Beasts of Beyond
RADIOACTIVE / open - Printable Version

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RADIOACTIVE / open - Character Graveyard. - 06-13-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
The black lupine had been hunting for smaller prey for the group when she had come across a large rabbit hole. She had not heard of the infected prey from Jacob, so she was unaware that the rabbits were infected.

Natasha had stuck her paw in the rabbit hole and she winced as she felt a few rabbits gnaw on her paw, pulling flesh and drawing blood. She quickly shook her paw, forcing the rabbits to let go of it before she had headed back to the camp. She wouldn't bother Izuku or Jacob about the bites, so she had headed straight to her makeshift room, a small tree-house on the outskirts of the territory.

Before long, the female had been feeling the effects of being infected. Dizziness and nausea. Hacking and coughing violently, she made her way to where Jacob or Izuku was.
© madi

Re: RADIOACTIVE / open - arcy - 06-15-2018

Izuku -- wasn't really doing great. He was getting better -- his leg was bandaged pretty heavily, and though it really hurt, he wasn't really ... awful? It burned and he was scared of what getting up would do, but at least his handicap wasn't obvious this time. Mental scarring? Perhaps. Bedbound and perpetually bitter about Aizawa? Yeah. Was Izuku sneaking up to walk around? Definitely.
Still, Izuku being conscious means that he's at least awake to hear Natasha's approach, The feline's ears turn, hearing her, well, coughing and wheezing. Was Natasha ... okay? Oh -- come to think of it, she hadn't been informed of the infected prey, had she? It's this thought that sends Izuku to his paw, and it's a rush of blinding pain from said injured paw that sends him toppling down. He yelps, but, when he does, in fact, see Natasha, who looks ... worse for the wear, he tries again. And yeah, it hurts, putting weight on it, but Izuku's used to pain. So it's now that Izuku stumbles up to Natasha, ears laying back as he scans her. His herbs. Where were they? What does it matter, he can just conjure them. "Natasha, what's wrong, what happened?" Izuku demands, suddenly sitting back on his haunches to conjure, yes, his bag. It's somewhere in the room so, luckily, it doesn't take too much effort, or attempts. He hates how this happened to her so soon after her injuries? He hopes that said injuries and this new sickness don't ... he's not sure, make each other worse. Izuku swallows. "S -- symptoms?" He asks, tail giving a sweep as he narrows his eyes in concentration. Or at least an attempt at it -- his head is aching and he's not fit to be doing doctor duties, but it's all fine and good, Natasha was more important right now.
what was i worth

Re: RADIOACTIVE / open - guts - 06-16-2018

"She got bit," he assumes as he limps over, the area around his mouth wet with saliva and other unpleasant substances.

Aizawa doesn't know for sure that that's what happened, but from the looks of it, it was either that or some natural sickness. Really, with recent events, there was no telling for sure. So he'd leave it up to Izuku to determine, since he was the medic. It was a weird concept to him, someone he had been teaching to fight ending up in a healers position. But he wasn't judging him. If that was what he wanted to do, then so be it. He wasn't bad at what he did, at least.

He huffs, winded, then takes a seat. Unfortunately he was in the same boat, a simple bite turning him into a sickly mess. It seemed that he was emptying his stomach every few minutes, whatever food he ate coming right back up the way it came. Not to mention the constant cramping of his insides. Nope, he definitely wasn't looking well, either.
