Beasts of Beyond
GUNPOWDER LAUGHTER — JOINT MEETING 6.12.18 - Printable Version

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[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
It seemed it was time for him to rise from the ashes of the previous meeting. As much as he wanted to stay cooped up in bed to avoid recreating the embarrassment of fainting in the last meeting, Pincher knew that he was already late with the damned duty he had as a Captain. Besides, Jacob was in the Typhoon and knew that they both needed to do their announcement since the humans that had trespassed into Snowbound's home stilled roamed, destroying the environment that was the home of the tribe. So, after enough decent scolding to himself, the ebony figure of the canine stalked out of his submarine home and stalked slowly towards the cave that would lead to the main spot where meetings were held. Pincher's soft footstep gently echoed alongside the ones of Jacob as the two canines walked into the massive dome, his half-lidded cobalt blue eyes flickering towards Jacob as he pressed softly against the husky while pressing his muzzle against the cheek of the other leader in a gentle kiss before going to sit in front of the throne. He didn't want to sit in it without Jacob so he remained sitting on the floor with his velvety ears pricked.

He still looked quite awful, there were ivory white bandages now wrapped around his head due to the healing fracture. There was even small shades of poor sleep glued to the lower parts of his eyes but Pincher at least was able to keep himself upright. He waited to hear the familiar sound of the conch blow out the alarm of there being a meeting and now watched in silence as Typhoon pirates and Snowbounders arrived and sat alongside each other to hear what their leaders had to say. Clearing his throat, Pincher decided to go first since he knew that Jacob liked to look over his notecards to ensure he wouldn't miss anything. "Alright, fuckers...meaning Typhoon members, welcome to our weekly meeting. Sorry for it being late, been busy." Lies. He had been busy laying around, forced into rest by medics. "First off, I'd like to thank everyone for your activity lately, everyone has been doing great and I hope you keep it up. Ash is our new pretty face around here so greet the freshmeat. I would like to state some shoutouts that are directed to Cronas and Caesar, job well done, you two." He gave a curt civil nod towards the brightly yellow Privateer and the child that seemed to enjoy their stay on the tropical island. "Beatrice is no longer a Privateer, meaning the possibility of there being an opening for a second Privateer may be available if Argus is willing. Lilyspoise and Sekai, you two get warnings for lack of inactivity. I need my high position members around for the Typhoon to function so please get back on track." His cool icy blue eyes fluttered around in search for the two, a dark expression briefly flickering over his sharp facial features before he decided to continue. "Vanessa and Wade are promoted to Strikers. Both have executed the tasks they were given and have been around long enough to hold my interest. Congratulations." He gave a slight bow of his head and pushed forward the dull green liquid that was given to the promoted before deciding to now go over the second part of his announcements.

"Our sexy Russian man also known as Iosef is doing weekly tasks. If you have nothing better to do, go check them out. Alongside that, Papercutter is holding an event as well as Vanessa that must be seen so we can decide on who our Dealer will be." Pincher drawled out the sentences, his mind rolling with what he had written down. He was usually good at keep track of what to say in meetings but the injury was still making it difficult for the doberman to pinpoint on what was happening next. He glanced briefly towards Jacob, remembering what was needed to be said. "And we will be fighting alongside Snowbounders to win back their territory, I will only allow members that know how to fight to go. No one without experience can go unless you want to get captured by fucking humans or by me." His voice sharpened at the last sentence, clearly not fond of losing members especially in the hands of humans. "On a good note, June choice awards are up so check them out and vote!" With that, the muscular broad-shouldered pirate went silent to allow Jacob to take over the meeting.

overall good job with activity everyone!! love you guys!! <3
Welcome our new joiner, [member=967]ASH[/member]
Shoutouts to [member=885]cronas[/member] and [member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] , awesome job guys
Congratulations to [member=914]Vanessa,[/member] and [member=939]Wade Wilson[/member] for becoming Strikers!
Warnings go to [member=452]lilyspoise[/member] and [member=256]sekai skywalker.[/member]
Iosef is holding weekly tasks!
Papercutter is holding a game of Mafia!
Vanessa is a Masquerade Ball!
Fight for Snowbound Territory
June Choice Awards are hot and ready!
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Re: GUNPOWDER LAUGHTER — JOINT MEETING 6.12.18 - Character Graveyard. - 06-12-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Upon hearing Pincher's call for a meeting, Vanessa had wandered over and taken a seat down next to a few NPCs. She had looked up at the Captain and listened to him speak. Greeting a new member to the group. Shout-outs. Warnings. Promotions. And a few little notes on stuff going on around the territory.

Vanessa would smile and say. "Congrats to those being shouted out and promoted and noted!"
© madi


Yeah, you've been busy, alright. Caesar thought to himself with a snort at Pincher's comment about why the meeting was so late. Busy recovering, more like. Caesar didn't quite understand why everybody was so worried about Pincher the last meeting, nor why he had been laying in his room for hours on end. But of course, Caesar wasn't going to say anything out loud, afraid any comments he made would end up with him being demoted. And that's definitely something he didn't want. The demon took a seat, listening to Pincher's announcements, and puffed out his chest when he was given a shoutout. Good, so he was still being noticed. Cronas was also given a shoutout, and although Caesar didn't particularly like them very much, he knew that the shoutout was deserved. And so were Vanessa and Wade's promotions. "Congrats." Caesar said, briefly looking over at Wade and Vanessa. Lilyspoise and Sekai were given warnings, and now that Pincher had brought them up, Caesar did note that they hadn't been around as much. What a shame. The demon thought sarcastically.

