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park ranger? more like park anger -- open, wandering Tanglewooder - Printable Version

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park ranger? more like park anger -- open, wandering Tanglewooder - Verdigris - 06-11-2018

  Eventually, Bakugou had determined that the villains were unlikely to ever return to the swamp for a rematch, so he would have to go a little further outside Tanglewood's boundaries in order to find them (and subsequently roast them from the inside out).

  Now, however, he had yet to find any trace of villainous activity, and he had no idea where he was. He could tell that this was a valley, but how it had gotten covered in snow in the middle of summer was anyone's guess- had he traveled that far up north? He wasn't sure how else he could start in a swamp and end up in a taiga. Maybe this was the work of someone with a Quirk, but that raised the question of whether they were a hero or a villain.

  Having learned from his first encounter with Tanglewood to sniff the area for other animals before traipsing in and possibly getting himself killed, Bakugou could confirm that there were multiple other animals living here, but some of the scents were faint. Moreover, though, he could detect what smelled like humans. Had he finally found the villains? Setting his jaw, he entered a defensive stance and looked around, ready to fire off a burst of flames at any second- the fire may not have been as strong as his regular explosions, but he was certain it would still hurt.

  /don't really know where I was going with this but eh

Re: park ranger? more like park anger -- open, wandering Tanglewooder - arcy - 06-11-2018

Personally, Izuku had only met one villain since he'd ended up like this. A cat, he means. Obviously. Anyways, he beat her, somehow, and he let her go and now he's kinda scared she's killed somebody else. Oh, but he didn't entirely get why he was only running into people now that he was here, though. Like ... Izuku had only met Todoroki before he joined Snowbound and never before his old group, and now there were so many people and Izuku was overwhelmed. They were all dead. And Izuku -- he's not sure. He sees everyone come and go, and Izuku feels like he's being left behind. Or is he leaving everyone else behind? That feels more likely.
It's on this day that Izuku is wandering throughout Snowbound, though. He's mindful of whatever humans there may be, though. He sticks out like a beacon, all green fur and wings, so that's important. And then he sees something -- different. Another cat? Not a Snowbounder. Not a Typhoon member, either. Izuku blinks, ears pricked, as he tries and makes out the blurry cream figure. ... Was it a dog? It didn't smell like one, but Izuku wasn't terribly close, and his eyes were just terrible right now. Absolutely dreadful. He couldn't see anything more than five feet away from him. He's a little hesitant to approach -- who was it? Why were they here? But nobody else is there, Izuku needs to question them. So he does. He begins walking over a little warily, though friendly, tail sweeping. He wasn't that hard to notice -- seriously, his fur didn't blend in with much of anything, despite the fact it was green and probably should. It was a very bad shade.
"Um, hi?" Definitely a cat. ... Strangely familiar in a way that gives him a headache. Izuku hasn't encountered this person before. But the eyes and fur -- Okay, stop. He doesn't want another migraine. He didn't have to deal with these problems when he was human, seriously. "Is ... Is there a reason you're here? What's your name?" Wasn't there an official way to ask? Name and business or something? Izuku wouldn't know. He just hopes that he doesn't have to sit here, alone, for long. Seriously, this person looked ready to fight. But there weren't any humans too close, and it was kind of just. Him.
what was i worth

Re: park ranger? more like park anger -- open, wandering Tanglewooder - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-11-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Other than the humans, Atbash couldn't tell you if there were any 'villains' around, although she may point Bakugou towards Caesar in The Typhoon. Mostly out of fear of what he would do when he found her, not because she wanted to cause him any ill-will. No, she really didn't wish harm or death upon him, but it really was worrisome that he was here, on this Earth, and possibly planning on destroying this Dimension, too.

