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GHOST BOYS ➵ joining - Printable Version

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GHOST BOYS ➵ joining - arcy - 06-13-2018

Paranormalhoax, true to his strangely themed name, had always been one absolutely fascinated by the unknown. Be it crime, the paranormal, or just about anything else, you could bet that he'd have at least some sort of interest in it. ... Granted, even Paranormalhoax had some standards, didn't believe in everything, but you'd be damned if you didn't listen to him rant and decide that he did. He always one to believe in some stupid shit -- you could tell him something absolutely ridiculous, never in a million years, and as long as you backed it up with enough supporting details, he'd believe anything.
But, if you must know, this is largely the reason Paranormalhoax finds himself treading through deep mud of Tanglewood. He'd heard a lot of strange things about clans -- who hadn't? They were strange and unique, filled with odd creatures and they were a community! However, Tanglewood had stuck out to him most. The Typhoon had pirates, but that wasn't Paranormalhoax's style, or maybe the Ascendants had stars and Snowbound -- well, snow, but Tanglewood? Well, nobody was ever clear about what it was, but Paranormalhoax had heard enough to pique his interest. He also knew that by treading through the swamp like this, he was being a complete dumbass. He'd heard the rumors -- gators and traps. Radiation. The place was teeming with danger, but somehow, Paranormalhoax had avoided all of them so far? God knows how, probably just supreme luck. Paranormalhoax would hope he didn't just waste all of his luck on whatever he was ... not finding here. Cause he probably could have just found ... a safer way to get attention. Granted, Paranormalhoax wasn't very deep into the territory at all, was technically in the area the border would be in, give or take, and he could probably just make a run for it if he needed to. But -- he didn't want to. Paranormalhoax wanted to know. He wanted to see whatever members this place had, he was gonna look them in the eyes, and ask to join. It was gonna go absolutely swell. ... Paranormalhoax was absolutely terrified. Bad rumors and all, see. So many bad rumors. Paranormalhoax wasn't a pacifist by any means, but he wasn't aggressive. He wouldn't even fit in here, what the hell was he doing? Paying more attention to his damn curiosity than common sense was what. There was a reason so many loners kept their distance from the clans, after all. And it was for literally all of the mentioned reasons.
"I ... Is anybody there?" Paranormalhoax's eyes narrow. He might have heard something, or he might have not. Either way, his call was mostly because he didn't want to risk staying out here unattended for too long. So it was a kind of cowardly move, that was fine with him -- you know, just so long as he actually survives the initiation. Or literally any part of being a member of a clan. If he must remind you, Paranormalhoax was making a very, very bad mistake right now. And was probably going to freak when he saw the actual members of Tanglewood, whoever they may be. He'd never really met anything beyond the standard creatures, like ... cats and dogs and their big wild versions. He knew stuff like kitsunes existed for sure, but -- right, no, stop. He was't even sure who lived here besides stuff from rumors, stop getting ahead of yourself. "I'm ... Not here to hurt anybody, I'm just here to join?" He tries a more straightforward route. Paranormalhoax doesn't want to be threatened or anything, as he's heard they do. Paranormalhoax, for all the good his spooky, spooky name did for him, was a coward. So sue him!! Taking the safe route! Though he did forget to introduce himself, not that Paranormalhoax himself realizes that. Granted, he always shifted away from introducing himself beyond some dumb nickname -- he'd gotten far, far too many jabs on his name. Paranormalhoax may hold all the pride in the world for his very long, very suiting name, but that didn't protect him from the jabs, or the blows it did to his confidence. Frequently he found himself introducing himself by some dumb nickname these days -- just something short, like Hoax or something. That was cool and edgy, or something like that.

//sorry its 2am nd i wanna die.
he shld p have gotten into trouble by gators or traps or w/e but i just. dont wanna deal w that lol.


Re: GHOST BOYS ➵ joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-13-2018

Re: GHOST BOYS ➵ joining - Luciferr - 06-13-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

Fenrisulfr was only steps behind the dream demon - and at least this trespasser stated his intentions to join and another miracle that nothing had got him - as the swamp wasn't too harmless to any unwitting padding into the territory.

the war god inclined his head towards the stranger from where he stood looming behind Vigenere like some awful spectre of doom - irony, he had been and still was, one of the four harbingers after all - staying silent whilst awaiting the answers to questions posed.

