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pumpkin pie, sugar plum ★ p, margy - Printable Version

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pumpkin pie, sugar plum ★ p, margy - ★ HAZEL - 06-11-2018

ooc this is gonna be a human au? if that's chill w you? also i think this'll be before bast's death!!

Hazel sat outside Margaery's room for a long, long time, fiddling with her pendant and tracing over the now-dry constellations that glowed on the cement floor. Pele had done a truly wonderful job of mapping out the stars; had Hazel just gone at it, it would be...a mess.

Much like the state her friends were in. Her mentor, specifically.

Margaery's pregnancy was no easy feat, she knew. Vampiric pregnancies never were. (Not that Hazel would know, specifically...she was just guessing, given what she'd seen.) But there was something about Margy's recent nose-dive into the ground that seemed severe and almost like the worse-case scenario of Depression. Hazel had never seen the regal woman so lifeless and limp.

Hazel knew that something had gone down between Margy and Bastille. There was nothing else that could have produced such a sad scene. Whether Bastille had done something to her physically or mentally was still out, but Hazel knew one thing for sure: she was going to lay into that boy for whatever the hell he'd said to Margaery, no matter how pathetic he was. She might apologize and help him after, or later, but definitely not before.

She had been meaning to talk to Margy for a couple days now. She had her reason and her questions, so what was she waiting for? The girl had been sitting outside the door for a good forty-five minutes, contemplating, considering. Hazel could talk, and she could make promises and speak soothing words, but it only took her so far. What happened when that didn't work? When other means of comfort were needed, and Hazel wouldn't have the balls to step up to bat? She couldn't touch people. The thought of fingers and pressure and warmth were all supposed to be cravings (and she did crave it. She had craved it since the night of her first flashback). People were supposed to long for the touch of another human. And you know what? Maybe she did. Maybe she did want that contact, somewhere, deep under layers of fear that were cemented in place by her childhood. But that was her roadblock: being unable to overcome the flashes of pain and terror that singed her eyelids every time someone laid a hand on her.

So Hazel had her difficulties. So what? It wasn't like anybody had the free time to fix them for her. Hazel hated the idea of walking up to someone and laying out her history, then looking at them with pleading eyes that said take this as an excuse. Also, fix it for me. Fix me. Everyone had their own schedules, their own agendas. But Hazel was finding it harder and harder to hold on to the thought that she alone could overcome this stupid fear. And maybe...she was thinking of finally opening up to someone about it. Someone who could help her.

Swiping a thumb underneath the golden bandana still tied around her forearm, where the skin was still soft from lack of exposure, Hazel shivered as her thumb pad grazed the jagged, bumpy scar that marred the inside of her arm. She could do this. She could hug Margaery if she needed it. She could do this.

Running slightly shaky hands through a messy thatch of curls, Hazel pushed herself to her feet, and quietly knocked. "Margy?" She asked, slowly turning the handle but not entering or pushing the door open. "Sit per me venire?" Hoping the Latin might calm or soothe the woman in some way, Hazel waited on baited breath for her answer.

(Sit per me venire? - May I come in?)
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: pumpkin pie, sugar plum ★ p, margy - Margaery - 06-11-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
She was miserable.

Absolutely, positively, extraordinarily miserable.

Her pregnancy was slowly destroying her from the inside out, her unborn children demanding blood that she could not - would not - supply to them out of very principle. Bastille had said it himself, she was a monster. It would be better to simply lock herself away and wallow, leaving everyone to be free of her presence. Of her signature brand of life-ruining. Because after centuries of doubting herself, of fearing and worrying and fretting, this fate... it had been inevitable. And it made her wish she had never left her father and all of his terribleness. He was a hateful, spiteful man and yet, she was still his precious flower and anything that made her even question a part of herself was destroyed. On sight.

It was true that his personal fury had been passed down to her, evident in the way she delighted in ripping her victims apart. She was more of a thorn than a rose and she had once relished in that knowledge. Relished in being dangerous, deceitful, lethal. Now, those attributes in combination with her own desires to be the mother she never had had finally succeeding in breaking her to pieces. Caring was her greatest weakness. She should have learned ages ago when her father slaughtered her lover for the fourth time that she could never truly find happiness and peace within anyone besides her family.

Always and forever.

Those words were like poison to her now.