Atbash had been one of the few Snowbounders that stayed back when the rest of them had left The Typhoon, so it wasn't much of a surprise that she was around when Bakugou popped up into the territory. Izuku seemed to have beat her to them, though, and she simply stood beside him, head tilted and her invisible eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The Tangler was in a defensive stance, but... why? It wasn't like any of the Snowbounders were a threat, though the humans might be if they found him.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: park ranger? more like park anger -- open, wandering Tanglewooder - Verdigris - 06-11-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Upon smelling and hearing the first creature’s approach, Bakugou immediately turned in their direction, maintaining his stance but not firing yet. They carried the scent of a cat, not a human, so they probably weren’t who he was looking for. Focusing his eyes on them, he confirmed that it was... a green cat? He blinked, but the cat was still green even as they approached him- and had wings, to boot.

  As the other cat spoke, he stared with widened eyes. Between his blindingly green fur and his timid demeanor, he strongly reminded Bakugou of Deku, but that was impossible. Deku had died, he remembered that much, so there was no way he could be here.

  Shaking his head, he growled, ”Katsuki Bakugou. I know for a fact there are humans here.” Offering the second individual to arrive barely a second glance, he continued, ”I’m looking for the one that turned me into this thing. It doesn’t concern you, unless you’re on their side.”

Re: park ranger? more like park anger -- open, wandering Tanglewooder - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-12-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Atbash's fur went up slightly as Bakuhou spoke. She didn't like the way the other feline spoke, and her paws shuffled with nervousness at his tone. There were humans here, he was highly correct in that regard, but she wasn't sure how she felt when he mentioned that they turned him into a feline. Sure, she knew shapeshifting and possession was a thing, but humans didn't seem to have those powers. Or do they? That was... really concerning. "N-no, we're not on their side, but..." Atbash started out with a frown, glancing at Izuku for help on the situation. "But I-I don't think we're allowed to let you do that?" Her statement was clearly a question. Sure, Tanglewood was a Neutral, and he wasn't causing any harm, but... was he allowed to just wander their territory because he was hunting down the humans? Though that would help with their human problem, she supposed.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: park ranger? more like park anger -- open, wandering Tanglewooder - arcy - 06-12-2018

When Atbash arrives, Izuku eases up a little. Just the comfort of not having to deal with this stuff alone. Izuku was a literal trainwreck of anxiety, and while he wasn't terribly close to Atbash, he was fond of her. So, if he shuffles closer to the yellow-furred feline, he can't be blamed.
"K -- Kacchan," Izuku says, a little blankly. His head is pounding, but Izuku barely notes it. Bakugou Katsuki. Oh god another one. He should be more shocked -- reacting a little more strongly, maybe. He'd had a full-on breakdown the first two times and now he was here. Oh boy. His childhood friend(??? probably not friend??) was here now, and seriously how did he die. He didn't even realize. Izuku isn't quite sure how to respond, instead choosing to maintain the same expression a fish might. Was. Was this the day he got outed. Izuku hadn't even told anyone he used to be human because it was such a weird concept, even to these people. However, it's when Atbash speaks that Izuku snaps out of his daze, blinking a few times as he looks over at the flurryhost. She seems nervous. Okay, time to take the brunt of this.
"Th ... there's definitely humans, and they're most definitely hurting us more than helping us," Izuku says with a weak, lopsided grin. Could they let Kacchan onto the territory? Perhaps, perhaps not, Izuku isn't sure he had that sort of authority. Besides, none of the villains were even here. Izuku would know for a fact if they were. Plus, they seemed more prone to turning into animals then staying human. Like Toga. Just Toga. "But the villains sure aren't here, Kacchan," Izuku's nose wrinkles just the slightest, and he shuffles his wings a little restlessly. Should he ... clarify? That he was who he was implying to be? ... No, no thanks. Calling him Kacchan should be enough. And also the fact that Izuku was an alarmingly green cat. He hopes he doesn't get exploded in the next moment because Izuku isn't quite sure how he'd respond. Or how anybody else would respond. Would just Tanglewooder attacking their mildly violence-prone Tenderfoot be enough to spark a war or even just tense relations or something? Probably not, they weren't that important, but boy if Izuku wasn't paranoid about this and politics.
what was i worth

Re: park ranger? more like park anger -- open, wandering Tanglewooder - guts - 06-12-2018

Aizawa can spot him from a mile away. He's almost surprised that Izuku doesn't recognize him, having supposedly known him since childhood. Of course, with realizing who this was came a pang of guilt, of denial. He didn't want to believe that any more of his students were here, enough had shown up. But it seemed they'd just continue to show up and remind him of his set-backs. At least they're not alone.

