Beasts of Beyond
fifteen flares ☆ joining, open - Printable Version

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fifteen flares ☆ joining, open - athenii - 03-19-2018

Seraphina Holloway was a very strange creature. Appearance wise, she seemed quite normal. However, if one were to pay close enough attention to her, they would see her moving at a constant, and they might notice her almost complete lack of emotion, as well. She didn't consider herself too bad of a person, though she also knew that others rarely knew what she did with her spare time.

And what did she do with her spare time? Well, Seraphina preferred to spend it messing with others. Usually harmless pranks with seemingly no one to blame seemed to constantly follow her presence, yet she somehow managed to almost never get a finger pointed her way. How she wasn't sure. Not that she was complaining, exactly.

She figured a group such as this one, which the young girl had heard about during her travels, would be a perfect place to hone her craft. The slender female settled on the border, eyeing the surrounding area critically. "Ahem! Hello, I'm Seraphina Holloway. I'm here to join, I guess." she called, her ears flicking. She tapped her tail as she waited, needing to move somehow.


Re: fifteen flares ☆ joining, open - vvintersoldier - 03-19-2018

Others might see and think Seraphina to be a normal member, but Vladimir will never get that chance to see what she looks like. The Russian male lives a life in complete and utter darkness, due to his blindness. He lost his sight when he was one, and was almost dead when Amunet found him- thank the world she decided to take him as a caretaker. He had little idea of how mischevious the girl was at the border, as he slowly made his way over to her. He was more concerned how he managed to get this far out in the territory without Amunet, he's probably driving her up a wall somewhere in worry. Vladimir doesn't always make the right decisions, like going blindly out in a territory that has mutant creatures that can devour him as a snack.

The Russian male's ears pricked up at the girl's voice, snapping his head to where he heard it. He wasn't sure if he was looking directly at her, he probably wasn't, but he tried his best. Most people don't know he's blind, so he can expect some confusion from them for why he isn't directly looking at her. "Hello Serrraphina Hollowway, velkome to Tanglevood," He said with his thick, Russian accent, "I Vladimirrrr Murrrdock."

Re: fifteen flares ☆ joining, open - athenii - 03-19-2018

Seraphina was indeed confused about the male's off-point look, though she chose to not question that quite yet. She was bound to discover the reasoning behind such actions by the Russian male later on, as she was sure someone would share the blessed information. "Vladimir. Nice to meet you. You can call me Sera." she answered instead, nodding her head towards him. The red fox observed him carefully, her eyes flitting over him as she continued to tap her tail.


Re: fifteen flares ☆ joining, open - COSMIIX - 03-19-2018

Well, Vlad was right about one thing and that was her being driven up the wall with worry. It was quite humorous in all truth on how she looked throughout her den and the whole camp just to find Vladimir talking with a vixen, she wasn't completely angry at Vladimir but she had been worried sick so when she slowly made her way over with her tail lashing to the sides did she aim to lightly whack Vlad over the head, it was gentle in her opinion although it was enough to probably show Vladimir that she wasn't quite pleased with his decision of running about without telling her or even trying to seek her. She took a deep breath stifling a growl only to introduce herself to the vixen "Amunet Ghana, welcome to Tanglewood." She said in her Egyptian accent trying to shake off her obvious anger towards the mountain lion beside her and well, she felt bad that the vixen had to see such an action although, she supposed that she blamed herself for it since she worried too much for Vladimir. She was certain that the cougar wouldn't take kindly to her smacking him especially with him being blind and let alone in front of another girl. She'd apologize later to Vlad when she wasn't so angry was what she finally decided.


Re: fifteen flares ☆ joining, open - vvintersoldier - 03-20-2018

The male began to nod his head in response, ears pricked up firmly at the vixen's voice. He listened carefully yo it, trying to see if he could pick out her tone- like to figure out how she was feeling. Usually with sight, it was quite easy to notice how someone is feeling, but with blindness, it was much more difficult. He has to focus on other aspects to figure those things out that would be so easy to others. "Likevise Serrra-" He began to say, before he fell short as he heard Amunet's paw steps, and then a sudden light smack to his head. Quickly, his attention was diverted to her, lifting a paw to rub the spot of his head that got smacked. He opened his mouth to speak up and question why Amunet smacked him, but it came to him. "Apologies Amunet," He said under his breath as he placed his paw back on the ground, feeling a bit upset like Amunet assumed. He knew he shouldn't have ventured out alone- he doesn't make the smartest decisions all the time- but she could have confronted him about it later rather than smack him in front of a joinee.