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BEEKEEPER ☀ power malfunction?? - Printable Version

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BEEKEEPER ☀ power malfunction?? - arcy - 06-13-2018

If you ever asked Izuku about what sparked the situation he would, without hesitation, tell you it was his fault. It always was, really -- he was the one pushing his limits in ways he shouldn't, and the one without any care for his health or safety. He was always, in the end, gonna be that crazy kid breaking his bones at any given chance. Hell, before he became a cat, that'd practically been his fighting style. He'd just sort of -- break his bones till something happened. Izuku had become more diligent with his health since becoming a cat, though -- he didn't have access to surgery or recovery girl or even modern medicine. Whatever he did to his body he'd have to live with. Izuku -- despite his recklessness, he didn't want to cripple himself. He wanted to be a hero, a protector, and while he didn't need to be those things anymore, that didn't mean he wasn't gonna try in little ways. He needed to be at his best to ever be good. Even if he -- neglected himself, he wasn't completely careless. Besides, he was a Tenderfoot, and Jacob had enough on his hands, Izuku wasn't going to risk anything for either of them.
However ... he wanted to be stronger. He still couldn't train physically, couldn't put himself through a training regime as tough as All Might's had, or even on the UA scale. He was still injured, after all, and if he got that careless he might rip open his injuries all over again, but they were so close to being healed, he didn't want to wait anymore. However -- his electricity wasn't that awful, only required exhaustion and strain and headaches. Nothing truly physical. He'd asked Aizawa to help him, a while back, but largely Izuku was doing it on his own. Which, of course, had it's own risks, but Izuku thinks he knows enough about quirks from all his analysis to get him far enough. And so far, it had! He'd gotten better at controlling it, slowly, but it was something!
And so, that leads to what happens during this day of training. Tucked away in a little corner of the territory, where bright flashing lights are unlikely to catch the humans' attention, Izuku stands, electricity crackling down his pelt. His electricity has -- always made him weirdly uneasy. Something niggling in the back of his head, a memory long suppressed. Izuku didn't ever touch it -- whatever it was, it scared him, burning and painful. Like how using it feels now -- just under the surface, it burns to use, but Izuku presses on anyways. No pain, no gain.
... The electricity was a spin-off of One for All, wasn't it? The only thing truly left over from it. Currently, the electricity was spread throughout his body, like Full Cowl would be. But what if ... he tried to use it, like how he had during his first few tries with his quirk? Risky, of course, but it might get a power boost, wouldn't it? So, slowly, Izuku urges the surges into one specific area. His right paw, specifically -- the same paw that was scarred so badly from previous uses. And, slowly, Izuku sees only powerful arcs coming from his leg. The rest of his fur stands on end, charge-less. And it burns, painful, but it worked. So, slowly,  Izuku grins. It wasn't as immediately damning as One for All had been, at least not right now, but it was still strong. ... Strong. His head ... hurts. He can see ... blackened pink flesh and arcs of electricity and --
Izuku's paws brush against the tiger's chest as he launches himself. The fur blackens around them almost instantly, singed and burning, the crackles of power arcing and she yelps. Really yelps, as though it hurts already. And Izuku's heart begins to ... sink. The rest of her fur is starting to stand on end, and Izuku just doesn't understand. His power had never involved electricity, so why ...?
He doesn't have time to think about it, as he's already curled around the tiger. His claws sink into the back of her neck and hind claws scrabbling against her shoulder, pressed fullbody into her pelt. And she screams. Under him -- he's not sure, it's all smouldering and pink and it's burning.. It's another moment, as her screams grow louder, until Izuku drops, like he touched a hot stove. Because he doesn't understand, doesn't understand at all, what was understanding, or why she'd attacked him or why he was a cat or why it was all burning. He scrambles away, eyes wide and teary, and then he sees. Her flesh, all along where he'd touched her, and maybe even beyond there, was blackened and gouged and pink. So pink, and bloody, and he did this. He did this, he did this, oh god, what --
"What the [i]fuck!!"
She screams at him, and Izuku's head is pounding. And, in the next instant, confused and terrified beyond reason, he's gone. (he didn't mean to, he didn't mean to, he didn't mean to --)[/i]
He didn't mean to.So distracted by the memory, he hadn't been regulating his power input, and perhaps, even if he had, he wouldn't have any control, anyways. He's just -- scared, terrified. He didn't mean to. His electricity, which had saved his life on so many occasions, had done that, and it feels dirty and scary and oh god. So, his paw, still strong and sparking, explodes. Izuku doesn't even have time to pull his thoughts together before, in the next moment, he is no longer on the ground and his leg is burning. It's like -- all those times he broke his limbs using one for all, but he didn't have an adrenaline to back him up, and the burning is just so much different and it hurts. The world is spinning and his head hurts so much, from a simple headache to a full-blown migraine, all thanks to the explosion of light. He can't focus. Oh god, he'd made a mistake, and he's scared.
In another moment, Izuku lands in the thin snow with a [i]plop.[/i] He whimpers, feeling the cold against his limb, his leg, and it burns and can he feel at all? He's shaking, fur on end and it's not just his leg, his entire leg, that is burning, but the inside of his other paw and ... some other places, he supposes. His breath is ragged. Oh god, oh god, what does he do? He's at least conscious this time, and he can treat himself, right? Even with just one paw? How was his paw even doing?
Izuku's breathing heavy as, slowly, he shifts his weight and opens his eyes. Then squeezes them shut again. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts. But he -- he needs to see. He cracks them open again, squinting against the bright white of the snow, panting. It's hard to make out, blurred and hard to register anything at all but his paw is just so wrong. The fur has been burned away, and it's all gouged and blackened and -- red, pink? He's not sure. He's not sure. Oh god. Herbs? What herbs does he use for something like this? Oh god Izuku isn't sure. Wash it off? Marigold? But what about everything else? His other paw's claws curl into the snow as he wheezes, trying to work up the strength to pull himself up but he feels so shaky and it just -- burns. Had his electricity always had that sort of strength? Izuku wouldn't know. He suspects he'd been mostly immune to it, though, but not ... all of the way, hence the burning. And then, with that last burst, it'd just ... been unable to hold up against the strength. ... Like One for All, then. God, what did he expect.
... He could wait. He could wait for help or until he feels okay enough to treat himself. So, it's with a shaky sob that Izuku curls around himself, breathing heavy. It'll be fine. It hurts, it hurts so bad, but Izuku's had worse and it's not ... it's not life threatening. He'll be fine. It'll be fine.

