Beasts of Beyond
We were moving mountains // open+human fight // long before we knew we could - Printable Version

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We were moving mountains // open+human fight // long before we knew we could - jacob w.c. - 06-11-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE —//all humans are npcs!! they can't have modern weapons but they can have stone age weapons and traps (snares, pitfalls, etc). 

The time had come. With Typhoon beside them, it was finally time to head to the human's camp and chase them out for good. They'd walked in nearly complete silence but now that they were only a few paces out, Jacob stopped and looked to the group. "Alright, remember ta' look out for any traps they got out. If they put 'em by the tunnels, 'm sure they'll have some closer ta' the village. Also, try ta' avoid seriously hurtin' anyone or killin' 'em. The goal is jus' ta' drive 'em out. If we hurt 'em too bad or if they die, someone else'll come ta' take their place n' fight with us some more. This is a relatively small group, even with all the damage they did, n' I don' wanna' attract anymore people 'ere. We're jus' 'ere ta' show 'em tha' they can't take our land n' do what they want with it. When every single human is gone, I'll be holdin' a meetin' in the village 'ere. We ain't goin' back ta' those tunnels that're infested with feral prey. I'll give further instruction then, but until then, 's time ta' get these invaders outta' our territory!" he called before turning and beginning to make his way towards the village in a near run. Many of his clanmates and the pirates passed on either side of him. With his limp, he knew he wouldn't be able to do as much as some of the others but the least he could do was lead them to this moment. Now he trusted they would do what was necessary, even if he couldn't do as much as he would've liked. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: We were moving mountains // open+human fight // long before we knew we could - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-11-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Atbash had been waiting for this day to come, and luckily it had finally came. She had been a bit nervous over having to go hunt down and fight the humans, but she reminded herself that her groupmates and The Typhoon would be with her. The latter was a bit worrisome, but hopefully Caesar wouldn't catch her in the mass of people that were gathered. Sure, her fur stood out against some of the NPCs of Snowbound and the territory of their home, but for all Caesar knew, she could be just some random Snowbounder. That's even assuming he showed up at all.

As Jacob took off, Atbash quickly followed suit, though she tried to keep in pace with the leader. With his injury, he probably couldn't fight very well, and would be an easy target. And... although Atbash couldn't fight well, at least having some sort of defense was helpful, right?
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: We were moving mountains // open+human fight // long before we knew we could - arcy - 06-11-2018

Izuku couldn't be described as a violent person. He was impulsive, yes, and he was prone to attacking others if provoked properly, but Izuku couldn't say this fit his quota. Humans ... they were attacking humans for endangering them. And that was weird. That was scary and strange. He realizes that he's not human anymore -- won't ever be again, probably, but he just -- he's not sure. He tries not to linger on it too much. They have to drive them out, after all, and Izuku wants to be helpful.
So it's with unease and anxiety-filled eyes that Izuku listens to Jacob's instructions, ears partially pressed back. He wouldn't have to participate if he didn't want to, he's sure. He's just a kid, one barely recovering from injuries and just a Tenderfoot to boot, but he doesn't want to be dead weight. The humans were hurting them. So, it's with this in mind that Izuku follows Jacob's lead, moving at a fast trot some paces behind the rest of the group. His paws are sparking as he tries to psyche himself up, as they tend to. He's not very good at fighting -- he's weak and untrained despite all attempts so far, but his electricity was potentially devastating. He just hoped he didn't lose control of it or hurt any of them too bad. ... Would his electricity catch their attention too much? He hopes not. It's all Izuku really had to back him up here, aside from the obvious, more risky route of claws and teeth and the such. But Izuku doesn't want to taste the blood, or see it at his claws. Burns? ... Please, no, but it was better than the blood, at least. (if Izuku was holding off doing anything at all, well, nobody would know)
what was i worth

Re: We were moving mountains // open+human fight // long before we knew we could - Verdigris - 06-12-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Now this was the true meaning of piracy- they were officially out to conquer some land, even if that land had technically been their allies' to begin with and had just been stolen a few weeks ago.

  Paper was initially disappointed upon hearing that they couldn't kill or maim the humans, but Jacob's explanation did make sense- they didn't need to give the rest of the humans reason for a roaring rampage of revenge. With a nod, the jackal fell into rank alongside the rest of the front lines and swept his gaze across the valley, searching for humans and traps. He planned to stay with the rest of the group so as to avoid being outnumbered and cornered by two or more of the humans- as well as to protect Pincher and Jacob, both of whom were injured and would be vulnerable in the event of an attack- but he had every intention of fighting by his crewmates' and allies' sides.

Re: We were moving mountains // open+human fight // long before we knew we could - guts - 06-12-2018

Fighting humans when he used to be one is probably the most meta thing Aizawa has ever heard. To think he was fighting the one thing he used to be sounded ridiculous, but it was the truth--and, judging by the look on his face, Izuku felt the same. Or he was just overall nervous to be fighting. Probably a mixture of both. He thought the male would be used to battling by now, what with all the fights they had had in the past. But of course, dying had probably been a major set-back for him. So he would cut him some slack.

He joined the others in the front-lines, considering he was pretty large and would be a good defense against the humans they'd face. He still didn't have a very good grip on his powers, but could somewhat control them at this point. Sometimes they'd cooperate, other times they wouldn't. Hopefully this time around they'd be a bit more forgiving.


Re: We were moving mountains // open+human fight // long before we knew we could - Character Graveyard. - 06-12-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Natasha was a former assassin. A natural killer, who was supposed to feel no remorse towards any of her targets. However, she had left that life behind and started a rather peaceful life. But, only for today, she would show her vicious side to Snowbound.

The she-wolf had been lurking around the outskirts of the human's camp after she had heard Jacob's orders. She was going to scare a few humans away from the village, though it was a rather difficult task.
© madi

Re: We were moving mountains // open+human fight // long before we knew we could - melantha - 06-16-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]"S'about goddamn time," hisses the huntress beneath her breath. Melantha is not pleased that she is not allowed to slaughter every single human who partook in forcing Snowbound from their home, but she does her best to conceal it for the sake of respecting Jacob's decision. "I can still bite them, right?" The tone is joking, but there is a murderous undertone. She hates the humans, there is no denying that. And there is no denying that she is of the opinion that the human group is small enough and Snowbound is powerful enough to kill all of them and then place the bodies in a fire or something to make it look like they died of something else. She glances briefly at the star-shaped scar on her shoulder where an arrow went clean through her flesh. It still burns with agony, even if it is just a memory. Melantha distracts herself by monitoring Jacob, watchful green eyes observing his mobility and health as the group moves into position. Hopefully all goes well.