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MYSTIC ☀ open, gifts - arcy - 06-13-2018

It's with a strange sort of reluctance that Izuku finally decides on what to do for his clanmates. He's just -- look. They were most of all he had anymore. He hadn't a thing to his name, and he was just ... a burden, maybe. He wasn't a particularly good Tenderfoot in his own opinion, being a clumsy learner, with only lots of previous research to back him up this far. And he got into fights sometimes, though he's not sure anybody really realizes that. Except for the occasion where he tore open his eyes, but he couldn't be entirely blamed for that one. He hadn't started that one, basically. But here Izuku was anyways, and he felt ... more or less more accepted than he was used to. He'd just -- he's not sure. He thought it was like ... a one-time thing. UA, his old group. Here. He'd always figured that this would be it, just that and then Izuku would be torn down all over again, pushed into the dirt. And he kind of had, in almost all cases. Look, it'd -- only been two months here, but Izuku almost felt like it'd been longer. Was that a long time for a clan member, come to think of it? Not terribly long, but still long enough. Look, either way -- Izuku didn't want to let it all go to waste. Just -- the little shows of kindness, or the little things that showed that they valued Izuku at all. It was still just -- strange to him, see. Sure, he wasn't terribly, terribly close to anybody in the clan, but they tolerated his presence at all, and that meant something. He couldn't just make a ton of friends overnight, especially when Izuku doesn't go out of his way to interact with anybody.
In any case ... Izuku had spent a few days before now putting together some stuff. It'd been a mess. Izuku had actually passed out into his little nest of blankets(he just liked blankets, okay??), covered in ink and sticky notes. But!! He'd gotten stuff together!! He wasn't quite sure who'd show up, though, so he's kind of worried some of it will go to waste. Oh well -- he can just hunt down some of his clanmates and give it to them if it means that much to him.
"Um -- guys!" Izuku chirps, hesitantly raising his voice. He's just perched up a rock, with many little boxes on the ground next to him. His ears flatten just the slightest, nervous, but he grins nonetheless. It's fairly clear how much time and care Izuku had put into the boxes, and by extension whatever he'd put into them. Not only because of the box's decorations, but also just in the bright, hopeful way Izuku holds himself. "I've -- um, I've got gifts for everybody, if you wanna come over here," The maine coon folds in on himself a little, actually having to say it out loud. What if they didn't like it? After a long moment, though, he straightens up, though his tail is tightly curled around his paws.
//ok w this im onto posting the 200 posts thread lol
ok i scrapped this originally but we're back at it again. and i have No ideas as to what gifts izuku is gonna give so im ready to dIE!!!
what was i worth

Re: MYSTIC ☀ open, gifts - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-13-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Snowbound was all Atbash had now, since Vigenere had abandoned her and Caesar had gone mad. But Snowbound was much more of a family than her two brothers had ever been, if she was honest with herself. When their family had been exiled, the siblings had stopped talking to each other until Caesar begun spouting his plan over destroying the Kingdom, and the only thing that kept them together was the feeling of vengeance. And maybe that was just because of how they were raised in the Seventh Tier; siblings couldn't be too close with each other because they would eventually have to separate.

Atbash's ears pricked from where she had been munching on an uninfected robin when she heard Izuku's call and she looked over at the green feline. Gifts? She echoed in her mind before she finished up her meal and made her way to the Tenderfoot. "Aw, Izuku. That's sweet of you." She purred. "What'd you get me?" Gifts were another thing that hadn't been common back home, so it was likely she'd like anything that Izuku gave her.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: MYSTIC ☀ open, gifts - pallid-i - 06-13-2018

Once he heard Izuku's voice and then the mention of gifts, the young tom quickly stood up and quickly made his way over, dull amber eyes suddenly growing bright and full of excitement. Maybe he would get a sweater? Or some plushes.. Anything worked, actually, he was just grateful Izuku even decided to give out gifts. "Hey Izuku! It's good to see you giving out gifts! It's even better to see you!" He gave him a big smile, tail flicking back and forth wildly.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: MYSTIC ☀ open, gifts - Character Graveyard. - 06-13-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Natasha could remember giving gifts to her friends in her last life on their birthdays and Christmas. The last time she had gotten a gift was on the last Christmas of her previous life. She had heard Izuku's call for gifts and the female had decided to approach.

