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HEARTLESS / open - Printable Version

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HEARTLESS / open - Character Graveyard. - 06-11-2018

It was a quiet morning when Luna had been patrolling the borders. She had been walking around when she had caught the smell of something odd. Something burning. She had frozen in place, watching as hungry flames had burst through the trees.

She would send a gigantic blast of air towards the flames, aiming to keep them from spreading and she had lifted some of the ground with her earth elementals and tossed it towards the flames, extinguishing a small part of the fire.

However as she did, a loose rock had fallen and it had hit her in the eye. The sharp end poking through her eye and blood slowly seeped out from the socket. She winced as the pain shot through her entire head, though she had continued to put out the flames with her earth powers. Soon- she had put out the flames, though the rock was still in her eye.

Luna would pull the rock out of the eye and with one of her front-paws, she had covered up the eye, despite the pain she felt.
© madi

Re: HEARTLESS / open - Warringkingdoms - 06-11-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]This week had been an utter mess- between Roy losing his leg and Bastille almost dying, Rin had had her fill of medical emergencies for the next few months at least.

  Evidently, however, nature had not had its fill yet. The smell of burning wood had elicited a heavy sigh from Rin, who wearily packed up her bag and headed toward the scene. She wasn’t a firefighter, but the least she could do was heal any more burns that her clanmates incurred. (They were probably going to run out of aloe soon, unfortunately, but she would make it work.)

  Once she reached the forest, however, she saw only the remains of a fire, and Lunafreya standing in front of it. She couldn’t smell any burning flesh, but she was starting to detect the scent of blood. ”Let me see,” Rin ordered, walking around to Luna’s side and focusing on the eye that she was covering up. She would definitely need celandine and dressing, if nothing else.

Re: HEARTLESS / open - Character Graveyard. - 06-12-2018

Luna would gingerly remove her now blood-soaked paw away from her eye socket, blood continuing to stream down the side of her face. "It's nothing." The female said, stubbornness in her voice. "Give me a few hours to rest and I'll be fine."

The winged-serval hadn't been feeling good for the past few days. Her emotions were going crazy and she couldn't help it. That damn feral vampire had no reason to attack her and she hoped Margaery had managed to hunt them down.
© madi

Re: HEARTLESS / open - Warringkingdoms - 06-13-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]As Luna removed her paw from her eye, revealing the bloody and wounded socket, Rin winced. She could (and would) try treating the wound, but given the damage that the eye had already sustained, she wasn't sure she could save it. At Luna's insistence that she would be fine, however, the cleric sighed. Pixel's refusal to be treated was irritating enough, but to have an actual clanmate do the same was just ridiculous.

  "No, if I don't treat it, it'll probably get infected," she retorted, taking celandine and a dressing out of her bag. "Sit down and try to hold still. I'll be as quick as I can." Could vampires die of infection? Margaery would probably know, but either way Rin wasn't about to take that risk.

Re: HEARTLESS / open - Suiteheart - 06-13-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]"Holy shit, dude," came the whispered gasp of Suiteheart as she scurried over. The white feline kept out of the way of Warringkingdoms, but she could clearly see the wound. It was gruesome, and Suite was sure Lunafreya's sight would be obscured because of this. The blood that trickled from the other's face was some of the darkest scarlet she had seen in a while - extremely fresh blood. It stained Luna's pristine alabaster fur, and Suite shook her head gently as a large frown formed over her lips. "What the fuck happened, Lu?"

Baby blue eyes fell from Luna to the Cleric. The Ecliptic Admiral poured through different healing techniques in her head, and she could not even fathom where this new knowledge was coming from. Flash images spurred her mind, and she saw herbs and bandages and the solemn faces of healers. She took a step back, wondering what the hell it was. She shook her head again, knowing she could not focus on this. Luna was hurting. "What can I do, Rinny?"