injuries; his entire right paw and leg is just kind of,,,, hell. badly burned, all the fur has been singed off just up to the shoulder. basically its bad enough that ud consider amputation but itll be Okay. he'll just have a limp?? among other things asfsaf. his other paws have some burns too, especially on the inside left paw/leg. some other scattered burns, mostly around the front half asfsdf.
what was i worth

Re: BEEKEEPER ☀ power malfunction?? - guts - 06-13-2018

He's shaken by the sudden boom that resonates nearby. Aizawa knew better than to be out and about, considering the prey and human situation, but he had stayed behind to clean up and he'd be damned if he didn't do just that. He's peeking into rabbit burrows when the explosion sounds, the sudden light blinding him for a split second. Then his heart drops into the pit of his stomach once it all registers. He doesn't even think, can't even breathe as he's running full-speed towards it.

He knows that Izuku is prone to hurt himself, especially when he had his quirk. Now, it seemed like nothing had changed. His behavior, his carelessness with himself--none of it was different. It made his jaw clench in frustration. Then he comes upon the scene, frozen in place as he stares down at the mangled limb, his chest tightening into a tight ball of emotion. Anger, sadness, guilt. All of it was there. His expression was almost startlingly blank, but it was there, latching onto him and feeling like a physical weight on his body.

Then it, too, explodes, and he can no longer control his legs as they drag him forward towards the ball of green fur. It's deathly silent, all he can hear is the wind as it blows. His eyes lock onto his former student, almost staring right through him. "Dammit," his voice is emotionless, yet full of rage at the same time. His jaw moves as he grits his teeth. "Have some care for yourself, brat. How do you expect to help those around you when you can barely help yourself?"

Aizawa isn't a cruel man--but right now, he doesn't care. He's blinded by all the anger and frustration he had been bottling up, all the negative feelings he had felt after his death. He isn't letting this happen again.

"Get up."


