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mañana // o - joining - Printable Version

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mañana // o - joining - ashaad - 06-13-2018

So, this was new.

Ashaad waded through snow that stuck to him in icy clumps, working his stubby legs for all they were worth to power through it all. He was uncomfortable, yeah, but he knew he was making progress. The dark trail behind him where he sliced through the snow with his powerful, round little body was evidence of that.

[color=#FF9900]Aw, beans,” He muttered, looking around himself. It was the warmer season, so there must’ve been somewhere to trek that was considerably less snowy, right? Somewhere the ice wouldn’t chew his toes clean off, anyway. To be fair, where he was now wasn’t that bad, but he was a small fellow and everything was that deep when you’re a small fellow.

Ashaad veered off course until he could clamber atop a stone that helped him see further. Those round eyes were good for much more than just looking cute. He stamped a paw against the top of it idly, bushy tail curving inquisitively behind him. He wondered how this place was doing. En route, Ashaad had heard plenty of worrying stories about what was happening in the valley, but it hadn’t been enough to deter him. He was stubborn in that way.

[color=#FF9900]Hello?” The small tom called, half-hesitant.

Re: mañana // o - joining - Character Graveyard. - 06-13-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Natasha had grown used to Snowbound's cold territory. In her previous life- she had grown up in Russia, which was probably the reason why she had gotten used to the snowy territory rather quickly. The black-lupine had been patrolling the borders when she had heard Ashaad's call.

So the female had switched directions and headed to where the small feline was. "Hello, are you here to join?" She asked.
© madi

Re: mañana // o - joining - pallid-i - 06-13-2018

He heard someone's voice and for a moment, fear shot through him. Harrison was weary of people ever since the incident with the feline that called herself his mother. Though the young tom wasn't going to let himself be afraid of strangers. It wasn't fair to them, because there was a chance they would never even hurt him.. The fear was pointless, but still there. If anything, it just helped him be more cautious in certain situations.

He made his way over and looked at Natasha before looking at the stranger. He made no comment, as he didn't want to come off as rude or impatient, though he did offer a small smile.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: mañana // o - joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-13-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
The cold weather was nothing new to Atbash, considering she used to live on the outskirts of Dimension FiveX, but the snow was a tad bit weird. She had grown used to it, though. Atbash followed after Harrison, her ears pricked as she looked at the stranger at the border. "You have a name, as well?" The flurryhost added to Natasha's question.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: mañana // o - joining - Blazic - 06-13-2018

Re: mañana // o - joining - arcy - 06-13-2018

Izuku wasn't sure whether he tended to showing up very early or very late to border interactions. Hm .... he'd decide that after some more run-ins. But on this day, he seems ... early-ish? The newcomer still hasn't said anything, but many of his clanmates have clustered around the earlier. The maine coon eyes them nervously, uncertain of whether to insert himself into this situation. ... He may as well. He's not sure who the stranger is, or why they're here, but they seem friendly enough. So Izuku squeezes through the little group to hover next to Natasha, blinking up at the other feline. .... Goofy. Izuku had seen a lot of videos of cats like that when he was human, but it was kinda funny seeing them in real life, in this kind of context. Still, he seems nice enough, and Izuku's tail hesitantly wags.
"Hello!" The green-furred feline chirps, beaming. He doesn't try to say anything aside from this, at least until he hears the magpie's complaints(??) about ... names? Izuku doesn't claim to understand, but he still allows himself a sigh. He may as well introduce himself early, then. "Izuku Midoriya," The maine coon offers, nodding his head a little hesitantly. He hopes the stranger isn't too cold -- people usually adjusted to the territory over time, but it was rather miserable early on. Izuku, personally, hadn't suffered too much through his early days, but he'd certainly adjusted a little too well to the cold. He might as well get heatstroke the instant he steps into non-cold temperatures, whatever that may be considered.
what was i worth

Re: mañana // o - joining - ashaad - 06-13-2018

He watched Natasha carefully, if only because she was the first thing to approach him out herr and also happened to be a wolf (dangerous) but once she spoke, at least, she seemed nice enough (possible friend), or at least professional (he was in the right place, thank goodness).

[color=#FF9900]Yup! I- uh, yeah, I’m here to join.” He confirmed, standing on his tiptoes on that rock. If asked, he’d probably stammer something about trying to keep his paw-beans off the icy stone but in honesty, it was to look bigger.

As he turned his head to look at the younger cat that was approaching - and approaching without word, so Ashaad wasn’t sure what to say, or if he should say anything at all - a brisk wind drew from the gold tom a suppressed shiver. To be fair, he was fully equipped to face coldness. He had a sturdy build, double coat, and a generous layer of fat to help keep him warm and he knew this. Ashaad wouldn’t have chosen to join a place called Snowbound if he couldn’t handle snow. That wouldn’t stop him from being a little bit of a baby about it at first. He decided to return Harrison’s smile and leave it at that. It seemed a good course of action.

[color=#FF9900]Oh! Shoot, yes, sorry. My name’s Ashaad!” He stammered, wide-eyed and flustered. Forgetting my own name like a dingus. Awesome. He laughed awkwardly, ears pinned flat which only served to highlight how absolutely round his face was. He cleared his throat, watching another apparent Snowbounder (a bird, cool, he thought) arrive. “[color=#FF9900]It’s alright, I don’t mind giving my name for free,” Ashaad explained earnestly. “[color=#FF9900]And I’m sure I’ll learn everyone’s names eventually. What’s yours?” He mewed.

His eyes settled on the next one - a green boy! - who offered his name first. “[color=#FF9900]Hi Izuku! I’m just Ashaad. Ashaad Cat? Hah...uh, but, just Ashaad.” No more, no less. His wide sea eyes lingered on Izuku’s wings and a bit of wistful envy tugged at him before Ashaad decided that it was probably for the best that he was just a plain old cat. I wouldn’t know the first thing to do with a pair of wings.[color=#FF9900]Super happy to meet you all!” Ashaad slid down from his rock perch slowly but with confidence. These seemed like good, kind folks to him.

Re: mañana // o - joining - Character Graveyard. - 06-13-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Natasha would simply ignore Jewella's complaint about her not giving Ashaad her name. Instead she would offer a smile in the joiner's direction and speak to the male feline. "Welcome to Snowbound, Ashaad. I'm Natasha. Would you like a tour or would you prefer exploring on your own?"
© madi

Re: mañana // o - joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-14-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Jewelia did have a point, though usually it was customary for the stranger at the border to give their name first. And besides, if they were a threat, they probably would've shown it by now. "My name's Atbash." Atbash chirped, deciding not to give her surname. Not because Ashaad didn't have one, but mostly because it was kinda... awkward a bit? It wasn't like she used her last name very often. "Do you want some hot cocoa, too? I can go fetch you some if you want." She offered.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: mañana // o - joining - Blazic - 06-15-2018