Beasts of Beyond
YOU'RE CRASHING ; open, power discovery ; BUT YOU'RE NO WAVE - Printable Version

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YOU'RE CRASHING ; open, power discovery ; BUT YOU'RE NO WAVE - Suiteheart - 06-11-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart was back at Pebble Coast, but that was not much of a surprise, was it?

For the last two weeks, the feline had spent her free time on the shore. She was calmed by the roll of the waves and the push and pull of the tide. It made her feel centered and grounded. She spent all her days being so tense over every little thing, but when she stepped upon the sands of the coast, all her stress evacuated her senses. It was easy to be here. It felt natural - which was somehow odd as she had always felt an inner fire instead of an ocean. Albeit, she was finding herself embracing this new opinion of the water.

The white feline stopped as the waves kissed her paws, softly pulling her forward. A part of her whispered to follow the waves as they receded, and though that was odd, she had half a mind to do just that. She did take a few more steps into the water, allowing it to cool her heated mind. She sat down and closed her eyes. A sigh escaped her parted lips. 'Peaceful, peaceful, peaceful.' She remained still for minutes, soaking up the sun and surf. Suiteheart would have likely remained that way for a good, long time had a fly not begun to buzz around her head. She could ignore it at first, but after landing on her ear, she couldn't take it any longer.

A petite paw moved up to swat the insect. However, as she moved, a strand of water rose, mimicking her movements. When she lowered her paw, the water followed suit with a splash. The sudden noise prompted Suite to open her baby blues, but she was greeted with nothing except the movement of the water.

"That was weird," the Ecliptic Admiral murmured, not knowing she had recently discovered a new power.

Re: YOU'RE CRASHING ; open, power discovery ; BUT YOU'RE NO WAVE - Character Graveyard. - 06-11-2018

Luna had two elemental powers. Air and earth. She did not use them much, though if a fire happened, she would be attempting to put it out with her air elementals. As for her earth elementals, she could use them to defend herself if a raid ever occurred.

The female had been flying in the skies of the territory when she had noticed Suiteheart sitting at the river. The female had flown down and landed a few feet away from the Ecliptic Admiral, noticing the waters were mimicking the female's paw movements.

"That's an interesting power you've got there." She said, a small smile on her maw.
© madi

Re: YOU'RE CRASHING ; open, power discovery ; BUT YOU'RE NO WAVE - Margaery - 06-12-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
No matter what, Margaery could always count on the bond to lead her to Suiteheart. It was as if her wife's very spirit had been tethered to her (which, in a way, it had been), tugging her to wherever she may be at anytime of the day - even while they were next to each other sometimes. That was why she was here now, the bond having coaxed her from her room and to Pebble Coast, her expression solemn but her eyes brighter than usual as she watched the stream of water follow Suite's command.

Was it ironic that she, herself, embodied the earth and her wife, water? Land and sea they were, coming together in perfect harmony to exist side by side; always and forever, as her family might have said. Somehow, she even managed a smile at that thought, the endearing sight of her wife capable of temporarily banishing her melancholy. [color=#b14767]"Quite the ability, mea vita," She extended quietly, a quick nod sent in Luna's direction in the form of a greeting, [color=#b14767]"Did you just discover it?"


Re: YOU'RE CRASHING ; open, power discovery ; BUT YOU'RE NO WAVE - Roy Mustang - 06-12-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy really didn't want to go back to the Pebble coast after that rock slide from a few days ago. That rock slide has changed his life- it caused him to go through quite an amount of pain, and the consequences of his actions will remain with him for the rest of his life. He didn't want to look at that cliff, he didn't want to notice the rocks that didn't come tumbling down at him. He wanted to stay far away from that cliff and any future accidents. But if you remove the cliff from the picture, the pebble coast was quite calming. Roy liked the sound of waves rolling onto the pebbly shore, feeling the cool water on his paws.

Maybe if he just ignores the cliff, focuses entirely on the coast, he can return there while getting used to his three legs. He doesn't want to look like he's afraid to go back, he can't look weak. He's already missing a leg, and that has been effecting him, he can't allow himself to seem like he's too scared to return to a certain area due to bad experiences. He has to overcome it, if he allows the fear to consume him, he'll never get over it. So the male pushed himself today, limping his entire way to the pebble coast, not allowing himself to turn back once.

And when he arrived, he felt a sense of relief at the sight of familiar faces. There was Suiteheart, Lunafreya, and Margaery. They were all by the shore, and as Roy looked over towards them, his eyes widened at the sight of Suiteheart controlling the water. That certainly grabbed his attention- how does she do that? Roy knows that can't be alchemy- Roy seems to be the only one here accustomed to it. He's the only one with a mindset of equivalent exchange and the other laws of alchemy. Roy most likely would overthink how Suiteheart is doing that with his thought process. Roy wouldn't be able to see it as how they think without an explanation. It seems strange to him that she can do it without knowing the chemical make up of the water, without knowing the array needed for the water, and so much more. He began to limp over, his gaze locked on Suiteheart as he did.

"How did you do that?" The Flame Alchemist questioned, very intrigued by the discovery, ears pricked up as he waited for an answer from his friend. "I'm assuming that's clearly not alchemy, correct?"

Re: YOU'RE CRASHING ; open, power discovery ; BUT YOU'RE NO WAVE - Suiteheart - 06-14-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Lunafreya was the first to arrive, and Suiteheart smiled at the other in greeting. She opened her mouth to speak, but Luna beat her, saying something about a power. A power? Suite had not noticed the water following her command, but clearly the other had. Confusion washed over her features as she weighed the thought in her head. Luna must have been losing it right? "Power? What power?"

She stood up as Margaery arrived, and when she did so, the water rose up as well. This time, the motion was in front of her face, and Suiteheart scrambled backwards. What the fuck was this? She had heard of earth, fire, and air elementals, but she had never seen water in action. This was definitely new to her. "Uh... Yeah. Yeah, I think so, babe." Her voice was puzzled, as if she did not believe this was happening. To test it, she lifted her paw out of the water, and the sea lifted a bit, stopping to touch her paw. The white feline arched a fictional eyebrow, but she did smile now.

This was kinda cool...

She almost did not notice Roy as she messed with the water around her. His voice shook her from her own mind, and she cast her baby blues upon him. "If I'm going to be completely honest, I have no idea how the fuck this works. And no, I don't think this is Alchemy" she said, laughing a bit. She moved her paw sideways, slowly, and the water followed easily. She thrust her forepaw forward, but instead of following her movements, it simply splashed back in her face.

Spitting water, she said, [color=#99182C][b]"I don't know what I'm doing."