/short bc headache ;-;

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: GHOST BOYS ➵ joining - COSMIIX - 06-13-2018

Limping over, the jaguaress would aim to press against War with both of her curved ears angled in the direction of the trespassers turned joined. Victory would twitch her whiskers quite relieved that the small feline hadn't gotten injured in anyway or attacked for not stating his business. This one was smarter than a few but still, she couldn't help but think he wasn't used to this kind of place nonetheless she would welcome him into the group. "Yes indeed." She said with a soft breath feeling her fluffy tail curl around Fen's boney tail as she added with a slow nod "A name for a name. I am Amunet," Her voice gentle and warm, holding that maternal tone as well. The honey scented Goddess was happy that Tanglewood was growing, she recalled when it had only been a handful of clanmates but they've certainly grown.
© madi

Re: GHOST BOYS ➵ joining - arcy - 06-13-2018

It takes a surprisingly short time for anybody to respond to his call. Paranormalhoax's ears turn on his head a little warily before he hears something and, instantly, whirls around to face whoever it may be. The person in question is ... what the hell. Was that a bright yellow cat. Paranormalhoax looks very jarred by the savannah's appearance, blinking a few times. Very odd, but not the weirdness he's looking for. He makes to reply, but then a vaguely horrifying dog-dragon thing appears. And ... thats the sort of weirdness he's looking for, yes, even if it's absolutely terrifying. But! It's really cool, too!
"Uh -- hi," Paranormalhoax says, a little warily, as another somebody shows up. How many members were there, here? He glances between them all a little warily, but ultimately seems to decide to trust them. His mind is probably -- blown, honestly. He's kind of stuck, between the yellow cat and the dragon-dog and the massive weird jaguar? Amunet. The jaguar was Amunet. ... Paranormalhoax thinks she's his favorite so far. There's a long, awkward pause before Paranormalhoax begins to pull himself together. This was so cool! Strange, but cool, and definitely worth it so far! Right, but -- he forgot to introduce himself, apparently. Paranormalhoax is visibly hesitant, recalling all of the jabs he's gotten. After a moment, though, he decides fuck it. He liked his name, and if the others didn't, that was their problem!! "Uh -- I'm Paranormalhoax. It's, uh ... It's nice to meet you all!" He says, a look of absolute delight blooming across his face. He barely seems to realize Amunet had been the only one to introduce herself. What other sort of creatures were there, then? He's gradually becoming rather -- giddy. What was the rest of the territory like? Was it as ominous as this area? He hopes not, there was only so much spooky stuff Paranormalhoax could take.


Re: GHOST BOYS ➵ joining - Luciferr - 06-14-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

a familiar brush beside him had his head craning to Amunet as the injured jaguaress joined them and he couldn't help the brief shock of worry that ran through his mind given that Victory was still supposed to be on bed rest - not that he'd begrudge her her freedoms, bed rest was an idle activity not suited to those that liked to move.

he'd probably be doing much the same if he were in her shoes,

War inclined his head, bumping shoulders with her gently before turning back to their newest member "Fenrisulfr Grimm - and if you are indeed joining us, you should follow us back closely, you've been lucky not to run across traps or a gator so far" the towering wolf beast glanced about before his gaze slid back to Paranormalhoax - and that was quite a mouthful as much as his own could be, but he refrained commenting, some people got tetchy on nicknames sometimes.

/yo welcome to tanglefam !

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: GHOST BOYS ➵ joining - beck. - 06-15-2018

    In his life, any experiences with what modern superstition dubbed the paranormal had been nonexistent. Sure, there were still old wive's tales about devious fairfolk and monsters lurking outside society's walls. He was never unsettled by their stories; they, on the other hand, were terrified of the wicked phenomenons unknown to humanity quite yet. Bewitching, monstrous evils orchestrated by the Devil himself. But the only monsters Beck could remember encountering were the very men responsible for his death.

    If only death was an end for him as much as it were for luckier people. Once his last breath was gasped out and the slow-burning domino effect of organ failure finally reached his weakly tapping heart, once he thought it was over, a gateway was opened to the afterlife he previously scoffed at. Beck couldn't recall much of the in-between state after that, be it the fault of a memory tampered to forget or simply a mind unable to comprehend anything other than existence. Yet somehow he clawed his way back, not registering much beyond the ground a distance below his being and the insistent demand for revenge. It took years to find out what the world labeled him as: spirit, specter, wraith, phantom -- a ghost. More specific categories had evolved since then, branding him as a poltergeist. Ghosts known for short attention spans when it can to haunting territories and even shorter tempers, breaking glass and flinging objects and throwing violent tantrums. Some times only acting out of mischief, some times seeking to harm those who take residence in a house at the worst of times. Most certainly what one would define as unexplainable or supernatural.

    Beck had crossed the paths of many investigators, all obnoxious and all naive. The entity liked to humor them sometimes, finding it funny how they would fall into hysterics at a single word replayed on their little devices, at unseen presences raking inflamed scratches over their skin and tripping them in dark corridors, or even at just a single disembodied stomp on chilled floorboards. But even their various antics grew boring after a while, and boredom was partially the reason he strayed from invading houses to sulking out in the forest. Left in self-isolation, it wasn't long until he had accumulated assumedly unwilling company, and with that Tanglewood was formed. Rarely the poltergeist missed his haunting days, a glaze of nostalgia dulling his stare until something else distracted him. He had been recalling old encounters and holding back bitter giggles as he skulked through the marsh foliage, nose ever twitching for trespassing scents. It didn't take long for him to catch wind of Paranormal's arrival, fiery eyes narrowing as he limped closer and closer to the border.

