Beasts of Beyond
don’t try to stand in my way — open, Mafia (for both Typhoon and Snowbound) - Printable Version

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don’t try to stand in my way — open, Mafia (for both Typhoon and Snowbound) - Verdigris - 06-10-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]After several days spent racking his brain for what to host for the Dealer tryouts, he had finally come up with- at least in his opinion- a brilliant idea.

  Paper had retrieved a deck of cards from the tavern and had partitioned out 9 cards- he could add to or subtract from that number as needed, depending on who showed up, but 9 seemed like a good number to start with. Within those 9 cards were 3 red number cards (for the Mafia), 4 black number cards (the town), 1 ace of spades (the detective), and 1 jack of clubs (the doctor). Those could also be adjusted depending on size, to ensure that the game was balanced.

  After shuffling the 9 cards around, Paper called, ”Hey, everyone, we’re playing Mafia. If you want to play, get over here- if you don’t know how to, I’ll tell you what to do.” He’d discuss the rules once enough people arrived to start- he’d give them about 10 minutes to get there, then he’d pass out the cards and get started.

  /howdy everyone!
  /so, if you want to play, please either post ICly or track and say you’re participating by 7:00 A.M. EST on Thursday so we can get started ASAP ^^
  /once we start, the rules will be explained ICly, and I will PM everyone with their roles and an explanation of what they’re supposed to do

Re: don’t try to stand in my way — open, Mafia (for both Typhoon and Snowbound) - Wade Wilson - 06-10-2018

actions "speech"
Wade hears Mafia, and he thinks that they're going to form some kind of rough and tumble gang with guns and lingo and secret mob meetings in a hidden room of an Italian restaurant. But upon noticing the cards, those thoughts are snatched away in a puff of smoke. Whatever. This might prove to be interesting enough. Walking over, the wolf would look to Papercutter. "I'll join. Gonna need all the rules I can get, though." he hummed. This was a new game to him, so help was appreciated.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: don’t try to stand in my way — open, Mafia (for both Typhoon and Snowbound) - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-11-2018

The word 'Mafia' wasn't entirely a good thing to hear, and Caesar had the same thoughts as Wade when he came over at Papercutter's call. Oh. The demon thought upon seeing the cards laid out, frowning. That... wasn't what he was expecting. At all. "Uh, yeah. I guess I'll join in." Caesar said a loud, looking up at Papercutter. He wasn't going to add that he needed the rules as well, since Wade already brought them up.

Re: don’t try to stand in my way — open, Mafia (for both Typhoon and Snowbound) - guts - 06-11-2018

Of course Greed wasn't about to miss out on a game. He hadn't had the best assumptions, either, when he heard the name of it, but still made his way over out of curiosity. Upon seeing the cards, he titled his head, but said nothing since everything had already been asked. Instead he took a seat and nodded towards Papercutter. "I'll participate," he says with the usual smirk on his face.


Re: don’t try to stand in my way — open, Mafia (for both Typhoon and Snowbound) - Verdigris - 06-12-2018

  /nudging this + extending the deadline so more people can join in ^^

Re: don’t try to stand in my way — open, Mafia (for both Typhoon and Snowbound) - Character Graveyard. - 06-12-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Vanessa had wandered over to the small group of her Clanmates, suddenly interested- so she had taken a seat down next to Wade. The female would offer a smile to Wade before looking at Papercutter.

"Count me in." The Striker said to Paper.
© madi

Re: don’t try to stand in my way — open, Mafia (for both Typhoon and Snowbound) - arcy - 06-12-2018

Personally, Ash didn't know -- literally anything about card games. He'd been a restless kid, always bouncing from one activity to the other without bounds. Never sit-down or party games. Just outdoor games. He'd been an excitable kid, what could he say? Pikachu would claim that Ash was still excitable and Ash ... could not dispute that. Oh dear.
In any case, it's with curiosity that Ash approaches upon hearing the call for something called ... Mafia? Literal mafia? Would they be pretending to be a mafia? That'd be fun! However, upon seeing the cards, Ash finds himself very promptly disappointed. Was it a cards game? Would they do something with the cards? Ash doesn't know, but his nose wrinkles anyways. He wasn't good at card games. At all. He didn't have that kind of patience!!
"What type of game is it?" Ash asks, partly curious, partly incredulous. He squints at the cards, then casts his gaze around the participating group, almost suspiciously. Should he play? He wouldn't be able to do that. However, it's with a little squeak from Pikachu that Ash groans. "Uggh. Whatever it is, I'll play," Ash decides, a little impatiently, as he promptly flops onto the ground rather dramatically. The pika clinging to his fur makes a sound of complaint, both at his whining and his movement, thought the savannah barely notices. He hopes the game doesn't take too long to start, lest he rot where he stands. (he's not standing. he's just being dramatic.)
[glow=black,2,300]all these memories that we've made made[/glow]

Re: don’t try to stand in my way — open, Mafia (for both Typhoon and Snowbound) - Verdigris - 06-14-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Alright, this seemed like a good number of people- at the very least, it was enough to play a game with without rendering any of the roles useless. Looking at the 9 cards he had taken out, Paper removed two red cards and two black cards and placed them back in the larger deck, then shuffled the remaining five cards. "I don't really know how to define it, but it's not really a card game per se, the cards are just used to determine what team everyone is on," he answered, glancing at Ash. With a nod, he dealt one card to each of the gathered players.

