Beasts of Beyond
With shortness of breath // open+intro // you explained the infinite - Printable Version

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With shortness of breath // open+intro // you explained the infinite - vellichor - 06-10-2018

THE MOON'S WATCHING OVER— Maybe she hoped the monotony of it all would make it hurt less. Every day she did the same exact thing. She got up, carefully pulled her hair up, put on a dress that covered her legs, along with stockings that would hide the vine-like marks on them, and go out the door. Her dresses weren't anything particularly special for her, she'd been forced to dress in such a way from when she was young. Her family was well known and influential and they wouldn't have a daughter running around dressed as a hooligan, as her mother would say. She would've preferred pants then but, at some point, she had resigned to what they said and even now, in her adulthood, she fell into their habits. She wore pants if she was planning on doing anything particularly athletic but given she visited the church almost everyday, she preferred more formal wear.

When it was warm out, she would stop and tend to the flowers. She knew she could make them grow even in the cold but then there would be suspicion. Eliora adored flowers of all sorts and it was one of the few hobbies she'd kept even following her husband's death and her daughter's abduction. Even if she was the only one in their great, empty house now, she couldn't bear to let the garden go to waste. So she still tended to it dutifully. That and church kept her sane even in her grief. It'd been a long time now since she'd heard of her husband's death in the line of duty. That had even been just after her daughter was born and she was two- no. With the time that she'd been gone, she'd be three now. Still, Eliora never missed a week of visiting his grave and leaving fresh flowers before visiting the church to light a candle and pray that her daughter would someday be brought to safety. Eliora knew that it was dangerous for someone such as herself to live in Griffingate but it didn't always feel dangerous. Her family had become established and they were safe. All that was shattered now. Perhaps before they'd taken everything from her, she would've considered siding with the rebels but she knew she was safer here. Even if her family was gone, she still had stability and a respectable reputation that kept her from too much scrutiny.

So, today was like every other. The woman made her way into the same church she always found herself in. She lit her candle and breathed the same prayer she did every single day. "Please bring my little one home and, if You can't, then please grant her safety-" It was the same thing every single day. Today, though, she lingered in the church standing before the tiny candle. She still grasped a few flowers in her hands, despite having already visited Vincent's grave earlier this week. She felt tears building in her eyes and she let out a shivering breath as she leaned down and placed them by the alter. "Happy birthday, dear," she murmured, her words barely audible. She rose a hand to wipe her eyes, taking a few steady breaths. She told herself she'd only stay a few more moments to compose herself before leaving to look through the market. She needed something to distract herself today but she'd let herself feel the pain now. —YOU AND YOUR DREAMS


Re: With shortness of breath // open+intro // you explained the infinite - Orion - 06-18-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART

Frederick lied on the bench with his hands wrapped tightly together and his head hanging. Yet, he could not focus. The man had been religious for centuries before this hellhole spawned, so he kept up with the habit by heading to the church once a day. Still, today was different somehow. He had wandered into some other church by the chance that he may find some local civilians in need of a few pointers after his initial confession and prayers. Though, something was bothering him. A woman in specific.

His head rose at the sound of her footsteps and his gaze followed her. She lit her candle and whispered her prayer. Something about her tone unnerved him though, sending shivers down his spine. He lowered his head and kept to himself, figuring he shouldn't bother. Everyone had their personal problems to deal with and he didn't want to enter another's mess, seeing that his presence would only make them more vulnerable and he would have another problem on his plate. Frederick tipped his head back down and closed his eyes, continuing his mumbling.

The sovereign could not shake the feeling though. As he whispered his final words, he moved upwards and stretched out a few. In the corner of his eye, she was beginning to compose herself and Frederick bit the inside of his cheek in frustration. Perhaps he should approach. Hell, he should approach and so he did.

He stopped in his stride behind her, aiming to tap her on the shoulder lightly to break her out of whatever trance she was in. "Excuse me miss," came his mutter. "Perhaps we could step outside to talk-" There seemed to be others doing their own things and he didn't want to distract them. "-and get to know one another." As always, the nosiest man. A hand reached to his chin and scratched at his beard lightly as he spoke further. "I couldn't help but to hear a bit." Company was the best in the darkest times.

//my apologies, i've been dearly inactive due to many reasons. you can see that in the ooc board.

