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SOBER UP ; open, drinking party - Printable Version

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SOBER UP ; open, drinking party - Thomas - 06-10-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Perhaps it was not a wise idea to come up with a party while drunk among friends. Perhaps it was not wise to pass out invites with said friends. Perhaps it was not wise to find even more drinks for said friends and new arrivals.

Thomas was not a wise man. Well, he was not wise when he was drunk.

With the help of Leopold and Rainier, Thomas had worked up enough liquid courage to invite the whole of Blackfall to a house party. Thomas, sweet, princely Thomas, was throwing a party full of hard liquors, cheap party foods, and loud music. It was much unlike the former prince everyone knew, but he had not exactly been feeling like himself as of late. Best to act the part, was it not? It was fine though; he was relaxed and happy.

"I found more boo-ooo-ze," came the slurred voice of Thomas as he lifted a crate of various beverages over his head. He had recently stolen a good portion of Griffingate's alcohol preserves. He had not planned on blowing it all in one night, but sometimes, the best things were unplanned. As a mighty cheer went up from the gathered crowd of people, the tall young man grinned wildly. "Who's first?" he asked, speaking slowly, as he began to hand out the drinks.

Re: SOBER UP ; open, drinking party - Amren - 06-10-2018

[color=#414a4c]✴ ✴ ✴
[b][color=#414a4c]"You lot are insufferable."

The words dripped like poison from her lips, an underlying sort of disbelief that could only stem from seeing the host of this little shindig drunk and talking about booze present. Don't get her wrong, she enjoyed parties as much as the next girl, but even Amren in all of her self-absorbed interest couldn't help but feel as if Thomas and, well, alcohol were a bad combination. She was here regardless though, standing in the sitting room clad in a top that barely covered her chest and sweat pants that hugged her hips, arms crossed and expression fouled. But everyone who knew Amren knew that her expression was always fouled- this was typical.

She would release a faint sigh, smoky silver eyes bouncing from guest to guest before finally landing on a half-touched bottle of whiskey. When in Rome, right? Approaching the substance, she would shrug her shoulders before taking a long swig and then another and then another. Her throat burned and her cheeks reddened but the drink was enough to coax that little smirk out of her. [color=#414a4c]"Who knew that the boy with the royal stick up his ass could throw such an interesting get together," She finally mused aloud, cackling. She wasn't the only one in Blackfall with the capacity to surprise- no, it seemed as if her "family" wasn't as predictable as she had once anticipated. Good, she liked a bit of spontaneity.

Throwing herself on the nearest seat, she took another sip of her drink, wondering who else was going to show up to this absolute frat party.

Re: SOBER UP ; open, drinking party - rainier - 06-11-2018

They weren’t as drunk as Thomas was. Nowhere near it, in fact. Rainier’s mind was comfortably tinged with a warm fog around the edges and they found themself more prone to flirting - which is to say, really damn prone - but it would take them a few more drinks to be at Thomas’s level, something they seemed to aspire to be at, because here they cane bread in hand with the other outstretched to receive one of the pilfered drinks. They had been enjoying some nice wine and taking it easy with some cheese and bread - real bougie shit - but maybe it was time to go for something a little stronger.

[color=#77BFC7]Oh, pick me, sir.” They laughed, red-cheeked and cheerful, taking something and batting their eyelashes because if not here, where the hell else? They threw their head back for a drink. Didn’t taste as good as they wanted, but good company made up for bad flavor, Rainier decided, swaying through the crowd. It had gotten warm enough that they had their scarf draped over one tattooed arm instead of circling their neck, and the tanktop made clear the thin scar across their throat. Nothing that Rainier had to think about now, though.

They leaned over where Amren reclined, tipping their head so ghostly blonde bangs obscured their vision somewhat. “[color=#77BFC7]Interesting meaning good, I hope? I’d hate it if this wasn’t fun for you.” Rainier fretted playfully, bringing the bottle to their lips once more.