Re: BEEKEEPER ☀ power malfunction?? - arcy - 06-13-2018

When Izuku hears the crunch of snow, slowly approaching him, he feels hopeful. He doesn't want to be alone. Alone with his dumbass mistake. Which was his fault, his fault for getting a dumbass flashback during training. But it all burns. Anything at all would be a comfort, really. Maybe it wasn't even a clanmate, but a human come to kill him or something. That'd work too. But, it sounds more like a lion's pawsteps than a human's.
So, a little shakily, with jittery movements, Izuku looks up, over his shoulder, to where he sees the form of Aizawa. And there's -- relief. Aizawa. Izuku manages a weak smile to the lion, quiet relief even in the face of Aizawa's complete, dead silence. It'd be fine. It'd be fine. Even so, Izuku, terribly self conscious, slowly shifts to bring his leg further out of view. His movements are shaky, jerky from the electricity. It's ... hard to breathe. He can, he can, but it stutters and there wasn't any real rhythm whatever Izuku may try.
Then ... Aizawa starts speaking, and that's when the feeling of downhill gets -- significantly worse. Slowly, Izuku's ears fall back. Angry -- of course he was. Izuku deserved that much. But still, Izuku had made it this long, and despite everything, he was still doing his best. ... He'd taken care of himself long enough, really. Defended his life with all he had and now that he didn't have to do that anymore, luck was out to get him. So he's upset but accepting then, but then -- get up. Get up? Who was Aizawa kidding? Izuku, ever-patient and a bit of a pushover, feels frustrated. Angry. Get up.
So Izuku does. It's with an angry expression that he uncurls himself, jerky and unsteady, and nothing will cooaperate. It hurts. It all hurts. His muscles don't want to move and it burns and his head is killing him. Despite this, his eyes are open, and it's all awful. And then, slowly, Izuku prepares himself. Paws under him, just like when he first became a cat. he's not steady. It all hurts, and he's just angry, and perhaps it's just spite pushing him to his feet. His legs nearly give out under him as he pushes himself up, and he's gasping and trembling. And after a minute, with a snarl, he rights himself. He barely looks capable of holding himself up, unsteady as anything, and his injured paw is pressed against the ground because he'd fall over without the support. And it hurts. It hurts so bad and he wants to cry. He's making it worse, he knows -- putting weight on it like this is awful and does it need to be elevated? He's not sure, but this couldn't be healthy.
"Happy?" Izuku snaps, growling. And that's -- unlike him, really. The anger, all of it. And perhaps that can be put on the pain, the fear, all of it. Plus he feels -- kind of hurt. Would Aizawa have pushed him, if he didn't? Like everyone else, would he just hurt Izuku if he didn't cooperate? Before now, Izuku would have said no, he trusted Aizawa, but Izuku is in pain and he's paranoid and Aizawa was angry. Everything hurts and it's so hard to focus. Blurry. Where was he? His vision was going kind of black. Oh god what's going on. Fight? A fight? Anger -- get up? Who was he fighting? Why? Why'd they want him to get up? No, nonono wait, but Aizawa, Aizawa was there, but how, why -- and he can't even breathe and the world is spinning and it's going black --
And in the next moment, Izuku is down for the count. The Maine Coon collapses into the snow, the combination of ... things, rendering him unconscious. Using that much power had an effect, after all -- he'd never used that much power before, and it was exhausting, and bloody, and Izuku knew the downsides of that. Well, not now, he definitely wasn't awake, but he had. The pain, the fact he'd stood before he was anywhere near ready, the general lack of care he had for himself. When was the last time he'd eaten? The last time he slept? God knows, but it'd been a few days. Maybe even the electricity itself. ... Izuku was absolutely the worst at knowing his own limits, it would seem. Couldn't even deny a demand based on that alone. (granted, there were a few layers to that, too, but still --)
what was i worth

Re: BEEKEEPER ☀ power malfunction?? - pallid-i - 06-13-2018

Harrison heard a rather loud noise and the feline instinctly cowered down, ears flattening to his skull. When it was gone, he slowly raised his head and looked about, spotting Aizawa. He made a small noise and the young tom jumped to his feet and raced over, curious yet afraid at the same time. Had the lion been the source of the noise?
When he got close, he slowed down. He heard the male and his ears flattened once again, and his nonexistent brows furrowed. "Cut him some slack! H-He's hurt!" Harrison said, nervousness edging his voice. He's never spoken to the lion in such a manner, but there was always a first time. He saw Izuku collapse and gasped. He quickly made his way over to the feline and stood there awkwardly, somewhat panicking. "We need to help him!" He said as he turned back over to Aizawa, eyes wide.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: BEEKEEPER ☀ power malfunction?? - guts - 06-13-2018

Aizawa wasn't sure what he had expected. He had mostly been speaking out of anger, though it hadn't been all directed towards Izuku. Maybe none of it was. Maybe all of it was towards himself, for allowing such things to happen. He knew that it was unfair to take it out on him, but it was too late now, it had all been said. He watches the other struggle to get to his paws, debating whether or not to stop him. But it would probably be no use. He was determined as ever.

The lion barely flinches at his tone, though he is a bit taken aback. He tried to tell himself it was a good thing, that he was beginning to find his voice. He had to shed his current, timid one, after all. Aizawa opens his mouth, about to tell him to go and find Jacob (and he'd help him along the way, of course), but then he's suddenly falling to the ground and his heart stops. He feels his eye twitch.

Harrison's words barely reached his ears. He's already moving before being told to, stepping over to the maine coon's side and hoisting him up onto his back. He barely weighs anything to him, and he glances back towards the kit before heading towards camp, hoping Jacob was around. He didn't want to have to make the long trek to the Typhoon.

Look at what you did to him, a voice inside his mind nags, making his stomach churn. He does his best to ignore it--but it continues on. What kind of monster are you? Just because he can't live up to your standards? He quickly realized why he had burst out like that, and the reason only made the guilt in his system grow.


Re: BEEKEEPER ☀ power malfunction?? - pallid-i - 06-13-2018

When Aizawa didn't say a word to him, he gritted his teeth. He watched the large male take Izuku and he stared for a moment before finally coming to his senses. He raced past them and made his way to the camp, eyes wide. Where was his dad? He needed his dad!

"[member=112]jacob w.c.[/member] I need you! Pa!!" The tom said at the top of his lungs as he fought back tears. "Izuku was hurt!"
i couldn't even keep you

Re: BEEKEEPER ☀ power malfunction?? - Character Graveyard. - 06-13-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Natasha had wandered across the scene, when Aizawa had hoisted the young Tenderfoot onto his back. She would narrow her eyes and question. "What happened to him? Where are his injuries?"
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