  Once he was done, he stepped back. ”This game is played in day and night phases. We will start in the night phase, then will alternate between day and night,” he explained, flicking his good ear. ”Each of you, look at your card, but don’t let anyone else see it, or tell anyone what card you have. Whoever has the 6 of diamonds, you are the mafia. You get to choose one person to kill during each night.” Clearing his throat, he continued, ”Everyone else is town. If you have the jack of clubs, you are the doctor, and can pick one person to heal each night- if you pick the person that the mafia has chosen to kill, they will survive. However, you cannot heal yourself, so be wary of claiming to be the doctor, lest the mafia go after you. If you have the ace of spades, you are the detective, and can investigate one person each night to find out whether or not they are the mafia.”

  After waiting a moment to let that sink in, he nodded. ”Once the night ends, I will announce who was attacked by the mafia. If you were attacked and were not saved, you are dead and cannot say anything to the living- dead men tell no tales.” He followed the statement up with an appropriately grave look. ”During the day, the living will vote on who they think is the mafia. For someone to be executed, a majority of the living must vote against them- if only four of you remain after the first night, three of you must vote to execute someone for the motion to go through. If the town does not wish to execute anyone, they may progress to the night phase, but I would not recommend that course of action in most cases- town only has to successfully execute once to win.”

  Glancing at a nearby NPC, Paper ordered, "Dim the lights." To the rest of the players, he said, "It is now nighttime, and the Town is going to sleep. All of you, close your eyes- I will provide specific instructions for each of you in a moment."

  /I've PMed each of you with your roles, abilities, and goal, as well as an OOC explanation of the rules
  /for those of you who have special abilities at night, PM me with who you want to use your abilities on- the day phase will begin as soon as I have received all three PMs
  /I'm going to post again on this thread to start the day phase once we're ready- if players or spectators want to post (to react to whatever happened before nighttime) they may, but if you're playing try not to reveal your role, to maintain the mystery
  /and most of all, have fun! serious, intense games are great and all, but the bizarre and silly ones are just as memorable ^^

Re: don’t try to stand in my way — open, Mafia (for both Typhoon and Snowbound) - Verdigris - 06-16-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]/double post but since all three PMs have been received, day phase begins now
  /the day phase will end either when someone has been executed or when the town agrees to skip to nighttime ^^
  /dead person, you can still post to have your character react to stuff and/or mess with the players, though Paper might yell at them for it

  Once everyone had closed their eyes, Paper glanced between each of the players. ”Mafia, awaken,” he commanded. Once they did so, he looked them in the eye and said, ”Point out who you would like to assassinate tonight.” At their choice, he nodded. An interesting choice, indeed, though he was unsure of their motivation.

  ”Very well. Mafia, go to sleep.” Turning away from them, he ordered, ”Doctor, awaken- point out who you would like to save tonight.” Once the doctor pointed to someone, he nodded. ”Very well. Go to sleep.”

  Clearing his throat, he said, ”Detective, awaken, and choose who you would like to investigate. I will confirm if they are mafia.” As the detective pointed out their target, he blinked, then signaled them accordingly. ”Go to sleep.”

  Paper then announced, ”It is now daytime. Everyone, awaken.” After everyone opened their eyes, he shook his head, feigning shock. ”There has been a murder in our town this morning. The coroner has determined that Caesar was walking home when he was stabbed twice from behind by a member of the mafia. May he rest in peace. Caesar, reveal your card, please.”

  After pausing for a moment, he stepped back and motioned with one paw to the living players. ”It is now time for the trial phase. Does anyone have any accusations?”

Re: don’t try to stand in my way — open, Mafia (for both Typhoon and Snowbound) - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-17-2018

Alright, that sounded simple enough. Caesar gave Papercutter a brief nod to show he understood his words about how to play, before he would look at his card. So it seemed like he was one of the townspeople... Huh. That was mildly disappointing.

At Papercutter's demand of everybody closing their eyes, Caesar did so and awaited the next instructions. The demon shuffled in his seat every so often, getting irritated by how long this was taking, before Papercutter announced that the town could awake. When it was announced that he had been killed, Caesar's fur started to bristle. "Fine." The demon growled through gritted teeth, practically shoving the card towards Papercutter, revealing that his card was the 2 of clubs.