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LAST NIGHT TOOK AN L | MEETING 6.10 - Printable Version

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Meetings just got easier and easier the less capable you were of feeling stress, didn't they? See, there were benefits to feeling absolutely fucking nothing. There was barely a flicker as he stood by, calling idly, "Meeting time and shit." His voice was still a little raspy, not fully recovered from the battering he'd put his damn throat through, but he didn't notice or care. No one seemed too hellbent on demanding answers from him after his dismissal yesterday, particularly when Bastille seemed unlikely to actually provide any. "Get here or get caught up later."

He waited half a beat. Let a few stream towards him. Waited another. Got bored and carried on, tone flat and vaguely disinterested, "We have more newcomers this week. Welcome to Anakin, Shokrakar, Oakpaw, Billiam, and Pixel. We also gained Pele and Sylva, who recently escaped the nursery. Anyone who needs to get their pendants sorted out can do that this week in the [color=#a25367]June ceremonies, as usual. You newcomers in particular.

"Moving on... No warnings this week. Way to shape the fuck up, everyone. Shoutout to Pele for being an active little tyke. Joel, step up to Starstruck Guardian. Luna, Kuiper Corporal. Margaery, Lunar Lieutenant."
He rolled through them without preamble, barely pausing for them to acknowledge that they heard before he was carrying on, evidently ready to get down to the nitty gritty shit.

"In case you missed it, Beck agreed to the alliance yesterday. Consider Tanglefuck our new friends." A pause. "Beck will be here [color=#a25367]later today to get some... gifts from us. Per our new alliance. We will also be hosting shit with them this week, likely, for the Summer Solstice -- so don't be alarmed if you suddenly smell swamp in the Observatory. Obviously, no harassing the new allies." No inflection in his tone. He didn't seem to care about them any more, the typical annoyance and anger that he usually aimed towards Beck just... gone, along with everything else. "Speaking of politics and shit... We're going to have ambassadors. Up to two for each group, until one of them decides to declare us enemies. Check that out and whatever if you're interested. Unrelated, but Roy is hosting [color=#a25367]weekly tasks this week."

He settled, momentarily. Wondered idly if he should pretend to care more than he did. Decided that there was no need, and continued, "Also, I'm adding some fucking titles. 12 of them, one named after each zodiac sign." If Hazel had inspired him, he didn't seem bothered by the source of the inspiration. A moment, as he ran through them through his head one more time, before continuing in a steady flow:

"Aries will be designated for skilled combatants and, should we ever be involved in war, people who do well and shit. Leo will be for promising newcomers. Sagitarrius, any competition winners for ic/ooc games and shit. Taurus will be those who demonstrate significant character development that week (involving others). Virgo, clever analytics and strategists. Capricorn for healers -- that's general knowledge and little aid, not full on Halos. Gemini for event planners and attenders. Libra for bookworms and intellects. Aquarius for socialites -- greeters and active socializers. Cancer for those who are active for 6 months. Scorpio for legends or those who collect 3 titles or more. Pisces for peacekeepers and mediators. Each title will have a corresponding bead shaped or marked with the star sign for your necklaces. Those will start rolling out next week." (Madi will add titles to the guide tomorrow and possibly tweak some so stay tuned.)

A beat. "Yeah, that's it." Eloquent.
[align=center]BASTILLEPRISONER — ASTRAL SERAPH — [color=#f6f6f6]TAGS

Re: LAST NIGHT TOOK AN L | MEETING 6.10 - Suiteheart - 06-11-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart strolled forward with a disgruntled look in tow. She was not happy with Bastilleprisoner as of late (wow, shocker). She had put up and put up and put up with his moods and outbursts and act-outs, but she was passed the point of wanting to deal with his shit. His blow up on Margaery had been the final straw. In that moment, she had been so fucking glad she was only experiencing that situation through her wife's bond. She was afraid of what she might have done to him if she had been there. Even now, a few days after the incident, her blood still boiled and rage blossomed like a disgusting flower inside her chest. Displeased did not begin to touch her feelings on the subject.

The white feline found herself sitting towards the back of the gathered group. Promotions were the second meeting point, proceeded by the new member list. She murmured a welcome to all the new faces, and she even put on a smile. At the mention of promotions, she let her grin grow, and Suite called, "Congrats!"