Re: With shortness of breath // open+intro // you explained the infinite - vellichor - 06-25-2018

THE MOON'S WATCHING OVER— Eliora didn't expect to see anyone here. Well, perhaps feel the presence of God, but that hardly counted. Sometimes she wasn't sure if He heard her anymore. Sometimes she thought that he must ignore some of her cries and incessant prayer. She supposed it would get annoying after awhile. There were times when she sat alone in that great house of her's and just sobbed for hours at a time. She would check the windows to see if Ivy or Alexander had returned but they were never there. Never. She prayed for them but they never came. Sometimes she wondered if she would only meet them again in the afterlife, after she'd lived a quiet and somber life. This was never what she wanted for herself. There had been a time when she threw herself at every opportunity for adventure. She chased every bright color and glimmer of light, but those days had long since passed.

Then she heard his voice. She gave him a light smile, one of confusion and interest. She didn't think anyone had ever bothered to speak to her when she was here. She glanced to the others around them before nodding and speaking in a soft tone, "Of course." With that, she made her way to the doors, staying quiet until they exited. Now, she let a full smile come to her lips as she looked to the much taller man. "Have we met? You seem familiar but I'm afraid I have no idea why," she admitted before letting out a soft laugh and adding, "Every since my- well, ever since... everything that's happened, I'm afraid I haven't been out much, other than to the church and cemetery but I'm afraid you don't meet many conversationalists in those places, generally speaking. I don't think I'd recognize the King himself if he were to come up and shake my hand. Or Queen, I suppose. I don't even know. That's awful, isn't it? I must sound terrible."

She hadn't talked to anyone in so long and this was so nice, but she knew she was rambling. Or was she? She hadn't actually had a conversation this long in quite some time. Usually it was just simple greetings or asking the price of something or asking how someone's day had been. Nothing this kind or personal in quite some time. It was nice but she felt a bit... overwhelmed by it. There was so much to say but how did she balance the time between them? Surely the nice man had things he wanted to say too. Maybe she ought to apologize. She wrung her hands a bit, looking away briefly before her eyes widened and she spoke quickly, "Oh, I am so, so sorry! I didn't even introduce myself! My name's Eliora Liro, it's lovely to meet you." Any thought of apologizing for her former rambling left her and instead she just decided to quiet herself. It would just be better to move on with the conversation than apologize for a topic that she'd moved on from. At least that's what she thought.        —YOU AND YOUR DREAMS


Re: With shortness of breath // open+intro // you explained the infinite - Character Graveyard. - 06-25-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Abella had buried her parents and little sister and lover after the war with Blackfall had ended. She had dried her tears of grief shortly after their deaths and most of her emotions were hidden behind a wall she put up. She would make herself known to all of Griffingate as a stone-faced warrior who cut down her enemies without remorse. She had seen Frederick and she heard Elliora speaking to her deceased loved ones and decided to approach.

"Lost your family or something?" She questioned, a emotionless look in both of her eyes and she crossed her arms over her chest. "My parents and baby sister were killed in a fire started by Blackfall and my boyfriend was killed by them in a brutal manner. Bunch of bastards is what they are." Abella said, before turning her attention to the Sovereign.

"I heard about your son. Sorry about Blackfall taking him, are you planning to get him back from those scumbags?" The woman said, moving both of her arms back to her sides.

Re: With shortness of breath // open+intro // you explained the infinite - Orion - 06-25-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
Frederick followed her out the doors, pausing outside. She spoke with such elegant obliviousness, which he found hilarious.  For once, he had the opportunity to meet someone without being an overlooking authority figure that scared them into submission. It was calming in a sense. Even so, there had to be some times of discomfort with it. After being in control for so long, he'd be expected to go on a power trip now and then. Surprisingly, not yet... or at least not in this moment currently.

As she continued, he smiled subtly with small nods here and there. "I'm afraid we haven't met, no," he reiterated in her direction. ”And perhaps it’s a good thing you haven’t been out. God save the King, my dear.” For a moment he smirked. ”He’s not interesting anyways.” When she continued onto the queen, his smiled faded away, leaving a stern expression in it's place. For a moment, he found himself at a loss of words. Frederick visibly tensed for a few. "I'm afraid that the Queen is gone." His words were emotionless and forced through clenched teeth, but he tried to stay polite. The death of his wife was not his favorite subject. After all, his hate for the rebellion was not fueled by nothing. Even so, he had to move on. This was not a pity party, despite the way they met. ”It’s not awful to have some peace and solitude. I think we all need that in our lives.” ’I should know. I get very little of it.”

Her name was Eloira, it seemed. That last name was unfamiliar too. No wonder she said she was so involved with herself that she couldn’t even come outside and have a social life. He would pity her, but the silence would be nice. In fact, he’s jealous. Nevertheless, Frederick attempted to seem concerned and continued on as if it was nothing to him. ”The name’s Frederick.” the sovereign finally introduced. ”You can call me whatever you please.” ’Lord, why did I say that? Freddie  and Fred sound let pet names.’

