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keep the fear from your mind || p, suite - Printable Version

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keep the fear from your mind || p, suite - kinglykingstone - 06-11-2018

It's a good idea to leave your troubles— The sun had already made her way across the sky to her bed in the west, the moon taking her place, when cooper found himself exiting the winding halls of the observatory into the open air of the territory. He allowed his paws to lead the way, eyes trained on the sky and the stars that created a map against the purple void.

Cooper's thoughts wandered across his mind as he wandered across the territory, jumping from topic to topic. He thought of his past, of Diane, of Harry, of the news he'd received on his arrival, of things past and present; there wasn't anywhere his mind didn't go. He couldn't help but fall back to his joining moment, the way the entire world seemed to shift at the mention of Starrynight. The wind itself seemed to hold its breath before pushing at him when he said it, and the shift in Bastille sent chills down the canines spine.

When Cooper finally pulled himself from his thoughts, he found himself standing at the edge of the cliffs that spanned most the territories border, the Trickling Falls near enough to fill his ears with the sounds of falling water. The dog looked around at his surroundings, finding himself far from where he stared. How long had he been walking that he'd reached this point, he had to wonder.

Scanning the cliff's edge, he spotted the rubble path that lead down to the water's edge. He headed for it, taking the path slowly as to not trip. He came to a pause at the point where the coast meets the water, cold ocean lapping at his paws. "Diane, I find myself at the water's edge, the moon already halfway across her path, and my thoughts are buzzing like flies. Every time I flick them away they return to buzz around my head. I wish i knew a way to rid myself of them, just for a solitary moment." The canine took a few steps forward, paws now covered by ocean water.—at home when operating a vehicle.


Re: keep the fear from your mind || p, suite - Suiteheart - 06-12-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]"I think everyone feels like that," came the voice of Suiteheart, comical and light. The white feline was a few yards away, standing in the surf, practicing her water elementals. She moved her paws and small waves mimicked the motions on a muted level. The movements of the water were small and somewhat unimpressive. She was just starting out, and at times, the water moved in the exact opposite direction of her paws. If anyone had been watching her for the duration of training, they would have seen her drench herself with salt water multiple times.

She let the water fall back into the ocean with a heavy splash, which caused the front of her to become soaked. With a wave of her paw, she pulled the water on her fur away, dropping it slowly into the surf. Then, she turned to face Cooper with a friendly smile. "I don't think we've met before. I'm Suiteheart. Who're you?"

The deputy was completely unaware of what had transpired the moment the canine had joined their group. She was not aware of his asking about Starrynight or the responses he received. Had she, she might have explained everything in this moment. He deserved that much after all. Instead, she maintained her gentle, lopsided grin before asking, "How're you settling in?"

Re: keep the fear from your mind || p, suite - kinglykingstone - 06-12-2018

It's a good idea to leave your troubles— Cooper's head jerked to look at Suiteheart in surprise, unsure of how he'd missed her. Perhaps he'd been so wrapped into his thoughts that he simply skimmed over her, like a page you've read multiple times and understood nothing. "It's a common mindset for the troubled, I suppose" responded the dog, gaze flickering back up to the moon.

The sound of water splashing back into itself caught his attention quickly, dragging him from the moon to Suiteheart and watching as she dried her own fur with a wave of the paw. That's something he'd quickly noticed upon arriving, an interesting quantity of animals with odd powers. He'd heard of such things, and seen hints of it in the past but never to this extent. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Suiteheart! I'm Dale Cooper."

The canine studied the white feline, though he was careful not to stare. "I've been settling in well, a kind feline named Hazel has been helping with that" he commented, a smile on his face. As he smiled, his head tolted, causing one ear to flop over and rest inside-out on top his head. —at home when operating a vehicle.


Re: keep the fear from your mind || p, suite - Suiteheart - 06-14-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart's eyes followed his, catching on the moon and surrounding stars. She gave a nod to his words, but she kept her gaze skyward. The nighttime had always been a comfort to her, and it was especially true now. The clearness of the sky, the bright face of the moon, the twinkling stars - it was almost like home. She opened her mouth to say more, but closed it, realizing she didn't have anything worth saying.

The molecules of water danced slowly around her in the ocean, and she was filled with that calmness again. For someone who had been filled with fire for so long, it felt nice to be reborn into the seas. Yes, perhaps her powers were odd, but it was commonplace around these parts. "Dale Cooper. Yeah, I think I've heard your name pop up in passing." Whenever someone new joined, the Observatory was filled with whisperings of their names.

His next words caused her ears to perk. Hazel? She found herself smiling easily. "She's good at that, Hazel," the fae meowed, nodding and noting his own grin. "She's a special girl - one of my favorites here. I'm glad you've already made friends with her! She'll take care of you."

