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yip // 6.10 weekly tasks - Printable Version

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yip // 6.10 weekly tasks - ▷killian◁ - 06-11-2018

It was that time, huh? Time for Killian to try and use his tiny little brain to come up with things for his groupmates to do. So maybe it was a little late in the evening to be doing this but he hadn't remembered until last minute and he didn't want to not do this. What kind of guy would he be if he just didn't do something he had actually asked to do?

He was a tiny bit excited to be doing this anyways; he had a bunch of ideas floating around in that head of his and even if they weren't all good ideas, he could still give them out. Whoever got said not-so-good ideas would just have to suffer. He didn't care.

He trotted along towards the center of their setup, wincing at every step; his shoulders fucking hurt. The bite that Zimavich had given him was certainly not quick to heal. It was in such a terrible spot. Why his shoulders? They were always moving and reopening the wound. It was his fault though.. Not that he'd admit that, of course. Despite being the one to make the training session and give it such loose rules, Killian would put all blame on the polar bear.

Oh, finally. There were enough people around, right? The demon dog sat at the statue he'd seen Beck give away tasks at and took in a deep breath. "Come get your fucking tasks, guys!" He shouted as loud as he could, voice echoing. He snapped his jaws shut and shifted to a more comfortable position. Satisfied that he'd gotten enough peoples attention, Killian waited for them to come up for a task.


Re: yip // 6.10 weekly tasks - beck. - 06-11-2018

    It was weird being on the receiving end, yet still a welcomed weirdness. One that meant he wouldn't give himself a headache searching his brain for all those godforsaken tasks. His ideas weren't even that creative anyways. Naturally, the poltergeist was more than glad to see his burden on someone else's shoulders, albeit not so much anymore when Killian easily stepped atop his statue. It was Beck who was supposed to be perched there, the commander, the first one -- it made his apparition crawl with bone-chilling anger, irrational and unrelenting even as he buried his vices and approached.

    Watching with a narrowed glare careful not to betray his possessive thoughts twitching in his chest, Beck crept from the shadowed corners of the town square, notched ear flicking wildly as he stopped in front of the hound expectantly. The nasty bite on his shoulder was proving to be quite the hindrance, the feline couldn't help but notice at the fellow demon's uncomfortable shifting. An awry paw lifted up to irritably rub at his missing cheek, mumbling from the unscathed side of his mouth with a shrill growl, "Gimme somethin' good at least, Kills." Surely the pea-brain could invent some menial activity to keep away his boredom for a little while.

Re: yip // 6.10 weekly tasks - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-11-2018

Re: yip // 6.10 weekly tasks - Nayru - 06-12-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
[b][color=#6b7e99]"I'll take one," Nayru said softly, gazing up at Killian with a frown. His choice in announcing the weekly tasks had been... interesting, but she supposed she was in no position to judge given the place that she lived.

Re: yip // 6.10 weekly tasks - ▷killian◁ - 06-14-2018

Okay, three people, not too bad. Killian shifted to the edge of the statue to get closer to them, his tail wagging as they approached. "Cool! Awesome. Great. So, uhh... Let's fuckin' see.." His cloudy gaze looked to each of them a few times and he squinted in his deep thought. Should he give them things he thought they'd enjoy? Things that aligned with their interests? Hmm.. Nah, that wasn't his job, he didn't care if they were interested in the task he gave them.

"Beck! How about you.. Can you ride an alligator? Ohh, and give people fuckin' rides on it! Yeah, that's your task, pretend a 'gators a horse and give people rides on that bitch." He nodded to himself, immensely satisfied. That was a genius task, he couldn't wait to see it happen. If it happened? He really hoped Beck could do that. That would be awesome..

"Vig! Yes, I am demanding, you like it?" He winked at the cat and then thought about the tasks he'd thought up. "Hmm.. Can you take some bitches out and get some food we usually don't have? Maybe have like a.. A fuckin' food.. Party? Yeah. Get some rare food or some shit and have a food party." Another task he thought was absolutely genius. Good food they didn't get very often? That shit was the best.

"And pretty lady.. How 'bout you teach us some shit? You're pretty fuckin' smart, right? Get some of us together one day and share your fuckin' knowledge! Maybe how to like.. Heal small shit so you don't have to deal with us comin' to you for little scrapes?" Anyone else he'd have given some dumb task but in all honesty Killian kind of didn't want to make Nayru do something she didn't like. She was soft and didn't seem like someone who could do a task he'd give someone else or do himself. Why would he make her do something like use a gator as a horse? That was a waste of time and he wouldn't waste the time of someone so pretty, even if it was just to try and keep himself on her good side. Though that implied she had a bad side and he wasn't sure if that was true.

Whatever. He sat back and looked off into the distance, waiting if anyone else wanted a task. He could wait all day, after all.. Sitting here for a few hours would be better than moving around and ripping open his bite. Or getting it muddy. It already itched like hell, fuck that.


Re: yip // 6.10 weekly tasks - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-17-2018