She felt for the necklaces around her neck, shaking fingers first tracing the fleur-de-lis symbol before finding the ring her mother had once worn. Absently, she slipped it onto her ring finger, a sigh escaping from pale lips as she realized it was a perfect fit. But her mother was gone. Out of her life permanently. Why she kept the ring... the living reminder of her... well, she didn't know. It had once been a trophy to her. Not anymore... not anymore. There was another sigh and the ring was once more laying against her chest, her hands clasping over her stomach. She knew that only feet away, Hazel stood - had been standing for nearly an hour now. Even in her weak state, her senses were still heightened and idly, she wondered why the girl hadn't said anything yet.

Half of her wanted to abandon her spot on her bed and welcome her in, but every time she moved to do just that, Bast's voice rang in her ears, reminding her that she was practically destined to ruin Hazel too. She kept put because of that, because of that fear. Margaery refused to hurt another soul, even if she couldn't quite recall what she had originally done to make Bast despise her so. Whatever transgression she had committed, apparently it had been enough to warrant his unwavering hate. Fitting for a monster such as herself, she mused silently.

But it appeared that Hazel didn't intend to remain silent forever and, knowing that she couldn't just drive her away, she quietly shuffled to her door and threw it open, revealing how much of a mess she truly was. Her hair, usually immaculate and sparkling, was frizzy and unbrushed, her skin the color of gray ash from lack of blood. She forced a smile that did not quite reach her eyes onto her face then, beckoning her in with a wave of her hand.

[color=#b14767]"What can I do for you, love?"

Re: pumpkin pie, sugar plum ★ p, margy - ★ HAZEL - 06-16-2018

It was no secret that Margy’s vampirism scared Hazel. And she wasn’t ashamed of that fear, either. Hazel was dead certain Margaery could kill her with a look if she wanted. And yet, she harbored the same sort of attitude towards Margy that she did towards Bastille: they might be pretty damn powerful, but as long as she had a reason to believe she could actively help, she would approach them at their worst and do her best.

“I came to see how you’re doing,” Hazel admitted, finding that beating around the bush would only create problems. “I wanted to know if there is anything I can do to help you.” She said softly, walking towards her bed. She snagged a hairbrush off a nearby flat surface and sat behind Margy, taking a deep breath at the electricity and heat that radiated between them. Gingerly, she reached up, and began working the brush through the knots and frizz in the woman’s hair, taking care to be gentle.

“We’re all worried about you, Margy.” Hazel said. “ seem more off than what the babies might cause. Did something happen?” She asked quietly, eyes not leaving the methodical strokes of the brush.
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: pumpkin pie, sugar plum ★ p, margy - Margaery - 06-16-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
She should have anticipated the question.

Of course people were concerned for her well-being. She saw it in their faces... in Shay's worried glances. She had properly shut down without really anticipating what came next and now that she was being asked why, she felt as if she was somehow betraying Bast by revealing the real cause of her melancholy. She cared too much for the boy, that much was known, and though he had effectively destroyed her delicate perception of herself, she still couldn't find it in herself to entirely fault him. She was a monster. Her family had made sure of that. Could she honestly blame Bast if he was just telling the truth?

Margaery was silent as Hazel brushed her hair, fiddling with her necklaces once more and attempting to find the words that properly conveyed the situation. [color=#b14767]"Well," She began softly, [color=#b14767]"Bast said some unkind things to me." There was no anger. No rage. Not even frustration. Just a bitter weariness.  [color=#b14767]"He told me that I'm an awful mother... or well, not a mother at all," Her voice grew increasingly more distant as she spoke, her figure stiffening, [color=#b14767]"He also told me that I... I ruin lives and that was why Lily, my daughter, had her memories of me erased. He said that I was just going to ruin your life too. Staying away seemed like my only option."

A few tears had begun to accumulate in the corners of her eyes but she was too busy fumbling with her mother's ring to even attempt to wipe them away. [color=#b14767]"I'm a monster, love, not a mother. I guess he was just bringing me back to reality."

Re: pumpkin pie, sugar plum ★ p, margy - ★ HAZEL - 06-17-2018

Hazel busied herself with her task, running her fingers through the long strands of Margaery’s hair. She’d always admired the mousy brown of Margy’s hair; it looked like it belonged in a photo shoot, set against a white backdrop in NYC. Hazel wished for hair like that, instead of the frizzy, curly mess she had to deal with.

As Margy finally spoke, Hazel’s grip tightened around the handle of the brush. There was her confirmation — her check mark in the one blank box that she’d left her pen hovering over for days, now. Anger kickstarted low in her chest, quickly coming to a boil in her veins. So now not only did Bastille not give two shits about what he was doing to himself, but he didn’t seem to care about what he said and did to others. It was all good fun until someone else got caught in the crossfire, wasn’t it?

