Beasts of Beyond
i know you're dying to meet me // intro - Printable Version

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i know you're dying to meet me // intro - roman - 06-12-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Long legs dangle over the side of the docks, pristine white converse dangling dangerously close to the polluted waters of the harbor. A cool wind tugs at honey brown hair, disturbing the collar of a vintage jean jacket salvaged from one of the many abandoned homes in the area. The girl, no older than sixteen or seventeen, takes a drag of a small vape and releases the haze of vapor into the breeze. That's right, a vape, because she doesn't hate herself enough to smoke a cigarette but likes nicotine all the same. They're harder to find now that the world ended, but people like their vices, so bad habits always find a way to persevere. She is casually flipping through an old teen gossip magazine, dark hazel eyes lingering on photographs of hot male celebrities who seem to have lost their shirts--not that she minds. It's a shame that magazines are one of the commodities lost to the end of the world, or whatever, but there are plenty of places in which to scavenge what remains. Old gossip is still gossip, and the beauty of youth is immortalized in those steamy, steamy photoshoots that are really just an excuse to see Chris Hemsworth half-naked.

The teenager is new in town, having followed the rebelling group into Asia for no other reason than she had nowhere else to go. Her parents kicked their respective buckets nearly five years ago, leaving her to survive on her own. When chaos struck, she simply went where the current of life took her. Wow, that was poetic. She flips to another page, finding herself becoming immersed in one of those quizzes that determines which member of a boy band you should date based on your answers. According to this quiz circa 2015, she is meant to fall in love with Harry Styles. Nice.

Re: i know you're dying to meet me // intro - Amren - 06-12-2018

[color=#414a4c]✴ ✴ ✴
Amren, in all of her otherworldly terribleness, had been walking Rhysand that day. He tugged on his leash at every opportunity, the world - or more specifically, the docks - intriguing him to no extent. Every passerby earned a wave of his tail or an excited yip and even his owner who's own joy typically originated within herself, couldn't help but smile as she watched her canine companion exist so happily. She figured that it was easy to be a dog and even easier to be a puppy. In a sense, everyone had an innate love of you. That's something you don't understand, her thoughts reminded her, though not in the awful, self-deprecating way. No, they coaxed a giggle from her, the remnants of a grin evident now upon crimson stained lips. There was wonder in being loved on sight but power in being intimidated on sight. Obviously, Amren was more intrigued by the latter.

The woman was pulled from her thoughts briefly as Rhysand tugged in a new direction: towards a girl sitting on the docks who she did not recognize. She permitted the lab puppy to lead her there, watching with feigned interest how Connie took a puff of the vape and read a magazine. Teenagers... they certainly were something else. [b][color=#414a4c]"And who might you be, girl?" She inquired, poison dripping from each word. Typical Amren. [color=#414a4c]"I don't believe I've seen you around these parts before."

/super rushed i'm sorry!!

Re: i know you're dying to meet me // intro - roman - 06-12-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]// no worries Smile

It is not the sound of footsteps or even the sound of a cold voice that garners the attention of the young girl. As much as Amren's tone caused the teen to bristle, she is accustomed to ignoring adults who have nothing beneficial to say. No, it is the sound of a puppy that causes the girl to drag her attention away from her outdated magazines and towards the newcomer. "Aw, puppy!" she cooes, pointedly taking her time in responding to Amren purely out of spite. Life is too boring to not be difficult. "May I pet your dog?" It's a genuine query. She loves animals--if she had the means to adopt one, she would, but given that she's a broke ass teenager living on her own with no real job, animal adoption is kind of out of the question. When she decides that enough seconds have passed, the girl finally looks Amren directly in the eye and immediately feels a surge of emotions. Fear is the strongest, because this person is both absurdly beautiful and oddly terrifying despite her height. Curiosity is another. She manages to keep it together, however, and instead summons a sort of half-smile, half-smirk. "I am Connie, woman," responds the teen rather testily, mimicking Amren's original words directed towards herself. Perhaps it's a bad idea to test Amren's patience, but, at this point, Connie doesn't really care. At best, the other finds it funny. At worst, Amren dislikes her.