Re: SOBER UP ; open, drinking party - ♕leopold♕ - 06-11-2018

Leo was already wasted as fuck. He'd drank before coming here and continued to drink when finally showing up. His cheeks were flushed, balance fucked up as he stumbled over to Thomas. "No no, me- me first, actually!" Crumbs flew out of his mouth as he spoke. Gods, if sober Leo remembered any of this he'd be unable to leave his house for days just from the embarrassment. But Leo was not sober and he was the kind of person to forget everything when he got drunk, so the chances of him remembering and being embarrassed beyond belief were slim to none.

He looked with glossy eyes to Amren and Rainier, watching them drink and talk. Leo squinted and took a step towards them, opened his mouth to talk. "You're not.. You're not talking without me, are you?" The disbelief in his voice was so ridiculously clear, as if he took true offense to this terrible crime. "Because if you are-" And here he paused as he stumbled to the side, reaching to steady himself against Thomas before he pushed away and continued towards them, "If you are, I'll have you know it's.. It's freaking illegal! You can't- It's against my laws!"


Re: SOBER UP ; open, drinking party - roman - 06-11-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]You're too young to be here. That's what Connie is waiting for someone to say to her. To confront her, to tell her what to do or how to act or who to be. As far as she knows, these people have no clue who she is. She is just another face, another guest. Luckily for her, the guy who seems to be throwing the party is absolutely shit-faced. With most people in attendance already intoxicated, they won't notice an underage girl partaking in the festivities. And if anyone did happen to notice, she'd protest and claim that sixteen is basically an adult and the legal drinking age in most countries is eighteen which means she basically eighteen. Besides, who cares anymore? Most people's parents are dead and Blackfall is known for having...questionable morals. At this point, Connie who not care any less. She's already downed a mai tai within the thirty minutes she has been in attendance and she has no plans of stopping anytime soon. The girl just wants a nice buzz and then she'll go home. Probably. Alcohol calms her. Seems like it, anyways. Stops all the buzzing, stops all the energy within her from feeling like she'll explode if she doesn't do.

She wears a simple outfit: grey-striped crop top, white ripped jeans, a jean jacket, and black vans. Connie thinks it might be something her older sister might wear, if she had one. Dark hazel eyes sweep over the crowd as the girl pilfers yet another fruity cocktail from the drink bar, sipping on it delicately while swaying lazily to the music. Shouting catches her attention, and she finds herself observing a small group of individuals. A beautiful, albeit tiny, woman is surrounded by two others. One is shouting about how the women talking with the other person is illegal, somehow. Not to mention that the host of the party has returned. Thomas, she thinks his name is. He is handsome, though it is marred by his current drunkenness. Then again, she's pretty sure she's drunk, too.

Her limbs feel like clouds as she strolls casually to the snack bar, making the smart decision to break up the constant drinking with lots of snacks rich in carbohydrates. Connie finds her attention drawn to Amren and Thomas once more. She wants to be one of them. She envies the friendship, the state of being known. Ever since her parents died (which is years ago, now), Connie has been on her own. No friends, no family, but she makes do. Honestly, she might actually g over and make conversation were she not so afraid of getting kicked out. She feels like these people don't care, but Connie is not stupid enough to risk her fun just because she's lonely. She isn't some stupid baby.

Re: SOBER UP ; open, drinking party - Thomas - 06-12-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Thomas chuckled at Amren's words, knowing they are both true and untrue. She has always been funny in the best ways to him. She was strong-willed and harsh, but beneath her grit and sharp edges, he knew she could be softer and tamer. In his drunken state, all he knew was how funny her words were. Why were they so funny? "Oooh, Mom! You know you love us!" he drawled, voice never settling on a pitch. It was low and then medium and back again but nothing permanent. He was too drunk for this. "Amren. My friend. You - you have no idea of what I'm capable of." He laughed as he spoke. Man, when did everything became a comedy show? He did throw his arms in the air, spilling the drink he was holding and not caring, as she drank with him.

