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magic shop – open; finally leaving his freaking room - Printable Version

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magic shop – open; finally leaving his freaking room - august basil - 06-11-2018

[ ooc ] i literally,, had to edit it,, bc i said,, "leaveing" in the title,,

august hadn't been seen out and about for a few days now. the reason for that? he'd been isolating himself in the room he'd chosen to live in, legitimately taking days to decorate it. he wanted it to be absolutely perfect, it was going to be his personal space for god knows how long and he didn't want it to appear similar to a trash dump. "just a little to the left," the feline hummed, squinting at the small figurine he was moving around on the table he'd placed in his room. because of the low light in here, august's glasses were resting on his nose, ensuring that he could actually see everything going on around him. he wasn't sure- was it bad that he could see through the darkness that'd enveloped his room, or was that completely normal at this point in time, considering how long he'd been in here? that didn't matter now, he was almost done with his decorating.

of course, he'd realized soon after he'd begun this long process that he'd forgotten some sort of light source. i'll go get one tomorrow, he'd told himself, but alas, he'd forgotten to do that. and the following day. and the following day. he hadn't been eating much in this time, either; he was particular about where everything went, he wasn't going to let one item be out of place.

"damn it," he mumbled, fumbling around in the darkness, trying to not bump into anything while simultaneously scolding himself for not remembering a fucking lamp. a sigh escaped august, the male slowly making his way out of his room, down the hall, out into the main area.

due to him being in his room for so long, any form of brightness was hurting his eyes, making him squint behind his glasses. he'd either have to go discover some kind of lamp out in the territory (or take one from another person), but august didn't really want to waste any time. as much as he didn't like asking others for favours, he felt that this would be alright.

"does anyone have a lamp i could have for my room?" august called out in question, one ear twitching with curiosity. he probably looked like shit, with his fur ruffled and his eyes tired, blinking every few seconds as he struggled with the light. he was even glaring upwards, as if he was trying to blame the sun for all of his issues. "i mean, preferably an oil one. it'll fit best with everything else in my room."

Re: magic shop – open; finally leaving his freaking room - Character Graveyard. - 06-11-2018

Luna had not seen August before so she had been overcome by curiosity and she had approached the male, right after he asked for a lamp for his room. She had a spare oil lamp in her own room that she could let the male have. "I have one. I'll go get it." Luna said.

With that, the female had gone into her room and she had come out a few minutes later, with a oil lamp. "Here you go." She said, placing the lamp in front of August.
© madi

Re: magic shop – open; finally leaving his freaking room - BASTILLEPAW - 06-11-2018

Bastille never put much thought into his room, but then again, he'd never really had a room before the Ascendants. He'd never settled any where for long enough to have a room or a true place to call home, and he'd never really seen the need for one. He wasn't exactly sentimental in nature. As most, he'd dumped his belongings in a random open bedroom, as if he was staying there but not settled there. The only care he put into it was arranging his books in their proper order, but that was all.

It seemed that others actually cared for their rooms, though. Hazel had spent quite a few days designing hers, and he noticed that a lot of the newcomers would disappear very briefly after joining, emerging later from their rooms in triumph. It was... interesting. He guessed. He didn't really care one way or another, but it was a trend, and that was information. Possibly interesting information. Whatever.

He was buzzed enough not to feel anything at the sight of Luna -- she was probably the least of his concerns in terms of angry Clanmates, but still, she was his mentor and even she had chosen Margy over him -- but not enough to forget that he was avoiding her, in part. He stopped with August between them, a mild buffer, and drawled idly, "We could have given you windows if you wanted them, but I guess that's a little beyond the point now." Maybe he didn't need sunlight, just light light. Again: whatever.

Re: magic shop – open; finally leaving his freaking room - Margaery - 06-12-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
While Suiteheart had primarily handled the decor in the room they shared, Margaery had organized her bunker room and its entirety completely by herself. It had been no easy feat going through hundreds of years worth of valuable knick knacks, books, and the like, but someone how to do it and now that it had been done, it provided her a sanctuary away from, well, everything. She occupied that room the most now, feeling comfortable and at home amidst her belongings as she stared at walls and locked herself away from her clanmates. Admittedly, she didn't even know why she was out now, having abandoned her room in favor of a quick walk through the Observatory.

She still looked a bit rough, but she had fed rather recently and in that, a sort of ethereal glow had been returned to her. Margaery had accidentally stumbled upon the small group and, seeing Bastilleprisoner, had been half tempted to keep walking. Their last encounter was the reason why she had chosen to confine herself to her bunker room and it was no surprise that she obviously possessed a strong desire to avoid him at all costs. A newcomer was among the trio though and she, desperate to do her job after days of simply existing as nothing, forced a weak smile onto her lips. [color=#b14767]"I have candles too," Margy offered quietly, [color=#b14767]"If you need them."

She paused for a moment, dull gray eyes studying this Wren individual. Had they met before? She couldn't recall. Everything had been a blur as of late - faces, names, even memories - and all that had managed to stand out in the jumble of her brain was a simple phrase: mother not monster. [color=#b14767]"I'm Margaery," She blurted out suddenly, dismissing the troublesome thought as soon as it surfaced, [color=#b14767]"I don't believe we've met before, love."

Re: magic shop – open; finally leaving his freaking room - Roy Mustang - 06-12-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy didn't put much thought into his room. Back when he joined, he didn't think he'd be in Ascendants for long. He believed there was a way he could go home, he just had to figure out what the way was back then. But then, he learned the truth. There was no way for him to ever go back to Amestris. A question from Maes triggered memories, specific memories of him dying by accidentally getting caught in an activated human transmutation circle. It cost him his entire body, he was lucky that he was given another chance at life here. After he learned he was stuck here, he put a little more thought into his room. The walls were painted navy blue. He had a single bed for him to sleep on, with a nightstand. On the nightstand was a picture of him and Maes that Suiteheart gave him, and in the drawer, his pendant with his flame array was stored inside.