Jean jacket-clad shoulders rise and fall in a noncommittal shrug. "That's probably because I'm new in town--" Connie turns back around momentarily to shove her magazines in the black Jansport backpack which contains most of her personal belongings. The vape is tucked into one of her many pockets. In one, swift movement the girl retrieves her legs from over the ledge and tucks them beneath her as she rises to her full height. A playful gust of wind tugs at her honey brown hair. "So, what's your name?" Connie is already more amiable than before, presumably having decided that she did enough teasing already. Oh, how whims change like the breeze.

Re: i know you're dying to meet me // intro - CAIN - 06-12-2018

[Image: Cads1fI.png]
If he knew what Amren was thinking, he might ask her if she considered him more loved or intiminating on sight. He certainly could carry a darkness about him when he wanted to, but Cain’s greatest talent was the way he hid that darkness. Few saw him and his casual, easy grins and assumed much of anything. He didn’t register as much of a threat, not initially, but for all his charm he walked with a sense of lethal grace, like someone ready to switch gears within heartbeats. It was an odd balance, and usually the impression he made seemed to fall closer to the end of loved.

Was it better to be feared or loved? Cain knew the true answer was feared, if he had to make a choice, but the best didn’t have to make one. The best could accomplish both — it was what made them the best. They were both the fox and the lion, and oh, Cain was excellent at being both.

He stepped forward out of the air, shadows frothing at his feet, and stopped beside Amren with a smile already in place. His analytical gaze flickered over this girl, taking her in, and he greeted, even, ”Hi, new in town. I’m Cain.” The ease at which such a stark dad joke rolled off his tongue was a jarring juxtaposition with the man who reveled in chaos, but that justaposition was his specialty. [b]”You planning to stick around?”
[Image: Yc7IJWv.png]

Re: i know you're dying to meet me // intro - purgatory - 06-13-2018

Re: i know you're dying to meet me // intro - Amren - 06-14-2018

[color=#414a4c]✴ ✴ ✴
It was always the puppy that garnered people's attention. In a way, she supposed that she should have at least expected that. Rhysand was adorable: all wobbly legs and excited barks, his eyes containing entire galaxies within their depths. What wasn't to love about him? About the way he strained on his leash to meet everyone he passed by? Most of the Blackfallen who had interacted with him had been instantly endeared by his gentle and soft disposition and then, immediately confused by the stark contrast between he and Amren. His owner was certainly all edges and fire, laughing wickedly and thriving in discourse and chaos. Admittedly, it was almost hard to believe that a being as anciently terrible as Amren even possessed the capacity to care so deeply, so completely, for her puppy. [b][color=#414a4c]"Yeah, yeah, go ahead," She said suddenly, waving a heavily-ringed hand carelessly. If she received a dollar every time somebody asked to pet Rhys, she'd have a fortune great enough to buy every gem being sold at the docks and then a mansion to store them in. [color=#414a4c]"His name is Rhysand," Amren continued, peering with obvious intrigue at the teenager.

She would not lie: her retort had been well timed and done impeccably. Woman. Woman. She hadn't come across anyone here who would say that to her so fearlessly (besides Cain of course, but he never knew when to stop talking and she didn't exactly count him for a plethora of reasons). [color=#414a4c]"Connie," She responded, testing the name out on her tongue, [color=#414a4c]"You certainly have a lot of spirit for a child." Her words were still poison, dripping, toxic, conniving, but there was something else there too: a sort of appreciation for the girl she barely met, or maybe it was respect. Sometimes that was all Amren wanted.

[color=#414a4c]"And they call me Amren Archeron," The tiny woman offered, pale silver eyes gleaming. Her red-stained lips parted to say more but she was distracted by the arrival of Cain. It was the joke that he so casually made that caused Amren to try to elbow him, shaking her head as if both he and the words he spoke were the most awful thing she'd come across all day. [color=#414a4c]"You're insufferable, boy," She said, though her voice did inflect to express muted humor. Perhaps she would have even cackled in her own, wicked way had an inquiry not followed his words.

[COLOR=#414a4c]"Yes, Connie, do you plan on sticking around?"