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dynamics ☀ private - Printable Version

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dynamics ☀ private - arcy - 06-12-2018

Tea -- tea, tea tea. Natasha needed tea. Izuku, of course, had stayed up late to do some research, and his head had been killing him. And so was everything else. He'd strained his eyes way too much -- with just the light of the moon and his electricity to help him read, well, that made it ten times worse. But!! It was fine, Izuku had done some stuff about that, too. Was Izuku using himself as a test dummy? Absolutely. But it wasn't a big deal, since it'd worked!! Wow, the magic of medicine. Which ... Izuku still wasn't good at, but with actual application of his knowledge came confidence. He'd have to test more remedies later, then.
"Natasha!!" Izuku calls, two flasks around his neck. He couldn't carry actual tea cups, so this would do. ... He accidentally made it kinda strong, too, so she could probably just drink it throughout the day, too. Plus, it was a little big. Oh, the other tea was for Izuku, though -- just some eye strength stuff, because Izuku was getting desperate. He couldn't live like this anymore. "Natasha?" He tries again. Okay, give her the flask, and maybe strike up a conversation. He liked Natasha, okay, she just gave off a nice vibe.
what was i worth

Re: dynamics ☀ private - Character Graveyard. - 06-12-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Natasha wasn't a big fan of tea, but to prevent the Tenderfoot from feeling anxious, she had drunk the tea he had given her. For the last few days, she had been resting and keeping an eye on her injuries. She wasn't worried about her ruined leg. There was nothing anyone could do about it. The best thing to do would be to cut it off. Of course, she wouldn't bother Izuku about that. She would see Jacob for that part.

"Over here!" The black she-wolf said, waving the green feline over with one of her front paws.
© madi

Re: dynamics ☀ private - arcy - 06-12-2018

Izuku had always been a worrywart -- he just had a lot more right to do so now that he was a Tenderfoot. Granted, it hadn't been this bad till more recently. In any case ... Izuku was kind of neutral about tea, himself. He liked it, of course! He'd take it when offered, but he didn't go out of his way to make it. Unless it was herbal teas. Right, anyways.
"Oh! Hi!" Izuku chirps, spinning on his paws to approach Natasha. He counts himself lucky he won't have to carry it anymore. Quickly, he slips off the larger flask, and nudges it towards Natasha. "Um -- tea, again. It's mostly intended for infections. There's a little too much, so just throughout the day," Izuku explains, tail wagging. It's mostly mallow, but it did have a few other things. He hopes it helps -- Izuku was just a little paranoid about his care, and since he'd been the one to treat Natasha for the most part, he'd taken it upon himself to take care of the rest. Assuming he knew how to, of course. Her leg was still a no-go -- he'd done a little reading on that, too, but he wasn't about to put it into play. "How've you been doing?" Izuku tips his head now, eyes sparking with concern. Just in general, he means -- were her injuries okay, was anything stressing her out? Izuku wouldn't know, but he wants to help, at least.
what was i worth

Re: dynamics ☀ private - Character Graveyard. - 06-12-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Natasha would offer a smile in the young male's direction as he approached, noticing the flasks he was carrying. More tea, she had guessed. And it seemed she was correct. The female would open the flask and take a sip of tea before she looked at him.

"My injuries are fine, they're healing properly." Natasha would tell the Tenderfoot before asking. "How have you been?"
© madi

Re: dynamics ☀ private - arcy - 06-12-2018

Hearing Natasha's confirmation, and seeing her take the drink, Izuku only feels relief. Okay. Okay, good, her healing has been going well and Izuku, presumably, didn't mess up too terribly. So the little feline beams at her, tail wagging.
"That's good!" Izuku chirps, a little transparent in his relief. Had her infections gotten any better? They probably need to change the dressings soon, too. It needed to be redone at least a few times a day because of the near-infections, but soon it'd only need to be every day or two till they're healed. That was hopeful! "I've been doing well! I've been doing some research, though it's ... not, uh, great, on my eyes," Izuku grins sheepishly, rolling his shoulders in a shrug. He'd never really known his limits before, and he sure didn't not. Oh, but -- small talk, right. The conversation was gonna die at this rate. Izuku doesn't even know anything about small talk. Okay, out of the blue question, there was an idea.
"... What did you used to do, before you joined Snowbound?" Izuku asks his somewhat strangely worded question, tilting his head. It was always interesting to hear tidbits about how people used to live, how joining the group changed them. Izuku -- well, he didn't hear about it a lot, nobody ever talked about it, cause it was just Snowbound. But it always affected their character, right?
what was i worth

Re: dynamics ☀ private - Character Graveyard. - 06-12-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
So, he wanted to know what she had been doing before she joined Snowbound? It was her least favorite topic to speak about, but she felt like she could tell Izuku. The lupine would pause before speaking.

