Beasts of Beyond
I'm back -- back again~ - Printable Version

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I'm back -- back again~ - teef - 06-11-2018

yikes okay haha *increase in nervous laughter* I cried when my good old pal kinglykingstone dropped this in my Skype inbox. it's good to see at least one site with the good old design and memories <3

(I swear I grew up on the old site)

ermmmm, Imma a Sagittarius, 18, genderfluid, an artist and amateur photographer who has an unhealthy obsession with Dragon Age as they play through the games. I go by he/his/him pronouns pls?? (feel free to call me a girl too lol) I also go be venny or ven, if you don't mind.

I used to play .... Blackmisery, Nightshade, Apocalypse, Tomma, Xandrie and countless others oh my

Re: I'm back -- back again~ - kinglykingstone - 06-11-2018


Re: I'm back -- back again~ - teef - 06-11-2018


Re: I'm back -- back again~ - april . - 06-11-2018

heya!! welcome to bob! i'm april, an admin here on site! if you have any questions, don't hesitate to pm me! <3 c:

Re: I'm back -- back again~ - Kicksie - 06-11-2018

hello there, venny !!
welcome to BoB c:

i'm kicksie, one of the mods here
if you ever need anything let me know
i hope you enjoy it here! <33

Re: I'm back -- back again~ - teef - 06-12-2018

thank you all <3 I've missed the old layout like thisĀ  <3

Re: I'm back -- back again~ - tricky - 06-12-2018

shyly waves from the corner
idk if you remember me all too well but heyo!! it is i. tricky fish but with a shorter name

Re: I'm back -- back again~ - teef - 06-12-2018

is this my smol, tricky?

Re: I'm back -- back again~ - tricky - 06-13-2018

i think so??? i don't remember much lmao its been too long my friend

Re: I'm back -- back again~ - teef - 06-13-2018

yes, yes it has. I remember a tricky being my smol and being their tol