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i was ever chasing fire flies // o, attempting to fly (take #1) - Printable Version

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i was ever chasing fire flies // o, attempting to fly (take #1) - charrie graveyard - 06-14-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]It had been some time since Joel had even tried to change into his Noivern form. His perspective on it had been why even bother? One of its wings was broken, so even if he switched forms, the Noivern form would be completely useless. Of course now, a week or so later, he was starting to feel better. Perhaps it was risky, stupid even, but... the wolf had the urge to try something he hadn't done in a very long time... he was going to try and fly. There was no way this could wrong, right? Yeah.

Joel had waited until it was nearly dusk to sneak his way out of the observatory, hoping no one had seen him as he pushed his way through the tall grass of the territory. It was a major risk for him to try and use the cliffs by the Pebble Shore as a launchpad of sorts, but it would have to do. Hopefully, if he crash landed, it would be in the water and not the rocks. Eventually, Joel made it to Trickling Falls, the soft mist of the cascading water below blowing in his direction and hitting his face. "Ok, you got this Robinson... you remember how to change forms... that's the easy part..." Closing his eyes for a second, it didn't take long for the wolf to change shape, growing in size as he become the bat dragon hybrid that had crash landed in the starpool all those days ago. With that done, he would move back, following the river backwards for a while before deciding he had gone far enough. Heart pounding in his ears, Joel took a deep breath, shutting his eyes once more in an attempt to calm himself. "You can do this... it's in your blood... remember..." He mumbled. Then, after a few moments of silent breaths, in and out, the hybrid began to run toward the cliff, building speed. Just before he ran out of cliff, he spread his wings, grabbing hold of the rocks with his talons to send a few rocks tumbling down, then pushing off, rising into the air with grace.

He was doing it... he was doing it! He was flying!

"YES!" Joel cried out with joy, a grin forming on his muzzle as he flapped his giant wings, rising slightly higher. However, it wasn't long before pain started to shoot through the previously broken wing, causing him to yelp and lose all sense of focus. With a surprised screech, he was soon tumbling out of the air. With a giant thud, the hybrid slid violently across the rocky beach, stopping only when his face was touching the water's edge. For a minute, he didn't move, unconscious for several moments before he finally let out a painful groan, attempting to stand back up, only to stumble and fall over. "S-Shit..." He grumbled, head raising to gaze at himself in disappointment, Once again, his body was littered in scratches, although the damage wasn't nearly as hefty as it had been before. He was lucky he hadn't been any higher, or he would have really hurt himself.


Re: i was ever chasing fire flies // o, attempting to fly (take #1) - Suiteheart - 06-14-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]The water's edge had been her home for the last few days. Her power discovery only drew her there more heavily, and she found herself spending every free moment in the surf. The water cradled her, making her feel safe and at home. Despite all the shit she was dealing with, it made her feel fine. Perhaps it was selfish of her to spend her time there, but she didn't really care; she just wanted a fucking break.

With a mind to train, the white feline was headed towards the coast. She had taken the long way, strolling slowly along the line between land and sea. The water danced around her paws, lifting with her steps, swirling with her mind. It was interesting. It was nice to be focused on something other than her current issues.

She perhaps would have had an uneventful evening, but Joel was out and about. In horror, she watched as he tumbled to the ground, sliding several feet before stopping. She scurried forward just in time to hear him curse. "Well... I guess the third time'll be the charm," the deputy meowed, laughing lightly, trying to add humor to the situation. "Dude, that looked fucking rough. Need me to grab a medic?" As she spoke, she moved the water back so the waves wouldn't crash into the fallen creature.

Re: i was ever chasing fire flies // o, attempting to fly (take #1) - charrie graveyard - 06-16-2018

(bump for a few more replies before i reapond ^^ )

Re: i was ever chasing fire flies // o, attempting to fly (take #1) - Character Graveyard. - 06-16-2018

Luna had been sitting at the river, trying to pull a few fish out of the water. When she had seen Joel attempting to fly out of the corner of her eyes, she merely sighed. He shouldn't be flying, at least not yet.

Luna would fly over, landing right next to Suite and she frowned. Luckily- he wasn't too badly hurt like last time. "Perhaps, you should give your wing a few more days before you start flying again?"
© madi

Re: i was ever chasing fire flies // o, attempting to fly (take #1) - BASTILLEPAW - 06-17-2018

”Well, that went well,” Bastille remarked as he was suddenly just there, standing a few paces away from Luna as he eyed Joel briefly. He wondered idly if it was polite to point out that trying to fly before fully healing was probably pretty stupid, before deciding it likely wasn’t. Besides — who was he to question other people’s self destruction tendencies? ”Maybe you should, I don’t know, let someone know you’re trying this shit next time. In case you fall again. You know... safety.”

Re: i was ever chasing fire flies // o, attempting to fly (take #1) - radeken - 06-18-2018

[color=black]You dumb bastard,” Radeken grumbled as she ambled over, lip curled on one side to reveal a flash of tooth. “[color=black]Don’t. Do. This.” She shoved herself into his space to look him over.

[color=black]Do you want these fixed? You hardly deserve it.” Radeken scoffed with a nod to his scratched up body, trying not to stare too hard because, uh, whatever this body was, it was...weird. Her curled lip staid in place, a disgusted sneer that seemed permanent as she looked him over.