//Congrats everyone!!

Re: GUNPOWDER LAUGHTER — JOINT MEETING 6.12.18 - Verdigris - 06-12-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]The echoing of the conch blast, while expected to some extent given that a meeting was due, still startled Paper in the midst of his hunting trip. With a sigh, he picked up the mouse that he had dropped and jogged over to the dome, swiveling his good ear to try and pick up on any chatter. Except, Paper found as he approached the throne, he was only the second one there. He wasn't late for once; he was thankful for that, at least. He said nothing in regards to Pincher's condition, noticing that he had at least been treated by the medics and was being supported by Jacob.

  At the mentions of Cronas, Caesar, Vanessa, and Wade, the jackal turned to Vanessa and offered her a grin. "Congrats. Now drink, both of you," he said, gesturing to the liquid that Pincher had presented to the latter two. The two were an odd duo, but were definitely deserving of recognition. Stifling a chuckle at the "sexy Russian man," he internally noted that weekly tasks were going on, and that he ought to take one.

  As for Snowbound and the humans, he was ready to get out there and fight an actual opponent for what felt like the first time in a long while. Smirking, Paper took a seat and waited for the rest of the announcements. Hopefully Jacob wouldn't need to talk for too long.

  /grats y'all!

Re: GUNPOWDER LAUGHTER — JOINT MEETING 6.12.18 - purgatory - 06-12-2018

Re: GUNPOWDER LAUGHTER — JOINT MEETING 6.12.18 - arcy - 06-12-2018

Ash didn't claim to know a lot about the Typhoon. He joined, and then he did a thing, and now he was here. He hadn't actually spent a lot of time with his new clanmates lately, but that was just because Ash had been out of the territory frequently. Should he get himself involved? Probably -- he couldn't just be a freeloader, then he might get kicked out. But, that was one step at a time! And the first step? To come to the meeting, of course! Which is how Ash finds himself here, sitting among the other Typhoon members, listening in. There's Pincher, who doesn't look that great, and the Snowbounders? Jacob? Ash wouldn't know.
And new pretty face? That was funny. Ash is a little surprised he got a mention, but was that just something they did with all their new members? Probably! It was kinda neat, if a little odd! Ash grins wide, as Pikachu gives a little squeak next to his ear. Um -- shoutouts, promotions. Ash doesn't know any of them, but that's really cool, too! Events, a fight, other stuff. Maybe he should try and get involved? Another few steps, perhaps.
"Okay! Congratulations, everyone!" Ash chimes after a few moments. Was that a thing people did? Ash didn't know, nor particularly care, honestly. Pikachu, still on his shoulder, squeaks as well. The demotions and stuff were just a little sad, but Ash doesn't bother focusing on them for more than a few moments, anyways.
[glow=black,2,300]all these memories that we've made made[/glow]

Re: GUNPOWDER LAUGHTER — JOINT MEETING 6.12.18 - bubblegum - 06-12-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the last meeting hadn't gone so well, and had left the little girl filled with worry. her papa wasn't doing well and she hardly got to see him. she wanted to visit him more but she was afraid of getting in the others' way or annoying him. she wanted to make this as easy for him as she could. she was, however, practicing her cooking and baking skills introduced by mister jacob in the meantime. she wanted to give her papa a meal and cookies! she was actually brainstorming on what exactly she would make - definitely some sort of seafood - when she heard the conch and got knocked out of her thoughts. oh, he must be doing better if he was going to be giving the meeting!

she trotted over a bit hopeful, gazing to her papa with concern. his head must hurt really bad. however, at least he was getting better. she, again, didn't care too much for the things said, but focused on the names. she was happy to hear that wade was promoted, though - she liked that guy. he's cool. "good job!" she'd congratulate simply with a small smile, the worry from her features seeming to fade a little.

at the sound of weekly tasks, she figured she should get one, since it'd been a while since she had. she wanted to help out! maybe it'd make papa happy to see her doing that. the announcement of snowbound fighting back for their territory caught her interest, though, and she wished she could go, but she didn't really have experience. papa wouldn't be happy with her if she went. she wished that she could do more. but, maybe she could get ready to take care of her crewmates once they return from the fight! yea, they'd probably like that. that'd be nice.

Re: GUNPOWDER LAUGHTER — JOINT MEETING 6.12.18 - Wade Wilson - 06-13-2018

actions "speech"
So much was going on this week. They got some new roommates- aka Snowbound- he made tons of friends, and Pincher looked to be healing up... okay-ish. He still looked ragged to all hell, but it was an improvement considering his unannounced drop in the middle of the previous meeting. Wade had been hanging around in the jungle when the conch rang out, signaling the meeting. He had been hesitant on going, having been in the middle of a good game of chess with one of the locals. He'd ultimately decide to just stick a pin in it before trotting off to join the growing crowd of people, slinking over next to Vanessa and taking a seat.

Everything was the same as last; talk talk newbie talk shoutouts warnings talk talk wade talk strikers- Oh wait. Oh woah Pincher called his name? The maned wold did a double take. Being promoted was rather unexpected and had certainly caught him off guard, evident in his eyes, now blown wide like saucers. He looked to those around him as the green... something- a drink- was served in front of him. "I have no fucking idea what a Striker does but I'll do my best." he thanked, bringing the drink to his lips, tipping back, and downing that sucker in one.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]