At Abella’s arrival, he offered her a nod in greeting, though he wished he could take it all back soon enough. The discussion had grown grim. ”Perhaps we should put things on a lighter note,” he pointed out. After all, her question was rather invasive and redundant, especially with that emotionless look in her eye that screamed awkward to him. Even so, her words towards him seemed genuine. ”I’m afraid I don’t know just yet. I’m not in a position where I have the power to do so...” The sovereign did not mean his rank, but instead his man-power against the Blackfallen. Their forces were larger and more powerful than ever. To them, Griffingate were twigs.

//mobile, apologies

Re: With shortness of breath // open+intro // you explained the infinite - vellichor - 06-26-2018

THE MOON'S WATCHING OVER— As he spoke, she smiled and nodded, relieved that he seemed unbothered by all her rambling. Maybe she hadn't been rambling. Maybe that was acceptable. "Perhaps. Still, I think it'd be better to know simple things like the name of the King. What if I were to meet him and I had no idea who he was? It's good I ran into you first, maybe now I can avoid that. And yes, God save the King, I suppose," she replied with a wide smile. At his next statement, she laughed and shook her head. "Oh, I'm sure that isn't true. Everyone's interesting. Sometimes you just have to get past the outside bits. Besides, I bet it's hard to be exciting all the time when he's got to have all those laws in his head, you know? I couldn't keep track of all of it. That's why I prefer fictional governments to real ones. There's never any unjust laws and good always wins. I like things that way." At the mention of the Queen, her own expression fell for a moment. She assumed this man must've known her somehow to be affected so. Thankfully, though, he soon moved on to the topic of solitude and she shook her head.

"Perhaps but even I'm willing to admit things have gotten a bit extreme. Loneliness and solitude are far cries from each other and I know which group I belong to. It's no one's fault but my own, really. I should've gone to more places with less dead people and more... living people," she admitted, a light smile on her lips and a near laugh in her tone. Perhaps it wasn't a good thing to joke about but it was true. It's not like she made friends with any of the graves. At the mention of his name, she gave a light nod, pausing a moment before answering, "Well, it's very nice to meet you Freddie. Perhaps it'd be nice if we-" her words died as someone she didn't recognize approached them.

She wasn't sure how this girl knew of her new friend's son but she supposed it was better not to ask. At the mention of her dead family, though, Eliora's expression fell almost immediately and, without thinking, she felt herself reach towards Freddie's hand before pulling it back quickly, glancing towards him. He wasn't Alexander. He didn't want a strange woman holding his hand. She could still remember how her husband had told her to hold his hands if she got nervous or frightened. It was better than the alternative, which she was now reminded of as she felt a string in her palms while her nails curved into them. Thankfully, Freddie seemed to know how to move the conversation along when she had no clue what to say. She wanted to say it wasn't that easy, that sometimes the parents didn't even know what their children looked like anymore or how hard it was to get into Blackfall. It wasn't like she hadn't tried to find Ivy, after all. Following her kidnapping, it was all she'd done for months with no luck. Perhaps now was a good time to change the subject. "Um, well, I'm not sure if we've met but my name's Eliora. And I must agree with Freddie, it's probably best we move to other subjects," she tried to keep her tone light and airy but she felt as though she couldn't hide the sadness that overcame her.  —YOU AND YOUR DREAMS


Re: With shortness of breath // open+intro // you explained the infinite - Orion - 06-27-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
How ironic that she didn't know who she was meeting. If only she knew. Thankfully, she didn't and that is exactly why Frederick was so willing to be open with her in the moment. "Well," he replied slyly, "Aren't you optimistic?" Her words were met with an even wider smile and a small wink of sarcasm, followed by a low laugh. Readjusting, he continued. "If only there were more people like you, dear." Her empathy was undeniable. At the mention of the King, she simply acknowledged his presence and didn't think of anything different of him, unlike the majority who thought of him as an authority figure or an idolization. Dearly, he admired those who didn't look up or down on him. Eliora was slowly becoming someone he could confide in.

As she was cut off, he fell silent and awaited the response from Abella. Perhaps she could change the subject to something more fitting.

Re: With shortness of breath // open+intro // you explained the infinite - Character Graveyard. - 06-27-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Awkwardly, Abella would shuffle her feet and avoid eye contact with the other two for a short moment. She was not the kind of person to normally interact with others, so she would probably come off as awkward to most if she talked to them. The short-hair woman shook her head and glanced at Frederick, listening to him speak. It sounded like they were waiting for her to change the subject so she did.

"Hmm. Have you seen any others places in Griffingate yet? If you haven't, perhaps a tour would be nice?" Abella would suggest to Eliora.