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partners in crime / o, return - Printable Version

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partners in crime / o, return - Character Graveyard. - 06-11-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Natasha had disappeared for a couple of weeks. Where she had gone, nobody knew, or that's what she had thought. The female was in bad shape now. She had cuts and scars all over her body. Many gashes were on her sides and she was breathing heavily. Whatever she had been doing, she had been roughed up.

The female had limped to the Snowbound border, collapsing into the snow and she let out a soft sigh of relief.
© madi

Re: partners in crime / o, return - arcy - 06-11-2018

Izuku hadn't talked with Natasha a lot, but when she'd simply sort of ... vanished, he'd figured it'd be like everyone else. By this, he means that he didn't think he'd ever see her again. He had been a little saddened by this, but Izuku didn't linger on it long. He hadn't been that close to her, after all.
Maybe his analysis had been a little off, though. See, Izuku had just been wandering about the territory again, as was standard for the Maine Coon. He was still mindful to avoid whatever humans there may be, of course. Still, he scents something ... odd. Bloody? Not strong, but bloody. Izuku's fur prickles as he swallows down the unease, instead picking up the slack. Who'd gotten injured? One of his clanmates? A stranger? Either way, Izuku was at the ready, soft sparks of electricity at his paws as he readies himself to conjure his medkit in an instant. As he gets closer -- a figure. Familiar? Izuku squints as he skids down the rest of the way, stumbling closer and -- oh. It's Natasha. She was back. Where'd she been? Why was she hurt? It was kinda strange to know what she looks like, actually -- Izuku only remembers from scent alone, really.
"Natasha!" Izuku gasps, already scrabbling to conjure his stuff, as he planned. Was Jacob anywhere nearby? Izuku could probably do this himself, and she didn't seem too injured, just tired. "Wh -- Where've you been!" He's still fumbling, various objects appearing in his paws before he sends them back, exasperated. That wasn't what he was looking for. And -- oh, there! Izuku squints at the bag. Most of the supplies weren't fresh, luckily, so he didn't have to worry about figuring out if they were infected or not. Just ... pastes. "N-Nevermind, um -- Can I treat your wounds?" Izuku asks, restless and quick to work as anything. He's already got everything pulled out and in paw, squinting at them as he tries to double check if they were really what he thought they were. Yeah, that was the right color. With this done, Izuku shuffles closer to Natasha, impatiently waiting for her agreement. He doesn't wanna start without any permission while she was still conscious, after all. And then after that, he'd have to get her to camp, right? Or -- obviously. He couldn't just leave her out here with all of the humans and stuff. Did she even know about the humans yet? Or that so many of their members were in the Typhoon? Hm.
what was i worth

Re: partners in crime / o, return - Character Graveyard. - 06-12-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Natasha had looked in the younger male's direction as he approached. The last time that she had spoken to him, the male had appeared to be blind. Now he was able to see her. She had watched him conjure up his med kit and run over to her.

"Hi, Izuku." Natasha said. "Where is everyone? Normally a lot of others would already be here. And sure." The black wolf would take a seat, suddenly flinching.

Her left hind leg was bent in a awkward position, as if she had gotten into a fight with someone that was stronger then her. In order to reach Snowbound's territory, she had dragged her limp leg behind her so she could get help.
© madi

Re: partners in crime / o, return - arcy - 06-12-2018

//hI SORRY I PRACTICALLY WROTE A ONESHOT BUT ITS ALL MEDICINE ND STUFF DW ABT READING IT ALL ASDFSADF. i dont even know anything abt medicine yaall. i just fuckin went off based on google and herb guides good God.

