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Candy clouds and sugar rainbows // open+joining - Printable Version

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Candy clouds and sugar rainbows // open+joining - vellichor - 03-19-2018

The little spider didn't know where he was anymore. He'd crawled around without his family for quite some time and he was having a nice time jumping from low hanging branches and munching on the little insects he caught unaware. However, after some time of doing this, he realized he was horribly bored. He wanted some friends. What good were bugs to bunch on when you didn't have any friends? None at all, he thought. So, he moved around his legs and tried to smell anyone that might be nearby. That was when he found the border. Clearly someone didn't think he should cross it. He wanted to know why. His thoughts had long since moved on from his brothers and sisters and his mother. Last time he'd seen them, they hadn't been in such a good situation which was why he'd fled. Some sort of big animal was trying to disrupt their web and he wasn't sure what happened. He had thought they'd all be behind him but they were nowhere to be found.

The little boy tried not to think about that too much, though. No, that was too sad. He knew how fragile his kind was but he wasn't going to be like that. His family wasn't like that. No, everything was fine. He was sure of it. He just needed to focus on having fun and finding friends. "Hellooooo?" he held out the word, allowing it to dip in tone and pitch as he did so. "Is anybody here?" His tiny voice seemed to somehow stretch beyond his tiny form. "I'm Matty and I'm looking for some friends."

Re: Candy clouds and sugar rainbows // open+joining - beck. - 03-19-2018

    Did anyone know where they were? Beck didn't mean to delve into the pessimistic truth of philosophy, but could anyone be certain of existence? If he could remember what it was like to breathe, to think, to live, maybe his doubts and paraboia would subside. Yet the universe was created without a purpose other than to evolve and to live, and all creatures carried the same purpose, from the largest whale to the smallest -- spider?

    Beck, interrupted from his rambling thoughts, stiffened at the wavering voice from nowhere, snarling at an invisible enemy or even fellow spirit before his nearsighted glare fell to the arachnid in bewilderment. What was a bug doing at his border? Disfigured maw pulling back into an exaggerated grimace, the poltergeist stooped, pressing his chin into the mud in order to make eye contact with all eight beady orbs blinking up at him. "Friends? Why would anybody want those? Besides, ain't spiders s'posed to be solitary critters?" the scrawny boy questioned with a curious tilt of his head, scooting forward to gain a better view while wheezing, "I didn't know bugs could talk." His stubby tail gave an idle wag, inky nose twitching as he tried to pinpoint the assumed Matty's exact location in his blurred vision. Well, he had certainly been witness to stranger events, and he couldn't help but hoarsely giggle at the thought of having an armadillo, or a goldfish, or even a damn dinosaur waddle up to territory requesting company.

Re: Candy clouds and sugar rainbows // open+joining - venus - 03-20-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]"They can't" Piercing voice traveled further, harsher in tone than the small spider's own as the much larger physical counterpart to said voice slid their way on over fluidly. Venus' blue gaze drifting right past Beck for a moment so that it may rest upon the form of the tiny spider and their tinier voice. The feline; perplexed. "But I would not put it past any freak accidents of nature found in Tanglewood that this one has developed a voice box" Head motions side to side observed the self-professed "Matty" with a curiosity not satiated with just observation the quite clearly speaking spider, confused at it's ability to speak, but deciding not to prob the little spider any further. Too much a delicate work would have to be done to satiate the ardent curiosity brimming from Venus' mind. It made for a nice thesis though. "Curious and curiouser." Idle remarks trailed off and yet Venus had still not yet acknowledged the fact that Matty was standing before the pair, but still locking their sapphire gaze upon Matty's tiny form like a machine.

(ayyy welcome to tanglewood again!!! can i say again even if your other character didnt technically join?? :^))))

Re: Candy clouds and sugar rainbows // open+joining - Belladonna - 03-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Sadly for the little spider boy, surely someone had to eventually walk up with some kind of arachnophobia - right? Belladonna simply followed after her clanmates to greet whoever had arrived, but instead she found herself peering down at the small arachnid, and she froze with fear. "Oh my gods is that a spider?" her speaking was far too quick for her own good, and Belladonna backed off, her legs trembling with fear. "And it talks?" she asked, her voice breaking, as she glanced between Beck and Venus; this was a bad idea. Hey, at least she didn't say 'kill it with fire.'