Hazel let Margy finish, gritting her teeth and trying not to tug on the woman’s hair too harshly. Deus, she was going to shove Bastille into his bookshelf the next time she saw him. He’d deserve it this time. He’d deserve every inch of what Hazel was going to give him, because this sort of subject was just...something you didn’t mess with. You left it alone, no matter what.

Smoldering, Hazel swallowed against the bitterness, silently setting down her plan for mutilating the Seraph later in favor of focusing on the present. It took a moment longer than usual to feel the burn of liquid anger in her veins fade, like that wave was more powerful than the others. But Hazel didn’t notice — just breathed in and out, in and out. Just to level off her racing heart.

“I don’t know why you should believe anything he says,” Hazel said after a moment of silence. “He doesn’t know you, Margy. He doesn’t know the first thing about you.” She frowned, reaching up to collect a small portion of brown hair to begin braiding. “Bastille may be able to read people and twist words, but he can’t tell you who you are. None of us can. Everything that makes up your character is up to you, and only you. It took me way too long to figure that out — twelve years too long. And in the time I spent at that house, living as something Mother told me I was, I realized the only thing I could do was embody only what she told me. It wasn’t me. I didn’t have my own personality. But by the time I ran...I was already covered in scars.” Hazel sighed quietly, some of the fight seeping out of her shoulders.

Biting her lip with a newfound sort of nervousness, Hazel rolled up one leg of her overall shorts, revealing pale, ugly scars that peppered the insides of her thigh. Some were thin and long, shaped like a shooting star or the path of a kitchen knife. Others were the results of burns and fingernail scrapes. She let out a small breath.

Hazel tried to ignore how her hands shook as she looked back up at Margaery, eyes haunted and a little desperate. “Please don’t let yourself get covered in scars, Margy.” She said quietly. “It’s not worth it.”
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: pumpkin pie, sugar plum ★ p, margy - Margaery - 06-17-2018

[align=center][color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁[div style="text-align:justify;width:60%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]
Margaery might have possessed a smile reminiscent of her mother's and the wit of her uncle, but her temper, her rage... she inherited that from her father. She was not provoked as easily as he was, but once the fire began to burn, she found herself often engulfed in her own ancient awfulness. She could feel the flames coursing through her veins now, her gray eyes suddenly sparkling to life, fists closing so tightly that she could feel her nails drawing blood from her palms. For a moment, she relished in the anger, her silence a vow that she would destroy Hazel's mother for those scars. Nobody hurt her and lived. Nobody. And then she inhaled a deep breath and extinguished the spark. She had felt the monster in her coming out to play and for the sake of Hazel, dismissed it as quickly as it came. Perhaps one day, she'd have an opportunity to extract revenge on Hazel's mother. Until then, she'd keep her fury at bay. She had to.

[color=#b14767]"Hazel," Margaery began softly, turning to completely face the other girl. She simply stared at her for a moment, attempting to string together words that could possibly begin to convey both her appreciation and her concern. [color=#b14767]"Thank you." It was all she could manage, the tears returning to once more spill over her cheeks. She had so many other things to say, gracious and worried sentences that danced on the tip of her tongue. She opened her paled lips to try and express them but only fell silent again, her attention momentarily distracted by the blood on her palms. She wiped it away carefully, cautiously, investigating the skin that laid beneath. As terrible as vampirism was, at least her body healed faster. A bloodshot gaze would linger for another brief second before returning to Hazel.

She had scars too, ones that would have probably covered her entire body had it not regenerated so quickly. Her scars were from a family that reveled in chaos though. Fights. Defense. War. It was the mental scars that she still bore though- haunted by the memories of her father slaughtering the girl she loved, of him forcing her to slaughter her, of his all-too familiar anger, of his evilness that far surpassed their own. She drew her knees to her chest as she thought about it, momentarily burying her grayed face between her arms.

[color=#b14767]"Haze?" She inquired tenderly, voice muffled, [color=#b14767]"Can I give you a hug?" She asked partially for her own sake and partially for Hazel's. After days of not feeding, the idea of having a warm body so close to her fangs didn't seem like a particularly wise one. Then again, she was not what Bastille had told her. She knew that she would never hurt Hazel, knew that she didn't even have the capacity to fathom a thought about harming Hazel. But she wanted to make sure that the other girl was alright with it too. After all, being hugged by an a thousand year old vampire who had denied herself blood for the last couple of days was not something people sought out to do.

[color=#b14767]"And thank you..." She paused, [color=#b14767]"For brushing my hair and all."