He pads up beside Izuku and Atbash, slightly on edge. Normally he would have been at ease, but now he didn't have his quirk, so he couldn't stop Bakugou from exploding them all into ash--if he still could. His power might have been wiped clean, like their's. Either way, he's careful, watching the smaller feline with narrowed eyes.

"What Midoriya says is true. As much as you want your vengeance, the villains aren't here," he's hoping to defuse the situation, since the two definitely didn't have the best relationship. He can't help but recall when they did that mock battle and the spit-fire had lashed out at Izuku simply out of a 'personal grudge,' as Yaoyorozu had put it.


Re: park ranger? more like park anger -- open, wandering Tanglewooder - Verdigris - 06-13-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]As the savannah spoke, Bakugou turned to face her, his eyes narrowed. They weren't openly on the villains' side- that was good, most villains wouldn't bother to hide their affiliation with the League- but they wouldn't "allow" him to do that? Why not? Were they a "clan" in the same sense that Tanglewood was? Before he could demand answers, however, the green feline spoke up.

  "Kacchan," he had called him.

  Bakugou slowly turned his head, fixing his widened eyes on Deku. There was no other possibility for who this person could be, but at the same time, he had watched Deku bleed out, had seen his breathing stop. Even with the power of quirks, no one had ever come back from the dead, especially not after several months. The rest of Deku's words and behaviors didn't even register, a haze of confusion (and the rage that normally came with it) briefly blinding Bakugou to what was right in front of his face. None of this made even a lick of sense.

  "I don't think so," he hissed finally, baring his teeth. "Like I'm supposed to believe this. I WATCHED YOU-"

  Die, he was going to scream, before the lion arrived on the scene and interrupted him. The lion's words, however, cut through his blind rage. The stranger knew exactly what he was talking about, Bakugou could tell. Did he know due to being an ally, however, or did he know because it was all part of his disguise? Anyone could acquire a tan scarf, deliberately irritate their eyes, and slouch over 90 percent of the time.

  Scowling, Bakugou growled, "And I guess I'm supposed to believe you're Aizawa, is that it?" Exhaling loudly through his teeth, he met Aizawa's gaze directly. Could he afford a fight with all three of them, if they all turned out to be villains in disguise? He probably could, but if they were really his former allies, then he could finally get some answers. He had to be ready to fight at any moment, though.

  Attempting to adopt a more neutral expression- though his eyes remained narrowed- he asked pointedly, "What's going on?"

Re: park ranger? more like park anger -- open, wandering Tanglewooder - guts - 06-13-2018

Aizawa would have been a bit cautious to assume it was actually Bakugou if it weren't for his attitude being just like it usually was. It was difficult for anyone to try and mimic his level of anger. He smirks at his disbelief, his toothy grin bordering on eerie. "Well, I'm not sure who else I'd be, Katsuki," he throws back at him, and while he shouldn't be egging him on, he can't help himself. He would take any opportunity to be a snarky ass.

With his final question, he sighs, giving an almost defeated shrug. "We're not sure. All we know is that we came back like this after dying," his mouth twitches when he mentions dying. He's still not used to the idea, being dead and yet somehow coming back to life. At first, he had thought this all was some sort of afterlife, yet none else but them seemed to have any knowledge of a past life. Really, he had wasted many hours trying to figure their situation out.

He had subtly shuffled between him and Izuku as he tried to explain, not wanting them to get into a scuffle. Not only would it be bad to fight amongst themselves, the maine coon had no grip on his electricity and could probably end up hurting Bakugou pretty badly.
