insisted, but it was clear that her words were having no effect on her mother. She wasn't surprised. Why would she be surprised.

Back in the present, Margaery was lying motionless at the base of the column, not sporting any serious injuries as the fall wasn't that great, but still knocked out regardless. She twitched, her expression momentarily reflecting the pain she was experiencing within her mind, before once more falling still, her diary opened to the words she had written beside her.

Re: BABY, IT'S PRIMAL | OOC PROMPT + INJURY, OPEN - kinglykingstone - 06-15-2018

It's a good idea to leave your troubles— If Dale was being honest, he didn't know what he was doing. He was anxious and he didn't know why. He felt this horrible feeling, like someone was strangling him from inside. So he left his room and the observatory, paws leading him elsewhere. He was leaving the group, just the enclosed space of the building. He wasn't sure of where to go. He needed quiet, pure quite. Part of him was tempted to get Suiteheart, take her to the coast and watch the moon.

No, he couldn't do that. He didn't want to disturb her. But he didn't want to go to the ocean alone. Where else could he go that was quite. He need a place to sit and sort through his mind, find the root of his worries. He knew what some of them were. Bastille and his seeming want to drown himself in oblivion, Margery and how worn down she already seemed, and the constant darkness that swarmed the back of his mind.

Cooper found himself at the city of stars, a truly quiet place. He slowly traveled through the ruins when a thump caught his attention. Worry shot through him and his anxiety spiked, moving quickly towards the sound. What he found shot ice through his veins. "Margaery?" he whined, nosing her side with his muzzle.

Panic flared as he realized they were too far from the Observatory for the medics to hear no matter how loud he shouted and screamed. "Margaery, please, come on, wake up for me dear." whined Cooper again, pressing his muzzle against her chest to feel for a heart beat. 'Come on, come on, Suiteheart needs you.'

He didn't know what to do and he was too afraid to move her. Cooper, as loud as he could, called out or the medics. "WARRINGKINGDOMS. RADEKEN. PLEASE" howled the dog, fear strong. He went back to attempting to awaken his friend. 'I can't loose someone, not again and not so soon after meeting her.'  —at home when operating a vehicle.


Re: BABY, IT'S PRIMAL | OOC PROMPT + INJURY, OPEN - Character Graveyard. - 06-15-2018

The ruins were quite the curious place. With many hidden secrets lying around, right in the open, it was surely a tourist spot. Though, The Ascendants' seemed to have more joiners then visitors and trespassers, thankfully.

The female had come across an unconscious Margaery and Dale. Concern had made its way into her eyes and she would yell at an NPC, who had been standing next to her, shock on their face as well. "Don't just sit there! Get Rade or Rin!" With that, the NPC bolted off at Luna's command.
© madi

Re: BABY, IT'S PRIMAL | OOC PROMPT + INJURY, OPEN - Suiteheart - 06-16-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]When Margaery had told Suiteheart she was headed to the City of Stars, it had excited the Ecliptic Admiral. It meant that perhaps her wife was trying to get back into the swing of things. It was certainly nice to see the chocolate point out and about rather than cooped up in their room or somewhere within the Observatory's walls. Though she could easily sense how frail and hollow her wife was, Suiteheart wasn't too worried.

She should have been.

Not too terribly long after she had sensed her wife enter the ruins, she noticed a change. The words her wife was writing filled her head, bounding off the walls of her mind. They saddened her because the entry mimicked her own feelings. Two years ago, the newly married couple had been living on easy street. There were no invisible wars, no familial drama, no sickness. There had only been love and happiness and the soft chill of their wintery home. Back then, Suiteheart often felt invincible. But now? Now was an entirely different story.

She could feel a dizzy spell crash over her like a wave, and the Ecliptic Admiral almost fell herself. However, the sensation was enough to push her out the Observatory doors to the City of Stars. On her way, a soft emptiness found her, like Margaery had fallen asleep. It was different, however, more worrying. Suite could feel the impact of her wife hitting the ground, felt the phantom sting of landing on rubble.

As she neared the ruins, the first voice that reached her was Cooper's. It sounded so worried, so desperate. It sent a chill down her spine, and Luna's yell only worsened her panic. Her heart felt like a caged bird that was desperately fighting to be freed, and when her baby blues landed on the still form of her wife, it felt like that avian had withered up and died.