Re: pumpkin pie, sugar plum ★ p, margy - ★ HAZEL - 06-18-2018

Hazel pushed her pants leg back down, eyes glued to the scars the denim couldn’t cover. Most days she had a false sort of confidence that allowed her to ignore those scars; to pretend they didn’t exist. Other days she couldn’t bear to look at them, knowing that they were stuck with her forever and that they might even drive some people away. She drew a slow breath in, pushing the thought away.

“I know I can’t fix the way you feel sometimes, though I wish I could.” She admitted to Margy, fiddling with the hairbrush. “I just want you to know that you’re being unfair to yourself if you believe in something told to you by someone who hardly knows you.” She shrugged, returning to fiddling with Margy’s hair. She found that it was...a nice distraction. So Hazel began braiding small sections of the brown curls, letting the methodical rhythm of over, under, over, under pull her out of her head.

“You’re a really amazing person, Margaery,” She said softly, fondly. “You make me think of what a mother is supposed to be. Sweet and caring and protective and protective. That’s fine if you don’t want to believe me, but know that all people have their flaws — and that doesn’t make them bad people.” Hazel adjusted her grip on Margy’s hair. “I think it’s what makes them human.”

Wow, that sounded...kind of cheesy. Hazel grimaced at herself. She was about to tell Margaery to ignore it, but Margy was already turning around, tears on her cheeks and concern in her eyes. Hazel froze, because that...that wasn’t really the reaction she was hoping her words would have. “Hey, hey — don’t cry, it’s alright.” She murmured, reaching for Margy but stopping just before her fingers brushed against the woman’s pale, ashen skin. The contrast between the two colors was stark and Hazel, ever the one to marvel at the little things, let her eye linger on it before she refocused.

“I — you’re welcome.” Hazel was now just a bit confused, but happy to help. Then Margy was asking if she could hug her, and Hazel froze up again, golden eyes wide as a chill ran down her spine. The only hug she had received was from Bastille, and that was to snap her out of a panic attack. In fact, that wasn’t what had even calmed her down, it was the smoke and pine scent that clung to his skin. Could she handle it if she let Margy hug her?

“Uh,” She squeaked out, panic a little evident in her eyes. At this point, she wasn’t even thinking about Margy’s vampirism anymore. She could only feel the heat radiating off the other and think about how all consuming and searingly hot it was. “...sure, Margy.” She all but whispered.
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: pumpkin pie, sugar plum ★ p, margy - Margaery - 06-27-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
For somebody so young, Hazel possessed wisdom that far surpassed even her own. She was left only staring at her in awe, mouth slightly agape and mind whirling. Bast had hurt her, had left unseen wounds that pained her even now- even as Hazel brushed and braided her hair and reassured her - and took away her sense of strength. Her sense of person. But Bast didn’t know her. He didn’t know of that ancient sadness that ran as deep as a river through her or of the struggles she had faced as she fought who she wanted to be against who she was destined to be. He only knew her as much as anyone else in the Ascendants did... and nobody knew hardly a thing about her. Only Suiteheart knew of her sorrows, of her pains, of the things that made her crave life and happiness and the things that made her want nothing more than to exchange her immortality for death.

Hazel was right.

[color=#b14767]”I... thank you... again,” She whispered, those tears not ceasing in their flow. She had taken to absently tracing figure eights into her thigh, frightening herself as she realized how utterly gray she was. In a way, she was desiccating. She needed to feed lest her hunger sent her spiraling into a semi-permanent slumber. But she’d be alright, at least for now. Maybe after this, she would finally give into her desires and feed, letting Genevieve rise to the surface and wreck havoc on any poor soul who crossed her path. Yes, that would be good. Nice, even, to feel her strength return to her, that ancient power once more coursing through her veins.

She was so transfixed by the thought of blood and murder that she almost missed Hazel’s words. She... she reminded her of what a mother was supposed to be like? Again, the woman was rendered speechless, her tears coming faster now as they trickled down her cheeks. She fought the urge to sob, a sudden wave of emotion (heightened by her hunger) washing over her suddenly. Nobody had ever said that to her. Nobody had ever seen her as just that- a good mother. Not an awful monster, not a vampire. Bast’s words, his terrible, cruel words were forgotten in that moment, that sob finally rising to the surface and escaping pale and chapped lips. Without even a second thought, she was wrapping her arms around Hazel, pulling her into an embrace before her overwhelming emotions could swallow her whole.

It had been so long since she had had any type of physical comfort and she reveled in the warmth of skin against her own. She just wished that she could stop crying though, her tears still fresh and hot as they fell from bloodshot eyes. [color=#b14767]”Hazel...” It was all she could manage before she inhaled a labored breath, calming only slightly. Hugging someone... it was helping. Helping more than she could even begin to describe.