But Roy hasn't been staying in his room in the past few days. He blamed himself for the reason, that he chewed his own leg off after a rock slide caught his leg. He hated that he followed that feral, raw, animistic instinct during the time of his desperation. He should have been patient. He should have waited longer, but after hours of not being found, he wasn't able to overcome it.

Roy was making himself walk around, when Rin or Radeken weren't helping him with his wound. He can't wait until this wound is healed to get used to padding around with three legs. He remembered how Suiteheart asked him if he was doing therapy, back at the time he'd tell her he wasn't, but now he is. The male limped his way through the observatory, when his ears pricked up at the unfamiliar voice. A lamp? Roy didn't have one, Roy usually kept his room lit up by candles. He was sure he'd have a few he could spare if August needed some.

The Flame Alchemist limped over, his gaze landing onto August, flicking one of his ears. "I also have some candles if you need them," He offered shortly after Margaery, glancing at the vampire for a moment. Roy's attention quickly fell back onto August, the male realizing he didn't recognize the member standing in front of him. If he didn't know who this was, they surely don't know who he is either. "Roy Mustang, by the way." The Flame Alchemist introduced himself, with a quick nod of his head.

Re: magic shop – open; finally leaving his freaking room - Suiteheart - 06-13-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Unlike Bastilleprisoner, Suiteheart put a lot of thought into her living space. Everything in the room she shared with Margaery was placed just so. The decorations on the walls were also placed with an acute attention to detail. Though she was not incredibly skilled with interior design, she was creative enough to make lovely looking rooms. She did have a nasty habit of wanting to change the layout of she and Margy's room every month or so just to shake things up. Suite was not a fan of being stagnant for too long.

Upon hearing light conversation, the Ecliptic Admiral strolled forward. She wore a friendly look as she stopped beside Margaery. "How're you settling in, August? You look kinda out of it." Her tone was light and joking. The poor boy looked a bit ragged, but she supposed she didn't look much better herself.

Re: magic shop – open; finally leaving his freaking room - august basil - 06-14-2018

an unfamiliar female had been approaching him when he asked his question; afterwards, she quickly turned around, saying that she had an oil lamp he could have. a small, reluctant smile appeared on august's maw, one ear twitching in appreciation. she had quickly returned, clutching an oil lamp in her grasp, which she set at his paws. august quickly,pulled it towards him, tucking it under his belly. "thanks," he told her, giving her another smile (bigger, this time) and a grateful nod. "i, uh, i don't believe we've met before. i'm august," he introduced himself to her.

the leader guy - bast, wasn't it? - had also stepped forward while luna had handed over her lamp, standing on the other side of august and making the black feline turn to face him. the male mentioned that they could've just given august a room with windows, words that made august frown slightly. he didn't particularly like having to rise when sun shone into the room, (face it, curtains could be virtually useless), he liked getting in as much sleep as possible when he actually took the time to lie down and close his eyes. "no windows is perfectly okay for me," august replied, tilting his head slightly. "leave those rooms open for others, right?"

more and more people were joining this little group forming: the next was another female, one who august didn't recognize. "you know," he hummed, his cheeks puffing out slightly as he considered margaery's offer, "i might take you up on that." candles would fit in with everything, they wouldn't be glaringly obvious against the current theme he had going on. he may need to keep a stash of matches in a drawer somewhere at all times, just for lighting them easily and at convinent times, but that wouldn't be an issue. for now. right now, al of his drawers were barren, nothing in them. "it's nice to meet you, margaery," he said to her.

august didn't know if he should feel happy that so many people were approaching him, or if he should just feel the pure sting of annoyance. he wanted to crawl back to his room, take the lamp with him and get some light in there. maybe if he knew everyone a little better he'd just brush them off and head off, but he was still working on his first impressions. the new male who'd wandered over was one august didn't recognize, although roy introduced himself rather quickly after he told august that he, also, had some candles that august could use. "thanks, roy." august said. "i'm august, if you didn't hear." he told roy, also glancing over at margaery, in case she didn't know his name either.

finally, another familiar person appeared: suiteheart. she walked over, coming to a standstill next to margaery and wearing a friendly expression. her tone was light as she asked how august was settling in, commenting on his appearance. "it's going quite well, i guess." he told her, frowning. "i need to eat something after i set up this lamp somewhere, though. i probably look like utter shit," august said, a faint, amused smile appearing on his lips.

Re: magic shop – open; finally leaving his freaking room - BASTILLEPAW - 06-14-2018

Bastille gave an idle shrug, evidently not too bothered by August's preference not to have windows after all. To each their own and all that shit. As long as the guy was happy with his living situation, Bast didn't really care -- and perhaps he needn't assume that everyone seeking more light sources was secretly wanting to live in the bunker. Maybe only Cooper was incapable of asking for what he wanted. "Cool."

As more joined them and chattered away, Bast shifted back slightly, leaning his weight away from August. He wasn't much of a conversationalist unless he had something he actually wanted to say, or was somehow invested in the situation, and small talk? Was not his thing. Besides -- he could sense the subtle shifting of August's aura, got the vague impression that this guy liked his space, too. Well, then. Far be it from Bast to contribute to the demands of socialization when it concerned a fellow introvert. "Well, if you need anything," he drawled, with a slight nod, and then he was gone.