Her jaw was set as he continued, and her baby blues were cold. She narrowed her eyes at the mention of Tanglewood. God, she hated those fuckers - more than she did Bastille in this moment -, and she could not believe they were entertaining an alliance with them. And they were giving gifts to them? And hosting events? What the fuck? No. No, this was ridiculous. Suite held grudges, and she was not about to forgive them of torturing Lunafreya. She flicked her tail, wondering how the hell Bast had managed to do that. Maybe he didn't care about anyone at all.

The only thing in his speech she actually found herself liking was the mention of ambassadors. She had brought up the idea with Starrynight, but nothing had come out of it. She was pleased Bastille was taking the initiative to carry out what was probably in the works. Good for him. She nodded at the mention of weekly tasks before focusing her attention of the next meeting point.

Titles. A curious look entered the anger on her delicate features, softening her looks. She could get behind this too. It was actually pretty fucking interesting. Bastille was creative as hell, she'd give him that. He had good ideas in his brain, and she was pleased he was sharing them instead of keeping them hidden. In spite of herself, she found an impressed grin upon her lips.

"Noted, Seraph."

Re: LAST NIGHT TOOK AN L | MEETING 6.10 - valo-kas - 06-11-2018

[color=salmon]glad to be here,” ‘shokrakar’ chirruped lazily, letting their tail sway like a drunken serpent behind them (provided drinking would inebriate a snake and not just, like, kill it). “[color=salmon]it’s really thrilling. all eight of my nipples are positively stiff from excitement. ” they added in a smug voice for no good god damn reason other than being Like That.

Re: LAST NIGHT TOOK AN L | MEETING 6.10 - Margaery - 06-11-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Margaery was not happy with Bastilleprisoner nor was she exactly angry at him. If anything, he had merely dragged her back to reality, destroying the thin-veiled perception she had created of herself as a good mother. A loving mother. Could she really blame him for that? Somewhere deep inside, she knew the answer to that inquiry was yes, but the chocolate point chased redemption like it was anything but a big deal. In her mind - as tormented and fragile as it had become - there was still hope that she could salvage whatever relationship she had had with Bast before he decided to start hating her.

She was still a mess as she heeded the call of the meeting, her eyes a little brighter only because she had finally forced herself to feed. Otherwise, she looked like a ghost, expression distant, shoulders slumped in on themselves, a general air of defeat emanating quite prominently from her. She would listen to the announcements from Suiteheart's side silently, not even commenting on the promotions or the recent developments with Tanglewood. She simply couldn't find it in herself, as much as she wanted to try. Everything he said was important but his words could not even coax the slightest of words from her.

Instead, she merely reared upon her haunches and angled her ears forward, idly interested in the reactions her clanmates would have to his news. Certainly, they wouldn't take the Tanglewood thing well. Of all the clans to ally with, she, too, was a bit surprised, but it was what Starry had wanted and who was she to question the dead?

Re: LAST NIGHT TOOK AN L | MEETING 6.10 - radeken - 06-11-2018

Oh, some spiffy new titles, less spiffy newcomers, and of course, political news. Great. Radeken wondered if she would be able to rope a disgusting swamp mutant into doing some tests with her and then dearly hoped that would be the case because the odds were, she wasn’t going to rest until she did.

[color=black]Hey, good job guys, and those titles sound neat.

Re: LAST NIGHT TOOK AN L | MEETING 6.10 - Pele N. F. I. - 06-11-2018

Recently escaped was right. Pele had skittered to the meeting with such enthusiasm she might as well have been three moons old again. She took a seat near her aunts since her mom wasn't around yet and eagerly listened to the announcements. She'd been mentioned twice, twice! Yes it was just a small little good for you and then the announcement of them being more out and about kiddos, but to her it was everything. "Thank you Uncle Bast! Congratulations to all others mentioned as well!" She didn't know much about the Tanglewood alliance, but when it was mentioned the air became heavier everywhere.

Re: LAST NIGHT TOOK AN L | MEETING 6.10 - Character Graveyard. - 06-11-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Another week had gone by. And quickly too. Time always flew on by during the Summer and it slowed down when Fall and Winter came. Everything went by either too fast or very slowly.

Luna had made her way and taken a seat beside Suiteheart, focusing on Bast as he spoke. Welcoming the new members. Promotions. An alliance with Tanglewood. Luna was not a big fan of Tanglewood, nor was she really happy about their group becoming allies with them. She didn't trust Beck, but it appeared Bastille trusted him enough to have an alliance.