"What did you get me?" Natasha asked.
© madi

Re: MYSTIC ☀ open, gifts - arcy - 06-15-2018

It doesn't take long for three of his clanmates to show up. Izuku's tail gives a nervous sweep as he smiles at them, trying to ease his pounding heart. He'd never given anyone a gift before -- well, except for holidays, but that was only once or twice. And also his mom. As Izuku must emphasize, he'd only started getting friends recently. Recently as in a few years ago at most. ... Who's Izuku kidding he's mentioned it so often. Give him half an interaction with somebody and the instant he'll stumble he'll make that exact excuse. Anyways.
"Um -- thanks!" Oh god is Izuku supposed to thank them. Still, he's a little flustered, being called 'sweet' or being told that it was nice to see him. He purrs softly which -- oh god purrs feel weird. He stops pretty soon, and instead rustles to fetch his boxes. Natasha, Atbash, Harrison. Three. Atbash's was -- pink? Yes, pink. It'd been one of the only wrappings, and while it didn't quite fit Atbash's ... theme? Well, he could've used yellow, but just cause Atbash herself was yellow didn't mean she liked it. Like -- Izuku liked green, but it wasn't his favorite color, even though it was his ... theme. His favorite was yellow!! Like All Might!! It was a comforting comparison, and there were even more reasons now, too -- marigolds, sunlight, and it all actually kinda made Atbash extra nice to spend time with. Was that weird? That was weird. Okay, no. Still, he fetches the box, and pushes it to Atbash, hopeful as anything. It's a pink box, with a purple-ish ribbon. Inside it was -- well, he wasn't sure what she'd like, and Izuku isn't quite sure what would be good gifts? Honestly, he just tossed a lot of little the same little goodies with one personalized gift. Was Izuku guilty? Yes. Right, right, so inside was just a hibiscus flower crown, a pastel teddy bear, candies, and a little moon pendant. It had a little glow in the dark thing hanging from it, and that just. seemed like it'd fit.
Harrison -- yup, Harrison. Izuku had a better idea of what the kitten liked, but he didn't add too much more to this box? He should've considered playing 20 questions before he actually getting these together, huh? They were literally all carbon copies of each other, but it's the though that counts, or so Izuku's been told. By his mom. Just his mom. After another moment of shuffling, izuku pulls out a snowflake-patterned box. It was just white, with messy snowflakes drawn on, basically. The ribbon was blue, and, inside, was -- similar, to Atbash's, yes. A blue starflower crown, a rabbit plushie, and a necklace with a snowflake and star. He'd thought about a sweater, or candies, but Izuku knew that Jacob could probably handle the sweaters. He did slip a few candies in, too, but Izuku wasn't sure Jacob would appreciate if he gave Harrison too many.
Natasha -- Natasha had been hardest, honestly. While she was Izuku's friend, too, he just didn't really know her interests. He did know her history, though, and she did seem like the type to like more simplistic things. So, yeah, Izuku had gone with a completely different approach with this one, with some more human-similar stuff. So the next box has a bland sort of white, with a red ribbon. The inside, however, does have enough to make up for it. Izuku had exchanged the flower crown for a scarf, though he did put a fun little hedgehog plush in, too. A little bracelet band, made of some sort of ... fabric? Look, Izuku's not sure what it is, exactly, he was practically stealing this stuff from the humans. Some slightly burnt cookies, too. Still, it's with slight hesitance that Izuku hands Natasha the box, tail sweeping nervously.
"Um -- I haven't really given gifts before, so I didn't have many ideas, so I just kinda -- kept up a theme," Izuku admits, a little nervously. He might as well admit it to somebody, since the first batch of people to show up were usually some of the only ones. "... I put. A little too much effort into them, though, so I hope you appreciate the thought, at least," The real effort was more in fetching everything, and also the stress. Izuku didn't lose anymore sleep than usual over this, but boy if Izuku wasn't dying inside. Next time he gave gifts he'd hope that he knew more about everybody -- their hobbies, their likes. Maybe then he could give them a gift to encourage a new hobby? Who knows, but at least this was the first step to gifting or ... whatever.
//hi im gonna abuse my knowledge of character's little likes hope u dont mind lol
what was i worth

Re: MYSTIC ☀ open, gifts - guts - 06-16-2018

Aizawa would say that he hadn't bonded much with the other Snowbound members, but really, he had. He was fond of them all, and it wasn't too far-fetched to say that he'd lay down his life for them. He hadn't expected to become so attached to the group. Nevertheless, he's intrigued at Izuku's call for gifts, curious to see all that he would be handing out. He wasn't expecting a gift for himself, though. This seemed like his way of thanking their clan-mates, so he wasn't about to ask what he had gotten him.

Instead, he sits nearby, silently observing. He doesn't bother speaking, since he doesn't want to ruin the cheerful expression on the maine coon's face. He'd rather watch with an unseen twitch of his mouth.


Re: MYSTIC ☀ open, gifts - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-17-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
It was really nice of Izuku to do this, especially given the size of Snowbound. Atbash's eyes lit up more once she saw the color of the box Izuku gave her. Yes, pink was a weird color for the she-cat to like, but she just liked the way it calmed and relaxed her. It was soothing, and that's why the demon liked it so much. Atbash opened the box carefully, not wanting to tear the wrapping to shreds and carefully took of the ribbon (she was going to keep it). Atbash gasped upon seeing the flower, her ears pricking up. "Oh, Izuku! These are amazing!" She chirped after surveying all the gifts he gave her. The teddy bear was absolutely adorable, and the flower he gave her was one of her favorites. Oh, and the pendant! It already looked beautiful, and she definitely would be wearing it every day. It honestly reminded her of home. The moon was Earth's satellite, and although she technically didn't live on a planet like she does now when she had been in Dimension FiveX, she still knew what satellites were, and since Earth's moon was in space, it gave her a sense of home. It was comforting.