The next person to steal his attention was Rainier, his "bro." Thomas offered the selection of drinks to them, cracking a gone smile. "Take any of it, Rain! It's all so good. It's - it's so good." His voice took on notes of seriousness as he finished speaking, as if he needed Rainier to take in his words carefully. The drinks were fantastic. Everything tasted amazing, just like he remembered. These were high quality liquors, and he would spoil himself. Maintaining his grin, he lifted his drink to Rainier, as if to say "cheers." After he did that, the dark haired young adult tipped the bottle back and downed its contents in an instant.

Leopold was up next, and Thomas only smiled brighter. Leo was a good guy, much like Thomas - but there were obvious differences. Leopold was of royal upbringing, but they had grown up differently. It was interesting how alcohol could make them the exact same. "I have aaaallll the drinks you need, sir," the man said, adding a wink at the end. The drink he just chugged had his head swirling, and he was slowly beginning his descent into flirtation mode. This was going to get fun really quickly. "Oh, hello!" he laughed, holding onto Leopold himself as the other man grabbed him so as to not fall. However, as the other left his side to chastise Amren and Rainier, he pouted.

Dark eyes moved then from his friends to Connie, and the look of drunken happiness faded to disbelief. He was not shocked because a sixteen-year-old was participating in the drinking. No, he was completely blown back because Connie was the spitting image of his younger sister at that age. Faye. The name exploded in his mind, and he stumbled for a second, placing a hand on a table beside him to steady himself. "Sister?" he asked, stepping forward, confusion in his eyes. "I thought - but you were - what...? He questions were slurred heavily, and he kept breaking them off before he could finish. Shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans, he studied her carefully. "You're not Faye... You look like her though. You got 'er hair color and those bright eyes! Wow. I almost thought for a second," he found himself laughing, returning to his mellowed state. Had he been sober, it might have been different. He might have been sad. "Say, what's your name? You look a lil' young to be here. You got one of those young-looking faces?"

Re: SOBER UP ; open, drinking party - roman - 06-12-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Bright eyes watch Thomas' approach as if time slowed to a crawl. A voice in the back of her mind tells her to escape in the crowd while she still has time, but she's captivated by the novelty of the situation. Almost all her life has been spent in solitude. She raised herself, from preteen to nearly an adult. Although she's partook in alcoholism before, this is her first real party. The first large event spent with people close to her age. She has only ever read about parties like this in those shitty teen gossip magazines she is so obsessed with. Connie cannot seem to make herself move. She is frozen in place, cursed to watch herself eat a handful of chips in third-person while her cover is about to be blown. Or maybe she just feels like that because she is, in fact, intoxicated. The young girl would rather die before admitting that. At least the constant buzzing in her body has been silenced. It's so frustrating always having to move or talk simply to expel excess energy.

Connie is not sure if she should be upset that one of the hottest guys at the party just mistook her for his sister. Sure, she's still sixteen, but sometimes a girl just wants to feel attractive, okay? Full lips press into a thin line. She hates being so young. Then, she remembers her manners. Remembers that she should be grateful that Thomas isn't kicking her out and instead she has his full attention. "Sorry to disappoint you," replies the young brunette with a faint smile, casually shifting her weight to the left and tucking a single hand in the pocket of her jean jacket. Her heart thunders in her chest--she's trying her best to stay cool but Connie is young and hormonal and Thomas is really cute and she's drunk so everything is against her in this moment. "The name's Connie," she replies, fidgeting with the ends of her hair. "Nice to meet you...?" Of course Connie knows his name, but she is unwilling to end their conversation so soon, so she pretends to be ignorant.

Connie responds with a shrug to Thomas' second question. It appears as a casual, noncommittal reply, but it's really just to disguise her moment of panic. She almost tells the truth, but decides that being vague is the more entertaining route. "You could say that." Yeah, she has a young-looking face because she is young. Not really a lie, even though she knows what he meant.

