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uhm I'm awkward sorry - Printable Version

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uhm I'm awkward sorry - wifewoof - 06-12-2018

uhm I'm One (or One-X or One-chan by friends or people I've rped with). I'm a girl (I think), so she/her? I have absolutely no idea how to talk to other people, sorry.

I rped characters on FF such as One-X, Oneheart, Sean, Xavier, Kenneth, Jeremy, Shatter, etc. I joined WCRPG in 2013...and I kinda don't like it now. I'm only there to keep in contact with a few people.

I draw sometimes and I constantly write stories. I love to write more than draw. I feel more at ease with it.

uhm I'm 17, gonna turn 18 in August. I graduated last month. I'm trying to apply for a few jobs so I can save up for college. I wanna go into space sciences & astrophysics. I absolutely adore space!! I spend hours talking about it lol

I'm very awkward and easily anxious, please be gentle lol

Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - guts - 06-12-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black; padding: 20px"]yO hello im also awkward as heck :'))

but welcome to BoB!!! hope u enjoy ur stay uwu hmu if u ever need anything or have any questions

Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - raiden - 06-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:0.5px;"]hello and welcome to bob!! c:
now that that's out of the way omfg space is the best and i,,,, yes please and thank you
i'm shooting for the same career !!! i'm going for aerospace engineer so i could work with nasa but i'd be just as happy with anything else that deals with space science. so if you'd like to gush over how awesome space is (or just how awesome science is in general) and have the same level of excitement reciprocated, hmu my dude!! this is one of the few things that i know for a fact i will never get tired of <3333333333333333

Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - Cheeters - 06-12-2018

hey welcome to bob !! name's cheeters but feel free to call me cheets! it's really great to meet you and ooo i love drawing and space so we could def talk about that stuff if you're down with PM!! honestly i graduated this month and i'm so excited to be able to hopefully go to college bc i gotta gain some cash to if i'm ever able to go to one lmao. (^:

Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - kinglykingstone - 06-12-2018

sits on one-x-senpai-chan mine

Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - wifewoof - 06-13-2018

it's nice to be here!! <3

if I ever need anything guts you'll be the first I ask <3 us awkwards have to stick together Smile

I'll have to definitely take up the offers for taking about space raiden qwq I don't get to talk about it often lol my boyf gets confused or my friends are sick of hearing me talk about it lol

omfg cheets relatable. all the colleges I wanna go to are super freaking expensive considering I'm poor af lol I'd love to talk with you too!!

hugs king to death love ya Maple!! <3

I was going to go to sleep earlier but sleep has evaded me for some reason lol
sidenote: I'm very hyper and all over the place when I'm tired :,)

Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - Kicksie - 06-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]awkwardness is definitely something i can relate to
anyhow, welcome to BoB, one !!

i'm kicksie, one of the mods here
if u ever need anything feel free to ask... i promise i don't bite! xD

Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - tricky - 06-16-2018

:00000000 is that the one-x????? after all these years,,, we've been reunited
this is late af but welcome!!!!

Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - wifewoof - 06-17-2018

yup! nice to see ya again Tricky!

and thank you for the promise Kicksie lol I'll ask if I need anything ❤

Re: uhm I'm awkward sorry - cobblepot - 06-17-2018

hey man welcome to bob!! i'm cob, it's super cool to meet u ! i hope u enjoy your stay here !!!