"Thank you, it really means a lot!" Atbash purred to Izukua as she put the pendant on her neck, letting happiness practically pour out of her. She was happy, unbelievably happy, and it felt great. She truly was accepted here now, wasn't she?
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: MYSTIC ☀ open, gifts - pallid-i - 06-19-2018

He took the box and opened it. His eyes lit up and the young male made a small noise of amazement. He then looked over to Izuku, his dull amber eyes glowing bright and with stars forming in the pupils. "Thanks Izuku! I really love this stuff!" He looked back down at the box and before long, Harrison began to purr very loudly. He then attempted to wrap his paws around the green maine coon and hug him tightly, obviously ecstatic.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: MYSTIC ☀ open, gifts - jacob w.c. - 06-22-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Gifts? Jacob lifted his head when he heard his apprentice's voice and got to his paws, making his way over with a light smile. Rosie, the sugar glider Pincher had gifted him not too long ago, perched on his shoulder quietly. Jacob had been thankful for her ever since her arrival. It was strange but her presence was comforting. He'd read in plenty of books, and seen in the cities, that humans sometimes used emotional support animals and he supposed Rosie was a bit like that. Sometimes he was sure that she knew when he was getting too focused on work and purposefully distracted him, bringing him little things to play with or climbing all over him until he took her out to play. It felt like he had someone to keep in check, even when Pincher wasn't with him. "Wow, Izukuk, this is real thoughtful ah' ya'," the man stated with a light smile on his maw before settling down. He didn't want to assume the boy had anything for him, asking seemed like it'd be rude, but it was nice to see all his apprentice had done for their clanmates. With the way things had been recently, it would be good to spread a little happiness.    —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: MYSTIC ☀ open, gifts - arcy - 06-26-2018

If you thought Izuku didn't have gifts for everybody, they'd be dead wrong. He didn't spend hours on this just to give it to select people, thanks. Besides, the whole thing was methodical enough that he only really had to personalize it to the person in question. Seriously, it was just flowers, plushie, and then some other thing.
Izuku seems just a little overwhelmed with the feedback, though. He tries not to shrink in on himself, and instead tries to ... puff himself out, maybe? His feathers ruffle, and he offers a bright grin.  "I'm glad you like it!" He chirps, tail sweeping. Despite his anxiety, he seems to be almost preening under the positivity of it all. The hug is a little more jarring -- he squeaks as he feels Harrison's paws around him, and very nearly flinches. He means well, but it's rare that Izuku get any sort of positive contact like this, and it's like an unpleasant thrill. Despite this, though, Izuku doesn't fight it, and instead pulls a wing around the other for a few moments. But it would seem Aizawa and Jacob were there, and Izuku would be damned if they didn't get their gifts.
Upon gently freeing himself, Izuku quickly fetches a box. It's ... black, honestly.  He's sorry to say that's the only thing he could think of. This one doesn't have a ribbon, though, and that's probably because the box is big and misshapen because Izuku really couldn't fit one of them in there. He drags it over to Aizawa then. Aizawa may have been his teacher, but he was a clanmate too. The gifts in the box actually didn't follow the same theme as the others. Just getting the one thing had been enough, and it's not like Aizawa would appreciate a ton more. As such, there's only two things in the not-box. First, the plushie -- couldn't forget that. It's a black tuxedo cat plushie, since it'd just seemed suiting. The other is -- well, a sleeping bag. That'd been hard to fit in the box. Really hard. What was harder was actually getting the damn thing, in that ridiculous yellow color, too. And lugging it around. It was a wonder he hadn't been caught. But, well .. Aizawa without his sleeping bag was a weird concept, so Izuku was here to fix that.
But still, it's with a crooked grin to the lion that Izuku spins on his paws to grab Jacob's box. This one was just a plain blue, with a yellow ribbon. Did it clash? Izuku isn't sure, but it didn't really matter anymore, honestly. He drags it over to the other a little sheepishly, but offers a grin as he lets go nonetheless. It's weird, giving gifts to his mentor. But Izuku doesn't mind a ton. The flower crown in this one is a little more colorful -- Izuku had given up on a specific color theme, so while it leaned on the blue side, it was mostly just more wildflowers. It was fairly colorful, at least. The plushy was actually a roundlamb. It'd seemed fitting, if a little silly. Very huggable, in Izuku's personal opinion. The accessory part was weirder. But ... well, a bandanna seemed ... sort of fitting? Maybe not Jacob-fitting but What-Jacob-Needs fitting. Izuku didn't really mind if the other didn't wear it, anyways. These were mostly tokens of appreciation anyways. The bandanna was a soft blue snowflake-patterned one. Other than that, there wasn't a ton in the box? Izuku put a few cookies in there, too, but Jacob was so much better of a baker than Izuku, he just ... wasn't really sure.
Still, with this done, Izuku shuffles back to his rock in the center, rather wordlessly. He could deal with the first three, but these two were a little more awkward for him, unfortunately. He tried, though! Like he did everything. Well, that was the least he could do, then.
//back at it again w this ages late lol
what was i worth