Re: SOBER UP ; open, drinking party - Amren - 06-14-2018

[color=#414a4c]✴ ✴ ✴
[b][color=#414a4c]"Did you just call me 'mom', boy?"

She had to take another drink, had to further intoxicate herself before she even thought to further deal with that atrocity. Mom. Mom. She was not his mother, never had been, never would be. Besides, he was both older and taller than her. She wasn't as well-versed in the ways of humans but she knew enough to say that that wasn't exactly how those types of things worked. If anything, she should be the one calling him 'dad' or something of that caliber. Even though she would never: to Amren, parents were trivial things. She raised the bottle, taking more than she probably should have and relishing in the sort of cloudiness that had all but entrapped her tiny figure. There was a low buzz present in her skull, one that relaxed her and coaxed a real smile from her- the kind of smile that made her genuinely beautiful, not intimidatingly beautiful. Alcohol certainly worked wonders for the spitfire, that was for sure.

[color=#414a4c]"And since when do you write the laws, boy?" Her attention had returned to Rainier and Leopold, gaze lingering on the latter as he insisted that conversations sans him was illegal. Someone's had a bit too much to drink, she observed, her smile turning cheshire. She'd take another long drink, realizing that the bottle was nearing its completion. Oh well, it wasn't like she wasn't at a party with a plethora of well-made and expensive alcohol all around her. There'd be more bottles to down and a hangover that would probably end her life in the morning. [color=#414a4c]"The more the alcohol kicks in," She was addressing Rainier now, [color=#414a4c]"The better time I have."

She was probably drunk already, existing for once in a state of calm, her flames dampened. She'd watch idly as Thomas approached Connie and confused her for his sister. Typical Thomas, she supposed, he was constantly caught up by his past. [color=#414a4c]"Hey! You two! Stop being weird and come join the rest of the party like normal human beings."

Re: SOBER UP ; open, drinking party - Thomas - 06-18-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Thomas watched as Connie's mind went to work, thinking of a reply. Had he been sober, he might have picked up on her slight hesitation. He had been sober, he most definitely would have realized the girl was actually sixteen - and not someone older with a young-looking face. He might have even made sure she did not drink anymore had he not been so inebriated. So, instead of urging her to put down the drinks or walking her home (since she seemed somewhat buzzed herself), he simply smiled dumbly at her words, nodding all the while. "'S'alright. I should've known you weren't Faye. I think she's a little taller than you anyway," he laughed despite the words being true. Faye was also about three year older than Connie.

The former prince took a little bow as she introduced herself, making fun of the way he used to have to behave whenever he met new individuals in the kingdom. As he rose with laughter, he said, "It's nice to meet you Connie. I'm Thomas. Thomas Dubois." His words were slurred and slow, but despite his levels of intoxication, one could clearly hear the light lilt of royalty in his tone. Thomas opened his mouth to ask her something more, but Amren's voice broke through his thoughts.

"Of course I did, Mom!" the tall young man exclaimed, smiling like an idiot. He wasn't sure why he was calling her mother, but he had. Something in the back of his mind told him that perhaps Cain had put him up to this task, but then again, he was not entirely sure. He could not remember for the life of him. Every thought focused on trying to recall his reasons for referring to Amren as such flew out the window when she smiled. He knew she was not all razor-sharp edges. Her smile made her quite lovely; it made her a different type of lovely.

He returned his attention to Connie, again opening his mouth to speak, when Amren again spoke. He laughed lightly at Amren's words. Weird? Him? That sounded about right. "Gosh, Mom, alright," he mused, feeling like he was absolutely floating. "Hey, c'mon, you can meet my friends," he told Connie, still smiling. Without waiting for much of a reply, he staggered for Amren, Rainier, and Leopold. Along the way, he stopped to grab a bottle of an unmarked liquor.