Re: keep the fear from your mind || p, suite - kinglykingstone - 06-15-2018

It's a good idea to leave your troubles— Cooper let out a long breath, one that he felt like he'd been holding for moons. In the calm of the night he let his worries wash away with the waves that tugged at his fur. Part of him wanted to follow the waves away from the beach, into the deep dark waters before them. But he couldn't, he had to stay.

Dale winced at the mention of his name popping up, memories of his stupid blunder at the border appearing back in his mind "I do home it was in partnership with good things that you hear my name" commented the mix as he lowered his eyes to the moon's reflection on the water. "Hazel's nice, I can already tell she's a kind soul to be friends with."

The canine took a small step forward in the water, feeling his paws sink into the sand. He opened his mouth to speak, to add to the conversation, to break the silence, but his muzzle snapped shut. There was no need, he could just relax. For the first time he could truly relax. —at home when operating a vehicle.


Re: keep the fear from your mind || p, suite - Suiteheart - 06-16-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Though Cooper's sigh was outward, Suiteheart's sigh was inward. The only sign it even existed was the minute rise and fall of her chest, almost like an exaggerated breath. The cool stillness of the night easily extinguished her worries or at least let her push them towards the back of her mind. So rarely did she take a moment for herself, and perhaps that was why this one made her chest hum in happy energy. She cut her eyes to Cooper, daring to part ways with the moon. He felt like home too.

Noting his slight flinch after her words, she arched a nonexistent eyebrow. Had something happened? It must have, for his words seemed to point in that direction. She wondered what on Earth could have transpired for a reaction like that. "It was all good things, yeah. Why? Did someone say something to you?" She was peering at him closely, worried someone had upset him. Though they had just met, she already felt protective of him. Strange how she grew attached to others so quickly, but she refused to acknowledge it.

She did allow for another small smile to bloom across her delicate features at the mention of Hazel. "Yeah, she is. She's an old soul too, ya know? We've got a lot of good ones here, I think. And man, I wish you could've gotten to meet Starrynight. He was one of the good guys. Don't get me wrong, Bastille is great, but Starry was just a neat guy." Her words poured out easily, as if she were speaking with an old friend.

After a moment of silence wreathing around them, she broke it (even though it was comfortable), "Hey, can I suggest a crazy idea?" She was unsure of how he would feel, but she might as well try, right? He liked the moon, she liked the moon. What would be so bad about them relaxing together underneath its light every so often?

Re: keep the fear from your mind || p, suite - kinglykingstone - 06-16-2018

It's a good idea to leave your troubles— Cooper let his eyes close for a moment, listening to the crashing of waves and his new companion's breathing. It was odd how quickly at ease he felt with this white molly, though he didn't feel the need to fight it. His eyes fluttered open as she began to speak again, his head turning to look down at her.

He felt his shoulders tense as she asked her question and he glanced away. "No, no. Nobody saidanything it was just..." he paused for a moment, thinking over his next words, "a blunder of my own. Mentioned someone that was a bit of a sore spot for some members there." he admitted finally. He kept his eyes away from her white form, looking off into the horizon.

As the conversation shifted back to Hazel, the tension drained from his form. And then Starrynight came into play. Oh dear, here came those pesky thoughts. The thought-flies were back, as they always seemed to be back. But there were less, it felt like. Fewer emotions thoughts tugging at his brain. "You seem like an old soul yourself, dear" he said, the pet name slipping out with his permission. And he let it. Despite having just met her, she felt like an old companion, like she'd fit in right along with Harry and Hawk.

Cooper lifted a paw out of the water, watching as the water dripped and streamed off of his fur. When it seemed all the water had gone, he placed the paw back in the water and directed his gaze to the moon. It had moved in the sky and he adjusted to see it better. "I've heard many crazy ideas in the past and I'm open to more" he replied, not dragging his eyes from the moon's white glow. —at home when operating a vehicle.


Re: keep the fear from your mind || p, suite - Suiteheart - 06-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart nodded her head along to his words. When he spoke of how bringing up someone's name had caused the issue, she could only guess it was Starry's. His death had left a gaping hole in the Ascendants, and she knew the wound would be felt for months to come. Hell, it still pained the white feline to think about the tragedy. However, seeing as the topic caused him to become tense, she would let it drop. She did not want to add to his worries.

At the mention of her being an old soul, she smiled gently. The Ecliptic Admiral felt that way often. It felt as though she was carrying a centuries old heartbreak and a millennia of good memories. She had always felt connected to the world around her, and the strange dreams that had plagued her as of late only heightened these feelings. "You too," she admitted. He was more than just an old soul; she felt as though she had known him forever.

Tiny waves crashed into the pair as Suite listened to him speak. When he agreed to hear out her plan, she grinned. "So, I know we just met an' all, but what if we make this a tradition or something?" She paused for a few seconds, almost worried her suggestion was ridiculous. "There's something more calming about tonight than it's ever been here. I know that's weird, but... I don't know. I think it'd be nice for the both of us to be able to get away and just come to look at the moon and relax."