"Margy," she breathed, stepped forward to stand beside Cooper, and she found herself gently pressed into him for comfort. In the recent days, she had found a good friend in him as well as someone who could steady her. 'Margy, wake up. Please. Where are you?' she sent through the bond as a shaky paw reached for Margaery's face. Her words were scarcely above a whisper as she said, "Hey, come back to me..."

The only thing preventing her from breaking down was that she could still feel Margy's heartbeat. It was slow like she was sleeping, but the pained expression on her wife's face alluded to something far worse (as Suiteheart had feared). The white feline was shaking, tears were threatened to surface in her eyes, and all she could hear was Margaery's heartbeat in her ears.

Something terrible was happening in her wife's mind, and it killed Suiteheart to not be able to fix that.

Re: BABY, IT'S PRIMAL | OOC PROMPT + INJURY, OPEN - kinglykingstone - 06-16-2018

It's a good idea to leave your troubles— Dale didn't lift his head from his friend's fur as Luna approached, didn't even acknowledge her. He kept his muzzle pressed against Margaery's chest where he could feel her breathing and heartbeat; it was a consistent reassurance that she was alive. "stay with me, dear" he whispered softly.

He wasn't fully aware of the arrival of Suiteheart until he felt her white fur brush against his. He pulled his head back to look at Suiteheart, worry doubling in his heart for her too. It couldn’t be easy on her, this was her wife and she was probably feeling whatever caused Margaery to collapse like this as well. He wrapped his tail around the feline, sitting so she could fully press against him. He didn’t speak, didn’t know what to say. His eyes drifted, landing on the open book that laid open nearby. A chill struck his bones as he whined, pulling the book closer with a paw and flicking it closed. Suiteheart had probably heard the words echo in her own mind and he didn’t feel that anybody else had the right to read that. It was Margaery’s personal writing and, even it worried him, he was going to hide it from public eye out of respect. —at home when operating a vehicle.


Re: BABY, IT'S PRIMAL | OOC PROMPT + INJURY, OPEN - Margaery - 06-16-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
[color=black]"Margaery, love, you're not thinking of defying me, are you?"

Of course he had been drawn in by her distress. He sought out chaos and anger like a moth did a flame. She knew that. And yet, she still blinked in surprise as her father stepped towards her, his eyes shifting from green to yellow. Margaery met him with a copper-lined glare, refusing to flinch away even as he raised a paw to delicately brush her cheek. She had never been afraid of her father in the way that others were. Deep down, she knew that her mother had never been afraid of her father either- just too in love with him to dare speak anything ill-willed towards him. [color=black]"Now now, love, you and I both know that everything I do, I do for my family. She must die... just as much as you must stop getting attached to the first woman who shows you an ounce of affection. When will you learn that she doesn't actually love you? When will you learn that all she wishes to do is to kill you and then, your mother and your uncle and me." His words were soft but Margaery was not dumb. The danger that lurked behind them, the muted anger, the edge... he was only behaving tenderly out of necessity. Had she been anyone else- he would have ripped her apart.

And then there was a voice that she vaguely recognized. It asked her where she was, asked her to wake up. Her father gaze her a quizzical look as she simply stood there, obviously perplexed. Did this happen in the past? Wait... this was the past. A memory. She was reliving old memori-

Gray blue eyes opened abruptly, panic momentarily reflected upon her features before her blurry vision could make out Cooper, Luna, and Suiteheart. [color=#b14767]"Hm," She hummed quietly, ignoring the inky tendrils of her past as they tried to drag her once more into unconsciousness, [color=#b14767]"The little leeches seemed to have knocked me out." Her words were not completely a lie nor were they exactly a truth. As she approached her due date, flashbacks of her past seemed more and more frequent but she was certain that they hadn't been the real reason she fell.

She could sense Suite's fear. Her panic. Her worry. She could see Cooper's on his face. [color=#b14767]"I think... I think I'm alright now. Perhaps I'd better hunt to ensure that there's enough in my system to sustain the monsters," She continued quietly, attempting to struggle to her paws only to be met with another wave of dizziness and be forced back into a sitting position. I had a flashback, darling. My father... he had a knack for killing any who even thought to get close to me... For some reason, I was forced to relive that, She sent down the bond, figuring it was as good a time as any to explain what truly had transpired.

[color=#b14767]"Or maybe I should just return to my room."