Re: Candy clouds and sugar rainbows // open+joining - vellichor - 03-20-2018

Oh! There were so many people now! All eight of his tiny eyes lit up in excitement and he straightened himself, a wide smile on his face. This was wonderful! Even though the first boy talked about not wanting friends, he was sure he'd be able to convince them to be his friend. "Everyone needs some friends! Is anyone supposed to really be anything? I just know I don't wanna be alone and I heard there was a group here so I thought this would be a good place to meet some people!" he explained happily. Then another new person came and argued that he shouldn't be able to talk. "We do too! It isn't our fault no one listens!" he huffed. Then came the last individual, who perhaps had the most expected reaction. Matty raised his forelegs, trying to indicate to the creature that she should calm down. "No, no, no! Don't worry! I'm not gonna hurt anyone, I promise!"

Re: Candy clouds and sugar rainbows // open+joining - vvintersoldier - 03-21-2018

Amunet is going to kill him. She is so going to be pissed at him. She has already smacked the blind cougar for venturing out by himself once, she probably thought he would have learned his lesson then. But despite that, the male was slowly padding through the territory, ears pricked up as he listened carefully for every kind of sound. Amunet might think he's being reckless, going out blindly, pun intended, without her. But in actuality, he's just trying to get used to the territory. He's trying to learn it, memorize almost every detail of it. It is not an easy task, it would be much easier if he didn't live in such a dark, empty world. He probably should do this task with Amunet by his side, he knew she wouldn't mind considering she basically became his caretaker. As he was padding around, his ears picked up the voices of his clanmates, and a stranger. His senses were slightly heightened due to his loss of sight, so he could pick up some words. Such as spider and it talks.

A talking spider? Well, Vladimir didn't know spiders could talk either, so this was quite interesting. He always thought spiders and other bugs could never talk, and that they could not learn the language other animals spoke. He seemed to be wrong. Padding with caution, the blind male followed his clanmate's scent, and was brought to the scene. He couldn't pick up the scent of the spider, it was kind of hard to smell a scent on something so small. He stood near Belladona, looking around cluelessly. He had no idea where to look, a spider was so small, and it didn't help that he couldn't see. "You arrre spider, Matty? Vherrre arrre you- apologies I cannot see- I don't vant to step on you." He said with his thick Russian accent, staying put as his ears flattened to his skull. "I Vladimirrrr Murrrrdock."

[ don't have access to russian accent generator, will fix later! ]

Re: Candy clouds and sugar rainbows // open+joining - vellichor - 03-22-2018

The tiny creature's eyes widened when someone new came. He spoke in a funny way but Matty liked it. They were going to be best friends, he decided. When the man went on to say he couldn't see, Matty had the best idea in the whole wide world. "Yes, I am! N' don't worry! I have an idea!" the spider arachnid announced before hurrying forward and scurrying up Vladimir's leg and then, should he be successful in the first motion, crawl up to the top of his head. "There! Now you'll never step on me and we can be best friends forever and ever! I can even give you directions! 'Cause I have eight eyes n' you don't have any and I'm so little that sometimes people might step on me so if I just ride around on your head, that'd fix everything!" Excitement leaked into the child's tone. He was sure he'd make lots of friends but he was sure he'd just met his first one. "Your voice sounds cool! I like it! Can you teach me how to sound like that too?"

Re: Candy clouds and sugar rainbows // open+joining - Dragon- - 03-25-2018

[tr][td][Image: avatar_64eca7575bc7_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_10cbf1410e94_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_2f943f37ef6c_128.pnj]
[size=7pt]made by cafuné
[/td][td][div style="width: 450px; height: 350px; text-align: justify; padding: 8px; overflow: auto;"][size=8pt] Spiders were rad in pretty much all cases but one that could speak? "You are EXTRA rad, my spider dude." Phobeus would exclaim as he came into the scene, giving smiles to all the non-blind tanglewood-ers there. "Would ya be cool with bein' best friends with me too? we can have sleepovers an' gossip 'bout cute boys and be rad."
Phobeus had honestly not met half his current clanmates so this was all rad.

"You've got a rad accent, Mr Vlad, my dude." He'd exclaim, looking at the bandages wrapped 'round his head..Phobeus really wanted to ask if he could see the blind eyes or eyesockets but felt like that'd be a bit
"You, Matty and Me can all be BFF's and have sleepovers together!"[/td]