    If Vigenere wasn't tackling the canine to the mud like a mad man by the time Beck arrived, then it must have been a new addition to their tight-knit ranks. The mangy feline stepped from the shadowed ferns and shrubs, head tilting this way and that as he observed the labrador with a scrutinizing glare. "Ain'tcha gotta nickname or somethin'? Para-whatever is kinda long," was the first wheeze he spat out, flopping back on matted haunches with an unimpressed scowl staining his freckled features. No way he could manage out his full name every time he had to address the other -- half of his snout had been burnt off and mutilated, leaving him with a obvious missing cheek, cut him some slack! It had taken long enough to relearn how to properly say his own name after... that. Reaching up to sorely rub at said disfigured cheek's pallid scar tissue at the memory, Beck shook his head in denial and mumbled something similar to an introduction. His apparition gave a hearty ripple as his mind wandered from the present to relive past moments, disrupting his otherwise believable projection of life for a nonexistent heartbeat. Oblivious to his own distorting image, the poltergeist outstretched a muddy paw at an attempted handshake before recoiling, hoarsely muttering, "Where'd ya come from, Para?"

Re: GHOST BOYS ➵ joining - arcy - 06-16-2018

"Traps? Gators?" It's with a touch of alarm that Paranormalhoax echoes the, uh, dragon-dog. F .. Fenris .... Fenrisulfr!! That was a strange name, and even harder to get right. Paranormalhoax would say that his name was long, but Paranormalhoax's name was pretty long, too. At the least, his was pretty memorable. Still, it's with this in mind that Paranormalhoax stumbles a few steps closer to his new clanmates. And wasn't that a strange word? Clanmates. He was a clan dog now. Weird. And frightening, yes.
In any case -- did Paranormalhoax consider himself a paranormal investigator? Not ... really? He looked into the unknown in whatever ways he could, and he sought answers, but it was only really a hobby. Granted, Paranormalhoax did have a habit of overreacting to stuff. Why was he so calm right now? Cause he was gonna scream when he was on his own. Like -- ear-piercingly loud. He was just ... bottling it up right now. So he doesn't scare them away. Or make him think he's an absolute freak so soon! I mean -- he was kind of a freak, though. I mean ... a chimera dog? Rare, less heard off than chimera cats. Lightning scars? Subtle but there and concerning. Oh, but right.
Another person approaches. This time, they're a little more ... gruesome? The entire left cheek is basically missing, or just -- disfigured. And Paranormalhoax is ... a little put off. Christ. Just -- this entire cat looks pretty awful, scarred and mangy. So Paranormalhoax stares for a moment, blinking, you can't blame him. Then, hurriedly, he averts his eyes. That was rude. Whoops. Right, a nickname. Paranormalhoax tries not to let his expression sour at that -- and also the way Beck skewered his name, in general. He tries not to blame the other, he really does -- can't be easy with that ... mangled cheek. And Paranormalhoax's name was awfully long. "Who wouldn't give me a nickname?" He scoffs, not harshly, just -- accepting, but a little bitter. Was Paranormalhoax a little bit too sensitive about nicknames? Yes. Yes he was. He could admit to that full-heartedly. "Para or Hoax are the more used ones, though," He offers, in a might more casual tone. Hoax was his personal favorite, though. Not that he was gonna say that because Paranormalhoax wasn't going to admit any of his feelings right here. So, carefully, Paranormalhoax looks back up at Beck, and successfully manages to not focus on the other's scars or anything. Step one? Completed. At least till the other literally ripples. He blinks. Oh my god that's a ghost, Paranormalhoax, intelligent as ever, thinks, and resists the urge to scream, yet again. And then he hesitates. A ghost? Quite the assumption to make, wasn't it? And maybe a little rude. It was just ... a ripple? Was it a ripple? Was Paranormalhoax absolutely insane? Probably? So it's with a few furious blinks that Paranormalhoax convinces himself to not overthink this immediately. Will he overthink this later, and whenever he sees Beck? Absolutely. Would he ask anybody for clues? Absolutely not. "... Recently? I've mostly been wandering from place to place, nowhere specific," Paranormalhoax replies, and eyes Beck's paw for a few moments. A ... handshake? A pawshake? Odd. Still, Paranormalhoax, after a few moments, seats himself so he doesn't completely unbalance himself, and, a little awkwardly, outstretches his paw. How does one pawshake? Good question, but Paranormalhoax makes an attempt anyways.