"Well, believe it or not, I was once a human. I was apart of a group called the Avengers. We mainly protected the innocent and fought the evil, like every hero group. There was Steve, Tony, Thor, Clint, Vision, Wanda, Bruce, Peter and me. But a villain, known as Thanos, had invaded our home. In his possession, were the infinity stones. With one snap of his finger, he wiped out half the universe."
© madi

Re: dynamics ☀ private - arcy - 06-12-2018

When Natasha starts actually explaining, Izuku finds himself -- a touch startled. For one, because he hadn't expected it to be that easy. She just seemed so ... secretive, and it wasn't like they were best friends or anything. They'd only interacted a few times, though Izuku was, again, rather fond of Natasha despite the short time they'd known each other.
Human, though ... Izuku looks up at Natasha with wide green eyes as she explains. Like him. Heroes, villains -- it sounds nothing like Izuku's homeverse, and the Avengers just ... sounded like the name of a move. Was it? Oh god there was so much timeline stuff to consider.
"... Including you?" Izuku guesses, soft as anything. His chest feels tight -- like him. She was human, and she'd died, like him. Like Aizawa. And, well, Izuku wasn't going to let Natasha say all that without giving his own side of the story. "... I - if you can believe it, I was kind of the same. I was -- um, a student, at UA, for training heroes. I, um -- I got stabbed, by some people from the League of Villains, then just ... woke up as a cat, a few months ago." His voice is soft and shaky, as though frightened. He hasn't -- hasn't ever told anybody, much less a clanmate, but ... Well, he trusts Natasha. Their stories were similar, though not exactly the same. She was a full hero, after all! Izuku was just ... a student. ... Did UA exist, where she came from? Or were they alternate superhero type worlds?
what was i worth

Re: dynamics ☀ private - Character Graveyard. - 06-12-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
"One by one, all of my friends had dissolved into nothingness. Then I did as well. That bastard Thanos is probably still in the place I called home, most likely enslaving everyone alive." Natasha hissed before calming herself down to listen to Izuku's reply.

"League of villains? Sounds like a rough group of people. Do you know if any of them have shown up in this place ever before?"
© madi

Re: dynamics ☀ private - arcy - 06-12-2018

Slowly, Izuku makes himself smaller as Natasha continues getting worked up. He doesn't know how to reply, but it just makes him -- upset, that all of this happened to her. To her friends. She didn't deserve it. Neither did anyone else -- was Thanos worse than All for One, he wonders? He has no ways of knowing, considering the difference in real power.
"Awful," Izuku says, flexing his claws. He wishes he could help in some way, but ... there wasn't a lot he could do. Still, he tries to smile comfortingly at her for a moment, before she says something about his situation again. "... An awfully cliche name, but ... I dunno. I don't know what else they did after I died," Izuku says, tilting his head and looking away. It's ... comforting, actually talking about this with somebody. He never discussed it with his classmates or Aizawa, it just ... didn't.... It just didn't. "I've, um, only seen one -- Himiko Toga. F -- found her next to a mutilated body. She was ... a lot weaker like that, but she got away," Izuku, in explanation, lifts a paw and allows weak sparks of electricity to form. He'd practically let her go, but Izuku wasn't about to say that. He'd just been so put off by the whole situation, you know? "... Have you met any of your old teammates? I know I've found a lot of my old classmates, unfortunately. They're not that hard to pick out," Just based on Izuku's interactions with them, he means. I mean. He was very transparent about it. Though, he should probably stop generalizing them all to classmates, considering Aizawa was there, too? Hm. Too late.
what was i worth

Re: dynamics ☀ private - Character Graveyard. - 06-12-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
"Well, if she hasn't bothered you again, you should be fine. If you beat her in a fight, then she could possibly afraid of you." Natasha said, before answering Izuku's question about her friends. "I don't know if any of them are here. There is one person in Snowbound that reminds me of one of my teammates, but I don't know honestly."

"Have you come across any of your teammates yet or are you the only one?" She asked.
© madi