"Congrats to those promoted and noted, Seraph." The winged-female said.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯


Another meeting it seemed. At Bastilleprisoner's call, Gordon made her way over, though she still sat towards the back of the ground. She wasn't... entirely comfortable with everybody just yet, but she was getting there. Slowly. Gordon glanced around for Billiam, her heart racing, though when Bastille started speaking, she turned her head towards him. Of course she was still worrying about Billiam at the back of her mind, but he would hopefully figure out where she'd be at during this. At the mention of her brother, Gordon's ears pricked but she didn't say anything on that matter. He would need to get his pendant soon, too, wouldn't he? Gordon remembered how nervous she had been when she had gotten hers, so she probably would try to be there for support, even if she couldn't reach into the pool. Billiam might be more braver than her in that sense, though.

Next were announcements regarding their ranks. There weren't any warnings, which was good, and a couple of people were promoted, and little Pele got a shoutout. "Ah, congrats...!" Gordon squeaked out, though didn't exactly yell out her congratulations. She went quiet as Bastille continued on about politics, and how the 'Tanglefucks' (that wasn't their actual name, was it?) were now their allies, and that their leader (she assumed Beck was their leader, anyway) was coming over to visit. One of the last things he announced was that Roy was hosting the Weekly Tasks this week.

The last thing Bastille did announce were the titles. 12 of them, each named after the Zodiac signs. Gordon's ears pricked at them, clearly interested. She knew little about astrology, but she did like reading and hearing about the zodiac signs. So it was pretty neat to hear titles being announced that were being named after them.

//Congrats to those promoted!!
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: LAST NIGHT TOOK AN L | MEETING 6.10 - charrie graveyard - 06-11-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]It was hard to believe he had been here a week already but time flew when you were having fun... if he could call falling from the sky and almost dying fun. Making his way over at Bast's call, the wolf would sit near Lunafreya and Suiteheart, nodding at them in greeting before he turned his attention to the Astral Seraph. They were plenty of newcomers this week- which was nice, especially since he wasn't considered the complete newbie anymore. Not like he cared that much, but still. Then there were promotions. He hadn't been expecting anything exciting, but he was surprised to hear his name called. Starstruck Guardian, huh? Sort of a mouth full but cool! Quietly waiting until the meeting had concluded, he took in the rest of the announcements before saying his congratulations. Tanglewood were their allies now, which would be interesting he supposed. He knew nothing about the group but he was sure he'd learn in time. "Woah, thanks Bast! Congrats to the others too!"  The wolf said cheerfully, wagging his tail before falling silent once more.

Re: LAST NIGHT TOOK AN L | MEETING 6.10 - Roy Mustang - 06-12-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
At Bastilleprisoner's call, the three legged bobcat limped his way over, ears drawn back to his skull as he did so. He probably should stay in the Cleric's den for this meeting, but he wasn't sure if there'd be anything important he'd miss out on hearing. Anyways, he can use this as an excuse as getting used to his three legs; he should take any opportunity to walk around to get used to it, after all. When he arrived, the Flame Alchemist listened carefully, his blue gaze locking on Bastilleprisoner. There were some newcomers, no names that sounded familiar to him. Roy was probably recovering when these people joined, they'll just have to get to know him later, and then Roy can decide if they can have his trust or not.

What angered the male was the next announcement, a fucking alliance with Tanglewood. Roy thought Bastilleprisoner went over there for peace talks, not a fucking alliance! They could have easily decided to be neutrals, decide that they will stay out of each other's way for a bit. Roy couldn't help it but wonder who the hell thought it was a good idea to ally with them. Roy can only see this turning out badly, he was pissed that the guy who tried to kill him two months ago is now showing up soon to give them gifts. A scowl made it's way onto Roy Mustang's features, ears drawing back to his skull. Roy debated speaking up, it was probably expected as how many times Roy has spoken up during meetings- whether it was during Starrynight's reign or now Bast's- but he kept his mouth shut. His expression enough was good enough to indicate that he's pissed, and not happy with the decision.

Oh, and there were some promotions, an ambassador announcement, and a ton of titles announced too. While Roy listened to them, Roy didn't bother to make any comments. He didn't congratulate his clanmates on their promotions, there were certainly come that deserved it, but he was still rather angry about the alliance with Tanglewood to speak up. He wouldn't have sounded like he was genuinely proud of them, he'd just sound like he's barely containing his anger inside. He didn't say a word as Bastilleprisoner finished his announcements, the Flame Alchemist almost smoking with aggravation.