Okay. Okay, Izuku was on his own with this one. He glances around, but none of his clanmates have arrived. Oh god. Izuku didn't know how to treat leg injuries like this. Was it twisted? Horribly broken? Izuku knew his broken limbs had always been awkward and floppy. It ... seems more similar to how Izuku's injuries had always been. Except, you know, he had Recovery Girl and surgery. Izuku isn't sure whether he'll have that option here. Okay, should he -- should he wait for Jacob? Definitely. Izuku can try and set it, but he should leave most of it to, y'know, somebody who actually knows medicine.
"U-Um -- while you were gone, a bunch of humans showed up. They ... did a lot of stuff, so almost everyone is at the Typhoon right now," Izuku explains distractedly. Oh god, what if the leg is broken, too? It didn't look just twisted. How does he set a twisted leg when it's broken? To prove this, however, he will attempt to very gently place his paws on Natasha's leg and feel it, as though afraid to hurt her. However she may respond, Izuku will look distressed and back away. "It was probably made worse while you were bringing yourself here. Um -- I'm going to wait for Jacob on that one," Izuku decides. He hadn't caught up on his lessons lately, so maybe Jacob could show him what to do, later. Maybe Izuku could try and make some herbal teas, later? Have a nice time playing catch up or something. Hm.
Anyways, with this done, Izuku will open one of his bottles of paste and gently attempt to sniff at Natasha's wounds. It was probably a strange motion, but Izuku didn't fully trust his vision enough to get all the cues. They seem ... not quite infected, but they're definitely getting there. If Izuku focuses, he can see the tight red skin around the wound. That can't be good. They're deep, too. Not good, either. "What happened to you?" Izuku says, a little horrified. It reminds him a ... little too much of his experiences before the clans. He has to stop to conjure -- well, another thing. His kit only had a things, thanks. He should ... stock up soon. Luckily it doesn't take too long this time, and Izuku is back at pulling stuff out. Bandages or cobwebs, he wonders? .... Maybe cobwebs. But Izuku only has a small smushed bundle, because they really don't travel well despite all attempts. And Izuku doesn't wanna leave Natasha here. Okay, let's see -- dried oak? No, that was for earlier stages. Probably. Uh -- okay, marigold, and then he sets Natasha up for a bunch of tea, too? better safe than sorry, lest they regret it later. Bleeding? Was it bleeding badly? ... No, it seems to have slowed down by some. But they were deep. And even if it was technically a trickle by those standards, it was still a lot. Was just marigold good enough? Um -- probably not, but she'll have to live with it. Okay, he has to ... wash it out, and then he had to apply bandages. He didn't have enough cobwebs, so should he put them on the deeper ones? Did they need stitches? Yes. Yes, and Izuku just overlooked that.
Step one -- clean the wound. Izuku turns to his pack and fumbles. Water? Just fresh water? Oh god. A cloth, water, and Izuku holds it inbetween his paws, squinting at the injuries. He ... doesn't like this. At all. And then, carefully, he moves to begin cleaning as best as he can. Start with the sides, those are important. Be thorough, especially with the infection ... He makes sure the clean the cloth frequently, with his very limited bottles of water. He's gonna have to purify another one later. Ugh. Oh well -- it's not like this happened frequently. Once he's done with one side, he moves to the other. Then to other injuries. It's probably a painful process without any pain meds or whatever, at least to the normal person. Izuku doesn't know Natasha's life, though. Um -- stitches. Oh god. Stitches. Izuku doesn't trust his paws. How did anyone stitch with paws, anyways. (Izuku knows how, he's just scared to try it on an actual, living being. Had Jacob taught Izuku this? He's not sure -- he definitely read it in his books, though.) Um, um -- should he wait? No, no, was Jacob even gonna show up? He could do this. He could ... He could do this. Um -- needle, thread. Disinfected? He thinks so -- he couldn't heat it up considering everything, but it should be fine. "This is -- gonna hurt," He warns, before, carefully, beginning his stitching. He only does it on the more major wounds, of course -- Izuku doesn't wanna press his luck, and Jacob can finish the job if he needs to. It takes a few minutes or so per wound, of course. Izuku needs to get it just perfect. It's not the cleanest job, but it's good enough. Um ... Okay, marigold, and then bandaging. With now bloody paws, Izuku uncaps his little jar and dips his paws in to grab a generous amount. And so then begins carefully slathering it over the wounds. It's just a marigold pulp -- like jam? Except flowers. And for medicine. So not like jam at all. Look, Izuku just didn't want to chew it up, so he mixed it with some stuff to make this, he's proud of it, okay. So he spends a minute on that before he moves onto, well, bandaging. Does he put bandages over the stitches? Hm ... he doesn't think he has the right type for that. So, with this done, Izuku starts with cobwebs, and he doesn't have a lot of those, okay. They're just ... there. He mostly uses them on the ones he can't bandage with cloth. From there, he wraps some of the others in cloth bandage. Not all of the wounds -- just the ones that he should. Uh -- he doesn't have a lot of materials otherwise, though. However, once this is all done, Izuku stands back up with his mess of a space and gracelessly shoves it back in the bag before it all just sorta. vanishes.
"I. Probably didn't do a great job but. It'll do. You probably shouldn't be putting weight on your leg though, how ... how should we get you back to camp?" Izuku looks fretful. He hates being small. He's like ... half the size of everybody and he can't even help drag anybody to camp. Or even let them lean on him!!! It's awful!!!

what was i worth

Re: partners in crime / o, return - Character Graveyard. - 06-12-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Humans had destroyed their territory? Damn. Now where was all of Snowbound supposed to live? And how long would The Typhoon allow them to stay in their territory? She would've cursed at the humans who had done this mentally, but she didn't. The reason- she had been a human in her previous life. She had fresh memories of when she'd been a human.

The she-wolf would watch as Izuku prepared some of his herbs so he could tend to her wounds. Izuku was a nervous person, but she thought that the young-male might make a great medic someday. Perhaps Jacob thought the same as he had chosen Izuku to be a Tenderfoot.

The female had flinched slightly upon feeling Izuku putting stitches over her deep wounds, but the pain didn't last long and she held still as he applied the cobwebs over her stitches.

Then the Tenderfoot had moved onto her leg. "Izuku." She said, with a straight face. "My leg is too badly damaged. You can't fix it. I'll be fine with only three legs." Natasha would pause and think of how they could get her back to the rest of their group. "Is there any large pieces of wood anywhere near us? If there is, I can get on it. The camp is downhill a little ways from here, so perhaps I can slide down the hill on the wood."
© madi

Re: partners in crime / o, return - COSMIIX - 06-12-2018

"Not necessary," Said a familiar rumble, he walked over with both rounded ears angled forward and his whiskers twitching. The last time he had seen Nat was when he had offered her a drink at his place, he would nod over in the direction of Izuku "I can help with carrying her back to camp or ya can lean against me," The tiger would brush up against Natasha being careful not to hurt her or jostle her injuries so she could lean against him unless she wanted to be carried but he didn't know which was best. Maybe he could have brought a sled over? Eh, well, he was already here so he might as well help Izuku with this "Lead the way, captain." He finally said to the medic with a slow nod of his cranium.
© madi

Re: partners in crime / o, return - Character Graveyard. - 06-12-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
The black-female had turned her attention to Stark as he had approached, upon hearing his rumbling voice. She had seen him here-and-there around the territory before she had gotten up and left for some time, though she didn't directly talk to him.

She would blink as she realized Stark was unaware of her hind leg, so she would speak. "Uh, Stark, mind carrying me back to the camp?" Natasha would nod towards her now-useless back leg.
© madi